Dear Life

Dear Life


Note : Italic ---> Flashback


February 2018


Taeyeon took her body to the roof. Her feet slowly bring it towards the edge of the building. Soon she was standing upright on it. Taeyeon spread her hands, to say hello at the breeze that evening. Sad eyes swept across the sky and the earth for a moment, before she closed her eyes slowly.




2 years ago…


Taeyeon openedher eyes abruptly. She found herself lying in a bed. Her eyes blinked slowly, trying to find a glowing light in a darkened room, before found a woman standing beside a window  looking towards at the moon in the sky. The woman, Tiffany, is her wife. Her best friend. Her soul. Her life.

Taeyeon crawling  out of bed to Tiffany. Give her back hug and gentle  kissed her nape neck . Tiffany smiled, enjoyed the familiar touch, but her eyes never left sky where the moon still hanging. Taeyeon  had followed her, look at the beauty of the moon. But then her gazed down to Tiffany’s figure. And never ever think that everything could be more beautiful than she is.




8 years ago…


Taeyeon sit alone at train. She looked outside the window. Night still young. But she can almost see the moon slowly rising. Suddenly her attention focus by a girl who comes next to her. The girl was store the bag in place for the items just above the seating. Feeling eyes on her, the girl turned towards Taeyeon. Giving a perfect eyes-smile, before sat next to her. The train slowly began to slide.

Two hours ahead, Taeyeon is still looking out the window can’t sleep at a moment. Suddenly she felt her left shoulder a bit heavy. Taeyeon turned and found that girl asleep on her shoulder. She begin to trace at the girl's face. So beautiful. So peace. So perfect. Taeyeon eye brow furrowed like trying to remember something.

Did I know her from somewhere?

But then she give up, because she can’t came up with anything.

Hours later, the girl woke up slowly and find Taeyeon eyes look at her curiously. She smile little, before jerked up from her sleeping position that relies on the Taeyeon. Again and again she apologized to her. However Taeyeon just smiled and got up to take her belongings.

The train began to enter a station. Taeyeon finally arrived at her destination.
She got off the train and was greeted by crowded atmosphere of the station. From the  window Taeyeon could see the girl looking at her. She look that girl titled her head a little, her eye brows furrowed, like she thinking of something. Taeyeon waving her hand, smiling to her. The girl waved back, but she said nothing. Just the time she want to open , the train slowly move leave station.


End Flashback




Taeyeon was still standing on side of the building. Slowly she opened her wet eyes and immediately blinded by the light of sunset. She held up her hand trying to cover the direct rays of the sun on her face.





5 Years ago…

Taeyeon standing on a beach. She raised her hand, trying to cover her eyes from the sun light. A friend, suddenly tapped her shoulder, congratulated her on her graduation and remind her that celebration party soon will begin.

Taeyeon just nodded, but she  started to walk on the beach instead; waiting for sunset.
Along the coast, she pick up her shoes and let the  waves play on her feet.

Then her foot steps stopped when she saw a figure in front of her. Tiffany was staring at her. Smile perform on her face. Make her eyes turn into perfect moon crescents. Slowly they began to walk closer.
The sun began to glide slowly behind them who still look at each other silently. There’s no voice exchange. They just enjoy at the company to each other. Enjoy the moment. Pray time can stand still.  However, smile never leave their faces.

Tiffany suddenlyran towards the sea, laughing. Leaving confused Taeyeon and called her worried. But Tiffany never listen, she just to happy when the water finally touch her skin. Make her body completely wet in just second. Tiffany called Taeyeon to join her. But Taeyeon initially refused.

“ Come on I give your present if you join me. “

Her dorky smiled pictured in her face when she heard the words and immediately run to Tiffany.

They bothlaughed happily. Swimming. Play with the waves. Until finally kissing when diving to see coral reefs.




23 years ago…


 Taeyeon pulled a girl out of lake. She swim faster as she could to the shore. She take a look at the girl behind her. The girl cough a couple a times, trying to catch  a breath.

 A moment ago, when she play alone at  side the lake, she heard someone’s voice. She immediately jump of the water when she realized a girl at her age almost drowning. Lucky for her, the lake is the place where she first time took a swim lesson. She familiar with the place and she know exactly where the part of the lake deep, and where is not.

Fortunately, the part where the girl almost drown is the shallow one.

“ Are you okay? “ Taeyeon asked the girl when they finally arrived at the shore.

The girl didn’t answer her. She just sit silently hugged her knees. Her body shivering from autumn breeze.

“ Where’d you live?”

Again, the girls just quiet.

“ Okay, why don’t we go to my house so I can tell my parents. Maybe they know where you lived. “ Taeyeon then stood up stretch her arm and looking at the girl.

“ You can walk right? “

The girl suddenly crying. Buried her face to her knee.

Looking the girl crying Taeyeon suddenly worried.

“ Hey, why are you crying? Are you hurt anywhere? “

The girl shook her head, “ No. “

“ Then why you crying? “

“ I supposed bring back a little turtle to her mom. But now I lose her. What if she can’t back alone? I promise her. “ the girl look up to Taeyeon with eyes full of tears.

Taeyeon smile to her.

“ I think the little turtle can back to her mommy safely. “

“ How do you know? “

“ Well, she can swimming better than you. “ Taeyeon .

The girl give Taeyeon glare before pouted.

Taeyeon chuckled a little at the sight.

“ I’m kidding. So, what your name? “ she asked her.

“ Tiffany. “

“ Tiffany, I’m Taeyeon. Want to be my friend? “ she give Tiffany hand and smiling her dorky smile.

Tiffanny staring at her for a moment before take her hand.

“ Sure. “ she give Taeyeon her eye-smile.

After that, they become best friend. A sister. A family. 

Happy and sad, they always together.

But one day, fate separated them. One day when Taeyeon come to Tiffany house, she find it empty. One day she found her best friend. But one day, she lose her. No words. No goodbye. No tears. Just empty feeling at her heart. Nothing’s happen for sure. But one thing she know for sure, that one day, she will meet her again. Tiffany. Her best friend. Her soul. Her life. And that’s a promise.




7 days ago…


There’s goodbye at the end of meeting. There’s tears after happiness going. Sometimes there’s regret with every mistake we make. It’s like two side of coin. It’s in there, always in there. You just have to see one side to feel the others.



Taeyeon look at the tombstone in front of her. Her tears still slide down her cheek. People just leave after a funeral. She never know this day come so soon. She never imagine the pain of losing someone make her lose her heart as well. Taeyeon now gazed at the ring in her palm. Her sobs getting harder. Make her fall down on her knees.

“ I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. “

She replaying that words again and again. Buried her face at her hand.


End flashback



Present Time


Taeyeon muffled her cries so hard above the building. Her hand clutching a ring. Her gazed become wistful as she look at the ring. She felt the pain at her heart when she finally see the words engrave behind the ring. Forever and always. She can feel her body shake uncontrollable as she couldn’t contain the tears anymore.

I love you Tiffany. I love you so much.





3 years ago…


She watch her love of her life walk down in the aisle. Never, even a seconds, she let her eyes off of her. Everybody look at her with eyes full of admiration. She so lucky that this day finally comes. Still fresh in her mind, the time she asked her from her parents. The time she asked her to be the one she always dance with. The time she asked her to be the one she always laugh with. The time she asked to be the one who she said ‘I love you’ everyday she wake up in the morning with. The time she asked to be the one who she grow old with.

“ I Hwang Tiffany take thee Kim Taeyeon to be my lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health until death parts us. “

“ I Kim Taeyeon take thee Hwang Tiffany to be my lawfully wedded  wife, in sickness and in health until death parts us. “

"By the exchange of vows and the giving and receiving of rings, you have proclaimed and affirmed your intentions to enter into a sacred union." The priest smiled at the couple in front of him. "I now pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride." 
There’s hundred people clapping for them when Taeyeon  kiss her wife.

“ I love you. “ Taeyeon close her eyes and whispering to Tiffany as she rest her forehead against the latter. Smile never leave her face.

“ I love you too. “

And then they kiss again.




6 days ago…


Taeyeon open her eyes when she heard someone sobbing. She stood up and look at Tiffany sit on the other side of bed, back facing her. Her body shake.

Taeyeon reach her shoulder slowly.

“ Baby, are you okay? “

Tiffany didn’t answer. Minutes latter she get up from bed and go to bathroom; still crying and slam the bathroom door so hard.

Taeyeon sighed before crawling off the bed and following her wife.

“ Fany, baby, what’s wrong? “ she asked while resting her forehead on the outside closed bathroom door.

Still no answer from Tiffany.

“ Fany please come out. “


“ Fany open the door. “she said while started  knocking at the door.

“ Fany if your not open the door. I came in. “ she trying open the door, but it’s lock.

“ Stephanie Hwang Miyoung! Open the door, damn it! “ she scream and knocking harder to the door.

She just want to try to kick the door open, when suddenly Tiffany open the door from the other side.

“ What?! “ she scream startled Taeyeon for a bit. But she keep maintain her calm.

“ Are you okay? “

“ No. I’m not okay. “ Tiffany said while walk pass her to the closet.

“ Fany what happen? “ Taeyeon asked again.

Tiffany didn’t answer her and start to packing some clothes to her suitcase.

“ What are you doing? Fany I’m worried! “

“ You always worried are you? “ Fany stopped and look at Taeyeon.

“ What’s that supposed to mean? “

“ You know what I mean. “

“ I just trying to protect you! “

“ From who?! For God sake Taeyeon, Siwon  is my boss and he’s married. “

“ It didn’t stop him to flirt with you! “

“ Aaarrggh..!!! “ Tiffany scream frustrated.

For a while there’s just silent between them.

“ Would you stopped it? Your possessiveness? Taeyeon I want to have life too. “

“ I.. “

“ I want to shopping with my best friend Jessica without you call me every second asked me when I coming home. I want to eat dinner with you without you trying kill the waitress every time he came to take our order. I want to talk peacefully with our neighbor without you glaring at them. I want to spend the days with my sister Seohyun without you texting me every minutes to asked me what I’m I doing that time! “ she said tiredly.

“ …”

“ Can you? Taetae? “

“ You know I just care about you. “

Tiffany walk toward Taeyeon and cupped her face.

“ I know. It’s just that, I don’t want to live in boundaries. I’m your wife. Not your puppet. “

Taeyeon nodded slowly.

“ Promise? “

“ I promise. “ she said while leaned to Tiffany and kiss her. Passionately.

For a while they just enjoy their tongue slide and glide. Exchange the warms. Before pulled away. Resting their forehead against each other.

“ You want continue at the bed? “ Taeyeon asked breathless. Her eyes still closed.

“ Later okay. I need packing first. “ Tiffany tell her. Give her a quick peck before continue to packing her clothes.

“ Where are you going? “ Taeyeon look at her while sitting on the side of the bed.

“ Rome. My company open a new branch there. And they need me  to be there. “

“ How long? “

“ 3 days. A week, longer. “

“ With who? Oh, don’t tell me Siw-.“

Tiffany glared at her.

“ Oh don’t give me that look. I-“

“ No. Siwon not coming. “ Tiffany cut Tayeon. Make her stopped nagging.

“ Okay, then with who? “

Tiffany take her breath first before answer her. Trying calm herself.

“ I’m going with my co-worker… Yuri. “

Taeyeon jump from her sit after hearing the latter name come.

“ No you ain’t. “ she said. Her hand curled up in fist.

“ There’s nothing going to happen. “ Tiffany sighed. She knew Taeyeon gonna act this way if she mention Yuri name. But lying never an option for her.

“ No! I never let you going with your ex! “

“ I told you, I don’t have any feeling again towards her! Would you just stopped acting like a baby?! You promise before! “

“ My promise didn’t include your traveling half of the world with your ex! “

“ My God it’s 7 years ago! Get over it! You know what, I’m leaving, whether you agree or not. “ Tiffany walking toward the door.

Feeling angry, Taeyeon pulled Tiffany wrist make her to turn around before she hit her hard in the face.

Tiffany feels sting pain at now reddening spot. But something at her heart pained her more.

The silent took over the room completely after that.

Tiffany look at Taeyeon in disbelief. While the latter looking shock at her shaking hand.

“ What did I do…” Taeyeon whispering almost inaudible.

Tiffany who first recover from shock continue walking to the door without even bother look at Taeyeon anymore, She had enough.

Realize what just happen, Taeyeon try to stopped Tiffany from leaving her. Somehow she know, if she let her go now, she never see her wife again.

“ Fany, stop, please forgive me, I’m so sorry. “ she pulled Tiffany hand.

“ Let go! “

“ No. Listen to me, it  was mistake. I didn’t mean to… “

But she can’t finished her words. Tiffany pulled her hand so hard. Make the wedding ring on her finger pulled off and fall in Taeyeon palm, before she took off.

For almost 10 minutes after that, Taeyeon stood still at her spot. Her body  paralyzed. Her mind shut down.

 What just happen?

She feel something cold in her palm. And see Tiffany’s wedding ring in there. Suddenly everything clear to her. She’s not ready lose Tiffany. Not now, not ever.

Quickly she take her key  and run to find Tiffany. Not bothering the rain which started falling.



Meanwhile, Tiffany continue to running ,without knowing  where to go. She just want to go  far away from her place she called home. Far away from pain. Far away from Taeyeon. Tears falling harder while she’s running. Why all this happen? What happen to them? Why she can’t understand? Am I that selfish?  Where all the trust going?

Rain started to falling. But Tiffany still run, run and run. Her body now all wet from raining. Her tears now become one with the rain. She clutching her chest. The pain still in there. She want it stopped feel it. But she didn’t know how.

At one side of the road, she finally stopped. Out off breath, she laying her back at the wall outside one of the building. Trying catch a breath, her eyes slowly recognize the place across the road where she at now. The place is simple café but  save a lot memory at her and Taeyeon. It’s the place they going at their very first date. The place their going to celebrate each other birthday. The place they going to celebrate their anniversary after married. The place Taeyeon propose her.

She smile at the memory. She still love Taeyeon. She knows that.

Unconsciously, Tiffany touch her ring finger. Trying feel the ring. But it’s not there. She begin to searching everywhere. Afraid if she accidentally lose it. She continue searching. Maybe it fall while she running. Now she’s looking at every road she take before. Never  heard sound of car horn. Never know light of car which run toward her. All she know then  is something hit her so hard. Make her breathless. Make her lose her conscious.

“ Taeyeon, I love you…”


End flashback



Present Time


Taeyeon gasped for air, desperately trying to fill her lungs as her chest felt like it was crushed by an invisible lead-weight  when the memory of the night comeback to her. She trying to put the ring at her finger. But because her hand trembling, the ring slipped and falling down to the earth.

“ No.. “

It’s all she could say before, without thinking, make her self falling too. Trying catch the ring.






6 days ago…


Taeyeon driving her car with almost maximum speed. She still holding Tifanny’s ring while driving. Her eyes searching everywhere hope to see Tiffany figure. But it’s not easy task. Rain make everything blur. At the crossroads, Taeyeon trying to evaded her car from crashing  a garbage can on the street. Make the ring that she held fell. She groaned and trying found her ring. With one hand on the stir and the other hand searching for the ring, she can’t focus at the road in front of her. She certainly can’t see that someone trying crossing the road. And then everything happen so fast. All she can do is press her car horn so hard. And praying, hoping the person realized the danger and dodge at the time. But it never happen.


End flashback



Present Time


Taeyeon slowly falling down. She can manage to get the ring in time. Now the ring safely on her finger. And then she closed her eyes. Waiting the earth welcoming her.





6 days ago…


Maybe it’s karma. Maybe it’s fate. Maybe it’s lesson. All she know now is she lose the one she love forever. Maybe it’s true what they said, that you never now what you have before it’s gone.

Taeyeon hugged Tiffany’s body under the rain. She scream. She cries. She yell. She shouted. She angry. She mad. She sad. She regret. But nothing can bring Tiffany’s back.

“ Taeyeon, I love you… “

It’s all Tiffany said to her before she’s lose her conscious. Before died took her.


End flashback



Present Time


Taeyeon still slowly falling down. A rain started falling. In each drop of rain that fell, she can see her memory of her and Tiffany. See can see her smile. Once again she smile, before…




Her body hit hard the earth. People suddenly scream around her. And then everything is black.













“ Taeyeon. “

“ … “

“ Taetae. “

Taeyeon open her eyes slowly. She saw Tiffany smile at her.

“ Fany? “

“ It’s me Taetae. “

Taeyeon immediately sit up and hug her tight.

“ I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. “

“ Shh, everything is okay. “ she said while rubbing Taeyeon back.

Taeyeon pulled away from Tiffany and look around her.

“ Where am I? “ she asked to her.

Tiffany stood up and stretched her hand to Taeyeon.

“ Home. “ she answered, giving her a perfect crescent eye-smiles.



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TheMightyFall #1
Chapter 1: Wonderful ending. Good job T^T
Chapter 1: it is so sad
but at least taeny got together at the end
please write more
great ending... taeny...
Cinderella127 #4
omg nice fic, you write pretty well :)


and what a beautiful ending :).
HwangJeI #5
love it...
butstill crying so hard//.. hwa...
but they finally home together at last..
ChiisanaNegai #6
This is really one of the best fics I've evere read! Really good job :) And i can't stop cry T__T
EMT0304 #7
So sad but they love each other. Thanks for the great story
*wipes tears<br />
love this oneshot. ur an amazing the ending was...really really good
dorky10 #9
Aigoo T.T<br />
This should be made into a movie T.T<br />
*sobs*<br />
Daebak! Please write more TaeNy fics~ you're really a good writer :D