

Have you ever had a regret for being such a coward and let your chance slipped away? Have you ever just stand there at a party and find yourself staring at that one certain person? Well here is Hirai Momo big little regret. 


Momo's POV.

Here I'm standing like an idiot staring at her. Its been i dont know maybe 7 years? Since I saw her before me like this. She still so beautiful and gorgeous like in the past. One thing I felt for sure is regret. 

"Hey Momo its been like forever since I last saw you!" I heard her voice and jumped a bit. 

"Y...yeah its been long." I said back awkwardly not really comfortable with talking to her. 

"How have you been?" Her tone I found that there was a bit sadness in it. 

"Good and you?" I finally calming down and stop stuttering. 

"Great oh and meet my meet my boyfriend Jimin." I saw the biggest smile since 7 years ago. 

"Hi I am Hirai Momo a friend of Mina. Nice to meet you." I bow slightly and faked a smile. 

"Ahem best friend you mean?" She joked but it hurt to know I'm just a best friend to her. 

"Ok ok whatever." I rolled my eyes slightly. 

"Idiot!" I heard her as I walked away. pov......

Momo went back to Korea because she heard about a highschool reunion. She wanted to meet her old friend whom she left behind when she took the plane to the States. Amazing is its 7 year exact today that Momo left Korea. She didn't think she would meet her once best friend as to what Mina refer her to. 

Inside the building where the reunion was held Momo saw her friend Jihyo and Tzuyu not to miss out on the short hair girl ago understand Momo more than her other friends. Jeongyeon. It's not that they haven't kept in contact in fact they call each other every night. They just miss each other so much though and all of them know why Momo moved to the states. 

"Not over yet?" Jeongyeon ask and ofc she could tell Momo was down. 

"Thought I was until now I see her again." Momo slowly said and sigh. 

"It's alright buddy let's have some fun tonight?" Jeongyeon asked. 

"Yea why not I will join you later let me enjoy the Korea weather it's been long haha." Momo smiled and laugh. 

"Ok up to you come back inside whenever you want. But now I need to go Nayeon baby might kill me." Jeongyeon smiled back and stood up to go back inside the party. 

About 5 mintues after Jeongyeon left Momo started thinking. 

'I wish I can go back to those years we were still so close...maybe right now I could be the one you introduce to your other friends. If only I were brave enough to confess...maybe right now I will be the one you hug and smile at. Such regret hurts.' 

Momo was thinking deep on how everything would be so different if she was not a coward at love because she was the best at everything but when it comes to love she just can't do it. Staring at the night sky with stars shining bright. "Star oh star how beautiful you shine I wish my future could be as bright as you but that was just once in the past now you are brighter than my future...what to do." The last three words came out as a whisper. 

"I also wonder why the star shines brighter than my future also." A sudden voice startled Momo. 

"Oh hey Mina why are you out here? Where is your boyfriend?" Momo realize she sounded a bit jealous when she ask about Mina's boyfriend. 

 "It's too loud inside and Jimin is inside too." Mina said as she sat down beside Momo and put her head on Momo's shoulder. 

"Where have you been..." Mina blurted after awhile. 

"In the states." Momo said still looking at the sky she misses how Mina is so close to her. 

"Why did you just suddenly leave and appear again after 7 years like nothing happened." Mina sigh. 

"It was a sudden thing?" Momo said but realize she said it like a question. 

"Whatever you didn't call me and didn't answer my calls I miss you." Mina finally said it the words Momo want to hear. 

"Sorry I changed my phone because my old one broke." Momo felt guilty. 

"How did it break?" Mina asked. 

"Uhhhhhh SinB broke it when we were playing around." Momo answer a bit afraid.

Mina lift her head up from Momo's shoulder and glare at her. "Who is SinB and why did she break the phone?" 

"SinB is a friend of mine a great friend and because she had my phone when ummmmm you were calling so I tried to get it and she ran away so I tackled her and the phone went flying." Momo explain. 

"Ok give me your phone...NOW!" Mina sound fierce. 

"Ok ok yeshhhh." Momo pulled out her phone and gave it to Mina. She knew what Mina is going to do and that is one reason why Momo fell for Mina. Mina and her jealousy.

"Friends? Friends doesn't kiss like this." Mina showed Momo a photo where Momo and a girl kissed. 

"Ok I lose she is actually my girlfriend..." Momo said and got ready. 

"Girlfriend? Since when you have a girlfriend and I didn't know about it?" Mina starts again with the questions. 

"Well a year after I moved there I met her and she was really nice, kind, cute, sweet, and so on words can't describe, she was just a precious person you won't find again. We became close and eventually I asked her out and she said yes so we dated. Next week is our 6 year anniversary too." Momo smile as she talked about her girlfriend. 

"Well that's good. Here your phone." Mina said and went back to her position earlier. 

"Remember in the past we were so inseparable haha." Mina starts to talk again. 

"Yea I remember how you cry all the time when your ex-boyfriends broke up with you and you come to me and starts hitting me." Momo smiled more when she remembered all those memories.

"Hey so what there wasn't anyone else who I could hit other than you." Mina shot back. 

"Hit your ex then duh they hurt you not me." Momo staring at Mina.

"Well technically your fault for not stopping me from dating jerks." Now the blame is on Momo. 

"Oh my my I'm the one to blame nothing has change." Momo pretend to pout.

"Haha yes you are but we should go inside now." Mina stood up and held her hand out. Momo gladly took Mina's hand and the went back inside. When they got inside Mina went and gave Jimin a back hug. Momo was hurt but she can't do anything she has a girlfriend. Jeongyeon walked up to Momo and pulled her to sit with them. 

"Here drink up cheers for finally coming back." Jeongyeon, Jihyo, and Tzuyu all said happily. 

In Momo's head she knew she can never replace these friends she have. They are the best she could have find through thick and thin they all stick together. How she miss her best friends. 

The four kept drinking until most of them were a bit drunk. While they sit there drinking two girls walked to them. "Hey Momo I told you to not drink so much already." The girl pouts. 

Momo turn when she heard a voice she knew very well. "SinBaby when did you g..get" 

"Just now and tonight you are dead for not doing like your promise." SinB sent Momo a death glare. 

'Momo why do you fall for scary girls.' Momo thought in her head. 

"I know I know I will stop drinking but who is that next to you?" Momo pointed to the girl next to SinB. 

"Hey look Jeongyeon it's Nayeon. Jeongyeon if we survive tonight we will meet again but if we don't see you in heaven." Momo dramatic said. 

"Oh yea well my friend it's nice to see you all before I die. Goodbye." Jeongyeon said as she is really drunk and stood up. She walked over to Nayeon and smiled. 

"Let's go baby before you destroy this party." Jeongyeon said and grabbed Nayeon's hand they bid farewell to the others and went their way. 

"Now Momo are you ready or you want to die two times?" SinB sounded scary enough the first time. 

"Ok let me say bye to some old friends first." Momo said and walked to find Mina. 

Momo found Mina and told her about leaving and introduced her girlfriend. Even though Momo have SinB by her side she still felt hurt when she saw Mina kissing Jimin. She regret for being a coward. 

'Wanna go back to that year...if I would be brave and ask that one question maybe you would be with me now...everything we went through in the end I'm left alone remembering our past of you and me walking one path holding hands...I know now I missed my chance...that love could have bloomed if I didn't back I regret, regret the things I didn't do or didn't say I was scared. I treasure us so I didn't break the walls...I was afraid you might stay away...all because of fears now I have tears and within those tears are regrets.' 

Momo thought about all those years she spent with Mina but in the end it only hurt her. She is such a coward to let a love slip away. She regret now and it hurts.


a/n: Yea I decided to write about MiMo my favorite in Twice haha. Sorry for typos and bad writing. Enjoy thank you please subscribe or upvote.


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krappypatty #1
Chapter 1: do a sequel in this story plss
1241 streak #2
Chapter 1: MiMo... :(
Chapter 1: Well technically your fault for not stopping me from dating jerks." Now the blame is on Momo.

MiMo can dating hufffftttt
Chapter 1: Mimo is also my fave in twice too!