Bubble Tea Galore

My Best Friend The P.e.r.v.e.r.t


Namjoon is done with Taehyung.

And it's only been 3 days of the torture.

"Taehyung-ah! What have I told you about touching by figurines?!"

"Mianhe hyung!" he would reply sheepishly.

"Taehyung-ah! Where's my phone charger?!"

"In the washing machine? It was an accident, I swear!" he told him guiltily.


The boy put on his best puppy expression as he wrung his hands nervously behind his back. "Erm...I um..." Namjoon's presence was not helping him to formulate a sentence, as the older man eyed him down with a cold stare.

"Because my pet moth was hungry?" he mumbled silently, but the elder heard it all.


After witnessing the abnormally oversized moth (now known to be called Jack), Namjoon concluded he needed to find an escape from his roommates bizarre antics. Which, surprise surprise, turned out to be Chungha's room.

"Oh come on, he can't be that bad." Chungha lazily commented while sitting at her roommate's dresser table drawing her eyeliner, completely absorbed into the mirror.

In response Namjoon groaned in defiance to her words, his voice muffled into her duvet which he comfortably face planted on. The girl clicked her tongue, "I don't believe he's that annoying." She murmured, hissing when she smudged the corner of her eye.

The boy flipped over unto his back like a sloppy pancake, staring at her ceiling. "Easy for you to say, you have a cute roommate who would never cause you as much trouble as Taehyung would." His words holding truth as Chungha's roommate happened to be the sweet girl from the opening ceremony, who greeted her with a kind smile. Chungha hummed in thought, "True, but I still think you should take it easy on him, you know his personality is probably just a little extra from the ordinary." Now as she put the finishing touches to her makeup, applying final touch - lip tint.

Namjoon side glanced her from his laying form on the bed, watching as she twisted and turned in front of the mirror while biting her lip. For moment, he became dazed simply by watching her. "You don't need that face muck." He sighed impatiently waiting for her to get ready, because they both were planning to go out and explore the new city, as it was still Sunday as their lessons would begin the next day.

Chungha soon retorted, "And Michelangelo should have just left the ceiling bare." Namjoon huffed and took out his phone texting Hoseok, to tag along with them to the city. The bed dipped next to Namjoon as Chungha sat down with a brooding look on her face, the boy looked up at her after sending the message. "What's up buttercup?" His low voice rumbled as he spoke the cheesy words causing the girl to snort, "I just hope we don't bump into him." Her voice laced with annoyance.

Since the last encounter she had with the 'higher priority leprechaun.' She had the displeasure of running into him several times in the laundry room, each time them ending up bickering like old ahjumma's at a market over the last piece of Kimichi.

"Are you on about that orange haired one?" he asked breaking her train of thought. "Yep, that's the one." Namjoon chuckled as the girl rolled her eyes by just the mention of him. Namjoon cleared his voice before raising his voice a couple octaves higher, "But Chungie I think you should take it easy on him, you know his personality is probably just a little extra from the ordinary." The male mimicked, Chungha slapped his chest lightly.

"Don't use my words against that's completely different! Anyway, can you get your lazy of my bed and come on! I have an intense craving for bubble tea which I need to quench NOW. So legoooo!" she called the last part in English as she hopped off the bed, pulling the lanky boy with her, already at the door.

- - - - - ҉ - - - - -

The maknae sighed for the umpteenth time as he unsuccessfully ignored another one of his hyung's ongoing rants about this barbaric Chungha girl. One would almost think he's become obsessed. Jungkook mentally tutted, while the smaller male walked back and forth in a fluster to the point he's going to wear the floor raw.

"Do you know what she did this time, Jungkookie?!" he snapped suddenly pouncing on the younger body that was strewn across his desk chair, airily flicking through his notifications. The maknae yelped, swatting at his hyung angrily, "NO, I don't know! But I'm guessing it's even worse than whatever crime she's committed last time." He replied back dryly, Jimin huffed at his friend's lack of enthusiasm.

"Your sarcasm is very much unnecessary." Jimin nipped. The maknae rolled his eyes, before watching his hyung ruffle his hair with worry. "You know what I need to calm me down?" he asked to no one in particular. Jungkook droned irritably in response.

"I need bubble tea, pronto. Jungkook where's the nearest bubble tea café?" Jimin demanded after halting to a stop.

"I'm not sure hyung, I can ask Jin hyung? He will probably know."

Jimin nodded curtly, grabbing his phone and keys ready to head out.

- - - - - ҉ - - - - -

Sculptures of different cats littered the authentic store, it was a cat haven varying from large marble cats to small the maneki-neko golden lucky cats waving their paws endlessly to the odd customer that by chance would stumble into the strange store. Or if by pure miracle there could be an actual person eccentric enough to have purposefully entered the store whilst knowing what was lurking behind the black tinted windows.

Taehyung's eyes lit up absorbing as much as he could with only the dim lighting flickering from the candles scattered around the store. He trailed each one with his eyes coming to a stop in front of small keychain of a small black cat, with big glinting green eyes. He picked it up gently the little novelty, his face adopting a look of pining as a sad smile simmered on his lips.

"You want it?" A voice cut through the silence, besides the pitter patter of rain outside, the shop owner, an old man, sat lazily next to a rundown table with a small cash register.

"Three dollars." He continued not waiting for an answer.

"Can I pay in won?" Taehyung asked.

The shop owner nodded, and Taehyung passed him money and waited as he received his change.

Just as the silence habituated again, a girl burst into the store with a squeal. As she shook her black wet hair, having been a victim of the rain's sudden influx. She groaned in frustration as she took in her surroundings, hopes of purchasing an umbrella quickly diminishing. Taehyung gawked at her girl, immediately recognizing her.

"Oh, Chaeyeon-ah?" the girl whipped her head up at the mention of her name, Taehyung blinked as some rain drops flew at his face from her.

Chaeyeon's distressed expression soured even more at the sight of him, it was just her luck for her to blunder into some nonsensical store, which happens to be where the nonsensical kid from school that always stared at her, had to be located.

"I guess there's no way, of me avoiding you is there." Chaeyeon spoke dryly, a bit of aggravation behind her eyes.

Taehyung smirked as though he won the lottery, "Don't act like you don't want to see me." His deep voice rumbled suggestively. Chaeyeon scoffed carding her dainty hands through her wet hair.

"I'm going ignore your worthless comment because I've had my fair share of admirers who've possessed some confidence, not that it was healthy for them. I suggest you start focusing on your studies, rather than try to flirt with girls who are nowhere near your league." Her cold words sliding out so smoothly, as they had been articulated from years of practice and experience. The pretentious girl steadied herself for the pitiful look of rejection she was about to receive, but was stumped when none came.

Taehyung cocked his head to the side the smirk slowly budding into a charming smile, he eyed the girl in wonder, almost in disbelief at the fact she still could not recognize him. Chaeyeon blinked unsure of what to do next, usually they would retreat in shame afterwards, what is this guy doing?

"You haven't changed a bit, Chaeyeon-ah." He idly thought out loud, Chaeyeon scrunched her little nose, at the remark feeling more lost than ever.

"Even during a vulnerable state you're still willing to foul-mouth anyone who could potentially be of any help." Taehyung chided with mock exasperation.

"Look here weirdo, I don't know who you are, so stop acting like you know me alright! Plus I'm not in a vulnerable state, I don't need anyone's help!" the girl growled at the nonplussed boy.

"Right, so you're here because you've thinking about getting a cat themed décor for your bedroom." The male drawled out as he pulled out his umbrella slowly from his rucksack. Chaeyeon's eyes helplessly following the desired object before her gaze hardened at the sight of his knowing, boxy grin. Taehyung paused for a moment before leaving, to see if she would actually get off her high horse and ask him for help, his big eyes seizing the small ounce of hesitation swimming through her dark irises, but alas the girl kept stubbornly silent as she glared at him. He shrugged before diving out the store into the rain, dry underneath his red umbrella.

He doesn't know why he keeps trying to befriend her, when all she does is resist any interaction with him, claiming she's too perfect for him, or he's way out of her league. At times like this he feels as though he's going insane, why do I keep receiving this kind of treatment from someone who's just as cold and just as heartless as they were before? Before, being when we were just kids, she disregarded everyone around her, overlooked the entire playground as though it was riddled with peasants, but I was her only friend, her only admirer, I was silly enough to fall for her strong, outspoken character. And yet she doesn't even recognize me, was I just another insignificant  classmate to her. The boy huffed with finality, From now on, I'm setting myself an oath, I'm not giving her anymore chances to-

As he began walking down the fairly deserted high street, he felt a small tug on the arm that was holding the umbrella. The boy stilled, bearing to not glance at the small form next to him, as he kept his eyes forward. The same dainty hand from before quickly let go, as the girl awkwardly mumbled, "Please...can I share your umbrella?" Chaeyeon refused to look at him as well, embarrassed enough to have yielded to someone like him but needed a shelter from the downpour, she kept her gaze locked to the ground. An unsure smile appeared on his face, his thoughts from before still eating away at his mind, but her weak voice left him completely stunned. After a beat he cleared his voice, "Let's go."

The pair trod slowly in silence, Taehyung subtly leaning the umbrella more over her to give her better coverage. While the small black cat keychain left a comfortable weight in Taehyung's coat pocket.

- - - - - ҉ - - - - -


Namjoon's hand plunged into his pocket for his wallet, to pay for the drinks. Since a certain somebody had 'forgotten' her wallet at home. He walked to the second floor where Chungha and Hoseok were already lounging about on the homey sofas, in a flurry of bubbly conversation, as they both giggled loudly without a care at their own dorky banter. Luckily they didn't stick out like a sore thumb, as the café was b with life of the students from Busan High. All having come for the same reason, the bubble tea here was good enough to give you a foodgasm, as Namjoon had stated formerly. Delighted, content smiles consumed everyone's faces, which then evidently contrasted the grim expression of Jimin as he burst into Café, shaking his wet hair furiously, shocking a few people who happened to be seated next to the entrance.

As previously shown, Jimin being the obnoxious fool he was, had a habit of exhibiting clearly his emotions, especially if he was pissed off. The orange haired boy was followed by Jungkook and Jin the more emotionally intact duo of three as they strode as the confident, stylish unit they were. It was inevitable as the eyes of most of the female student body was automatically glued to them like Taehyung's pet moth Jack, was to a flame.

"Hey maknae, order the usual me and Jin are heading to our usual spot." Jimin called out dismissively, Jungkook huffed but did the following. The oldest eyed the hot headed boy with a wary look, as they both climbed up the stairs, "Who pooped on your party?" he asked, eliciting a sigh from the other. "Hyung, I'd rather not talk about- ARE YOU TING ME RIGHT NOW!" The pair both have made it to the top, only for the younger's eyes zeroing in on the bane causing him so much unneeded inconvenience since the start of school, the girl who was now gurgling with laughter cutely as she swatted at some taller boy's shoulder. Yes, that same girl was now planted carelessly in HIS spot, another thing she naively took away from him.

"Erm, Jimin? You're shaking right now." Jin mumbled next to him. However, the boy blustered away fast short step completely disregarding his hyung and approaching his unsuspecting victim.

"Salutations fresh meat. "

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A/N: Thank you for reading dearies, I hope you enjoyed. >u<  xx 

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Chapter 7: This is awesome I love the dynamic between chungha and RM. It’s both hilarious and serious in mood when it needs to be
dannyal #2
Chapter 7: That was hilarious on how this chapter ended. Piir Namjoon. But, to be honest, I can't wait to see more interactions between Chungha and Jimin/Jungkook. Namjoon will really get jealous, right? :P

Anyway, I was very much happy when this story got updated. This story is amazing and I really can't wait for the next update!!! Fighting!!!
dannyal #3
Chapter 6: This story is amazing. Can't wait for your next update!!! I hope you haven't forgotten about this story. Pleaseeeee.
dannyal #4
Chapter 1: Perfect first chapter! That was funny HAHAHAHAHA
Army-Wolf #5
Chapter 6: Please update!!! This story is so good
Chapter 1: I looked up Chungha fanfics and amidst the boatload of IOI, this one stuck out
chloesookie #7
Chapter 6: Thanks for the update authornim i'm glad you're back yeay!!
aro1223 #8
Chapter 4: This is really good! The fact that both Namjoon and Chungha are my favorites just make me love this story more ㅋㅋ fighting for the next chapter!
Chapter 4: Omg this is beautiful
I feel like it captures the best and worst parts of Namjoon's personality well, even if the erted part is a bit overdone?? But that's the point of the story and it makes it great aaa thank you for continuing to updated