Normal Life:Normal Day:Normal Girl:Change in an instant Pt. 1

Change of Heart and the Unexpected Feelings*****HIATUS****


There was a loud sound of something blaring infront of your face. Your face popped out of the covers and hit the snooze button. 2 minutes later a pounding came at the door. 
"Kim ______!!! Get out from bed now or you'll be late for school agian!" "Ayyyee... Ahjumma!!!" You yelled from under the covers. 8 seconds later you got up and walked towards the window opening the curtains. "Good Morning World!"  you yelled and smiled "Aigoo~ I forgot my glasses!" you ran next to your bed and lying on the desk next to your clock was your glasses putting them on you looked at the clock "AI-YAH!! 7:47!! I'm going to be late for school!!" you said and quickly ran to the bathroom. Heading towards your closet you quickly got some clothes and threw them on your bed then headed towards your mirror quickly braiding your hair then putting on your clothes you grabbed your bag put on your shoes and went down stairs.
Running down the stairs I quickly grabbed a toast and headed out the door going to the bus stop. "Miss!! Why don't you tell the driver to take you to the Universty!" "ANI!! THAT'S NOT NEEDED!" I yelled. Nearly missing the bus I ran quicker "Yah!! Stop! Stop!!" I yelled loudly and quickly ran the bus stopped and finally got on. "Ai-yo~~ ______-ah you are always running late. You are lucky I have good hearing." the bus driver said "Thank you Ahjusshi" I said and bowed to him and went to find a seat to sit in. 
"I'm Kim_________. You may have heard my name before because my father and step mother both own their own big company that every knows. But I'm not stuck up and mean. I'm just a nerdy normal girl and I never let being rich get to my head like my parents.
About 23 minutes later I reached the College Universty and ran out before I missed my first lecture, usually people didn't like lectures but this first lecture I am having was an exception because he would be there with me.
Running into class there were only a few people to start out. **"Oh yeah... He doesn't come this early. Espically with them tagging along with him...."** I sighed and sat down in my seat and fell asleep for a while, until a few minutes later I heard some comotion out in the hallways. I lifted my head up **"That's probably him!"** I went to the door and looked out into the hallway, **"Oh... it's 2NE1... Chae Rin..."** I said with a disappointed face than smiled.  I stepped out "_______-ah!!" Ismiled and waved to her "Chae Rin!!" I said and hugged her. We both pulled away from the hug and both walked back into the classroom we both sat down. "Yah~ _______ Are you doing anything today after school?" CL asked me "Hmmm.. I don't think so... How come?" I said "I don't know, we should go out to the mall after scool and go check out the knew ice cream and shoe shop at the mall today." CL said "o0o0o! I would love to Chae Rin-ah!!" I said "Yah~~ How many times have I said to call me CL I don't want everyone to know my real name." CL said "Aish Jinja~ Araso. CL~~" I said we both laughed a bit then we heard a louder comotion out in the hall. "Oh my osh! It's Big Bang!!" a girl said looking out the class window door to the hall way I got up and looked out the window also, it was Big Bang!
"Look!! There's G-Dragon!! He is so Cute!", "Ahhh!! Seung ri-ah!! Look over here!", "Tae Yang! Yae Yang Oppa!! We love you!!" a whole bunch of girls said , "Oh my gosh!! There's Dae Sung!!! He is so handsome!!" the girl next to me said, I looked at where she was looking and saw him... Kang Dae Sung...
Kang Dae Sung, the guy I admire the most, think about the most, dream about, the guy I love the most. Kang Dae Sung is one of the members of the group Big Bang, a Kingka group in our College Universty even in College we have Kingkas and Big Bang are our Kingkas. Everyone adores them and Kang Dae Sung is the guy I love most in the group, I may seem like a fan girl but I am not, me and Dae Sung are close friends since high school we've been together and from then on I've liked him soon later on those feelings turned to love but even though I can't tell him my own feelings I rather be by his side as a friend than stand there and just admire him and he know me as a no one. 
I smiled and felt my heart beating faster when I looked at him and my cheeks turning red he looked at me and I quickly looked away then went back to my seat. "_______-ah~~ What's wrong?" CL said. CL or Lee Chae Rin my best friend since grade school also the Leader of the Queenka group 2NE1, CL may seem to be mean and coldd as being the leader of 2NE1 but she is not....most of the time.... 
I lift my head up "_______!!!" I look over at the door and see Dae Sung waving at me I smile and wave back at him he walked towards me and sat in is seat which was next to mine. 
You'd think me being this close to to popular people I'd be popular myself but I am not actually, I'm just a Normal and average girl also being this close to them you'd think I'd be threaten and hurt by their many fan girls and yes that is true.... but lately they've learn to leave me alone but not all of them. 
"Pshshsh! Look at _______ again flirting with our Dae Sung and talking to CL Unni.", "Tsk Who does she think she is? Trying to be cool", "She is just an ugly average normal girl, why would they hang out with her!" the girls in the fanclubs of 2NE1 and Big Bang were whispering or yet yelling out in class all I do is ignore them but me knowing Dae Sung and CL they don't ever let it pass espically CL. "YAH!! Say another thing about _______ and it's going to be your funeral!" CL said slaping the table and standing up "CL-ah... calm down.... it's alright" I said "Aniyo!! I won't forgive anyone who talks about my bestfriend this way!" CL said "Yeah CL is right _______." Dae Sung said I looked at him and smiled "I dispized those who talk of my friends in a bad way." Dae Sung said. Everybody was quiet and the girls quickly ran out of calss saying "Oh no!! Dae Sung Oppa hates us now!", "Why would the defend someone like her!", "Dae Sung yelled at me!" 
Cl sat back down and looked at me "_______ you need to learn how to speak up for yourself... because I won't always be by you if someone speaks bad of you. " CL said and looked away I smiled "Thank You... both of you." I said
**"I know you're tough and strong _______-ah.... You need to use that to protect yourself."** CL thought.
Sorry For short chapter!! I will update as soon as possible!
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ohyeahyeahyeah #1
update soon!
cheriedl1988 #2
well hopefully evntually you can
Jessika98 #3
lol cant wait!
cheriedl1988 #4
I will :) just post when ready and sure other people will as well