Say Goodbye

My Darling


 “Eunjung, please! Let me explain.” Jangwoo said as he took a step closer to Eunjung.
Eunjung automatically backed away, fearing for her life over the possibility of what he’d do, even if he was sober.

“No, Jangwoo. I can’t.” She said as she pushed past him in her stained night gown.

Jangwoo hurriedly followed her to the bedroom where she pulled out an empty luggage from their shared closet and threw in random articles of clothing.

“Eunjung..” He called after her as he felt his throat harden. Jangwoo gently placed his hand over Eunjung’s, looking into her eyes with a sorrowful stare. “I’m… So sorry.” He barely made the words out of his mouth as he looked down in shame.

Eunjung looked away as she literally felt her heart disintegrate into small pieces. However she wouldn’t let herself fall apart right in front of him. Not again.

Eunjung coldly shunned him away as she continued to dump inside the contents of her jewelry box, along with anything of hers that was placed near her. Her hands shook as she fumbled with the luggage zipper, trying hard to keep her composure.

Jangwoo sadly watched as Eunjung packed her bags. He had to refrain himself from launching forward to pull Eunjung into his arms, but after the night before, he knew it wouldn’t have been a good idea to force himself onto her once again.

Jangwoo wanted to hold Eunjung as she sobbed deep into his arms. He wanted to hold her close and assure her that everything was going to be alright; that they were going to be alright. He wanted to stare deep into her clear eyes and admire how beautifully each eyelash had curled upwards to frame her soft eyes. He wanted her to close her eyes so he could softly kiss her eyelids that tapered outwards with its tiny crease. He wanted to run his fingers down her luscious black hair that stopped above her shoulders. He wanted to taste those cherry stained lips, so soft, so sweet! He wanted to run his hands down the curve of her waist to her hips.
He wanted to touch her, hold her, and admire the beauty of what stood in front of him.

Just not like the night before.

 Definitely not like the night before.

Eunjung glanced over at Jangwoo from the corner of her eye. She watched as it was his turn to fall apart.

Eunjung felt a heavy feeling over her chest. As much as her heart hurt seeing Jangwoo like this, she knew she couldn’t back down. Eunjung stayed strong for too long. She feared that giving in would only result in more pain, that her presence would just be taken for granted instead.
She looked away and quickly wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, before looking around to see if she had forgotten to pack anything else.

Jangwoo didn’t know what to do or say. He couldn’t let her leave, but he knew he couldn’t force her to stay. He needed to gain Eunjung’s trust back. The trust that was lost as soon as he made a forbidden entrance into something so sacred, so pure; almost as if he had knocked down a door to a temple.
Jangwoo watched Eunjung as she lifted her luggage upwards, and pulled out the handle.
“But what about your mother, everyone else, what would they say? Where will you go?” He asked, curious if Eunjung would be willing to share her story with her loved ones.

“They won’t know. I’m leaving for now. We’ll discuss the rest another time,” She said as she pulled the luggage behind her and pushed past Jangwoo. “I just need time for myself right now.”

Jangwoo nodded as he walked Eunjung out the door and down to the front lobby.
“I understand,” He said quietly, “Are you sure this is what you want?” He asked, his eyes fogging up in tears he tried to prevent from falling. Eunjung nodded as Jangwoo leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek before letting her drive off in the taxi cab that was parked right outside of the lobby.

He watched the car disappear into the distance. Feeling the sadness weighing him down, Jangwoo dropped to his knees and buried his face into his palms.

The tears he had managed to hold back had run away freely.


Hey guys. Thanks SO much for the kind comments, and for subscribing! I'm so amazed by the love i've been receiving from you all ^^ I'm so thankful for it!
Anyways, I'm sorry that the story is a bit upsetting as of now. However this is just a temporary 'phase', as I would call it. You'll be able to see everything build up from here as I slowly reach the of the story. Expect more surprises and possibly more characters! Because, really, the drama has only just begun. Woojung may re-unite soon, but a lot will definitely be happenin' soon <3 So stay tuned and keep on reading~!

Feel free to subscribe, comment, and give me YOUR honest opinions!
I appreciate it a lot, and the growing list of comments and subscribers is making me even MORE inspired to write :3

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Chapter 17: Such a nice fic!!!! Love it!!!
Chapter 15: Glad they reconcile, but I felt bad for the loss!!
catgoh92 #3
Chapter 18: Suddenly your story came to my mind and I came here with an update and ending. Its well written to wrap up the story. Kudos to you =D
Chapter 17: It's come to the end.
This is first fanfic i've read.
Thank to woojunginlove for bring me to this amazing fanfic of woojung.
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 18: Awwww...finally, they have a daughter now,hehe, and have a happy family, anyways done reading this one! :)
pioushej #6
Chapter 18: dear authornim,
thank you for giving this story a happy and well satisfied ending. i know how you feel regarding the sudden departure of "our" fave WGM couple coz i feel the same way :) although im surprise that it's already the end of your story nevertheless i want to congratulate you for writing a perfect ending. honestly upon reading your update deep in me hoping that it's for real and not just a ff kkk coz i really worshipped woojung(aside from taecjung of course :D) and the ending that you provide is simply "daebak".
thanks authornim and hope you can right a new ff featuring woojung :)
im missing them again :(
willyoufreemysoul #7
Hello all. It's been so long and i feel apologetic to those who have waited patiently.

My last update was when i had just turned 18. Well, i've been 19 for a month or two now & i've decided to give this fanfic proper closure. I'm so thankful for my amazing readers! I promise to post up the last chapter or two as soon as possible.
pioushej #8
Chapter 16: update soon! this is one of the best woojung romance that ive read hope you can write more woojung thank you!
Chapter 16: update update please~
T-araFans #10
Please Update you story soon....