Meeting Each Other

Perfect Together


chapter one ; meeting each other.


{ taeyong }

"He's been my best friend forever! I'm not letting him do this!" I shouted, trying to do the Houdini escape out of my cousin. We were in the middle of our school cafeteria, obviously making a scene. Heads turned in our direction, mouths twisting into strange faces as they watched us wrestle. I didn’t even notice as I tried desperately to pry his arms off of me.

Woohyun frowned, gripping tighter. "You little... I'VE been your best friend forever! Actually since BIRTH! What are you talking about? What has Sungkyu--“ he voiced 'Sungkyu' in a nasty voice, "ever done for you?" His eyes narrowed to slits, a slight pout forming at his lips.

Stopping for a moment, I made a face. Very, very, very true. What had he ever done for me? Been my twin for Twin Day in 2nd grade? Gave me the lollipop he dropped on the floor and 'forgot' to tell me where it had been?

"See, I knew it. You KNOW I'm the best!" exclaimed Woohyun, letting an arm shoot up in triumph. “I’m the only man you need in your life!”

I shook my head, extremely tempted to bite Woohyun's forearm. "Shut up, 'cause we're related, cousin. But Sungkyu..." I trailed off. I didn't understand why, but I knew I was going to be in a jealous rage at whoever married Sungkyu. Not that I would admit that to Woohyun.

"Wow, don't pretend you're thinking," he said and pulled me so he faced me. "He turned into an years ago! You don’t even talk to him anymore! He’s too busy with all his business whatever! ”

Whatever Woohyun had said flew over my head and into space. "He can't get married now. That just doesn't work out, especially since his mom's making him pick a girl from our school. That’s just weird!” I pointed to some girl walking by. “Sungkyu could pick anyone! Like her! Or her! Or her! We're still in high school!"

Woohyun pulled my arm down with somewhat of a warning look. "I heard you have to be 17, so he wouldn’t marry some freshman! And didn't grandma sign that it'd be okay if you married to him?" He grinned, but stopped as soon as he saw the “kill-now” look on my face.

There was a contract from Sungkyu's family asking for permission from all the students and parents at Jungangdong Highschool to allow his marriage. Of course, most people signed it, like my grandma. Sungkyu's family happened to be one of the richest in Seoul, owning at least three different large companies. Which were being handed down to the newest heir, obviously their eldest child Sungkyu, in a few years.

"You're a jerk, Woohyun, did you know that!?" I growled, elbowing him viciously. “Get a girlfriend—or boyfriend, in your case—and get out of my business!"

Woohyun's face dropped, for a second really seeming hurt. "Do you really want me out of your business?" I didn't say anything, avoiding his puppy-dog eyes and pouty lips. He was not winning my pity.

I felt him hug me suddenly. "OF COURSE YOU WANT ME! It's alright, just let it all out, Taeyong, let it all out," Woohyun laughed, holding my struggling body down with his strong arms. “I’m here for you, cuz.”

“You’re such an !” I yelled, garnering more attention but ignoring the strange looks. My elbow flew into his side, making him groan.

“What was that for!?” he shouted.

I elbowed him again, maliciously saying, “I’m getting my anger out! I thought you were always here for me, cuz!”

"Hey, Taeyong," Sungkyu's voice came from behind me, a slight question in his voice. Probably from seeing me currently on top of Woohyun with my attacking elbows. "Am I interrupting something?"


As we walked out of the cafeteria, I could feel pairs of angry eyes stare holes into the back of my skull. My face burned like a little kid caught with stolen candy. Why did Woohyun make me do the stupidest things? In front of Sungkyu?

Sungkyu started talking about some random Calculus homework, stumbling cutely over his words a little. My heart beat a little faster as I saw where we were heading. We were starting to approach the courtyard, which was currently in full bloom for the spring season. I heard myself answer him awkwardly, feeling way more uncomfortable than childhood friends should. Maybe cause he was a current multi-million- business-owning bachelor looking for a wife?

A tiny voice in my head was screaming that I knew I wanted to be the girl he chose. Quickly pushing that thought out of my head, I turned my attention to Sungkyu.

“I guess it’s kind of awkward, knowing that I’m gonna get married, right?” Sungkyu said, in the shy tone that I’d always loved about him. It’d been more than three weeks since we’d spoken, since he was so caught up in the heir and marriage business. Sungkyu seemed like a movie star I’d only seen on Banana Milk commercial.

“I guess it is,” I said, shrugging. “It’s just been too long.”

"I… I think I might miss being your friend, Taeyong," said Sungkyu, not looking directly towards me. "I know you and Woohyun are close and all—“

"We're COUSINS!" I yelled, suddenly thinking of Woohyun in annoyance again. His smirk showed up in my head, eyes teasing me.

"Really?" Sungkyu frowned, looking confused. "I thought you guys were like, close… in that way…"

Laughing, I shook my head. “No, no, no, he’s definitely my cousin. What kind of best friend are you! I thought you knew that!”

Sungkyu's face stayed still, his light brown eyes staring straight ahead. "I don't think we're gonna be able to be friends anymore, Taeyong, when I get married."

"Oh..." I started, mouth refusing to stay closed. He might as well have thrown a brick in my face. "Well, I'm gonna miss you too." My hands felt stiff, holding on to my books as tight as possible, turning around to leave. "I'll see you at your wedding."

Sungkyu grabbed my wrist again before I could take a step. Getting down on one knee, he pulled a small, velvet-covered box out of his pocket.

"Shin Taeyong," he said, holding on to my hand and setting a ring on it. "Will you marry me?"


Hey guys! thanks to those that have already subscribed and left comments! I know the start is a little boring, but I promise it's going to get a lot more interesting! please support and keep reading! Oh yeah, I made the poster(: I'm not very good, so bear with it! 

Thank youuuuu!~


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dana2083 #1
Hahaha sunggyu is so smooth :) Please update
;______; please update :D It looks really interesting :D