
Love Me More. (Don't forget about me)
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“Date me. Date me for 5 years. Then I'll propose and marry you. We’ll adopt two kids and grow old together. I’ll work in an office and stress everyday, but when i come home you’ll be there. Just seeing your beautiful face would relieve me of all my stress. I'll cuddle you and give you a million kisses even if your sweaty from dancing all day.” Jungkook looked at Jimin smiling widely.

“Please go out with me Jimin.” He wrapped his arms loosely around Jimin's waist.

“I love you.” They leaned against each other. Their foreheads touching. Jimin smiled back with crinkled moon shaped eyes.

“I love you too.”

And they kissed.

And they stayed by each other's side.

And they stayed oblivious to the hardships that come with any relationship.

And soon, 5 years had passed like a blink of an eye.

All but one had remembered their promise to each other.



Five year anniversary.

Jimin smiled to himself in the clear mirror. Today was the day. Five years, just like they promised to each other. Jimin smoothed down him button-down shirt and fixed his slacks. Once he had deemed himself presentable, be turned off the light in the white modern bathroom.

Their whole apartment was white. It was clear and clean. It better be; especially since Jimin stays home all day and has nothing else to do besides clean the same tables and floors everyday. He had to do something with his time. Cleaning and cooking were the only things he could do. Dancing, something he had spent his whole life doing, had been abandoned five years ago. But Jimin was okay with that. Being by Jungkook's side was the only thing that mattered.

Jimin walked into the freshly cleaned kitchen, glancing at the clock. 5:30am. Jimin smiled proudly, Right on time. Now he has one hour to cook breakfast. Jimin opened the fridge displaying an abundance of fresh superlative food. Hmm what should he cook today? Maybe an omelet and tons of side dishes would be nice? Jimin nodded to himself. Okay omelet it is. An omelet with A LOT of spinach. Jungkook loves spinach.


Jungkook woke up to the sound of his clock beeping loudly and irritatingly. He opened him eyes only for a sharp pain to stab him in the back of his head. The room was too damn bright. Didn't he tell Jimin to decorate the apartment with whatever he wanted? Jungkook sat up and looked at the blank room. It looked like a room from a movie where the killer with an extreme psychological illness was being locked up in. Jungkook didn't like it. It was too white. It was too boring. Just like his love life.

Jungkook sighed and stepped out his bed into his slippers. Jimin side was already made. Like no one ever laid their in the first place. Jungkook rolled his eyes. Why did that make him even more irritated?

He left the room, wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible. As if programed into him, Jungkook took a piss, brushed his teeth, and changed into his one in a thousand suits. He finished his routine with gel in his hair and walked into the kitchen. Jimin was finishing his final touches on the foods plating. “Oh you're up!” Jimin acted surprised by Jungkook's appearance. But 6:30 had just appeared on the clock. Right on time.

“Okay honey hurry up and eat. You need to leave at seven.” Jungkook nodded to whatever Jimin was saying and sat down at the glass table. The white plate in front of him featured a small omelette on it. Side dishes had been placed all around his plate and a glass of water sat just a few inches away from his right hand.

“I really hope you like it. I put all your favorite vegetables in it. Jimin sat down in front of him and looked at Jungkook expectantly. Jungkook avoided his gaze and began to cut his omelet in half. Spinach gushed out of the omelette in waves. He flinched a bit and swallowed down any disgust about to force its way out of him throat. I hate spinach. I hate it with a passion. Jungkook sighed loudly, making Jimin look at him with a sad and fearful eye. “Is it not good? I thought you liked omelets.” Jungkook shook his head, “It's fine.” He grabbed his fork and swallowed down his first bite in a rush.

Jimin smiled at that. “Soo...Jungkook was there anything you wanted to ask me today? Or celebrate today?” Jungkook looked up at Jimin for the first time that morning with a questionable gaze. He cocked his head to the side in wonder. What day was it? The 14th of september right? Jungkook opened his mouth wide when the answer popped up in his head, “Your birthday! Right! How could i forget?” Jungkook shook his head. How silly of him. How could he forget Jimin’s birthday.

Jimin smile was wiped off his face. He looked at Jungkook with wide watery eyes. “No. it isn't.”

Jungkook looked back. “Oh… uh… sorry.” He avoided the sad gaze direc

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