Living Life To The Fullest

Living Life To The Fullest


                                                    Living Life To The Fullest


Hey everyone! Before you start this story, I would like to inform you that in this story all of them are of same age and read in same grades.


Park Jimin died at the age of 21 and he lived a fulfilled and satisfied life.

Park Jimin had transferred to one of the schools from a remote area in second year of the high school. No one really knew why and no one dared to. Jimin was kind of lonely person who would prefer to be left alone. He had this aura of mysteriousness around him and no one really saw him speak much or smile even one time. Such behavior of Jimin earned the curiosity of Jungkook who was on the same class as him. Jungkook always found himself wondering about Jimin. Why was he always silent? Why did he never speak much? Why did he always skip game classes? There were some rumors relating to Jimin, spreading around the school. It said that Jimin was sick but was it true? No one really knew and Jungkook could do nothing about it but wonder. Why was he so attracted to Jimin?

“Jeon Jungkook!!”

Jungkook was brought back to reality as the teacher threw a pen cap on his head. He found himself thinking about Jimin again. He glanced towards Jimin wondering just what attracted Jungkook’s attention so much. Just when he looked at the other he found Jimin glancing at him too but when the other realized that Jungkook was looking back too, he quickly turned his gaze.

Then the bell rang and everyone walked out of the room. Jungkook had always been a cheerful type and he lived his life freely with nothing to bound him. He had dyed his hair and made a music band with his friends Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi. He lived his life in his own pace not worrying about other things much. But why all of a sudden he was so attracted to a guy named Jimin?

His head started to ache with all the thinking he had to do so he decided to just ditch the class for once and he perfectly knew where to go. He took on his pace and walked down the hall to the infirmary room. He opened the door casually and spoke up, “Teacher I am feeling bored so please let me ditch class while I stay here-”

He got cut off in his words as he saw the figure in front of him. Jimin stood there wearing nothing in front of him. Well he did have a boxer on but it did no good to help Jungkook. Jungkook’s heart started to beat fast as he saw the boy in front of him. The boy in front of him looked equally surprised as he hid his body by his shirt. Jungkook’s face flushed red at the scene in front of him but what really caught his eyes was the machine attached to the boy’s chest in the left side and he soon understood why the other boy was always silent. Jungkook kept on looking at the boy until he realized a punch resting on his face.

Before Jungkook could say anything the boy in front of him held his finger in Jungkook’s lips to say him to stay quiet. Then he picked up his clothes and wore it before pulling Jungkook to the terrace of the school. Jungkook was too confused by all of the action of Jimin to say anything so he just followed the smaller boy in front of him. Then they both sat down on the floor of the terrace and Jimin glared at Jungkook while Jungkook could do nothing but laugh nervously at the boy in front of him. Averting his glare from Jungkook, Jimin let out a long sigh and looked at the floor and spoke, “So you saw it right? Do you know about the disease called heart beat disease?”

Jungkook was sure of it now as Jimin had take out the name of the disease. He had been right with his guess and he nodded in response and said, “Yes, one actor beloved by most of the people had died from the same disease right? It has been pretty famous since then.”

Jimin nodded in response and spoke up again, “Yes it is a disease which occurs in only 1 person out of the million people and I have one. It is believed that the people would have fixed number of heart beat when they are born but people with disease has lesser number of heart beats in comparison to the normal people. So I have lesser number of heart beats than other people and since running and doing other things would increase the rate of heartbeats I have been told not to do such exercises. This device attached to my heart manages the heart beats and gives some more heart beats to us letting us to elongate the life we have left.”

Jimin looked sad and yet at the same time, he looked kind of satisfied as he looked at the sky. Jungkook kept on looking at the other in front of him while he talked. Jungkook found himself surprised by the other but not by his disease but by his true nature. Jungkook could find himself thinking ‘Ah he surely can talk.’ Then he found himself more curious to know more about the other.

Jimin lowered his gaze and took out a device from his pocket. He turned it on and kept it in front of his face. Soon a data came with information about him and he showed it to Jungkook and explained, “This device lets you know how many heart beat is left. You can get the information of the patients once you keep the device in front of them. As you can see in the screen I have about 230 million heartbeats left. Though you may think it is quite a large number of heart beats. It is actually about 5 to 6 years.”

Then Jimin gave a loud sigh as he lay down on the floor and looked at his hand as he spoke, “But the truth is I want to have fun with them too. I would rather live to the fullest with every second I have left if all the choice I have is to die at the end.”

Jimin gave a gasp as he realized that he was the only one who was talking. He stood up quickly and rubbed his back. Then he spoke up again, “Sorry it had been a long time since I last talked to someone so I spoke up quite a lot. I just wanted to tell it to you because you had seen the device and to say you to not spread rumors about it because in my last school it really caused me a problem as everyone started to talk to me with care. Since you don’t really seem the kind to spread rumors I trust you. I hope you will understand.”

Then giving a bow Jimin turned around to leave but Jungkook held the other’s hand and spoke for the first time in a while, “Was that your true feeling? The feeling to spend your life to the fullest? If yes let me help you! I will fill your life with crazy heartbeats. So do you want to?”

Jimin looked surprised at it but soon some shades of blush filled his cheek and he nodded. Jungkook couldn’t believe it but he was happy to see the other agree to him. The more the other had talked about him Jungkook found himself wanting to know more. Now he could spend times with Jimin and know more about him. He smiled and held his hand in front of him, “Friends?”

Jimin accepted the hand offered to him and responded, “Friends”

After their fateful meeting in the infirmary room they started to spend more time with each other and the summer vacation started. Jungkook and Jimin went to the beach together. Jimin ran all around the beach and kept on exclaiming, “Woah Jungkook look it is the sea. Woah it is so big. Look it is really the sea. Its sea!! Yay!!!”

Jungkook giggled at the other’s response as he said, “Really you had not seen the sea before? Is this really your first time?” Jimin nodded in response and gave a bright eye smile and said, “Thank you Kookie for bringing me here.”

Jungkook felt his heart beating fast as he looked at the other’s breath taking smile and blushed a little when he realized that the other knew his nickname. He found himself thinking ‘So his smile looks like this.’

The next time they went to amusement park and tried the high rides. Jimin kept on shouting as he sat beside Jungkook, “Woah it is this high! I can feel my heart beating fast. We are really trying this? We are!”

Jungkook giggled at the other’s reaction as they enjoyed every rides in the park. The rest of the vacation they kept on visiting places as haunted house, play stations, festivals, parks, 8D movies and many others.  All the while Jungkook came to know that Jimin was totally different to what other thought of him. He was actually a very cheerful and friendly person unlike his appearance of gloomy and reserved person in school. Jimin was more outgoing and he had great sense of humor too. He could tell jokes and make other laugh. His reactions to things were also very good and expressive. He talked more and laughed more. All the traits making Jungkook’s heart beat more quickly.

They also went to malls and Jungkook was shocked to know that Jimin had never tried ice cream and he suggested they should taste it. He bought one and asked Jimin to give it a taste. The moment Jimin tried the ice cream, the response of him was enough to send Jungkook’s heart beating fast. His eyes brightened and he was engulfed in his ice cream as he exclaimed, “What is this taste? It is so good! I never knew things could taste this good!”

Later they returned from Jungkook’s cycle as he rode it with Jimin sitting behind. He increased the speed of the cycle more as he yelled Jimin to tighten his grip more. Jungkook felt as if his heart could come out when he could feel their bodies sticking together. He smiled nervously at the touch but then he could feel something on his back. He could feel the heart beat of the other and then he realized what their situation was. Unlike other normal people Jimin’s heart beats were different. Other didn’t need to worry about increasing their heart beats as they could gain it back by sleeping more or relaxing. But in Jimin’s case it would be difficult to calm his heart beats down. It was the heart beats in exchange of his life.

He felt difficult with the situation as he slowed down the speed as he spoke, “Jimin I was wondering if it is okay. Is it really okay if your heart beats increased? Wouldn’t your life decrease? What about your parents? Don’t they say anything?”

Jimin leaned his head towards the other’s back as he closed his eyes and answered his question, “Yes it is alright. It was my decision after all. I was planning to do this sooner or later so it doesn’t really matter and since I didn’t know outer world much you have helped a lot in that way. Thank you Kookie for those beautiful moments. Also I talked with my parents and explained what I felt, to them properly. After hearing everything they said me to enjoy my life.”

Jungkook kept quiet for a while as he wondered what the future held. If all these moments they were spending really was something to be said okay.

Moments in exchange for life.

Jungkook called Jimin again, “Jimin.”

But before he even spoke up Jimin tightened his grip on Jungkook’s waist and buried his face further in the other’s back and said, “Please don’t say. Don’t say what you are trying to say.”

Jungkook smiled in response. He was an idiot to worry about such things. Really who was he going to explain to. He laughed and spoke up again, “Are you misunderstanding me? I just wanted to say if you would like to come to the concert tomorrow since it is the last day of the vacation.”

Jimin laughed at it and accepted the offer. The next day they went to the concert and stayed till late at night. While walking through the dark streets Jungkook kept on stealing glances at Jimin. He noticed for the first time that the other always wore a locket with pick hanging around it and began to wonder about it. He decided to directly ask the other about it and said, “Say the pick you are always wearing, are you perhaps interested in music?”

Jungkook already knew by the response of Jimin though. Jimin blushed hard as he nodded in answer. He said, “Yes I liked music and I liked to dance too. When I was a kid I thought of becoming a dancing idol but I soon gave up of the idea.”

Jungkook stared at Jimin for a while unable to believe what the other had just said. “You gave up? But that can’t be because it seems you still wish to be one by looking at how you are still holding onto that pick. Hey! Say will you show me tomorrow in school both your dancing and singing?”

Jimin widened his eyes as he strongly opposed to the idea, “No no I cannot do that. Anyway it has been far too long since I have stopped doing them as you see they take a lot of heart beats, so I don’t think I can do that.”

Jungkook furrowed his brows unsatisfied with the answer he got, then suddenly an idea popped up and he said, “What about you thinking that it’s a once in a life chance? Like don’t you create songs and make your friends listen to it when you are young? Think of it as those exciting moments of life where your heart beats crazily. It is exciting isn’t it?”

Jimin didn’t buy all of what Jungkook said totally but he didn’t opposed it too. It was surely one of those exciting moment of life. Seeing that Jimin was one step away from accepting him Jungkook spoke up again, “Besides I also sing a little bit so why don’t we show each other what we got?”

Jimin’s eyes brightened up at the offer and he soon nodded his head. The next day they met up in the music room and prepared to show their talents. First it was Jungkook who started to sing soothingly to 'Beautiful' song. Jimin closed his eyes as he listened carefully to Jungkook’s voice. He began to get immersed in the other’s voice. He was surprised by the soothing voice and slowly he felt as if healed by the voice. The song kind of reflected their relationship as lyrics went:

It’s beautiful life

I will stay by your side

It’s beautiful life

I will stay right beside you~

Jimin could find himself thinking about his life and it had really been a beautiful life for him ever since Jungkook had come along. He was always beside Jimin. Soon the other had stopped singing leaving Jimin craving for more. But he soon clapped in awe and Jungkook blushed in return. Then it was Jimin’s turn and he said, “It’s a song that I composed by myself. I know it is not that great but yeah for once in a life time!”

Then he began to strum his guitar and sang with lyrics going as:

It’s endless even if I try to run

I’ve fallen into a lie

Caught in a lie

Please find the me who was innocent~


With the song’s tune Jungkook could find himself wanting to move to the tune while at the same time he was mesmerized by the other’s high notes. They were perfect and something twinkled in Jungkook’s eyes. Soon after that they started to play some music and Jimin once again took all of the breath away from Jungkook by flawlessly dancing to the rhythms of music and at the end of it all Jungkook was speechless with only his heart beating hardly under his chest. When he came back to reality he saw the other looking at him nervously. Jungkook quickly went to Jimin and held his hands tightly and said, “Let’s go!”

Soon Jimin was being pulled by the other through the hall. He asked where they were going but never getting any answer in return. So he finally gave up in knowing the answer and let the other pull him. Soon he was in front of Jungkook’s friends as the other smiled widely.

“What is the matter Kookie?” one of his bubbly friend asked and glanced at Jimin probably wondering how Jungkook had come to talk with a guy who was so gloomy before the summer vacation. Jungkook ignored his friend and instead grabbed Jimin’s hand and said, “Please I will ask you a favor, can you do it for me?”

Jimin was nervous at first but he wanted to repay Jungkook for whatever he had done for Jimin, so Jimin nodded nervously without knowing what the other was going to ask then Jungkook spoke again, “So can you please sing in front of them again and dance if possible?”

Jimin was surprised at first but he soon complied to it by seeing how serious Jungkook was. He nodded and did as he was told. Every friend of Jungkook was left speechless when Jimin was finished and finally the bubbly friend spoke again, “Wow that was so good. I never expected this! Hi I am Hoseok. You can call me J-Hope or Hobi.”

Jimin smiled in return and Jungkook took the in charge of introduction soon after that. Soon Jimin was looking at the 5 friends of Jungkook whose names were Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Taehyung who was also Jungkook’s childhood friend. Though Taehyung looked at Jimin weirdly, Jimin just decided to ignore it. Then Jungkook spoke nervously again, “So they are my friends and band mates also. We sing songs in talent shows of school and programs so if you don’t have any problem would you like to join us as an experience?”

 Jimin lightened up at the offer and nodded his head strongly to show his approval. Soon Jungkook had made his friends aware of the heart condition of Jimin and everyone understood Jimin’s state. Also everyone was quite friendly and Jimin soon came to know that Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok were the rappers of the team whereas Taehyung, Jin and Jungkook were in the vocal team with the addition of Jimin to them. He also came to know that Hoseok and him shared the same passion in dancing and soon enough Jimin had already been the member of the band.

With Namjoon and Yoongi, Jimin began to compose songs for the preparation of the annual function of the school. After school, all of them would spend time together. Just before the function all of them decided to have fun at night. It was dark when all of the gang gathered up and they went to the beach. Jimin got a different vibe in the night time and the noises coming from the ocean soothed his mind. Jimin walked beside the shore with bare foot but he soon regretted it as the shore was way too cold in night time. Jimin began to drift in his thoughts as how he was enjoying his life. He always wanted to live his life in that way. He always dreamed of living a carefree life and now that he was, he never wanted to let go of it. But he remembered the reason why he was living this way and it hit Jimin hard. But he was both happy and sad with his life. He would not say he would be satisfied with the life he got because he wanted to try things so much more but he would also not say that he was not happy with it. Life had been a bittersweet taste to Jimin and he held no issue to it.

He soon got a call from his friends and he ran towards them. They had a bonfire in the middle of beach and played some acapella. They danced and sang merrily with barbeques and marshmallows. They played truth and dare and when it was Jimin’s turn, he chose truth over dare. Everyone asked him what he wanted to do next in his life the most and Jimin smiled to the question. Looking dreamily at the fire he said, “I would have love to fall in love with someone but it would definitely be a sad one so I would refrain myself from it.”

Everyone looked at him and smiled but didn’t say anything further in the topic. All of them were surprised by how deep Jimin had thought about. Jungkook too looked at the other and gave a painful smile as something inside him got hurt.

It was true the lovestory would indeed be a sad one.

At last everyone decided to shout towards the ocean their wishes or whatever they liked and the wind started to blow little hard. As the wind brushed in their cheeks all of them made their wishes. Hoseok asked for better future in dance, Taehyung wished their performance in the function to be a success, Yoongi asked to be a song writer and rapper in future, Namjoon and Jin confessed their love to each other making other blush and it was Jimin’s turn as he shouted, “Everyone!! Thank you for making my life enjoyable. Especially thank you Kookie!! I wish later when you all come here, everyone would be laughing and would have their dreams come true. Hope you will all not forget me and may this beach always reminds you the days we spent together.”

At last it was Jungkook’s turn as he smiled to Jimin, he breathed in the salty air and shout aloud, “Jimin!! And everyone live life to the fullest alright!”

Jimin I love you and hope you won’t forget about me too till your last breath.

After that, all of them burned fireworks and returned to their houses each with smile in their faces. Jungkook offered Jimin to drop him home and Jimin gladly accepted the offer. They walked beside each other neither of them breaking the silence. At last Jungkook was the first one to speak as he said, “It has been a long time since it was only we two right? Hey if you don’t mind how about hanging out just the two of us together tomorrow after our performance? Let’s hang out to do some interesting stuffs.”

Jimin smiled at the suggestion and nodded in agreement. Then he came near to Jungkook increasing the heart beats of Jungkook as Jimin intertwined his hands with the other’s. He smiled at the other and said, “Although doing just this is pretty interesting too.”Soon Jimin let go of the hand much to Jungkook’s disappointment and both of them waved goodbye to each other.

The next day all of them were waiting nervously for their turn to perform. Jimin could feel his heart beat increase inside his chest with nervousness. He decided it was best to go and take some breather before they would perform. The wind was blowing hard as he stood in one of the balconies of the school. Just when we was about to return his locket got unattached from his neck and fell down. Jimin started to panic as the pick was very important to him. It was his first pick he had ever bought and the pick represented his start of journey to music. Jimin panicked as he desperately ran downwards. He couldn’t lose it. The pick had held his childhood memories. While on the way down he met his friends and decided to notify them before going down.

He hurriedly went towards them and spoke, “Umm my pick fell down. I am sorry guys but I will return soon enough after bringing it. Can you all wait till then?”

Everyone panicked and Namjoon said, “Wait cant you wait for that after all we can use another pick right? Because it is going to be our turn after the 3 performance. It is pretty close.”

Jimin looked confused but he couldn’t accept. He was planning to use the pick for the guitar part, after all it was his lucky charm and it was his first performance. But he couldn’t refuse too. He didn’t want the members to get delayed because of him. Jungkook felt the nervousness of Jimin and decided to take care of it instead. He patted Jimin and said, “It is okay Jimin. I will go for you okay since I run pretty fast I will come in no time. Just stay here okay.”

Jimin felt relieved at his words but Taehyung was not satisfied with it. Taehyung held Jungkook’s shoulder and said, “Are you sure? Don’t push yourself too much.”

Jungkook shook his head and smiled at his childhood friend making him understand that he needed to go. Taehyung didn’t protest further and let the other go though he was worried that the other wouldn’t make it to the stage.

On the other hand Jungkook ran and searched everywhere for the locket. He ran everywhere and panted in between because he was tired. One of the performances finished and only two more were left before their turn to come. Jimin started to feel nervous when Jungkook still didn’t show up. He was about to go and search for him when Taehyung came towards him. Jimin was confused at first then Taehyung held out his hand to Jimin.  Jimin was confused about it but without any question he gave his hand and the other kept Jimin's locket in his hand and spoke, “This is your locket right? Jungkook was able to find it.”

Jimin brightened up again when he felt the hardness of the locket in his hand again, he looked behind Taehyung and around them but there was no sign of Jungkook. He looked at Taehyung in confusion and asked for Jungkook. Taehyung looked nervous before he spoke again, “About that I think you should know this…”

Jimin found himself running desperately towards the terrace. He felt his breathe increasing and his heart beats thumping inside him but all of it didn’t matter to him. Sweats formed in his forehead as he reached the door of the terrace. He found his hand shivering as he held the door knob, taking a deep breath he opened the door. There he was, Jungkook was standing there in the terrace looking at the hall where they were supposed to perform. With the noise behind him he looked behind and saw Jimin panting for breath. His eyes widened in surprise as he asked, “Why are you here?”

Jimin ignored the question as he held his device in front of Jungkook. There thing started to appear in the screen and slowly a data opened up with the patient named Jeon Jungkook, number of heartbeats 1256. Jimin’s eyes widened in shock as he loosed the grip from his hand and the device fell down in the floor. Jungkook smiled at it and said, “So he told you huh?”

His lovestory was a sad one indeed.

Jimin eyes teared up and he felt the lump forming in his neck. Between his sobs all he could mumbled was ‘Why?’

Yet Jungkook gave another one of his bunny smile and explained himself, “I got this disease when I was very young and my parents worked hard and asked the relatives for money to just get this expensive device in my heart. They told me to live freely with the remaining days I had left but I couldn’t do it in the beginning because I felt sad for them and their efforts. But as the days began to decrease I decided to finally live to the fullest. I dyed my hair, entered the band and enjoyed every day to the fullest. But the moment I really started to live was when I met you. I was surprised to see you having the same disease as me at first but when I heard of your wish I thought ‘Ah I understand you’ then I wanted to help you with it. Sorry for not telling you but I thought you would hold yourself back if I told you.”

He looked sadly at Jimin who was crying way too hard now and spoke again, “Ah I have about 20-25 minutes. I really wanted to hear you sing though.”

Jimin looked up at the other when he said this and went to hold Jungkook’s hand. He gently pulled and said, “Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go it is going to be our turn soon.”

But Jungkook didn’t move from his place as he smiled again and said, “You know very well Jimin I can’t go. Please go now I really want to hear your voice.”

Jimin’s tears began to fall more hardly and he covered his face with his hands. He felt warmth entering him as a warm pair of arms held him tight. He tugged at the other’s shirt and began to cry hard inside it.  Jungkook could feel his eyes being heavy but he held it back as he didn’t want to cry in the last moments of his life. After all he had lived his life to the fullest. He gently placed a kiss on Jimin’s forehead and pushed him gently indicating him to go. Jungkook whispered his feelings at the back hoping it would reach Jimin, “I love you.”

Jimin caught what the other said almost miraculously and he turned back with fresh tears in his eyes as he smiled at the other. He wiped his tears with the back of his hand and said, “You really fulfilled all of my wishes right?” With that he ran towards the other and placed a kiss on the other’s lips. Jungkook could feel his cheeks getting wet as the tears finally made its way through his eyes. He held the other by his waist with one hand while the other hand was placed on Jimin’s cheeks as he deepened the kiss. They shared a broken kiss both drenched in tears. They finally parted both hurting in the process when they heard the second performance finishing. It was the last performance now and it would be their team’s turn next. As they touched their forehead saying their goodbyes Jimin whispered ‘I love you too.’

Jungkook nodded his head and finally turned Jimin telling him to go. Jimin pulled himself and heavily took his steps towards the stage. When he reached the backstage, Taehyung looked nervously at him. He passed the guitar to him and said, “So did you finish?”

Taehyung didn’t say anything further because the expression of Jimin told it all. All of the band went up to stage each grieving over Jungkook in silence. The music started to play and Jimin started to sing Jungkook’s parts too as he held the tears in his eyes. The lyrics and music started to play swallowing the whole surrounding around them.

Don’t think of anything, don’t say anything, not even a word

Just give me a smile yeah

I still can’t believe it; all of this seems like a dream

Don’t try to disappear yeah

Is it true? Is it true? You You

You’re so beautiful, I am scared

Untrue untrue, you you you

Will you stay by my side? Will you promise me?

If I let go of your hand, you’ll fly away and break.

I am scared scared scared of that

Will you stop time if this moment passes?

As though it hadn’t happen I’m scared scared scared I’ll lose you

Butterfly Like a butterfly, like a butterfly


Jungkook smiled while looking at the sky while listening to the voice he loved. He memorized all the moments of his life he had lived. Then he remembered the time when he had seen the half- boy in the infirmary room and how they had became friends. Their moments together and how Jimin had come to be a totally different person than he thought. He relived the moment that had just occurred and he touched his lips as he loved the sensation of the other’s lips in his. 'Ah I should have confessed earlier', Jungkook thought as he breathed his last breath. Jungkook lived a total life of 17 years and he was satisfied with it. The moment he passed away he had an expression of an idiot.

After graduating from the high school, the rest of the band members were recruited by a company they debuted as a team. Jimin did what he loved and enjoyed his life to the fullest like he was told to do in the beach.  Almost everyone’s dream they shouted in the beach came true and Jimin was very happy with it. He announced his disease in front of the whole fans and a huge number of fans came in his last concert together with s. Everyone chanted his name in the audience and he was able to say a proper goodbye to all of them and his band mates and friends. Their last song together was 'Butterfly', the same song they had sang as a goodbye to Jungkook. Later on Jimin died at the age of 21 as satisfied as he could be with his life. The moment he passed away, he had an expression of satisfied look.

Yay I had always wanted to write a naration version of any manga and I liked how it has been done. Hope you all would like it too. Actually this is based on a manga called Toki Doki by Komi Naoshi. Since the scenes are not really that similar and if you would like to see the original story then this is the link. Hope wou would like it ^^

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ChimieKookie96 #1
Chapter 1: omg I cried so sad I loved it
Chapter 1: Im not expecting this authornim. Its break my heart..yoir atory amaze me authornim..
jungcock_jibooty #3
Chapter 1: MY HEARTUE~~ T_T
DevilNextToYou #4
Chapter 1: My heart T_T
I think you should add an angst tag
Noctis_luna98 #5
Chapter 1: Omggg this is soooo sadddd(╥_╥)(╥_╥)(╥_╥)(╥_╥)(╥_╥) i swear im crying like a beach rn( TДT)( TДT) this story really make me feel something that i cant explainn! Thank you so muchh! You really make a good good story authornimm! This story become my most fav from now♥♥