Chapter 1 ChenSung


"Woah, hyung that sounds so cool!" Jisung gasped, his eyes widening.

"It is," Chenle grinned. "Did you know that unicorn's horns are the best conductors of electricity? Their magic is used in power stations, all that stuff about fossil fuels is just a cover up for narrow-minded muggles, take it from me. Professor Weasley has no idea what he's talking about." 

"Woah, I'll never look at muggle studies in the same way again." Said Jisung. He glanced down at his elaborate new wristwatch and sighed. "Sorry hyung, I've got to go. History of magic starts in ten minutes and I promised Samuel I'd meet him at the common room."

"I'll see you in transfiguration later then." Chenle said, waving goodbye to his Gryffindor friend.

Once he was sure Jisung had left the great hall, he erupted into a fit of hysterical giggles with Donghyuk.

"You... Are the meanest... Person I have ever met!" Gasped Donghyuk in between giggles.

Chenle just laughed harder.

Chan rolled his eyes. "Pranking pure bloods again? Merlin's beard Chenle, I thought you were over that."

"I'm sorry hyung, but you have to admit, that was hilarious!" Chenle grinned, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes.

Chan smiled. "It was, but how do you think Jisung will feel when he finds out? Samuel already knows you're lying, what if he spills?"

Chenle shrugged. "I don't mind. Jisung's my best friend, he'll understand that I'm joking."

Chan looked uncertain but nodded anyway. 

When Jisung sat down in muggle studies, all sorts of thoughts were running through his head.

Was Professor Weasley really a liar? He was odd, yes, but he always seemed as though he knew what he was talking about.

Was Chenle a liar? He had considered it a few times, but his best friend was a muggle born so he should know.

But the lesson went by without a single mention of unicorns or holographic moons and Jisung began to wonder about exactly who it was that was playing him.

Chenle? Professor Weasley? Everyone?

Jisung knew he had an active imagination, Samuel reminded him everyday. But even though he knew he was probably just overreacting, he still wondered if the whole school was in on a prank to make a fool out of him.

After much mental debating, Jisung finally decided to ask someone.



"Ugh, what?" Samuel sighed, tearing his attention away from the oh so fascinating drivel that Profoessor Binns was failing to drill into their minds.

"You lived with muggles in Mexico, right?"

"Briefly, why?" He answered cautiously.

"Is the moon a hologram? Or do they believe it is at least? Do unicorns power the electricity? Is that why it doesn't work here? Because there's so many of them to interfere with the circuit?"

Samuel snorted so loudly that a few students at the front row turned around to scowl at him.

"Jisung what the hell?" He laughed. "Do you really believe all that? Electricity has nothing to do with unicorns!"

Jisung looked confused for a moment before he chuckled softly. "I see you haven't been let into the secret. I know what goes on behind the scenes."

"No Jisung, you don't, that's just it. It's you who doesn't know what everyone else knows. Did you really believe all that nonsense Chenle was spouting?"

"N-nonsense?" The younger stuttered. "I-it's not nonsense, it's the truth!"

Samuel sighed. "Chenle only told you all that stuff because you're a clueless pure blood who happens to be naïve enough to believe anything. He's just using you go his own entertainment."

"You mean he's been laughing at me this whole time?" Jisung whispered, his eyes glazing over with tears.

Samuel felt his heart clench at the sight of his friend so upset. "I don't know if it was quite like that Ji-yah, he was probably just joking, I doubt he was laughing at you behind your back."

Jisung's lip began to wobble and Samuel immediately wrapped him up in a hug. Professor Binns failed to notice and continued droning on, so the two young Gryffindors at the back just ignored the fact they were in class and stayed in their own little world.

"I thought he was my best friend." Sniffled Jisung, tears running down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry Ji-yah, but don't be too hard on him, we don't know the full story."

 "And then I was like 'what are you on and where can I get some because your happiness is through the roof' It's a shame it's not contagious really, Seungkwan could do with some..." 

"Keep talking, one day you might say something smart!" Yelled Seungkwan from the Gryffindor table.

"I'd give you a nasty look but I see you've already got one!" Hansol yelled back. (A/N: this is Vernon Hansol, the NCT Hansol is a Hufflepuff)

Chenle struggled to muffle his laughter as the two bickered loudly across opposite sides of the room. Beside him, Donghyuk and Chan weren't even trying to conceal their amusement and were sniggering together like a pair of cackling hags.

"I'm sorry, was I meant to be offended? The only thing offending me is your face!" Seungkwan sassed.

Donghyuk and Chan oohed and oh no he didn't-ed while Chenle tried to mute his giggles with bacon.

"I didn't quite get that, I don't speak idiot!" Hansol sassed back.

"Just kiss already!" Yelled someone that sounded suspiciously like Seokmin. The sound that followed sounded suspiciously like him getting slapped.

 Chenle finally gave in and laughed with the other two, but was cut off by someone dragging his chair back. He looked up to see Jisung with a furious look on his face. His cute crescent shaped eyes were narrowed and looked red and blotchy against his flawless skin.

"Zhong Chenle you bastard!" He shrieked, silencing the rest of the table.

Chenle stared up at him with wide, terrified eyes while Jisung glared down with a stony expression.

The Gryffindor lifted him up by his collar and dragged him by the wrist away from his table and out of the great hall.

"Jisung what's up with you? Please stop, you're hurting me!" He begged, trying to retract his wrist from the younger's grip as his nails began to dig into the skin.

Jisung ignored him.

"Jisung, I said STOP!" Chenle yelled, tears trickling down his cheeks and his wrists red raw.

Jisung dragged him into an empty classroom and finally let go, throwing the Slytherin half way across the room in the process.

"Jisung what's up with you? What's going-"

"You lying rat." Jisung snarled, anger evident on his pretty features.

"What?" Chenle whispered meekly.

"You lied to me about all that muggle stuff, I was generally interested but you just wanted to make a fool out of me, didn't you? All that time I actually believed what you were saying but they were all just lies that naïve little me would swallow. I get it, I'm an idiot and I know nothing about the muggle world, but you didn't have to take advantage of that. I thought you were my friend Chenle, but you're not, you're just a jerk who likes to play with people's feelings and laugh when they get hurt." He turned around to hide his tears, the last few words coming out in choked sobs.

"Jisung..." Chenle started, unable to finish once he saw how betrayed and hurt Jisung looked. "I lied, yes. But I wasn't doing it to laugh at your naiivety, I swear. It was a joke and I understand now that it was a bad one so please forgive me. You're my best friend and I love you."

The last statement made Jisung's eye twitch slightly. "But you'll never understand." He whispered only just loud enough to hear. "That's all you ever think of me as, a friend, while I was dealing with the massive crush I had on you, you were thinking of ways to humiliate me!"

"I-I wasn't... I didn't.... I couldn't..." Chenle's eyes were wide and his mind was panicking. Jisung had pretty much just confessed to him and he didn't know what to do.

So he hugged him.

He pulled the younger close to him and they wrapped their arms around each other, enjoying the warmth and comfort and trying to wipe away the tears.

Chenle realised that he had previously failed to notice how much Jisung had grown. He was much taller than him now, but was still the cute little maknae of the group.

"I'm so sorry Ji-yah." He whispered hugging him tighter.

"It's okay."

"No, it's not. I shouldn't have been so immature. It wasn't funny, I should've listened to Chan and Samuel when they said not to. I'm really sorry Jisung because you aren't the only one with confused feelings."

He pulled away and stared into the younger's eyes. "I think I like you too Jisung, which is why I got so jealous the other week when you kept abandoning me for Samuel. I really like you and I want to continue being your best friend and maybe even more."

Jisung smiled. "Of course Chenle hyung. In fact, would you be my boyfriend?"


The hugged again but were startled apart by the groans from behind the door.

"Ugh, finally."

"You sure took your time."

The door opened to reveal Samuel, Donghyuk and Chan.

"H-how long have you been stood there?" Jisung stammered.

"Long enough." Chan grinned.

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aesthetic__hoe_ #1
Chapter 2: Awe it's so cute I almost cried!
330nai #2
too fluffy n I gonna die

This is so sweet and cute, and also hilarious xd I can't wait to read more!