stars can lie. | 별들은 거짓말을 할 수있다

Part 1: Hold Me Tight
Word Count: 3,121



It was against everything you wanted to do, but talking about it with Yugyeom led to this moment. There you were, standing outside of Big Hit Entertainment's company building, with a plastic bag filled with a number of take-away containers. Japchae and bulgogi. It was his favorite.

You took a deep breath before you stepped towards the entrance, the scent of cool air-conditioning and disinfectant sending a pang of remembrance to your heart. Walking up to the main desk, you greeted the receptionist with a smile. You were relieved to see the company had not changed their receptionists, since you did not need to explain your presence and your visiting intentions.

"It's been a long time since you've last visited us, darling," the older woman grinned, "As usual, I just need you to sign in before you could head up."

You took the pen from the lady, signing everywhere you were instructed. It had been a while since you last visited; in the time span of two months, they even changed all the layouts and fonts of the sign-in sheets. Had it really been that long?

"I heard that you and Taehyung-ssi went to Daegu for New Year," she added, "How sweet... Ah, young love."

You were taken aback by the older woman's sudden remark, causing you to let out a nervous laugh. A receptionist did not need to know what was going on, especially if everything was going to be fixed tonight, just as you intended.

Waving your hand at the receptionist, you entered the elevator that was to take you to the level the boys spent most of their time on. This was the hour many of the staff members left the building for dinner, so you were given your privacy on the elevator. Holding tightly onto the plastic bag in your right hand, you felt your knees shaking. There was no doubt about it; you were nervous as hell. You hadn't seen him in a long time, and you were worried that talking about the relationship calmly wouldn't be enough.

However, whenever you worried about things like that, you thought of the kind of boyfriend Taehyung really was. He was always so kind to you, so loving, always so considerate and thoughtful. Even if he hadn't been that way for a while, there's got to be a part of him still unchanged. No one could change that much in just two months.

The elevator doors split open after a while, the sound of the male group's latest track echoing in the hallway. They must be in the middle of a dance practice. Quietly walking down towards the room with the closed door, you peeked through the window for a moment to get a better view of what was going on. You almost burst into laughter at the sight of the boys messing around, jumping onto each other's backs and waving their arms around crazily.

The fact that both Namjoon and Taehyung weren't present left you unsettled. Perhaps they were in a different room working on something else.

Since the other five boys didn't seem to have been in the middle of anything serious, you lightly knocked on the door before you pushed the door open. At the sight of the plastic bags you were holding, all five of them almost jumped right at you.

"Y/N!" Jungkook squeaked, throwing an arm around Jimin and the other around the exhausted looking Yoongi.

"Long time, no see!" Hoseok said, jumping around in excitement along with Jin, who seemed most excited to get his hands on the food.

Sometimes you forgot how most of them were actually older than you.

"I thought I'd drop by, since it has been a while," you started, passing Jin the plastic bag after taking out Namjoon's and Taehyung's share.

After greeting you with overwhelming hugs and a teasing kiss on the cheek from Jin, the boys scrambled to enjoy their meals on the other side of the room. Jimin, however, stood still with the container in his hand, a small smile gracing his expression.

"I spent more time thinking about what you said earlier," you admitted, "I'm sorry I turned down your suggestion so quickly without a second thought."

"No, it's fine... I'm just glad you ended up coming in the end," he put a hand on your shoulder, his smile unwavering, "They're in the recording studio right now."

"Thanks, Jimin.'

You left the dance practice room, walking to the other side of the hallway to where they produced and recorded all of the songs that brought them the fame they worked so hard for. Standing in front of the door, you felt even more nervous. The pressure was on. On the other side of the door was Taehyung, and you had no clue whether he wanted to talk to you at all. However, the fact that Namjoon was there reassured you in a way. He was so kind-hearted and such a gentleman, you were sure his presence would soften things up a little.

Grabbing onto the door knob and twisting it, you pushed it open as Namjoon turned in his seat in surprise.


Taehyung's back had been facing you as you entered, and he didn't bother moving a muscle even at his leader's exclamation. Namjoon rose from his seat to greet you, his eyes reflecting his happiness as soon as he recognised that the take-away container was filled with his favorite food; knife noodles. He patted yoiu on the shoulder, gesturing for you to advance towards Taehyung, who sat at the desk, furiously scribbling down what seemed to be notes. Seeing that he was sitting at a recording studio with Namjoon, it was probably lyrics for their upcoming album.

The door behind you closed, signalling you that it was finally time for you to patch things up with the boyfriend you truly missed after such a long time away from him.

"Hey," you started, finally walking towards him. Just as Yugyeom suggested, you were going to try your best not to respond with anger if he was being difficult.

Taehyung didn't respond, continuing what he was doing, as if Namjoon had left him in a completely empty room.

"I brought you your favorite," you continued, setting the take-away container down on the table beside him, "Japchae and bulgogi."

The fact that he waved you off brought a pain to your chest. He would've spun around in his chair to greet you with the tightest embrace and sweetest kiss on the lips, devouring his favorite meal whilst asking about how your day went. That's how every Friday usually ended before everything started falling apart.

"I'm not hungry," he replied, devoid of any expression or emotion.

Undeniably hurt, you pulled the take-away away from him, wishing you had never come in the first place. Not only did you feel pathetic, but also ashamed and embarrassed. No matter how much you wanted to run out the doors and cry about it to Yumi, you knew how many friends were counting on you to finally fix this relationship. Not only did this broken relationship affect your life, but it was threatening the relationships Taehyung had with other people.

According to Jimin, Taehyung has been making things difficult around their shared apartment recently. Other members have admitted that it was difficult to talk to him now, and the only person who has been communicating with him properly was Namjoon. You could now see how Taehyung had been behaving for yourself as he barely even acknowledged your very presence.

"I know you're busy, Taehyung--"

Before you could finish your sentence, Taehyung finally lifted his head.

"If you could see that I'm busy, then leave."

"We should talk first," you pushed forward, "Then I'll leave, if you want me to."

Irritated, Taehyung dropped the pencil in his hand, turning on his seat to face you properly. The fact that a frown was present on his expression was no surprise anymore, but it did cause you absolute discomfort. Where was that box-shaped smile he was so famously known for? And who, or what, in the world had such power to take something so precious away?

"Fine then," he gritted his teeth in annoyance, "Go. Talk."

"I wanted to talk about this relationship, Taehyung," you quickly said, "What happened to us?"

"I don't see a problem with our relationship at all," he said with bitter impatience.

"If you say that everything's fine, you're lying, Taehyung."

"Well, if you're so unhappy being with me, then you should leave."

His back was turned from you again, so to your luck, he wasn't able to see the tear rolling down your cheek. You promised yourself that you wouldn't cry tonight if this happened, and promised you'd be accepting if he wanted to call it quits. Afterall,  it was you this morning who was giving up on the relationship. If one talk with Yugyeom brought you back to wanting to fix this relationship, maybe it only took one talk with Taehyung to get him to feel the same way.

"This isn't being with you," you finally said, "And this isn't you."

He rose from his seat, suddenly slamming his hands onto the desk, causing you to step back, startled. No, you weren't afraid. Taehyung would never hurt you, even in a situation like this.

"Who are you to tell me who I am?" he yelled in a choleric tone, "Who are you to suddenly walk in and act as if you know how I feel?"

You took a few steps back as Taehyung neared you. There was no doubt about it; Taehyung was terrifying when he was angry. This had been why the rest of the members had always been cautious around him when he lost his temper, which was almost never. His voice was loud enough to have echoed throughout the entire building by now.

Unsure of what kind of response Taehyung was asking for, you remained silent, still a little shaken by the fact that he was raising his voice at you so harshly.

"Do you know how f ucking mad I was this morning when I saw you walk away from the restaurant with Yugyeom?" he continued.

You never thought he'd see you leave the restaurant with Yugyeom. Now that you thought of it, it must've seemed pretty obvious that you only wanted to avoid Taehyung.

"I heard from Youngjae the jacket around your waist was his. What, are you f ucking my friends behind my back now? Am I not good enough for you anymore?"

"Stop it," you pushed him further away as he cornered you, tears now threatening to fall any second. You couldn't believe he was accusing you of cheating on him.

"What, so is it true?"

"Of course it's not true," you tried your best to maintain a strong voice, "It's nowhere near the truth. You would've known about what happened if you weren't always so distant, ignoring my calls and leaving my texts unanswered all the time."

"I've been busy," he defended.

"So have I, Taehyung," you reminded, almost laughing at his lame excuse, "I have a job of my own, a life of my own, and I still try my best to make sure there's always time for you."

"Shut the f uck up," he suddenly said, "Why are you even doing this, Y/N?"

"What do you mean?"

You felt the anger threatening to force itself out of you. The way Taehyung had been talking to you was already enough to prove how disrespectful he had become to you. There wasn't any love in this relationship, anymore. Only memories of it, and that was all.

"Just admit that you're dating Yugyeom," he scoffed, "It's all the media ever talks about these days."

"I told you that there's nothing going on between Yugyeom and I," you replied, clenching a tight fist, "This is exactly what I'm talking about, Taehyung. You never listen to me, anymore. Since when did you ever listen to what the media had to say about anything?"

"And how dare you wear my f ucking jumper around him?"

"You're making false accusations, Taehyung! I told you before, I'm not dating Yugyeom. You know we're just--"

"Why don't you just move into his apartment instead, then?"

"You know what, I'm done here," you rolled your eyes in annoyance, about to leave the recording room when Taehyung grabbed onto your wrist harshly. He'd never do this to you. He'd never raise his voice at you like this, he'd never curse at you. But most of all, he would never do a thing to hurt you.

"Where the hell do you think you're going? I'm not done talking to you."

Your eyes shifted to his grasp on your wrist, wondering why he was so persistent to keep you there. It was clear to you that he no longer had any love for you, so his sudden possessiveness caused you confusion.

"Stop it, Taehyung. That hurts."

"If this is all about last night, we can go on a lame dinner date another time."

Lame? It was your birthday dinner. And instead of spending it with your other friends as planned, you had to cancel the booking because Taehyung wanted a special evening between just the two of you. Then again, he did make those plans before any of this happened. You had just hoped that maybe, just maybe, Taehyung would push aside all his frustrations just for you on your special day.

"Let go, Taehyung."

His grip tightened around your wrist. You winced in pain, feeling his nails dig into your skin.

"Do you know how much I've given up for you in the past, Y/N? Do you realize how selfish you're being right now?"

"Taehyung, it hurts!" you screamed at him, shoving him away before looking down at your painfully reddened wrist.

Taehyung's eyes widen in shock at the sight of what he had done to you, guilt spreading throughout his entire being. He fell silent, unable to process a single word as his beloved suddenly broke into tears. He didn't mean to hurt you in any way-- he didn't know what he was doing. The fact that you could barely look at him anymore pained him, but he knew how much he deserved this pain. You took a few more steps away from him, shaking your head as he reached out to you again.

"You're right," you cried, "I should've left. A long time ago."

You burst out of the room, wiping away your last tears with the sleeve of your woolly cardigan. To both your surprise and embarrassment, Jimin and Namjoon had been in the hallway, probably waiting for the conversation to come to an end. Thankfully, the two boys had not been sitting right against the doors, so at least all the yelling had been muffled by the slightly further distance.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon stood from the seat, "How did things go?"

Jimin closed the space between him and your sobbing figure, whispering comforting words as he rubbed your back.

The door of the recording studio slammed open, footsteps rushing into the scene. Jimin felt you flinch in his arms, resulting to an even more protective embrace.

"Y/N, I--"

Before he could come any closer, Namjoon put an arm in front of him, causing him to stumble backwards a little from the impact.

"I don't think she wants to talk right now, Taehyung," Namjoon said, shaking his head before putting a hand on his shoulder, "Give it a rest. You've done enough."

As much as Taehyung wanted to push past the leader and pull you away from Jimin's grasp, he could see the pain you felt even from your back. If it wasn't for Jimin's support, you would've been on the floor, your knees hitting the cold ground as you cried. The way Namjoon looked down at him in disappointment and the way Jimin's stare was disheartened told him one thing; he really did mess up this time.




"Well, that's annoying," Yoongi complained, referring to the locked door of the recording studio.

"Did he say how long he was going to take in there?" Hoseok inquired, sitting down between Yoongi and Namjoon.

"He better not take the entire day, again."

Jungkook sighed, sprawling onto Jimin and Jin's lap. In all honesty, none of the members really minded when Y/N dropped by for the day. They only liked to use it as an excuse to gain some kind of compensation from Taehyung.

"He said he'd buy us an expensive dinner if we left the two of them alone, though," Jin reminded, his brow quirking in excitement.

All the annoyance on their expressions immediately vanished. It was almost ridiculous how food could instantly bring a smile to their faces. As if that little reminder from Jin was a sign to leave, all six boys happily made their way to the other practice rooms to work on something else.

Meanwhile, Taehyung sat in the recording room, scribbling down some lyrics he had in mind for a track to add to their new upcoming album.

Hold me tight, hug me / Can you trust me, can you trust me? / Can you trust me? / Pull me in tight

Today, he was coming up with lyrics much faster than he did on any other days. Some would say because it was the end of the week and the pressure made him productive. The truth was this: Taehyung liked to write his lyrics about you, and the fact that you were there helped him futhermore. As well as also distracting him.

"Are you going to keep looking at me like that?"

You chuckled at your boyfriend who sat at his desk, his chin resting on his palm as he gazed at you lovingly. He thought you looked beautiful when you laughed, especially because you weren't aware of it.

"You're really pretty," he said, his expression unchanging.

"Thanks, Tae, but I don't think I'll look this pretty anymore if I have to stay up until two o'clock again trying to motivate you to write your lyrics."

"But I wouldn't mind that," Taehyung whined, jutting out his lower lip expressively.

"I know the others would," you opposed, folding your arms across your chest, "Yoongi did say you couldn't spend the entire day here."

"Oh," he snapped his head up, "That reminds me. I might need your help later on."

"Help? With what?"

"We might have to run off again," he smiled his signature grin, "I kinda told them that there was going to be an expensive dinner tonight. They think it's for them, but it's actually only for the two of us."

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Chapter 1: So long and depressing
Chapter 5: Taehyung ??_??
Chapter 4: I dont remember what i had read on previous chapter sobs but but-- Yugyeom !??
the fact that this story doesn't have a lot more subs angers me
Chapter 3: Im waiting for another update
Chapter 2: I love it!
Chapter 1: I have so much anticipation for the upcoming chapters as the foreward and first chapter has already gotten me so hooked
The foreword catch my attention. Im Looking forward for the story