She's The One

She's The One
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When I first saw her, all I knew was that she took my breathe away. I still remember it clearly. It was the day I felt my heart beat the fastest. It wasn't the day I ran fast in our gym; or when I told my crush I liked him; or when I participated a dance contest alone. No, those things were just normal stuffs to me. It was nothing. 


. . . . . . . . . .
December 4, 2013

That was the day I first saw her. 

There were so many new trainees who entered the big room. They were the trainees from Japan. but all I could see was the one wearing a simple lousy red jacket and pants. It was a simple style but the girl caught my attention. 

She was walking with her friends but she shined a lot. She's so pretty that I unconsciously glued my stare on her. 

She went to the counter to buy a food. And as though a scripted scene, she sat at the vacant chairs just 3 tables from me. 

It felt like the world was in a slow motion. I watched her eat the sandwich; laugh with her friends; unconsciously slap her friends because of laughing hysterically; introduce herself to those who wanted to be friends with her; and lastly, I watched her slowly drop her gaze to me. 

My heart beat faster as our eyes meet. I felt an invisible wire running in that stare. And when she waved her hand, I felt myself freeze. But I was more mesmerized when she suddenly smiled. Her smile was so beautiful that it felt like I was seeing a goddess. It was a holy sight. 

She suddenly giggled and tried to catch my attention by exaggerating her gestures. She waved her hand harshly and smiled mockingly at me. I chuckled at the personality of the new trainee. And she also laughed at my reaction. 

Why does it feel like we've known each other for so long? It felt like I've found my long lost friend. But they were new trainees from another country. And this was our first time meeting. Not really meeting because we just had an eye contact.

I laughed at myself. And in just a second, I mumbled to myself. 'I'm sure she's the one.'


Present Time

I caressed my pink dress while looking at the mirror. I stared at my face. A woman with monolids with a pink lips and a little blush on stared back at me. I combed my hair with my fingers. 

I snapped my stare to the table when I heard my phone ringing. Immediately, I answered the call. 

"Morning," I greeted the caller as I went to grab my belongings. 

"Kim Dahyun!" I moved the phone away from my ears as the caller started sputtering shouts and anger. All I understood was her last line. "Where are you? How could you let the bride wait for so long?"

I chuckled at the annoyed voice from the caller. "I'm coming, Sana-chan. I'm already riding a taxi." I lied as I grab my apartment key and even the wedding invitation from my night stand. 

"Liar! Come here already! The priest won't wait for you!" Sana shouted again  

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." I immediately ran out of my apartment and rode a taxi. 

When I was inside, I checked my phone. "Wow. The wedding is still on 10 A.M. I still have 15 minutes left. Do you miss me that much?" I jokingly asked Sana while staring outside the window.

"Yes! So please, come here already. One week is too much for me not to see you." She replied and her voice was fading as she said those words. Her anger suddenly replaced by longing. 

It was followed by our silence. Only the cars' engines were heard. Yes, it was a torture for me too. 

I looked at my watch, "okay, just wait. I'll be there in 5 minutes, bye, Sana."

"Bye, Dahyun. I love you." She said. 

"I love you too." I replied as she laughed and hang up the phone. I smiled and tried to fix my dress even though I knew the dress was fine.

"You must be really happy right now." The driver said as he looked at me from the mirror. 

I smiled at him and replied, " I really am." I showed him the wedding invitation. The letter was in color blue and pink with the letterings:


"Base from your way of replying her earlier, she really means a lot to you." He said and all I replied was a smile. 


. . . . . . . 
January 26, 2014

"If you were a guy, which member do you want to date?" That was the question being asked from me. And all I could think was the girl I saw a month ago. I already know her name. 

"For me, it's Sana unnie." I replied. 

I felt so tired from our long training and some interviews. And I was more drained when all the trainees decided to have fun at the park. We had a noisy celebration done in that open space. It was a worthy fun because we were able to remove our stress and depression. 

I walked home alone when we were done celebrating. It was a peaceful time until someone suddenly linked his or her arm to mine. I immediately looked at my side and saw Sana smiling brightly. I chuckled as she showed her puppy eyes. 

"Aren't you going home, unnie?" I asked her. 

"I have a query right now and only you can answer it." She playfully poked my cheek.

"Tell me then." I replied as we walked. 

"So you'll pick me if you're a guy. Does that mean you like me right now?" Sana asked while she mockingly smiled. 

I huffed in reply, "I picked you because if I don't, you'll be mad at me and you'll sulk for how many days. I better say your name or face the consequence." 

I simply lied, more like a half lie. It's true that if I upset Sana, she'll be mad and sulk for how many days. And the lie, it was my whole hearted choice. If I were really a guy, I'll court her and make her mine. 

Sana immediately slapped my arm and walked away. "I was planning to treat you a chocopie but I guess I won't do it anymore."

My eyes widened as I heard the word 'chocopie'. That was my favorite food and now that she reminded me, it's been months since I last ate one. 

I ran and tried to catch up with Sana. "That was a joke. Yes, yes , I like you. Please buy me a chocopie." I said as I jogged along her. I saw her smirkas she linked her arm in mine again. 

"You're such a kid~" she sang and mocked me by acting ss though kissing me. I immediately moved my head away from her. 

This girl beside me became my bestfriend in just a week. The first time I met her, she suddenly placed a great impact in my mind. I always waited for her in my regular sit hoping she would sit again to her previous position too. I was waiting for the seconds she would smile at me and wave her hand. 

And she did. For a week, we greeted each other by her waving hand and smile. And I just reply a chuckle. That's how we started. The greeting was the passageway for our friendship. 

Take note, we didn't even know each other's name. 

She was the one who broke our greeting. I was watching her approach her regular sit but then, her way was different. She was walking towards me. I felt shy all of the sudden. I lowered my gaze when I felt her presence entering my small world. 

"Hi! Kim Dahyun, right?" She said. Her voice was as cute as her. I peeked and looked at the person in front of me. I smiled when I saw her smile. I nodded.

"I'm Minatozaki Sana. I want to give you this." She showed me a small color white rounded object that was super thin and it was a rubber. I opened my palm and stared at the thing. 

"That's a ring." She said while smiling and pointing at the object she gave me. "That's my ring when I was a little. When I saw you, you reminded me of that ring so I'm giving it to you."

"Thanks?" I said more like a question since this was our first time talking then she suddenly gave me something saying that I remind her of that object. 

She smiled and said, "You're welcome. It feels like you're destined with me." She suddenly took the ring and even my palm. She placed the rubber ring in m

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Chapter 1: I-...I....wahhhhh T o T i knew iiit
Chapter 1: Holy moly wt ? you made my heart broken ?
Chapter 1: Wtf this is sweet but at the end we get sad i think they are both married :(
Chapter 1: So sweeeet. But the ending is... :(
NoSaida_NoLife #5
Chapter 1: My heart is broken TT
loLxD_1412 #7
Chapter 1: I knew it would be like this..aaahh it also reminds me of the commercial of jollibee TT
kattwolf #8
Chapter 1: This was beautiful TT
Chapter 1: I know from the start it would be like this :'(
The story is really beautiful and heartbreaking for the same time
Chapter 1: F$&k my life, my heart is broken with plot twist!!