Chapter 2

Seven Sips of Heaven
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Having slept so late the previous night, Sana only woke up at noon the next day. She checked her phone immediately for a text, and a large grin made its way to her face when she saw one from the girl she just met the previous night.

From: Gorgeous Girl Tzuyu

Morning squirrel-chan, I end pretty late later so I’m not sure we can still hang, unless you don’t mind going after 7?

The use of her nickname made Sana squeal like a little girl, and she quickly typed back a response.

To: Gorgeous Girl Tzuyu

I’m fine with anytime~ Where are we going today though? Back to the beach?

Looking back at Tzuyu’s previous message, she realised the younger girl sent it at 8am, which meant she barely had any sleep.

To: Gorgeous Girl Tzuyu

Are you sure you can hang today though? Won’t you be tired?   (¬ w ¬)

Seeing that Tzuyu probably wasn’t going to reply anytime soon and that there was a savoury aroma outside, she went out of her room and into the kitchen, glancing at Mina who was on the computer on the way there.

“Mooooorning~!” Sana heard a sing-song voice the moment she entered the kitchen, and every part of her regretted deciding that living next to her best friend was a good idea. She grabbed milk out of the fridge and sat at the dining table, scrolling through her phone and ignoring Momo’s presence.

“Wow okay, treat me like this when I’m making you lunch. Screw that I’m only making lunch for Mina and me now!” Momo childishly stuck her tongue out at Sana. Mina looked away from her computer screen and laughed, “Morning, Sana. I’m so sorry I let her in,” she pointed at Momo, who wore a pout on her face.

“Why are the both of you such haters,” she exaggerated her sadness further by letting her finger trail down from the corner of her eye to her cheek, “Anyways, Mina told me she slept at 3 and at that time you weren’t even back yet. Sooooo… how was it? Is she pretty? What’s her name? Was she good?” she wriggled her eyebrows at Sana.

“Nothing happened okay? We just talked,” Sana stared at her glass of milk, trying to suppress the smile she had just thinking of Tzuyu. “Right, you, Minatozaki Sana, talking to a stranger for 4 hours? Totally believable,” Momo rolled her eyes, “So anyways, how was talking to her? Is she cute?”

Sana crossed her arms, staring at Momo, “We really just talked! I know it’s weird for me to talk to someone I just met for such a long time but we just clicked, and time just passed without me knowing.”

Momo snorted, “I’m pretty sure that’s called love at first sight. So, I’m guessing she’s really cute then?” Sana bit her lip and looked back down at her cup, “What the heck? In case you forgot, I have a girlfriend and I’m not a player like you,” she looked up at Momo and shrugged, “But yeah, she’s gorgeous.”

“No offense Sana, but you really are behaving like you’re in love with her. Your eyes look like the stars in the sky that you love so much just talking about her.” Mina commented, with Momo adding, “Yeah! I haven’t seen your eyes sparkle like that before!”

Sana was brought back to the previous night, where the stars almost shone as brightly as Tzuyu did, but quickly snapped out of it. She massaged her temples, “I have a girlfriend that I love very much who’s training overseas right now, so can you guys please just drop it.”

Truth was, Sana was scared herself. She’s known the girl for less than 24 hours, but just the thought of younger girl made her heart flutter. Not to mention how Sana had a girlfriend she doesn’t want to lose.

“Okay fine, I’ll stop,” Momo said, coming out of the kitchen with plates of spaghetti. Mina joined Sana and sat at the dining table, thanking Momo before asking the blonde, “How was your night though? Did you successfully charm another unknowing girl into your bed?”

“Nope,” Momo said, sitting down. Met with looks of surprise from the other two girls, Momo sighed, “Is it that hard to believe? Okay, I’ll admit I started talking to her because I found her super pretty, and we almost went there, but she broke down into tears before anything happened.”

The other two Japanese girls nodded and looked at Momo, waiting for her to continue her story. “Her boyfriend cheated on her and she was at the club so she could have fun and possibly find a rebound, but then when we were in the car, she started crying because their song was on the radio or something,” she ended and ate her spaghetti.

“Okay, so? Is that all?” Mina questioned further, twirling the spaghetti with her fork. “Yep, pretty much. I mean we ate ice cream and watched movies together too, but that’s really about it.”

“You mean you gave her the break up treatment?” Mina’s gaze never left Momo, and seeing Momo’s nod, she continued, “Like, with the comedies and the root beer, all that?” Momo continued nodding, obviously more interested in her food at this point.

“Oh. Why though? Do you like her?” Mina stared accusingly and Momo quickly shook her head, “No, that’s not it. She just seemed like she needed someone to be there, and I just, was there, I guess.”

“So much for saying I sound like I’m in love,” Sana mocked Momo, “You literally never give anyone the break up treatment except Mina, but you do so for a stranger?” Sana sarcastically clapped her hands.

“It’s not my fault Mina always falls for the wrong people,” Momo murmured and quickly apologised after getting a hit from Mina. “Well, I’m sorry I go for commitment,” Mina sneered.

While Mina and Momo were arguing, Sana’s message tone sounded, making the both of them turn to her. Sana looked at her phone, and chuckled before a broad smile appeared.

Momo stood up and tiptoed behind Sana, glancing over Sana’s shoulder to see who it was that was making her so happy (she was still so convinced Sana was in love with that stranger).

From: Gorgeous Girl Tzuyu

I was thinking the arcade? It’s been a while since I’ve gone to one. And don’t overexert your little squirrel brain, I won’t be too tired if you’re treating me to something sweet~  (◕‿◕)

 “Gorgeous Girl Tzuyu? That is so not the kind of contact name a person with a girlfriend gives to a random girl she met at a club,” she scoffed, “She sounds really cute though, and she uses kaomoji, what a keeper.”

“Oh my gosh, this is an invasion of privacy. And she saved the contact herself, it wasn’t me,” Sana hit Momo’s shoulder, before looking back at her phone, typing a message back to Tzuyu.

To: Gorgeous Girl Tzuyu

What do you mean by “little squirrel brain” >~< You’re such a bully, I’m not going out with you anymore!

From: Gorgeous Girl Tzuyu

I was jokinggg, don’t stand me up! Actually, that means I get sleep, and that doesn’t sound too bad.

Before Sana could reply, another message came

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Chapter 2: Please come back :(((
Chapter 2: YASS~~~ Signallllllllllllllll! I'm so psyched for their comeback! Just started reading this story and I must say it's one of my favorite satza stories (although I have a lot XD) I don't think I can wait for the next update!
sparklecherry #3
Chapter 2: you said the satzu part is very little but I didnt feel it very little with the way you write it kiwi haha love you <3