It'll Be Fun

Dance With Me

**Hope you guys enjoy! I know this is quite short but I wasn't feeling this story so much anymore. Leave some comments for me, though! <3 As always, your name is JinRi in this~ I'm also hoping to write a biiit more often so we'll see how that goes!**


Your P.O.V

      "Come on, JinRi, it'll be fun!" JunHong persisted, his hand dragging you along the street to the dance studio. His hand was warm compared to the chilly night and I couldn't help but let myself be pulled along. I really didn't want to do this, though. It was a bad idea. Now that I think about it, JunHong is the one to blame for this horrible idea. 


      "What? You were in a dancing club?! How come you never told me?!" JunHong exclaimed, accelerating a little too fast from how excited he'd gotten while driving. 

      "Um..I suppose it never came up in conversation," I suggested, shrugging and glancing over at him with a smile. He beamed back and squeezed my hand. 

      "What kind of club was it?" I went on to explain that it was merely just a bunch of kids that would copy choreographies by famous people and occasionally come up with their own. It was nothing solid, nothing that would ever be more than a club. But JunHong was still very much amused at the thought of me following counts, moving my body to music.

      "Well this is great because now we get to dance together. I thought you just loved dance but I never knew you actually danced," he replied, emphasizing the last word. I froze at his words. There was no way I would ever dance in front of Choi JunHong. "I'm gonna show you some moves one night, JinRi. Just you wait." And then he looked over at me and winked and I blushed and the subject was over because he was leaning in to kiss me. 

~flashback end~

      So tonight was apparently the night JunHong was going to "show me some moves" at the dance studio he frequented. While watching Zelo dance was always an awesome experience, I hadn't danced in front of anyone for a long time. Back in middle school, there were clubs and some small performances. But I was always in the back because I find myself reluctant to dance in front of other people. Compared to JunHong, I'm nothing! How could I ever dance in front of him? This is literally what he did for a living! 

      Before I knew it, Zelo was greeting the security at the desk and pulling me into the elevator. I could feel that my cheeks were flushed from the cold wind outside. I sighed heavily and turned to JunHong, who has finally let go of my hand. "What are you making me do?" I whined. He merely beamed back at me. 

      JunHong led me to the room and I couldn't help but to smile. This is where all the dance practice videos were filmed. This is where I imagined Zelo collapsing on the floor after a hard day's work, breathless and beautiful. My smile then disappeared. This is also where I would embarrass myself beyond belief tonight. JunHong immediately hooked up his phone to the speakers and "Heebeejeebies" by Amine filled the room. I smiled at the song, remembering how I had been the one to tell him this would be a fun song to make some choreography to. 

      "Let's warm up first, okay?" he suggested, pulling my coat off before I even realized what he was doing. He did the same with his own and placed them on the couch in the far corner of the room. I loved the look of the studio. The lighting was a bit harsh but it had been so long since I had been in a dance room. The mirrors lined the wall, squeaky clean, and the floor was polished in just the right way for some serious footwork. Would we be doing footwork? 

      JunHong led me to the middle of the room where he sat down and told me to follow after him. For a minute or two, I just stared at him the mirror. How was it even possible to have limbs so long? And still make every move look so effortless? Zelo looked at me in the mirror and pouted. "It's easy, JinRi! It's just stretching!" He gave me a smile and turned to me. Then he took my hand in both of his. "If you really don't like something, we'll stop, okay? But it'll be fun! I promise!" The only thing I could think was "If I had a penny for every time he said 'it'll be fun' tonight..." Nevertheless, I let the boy show me how to stretch. He was a lot more flexible than me, I'll say. 

      The stretching lasted maybe about ten minutes. It was hard to keep track of time despite the clock in the room because I found it hard to look at anything but JunHong. There was this little smile that played on his lips and never went away. Whenever he caught me staring, he'd beam at me in the mirror. I could tell he was really happy with what we were doing. That's when I decided that I would let him have tonight. I would try my best not to curl into a ball on the floor when he tried to make me dance. I wanted to make this tall boy happy. 


JunHong P.O.V

      JinRi could say she couldn't dance all she wanted but I knew. I knew that if it was in her heart, it could translate to her body. And while I'm sure I could never tell her this without earning myself a hit, she had the body of a dancer already. Not that I took in the details of her body a lot. 

      Anyways, JinRi was more flexible than I thought she'd be. The warm-up was nothing intense since we wouldn't be doing much. I had watched and learned most of a choreography to Michael Jackson's "Love Never Felt So Good" just for this very occassion. It was a couple dance but wasn't overly close. I could have chosen something solo but what fun would there be in that. I finally had a dance partner that I didn't have to pretend I had chemistry with. 

      "Okay, jagi, I'm gonna teach you a dance. It's really short and it's not difficult, I promise," I assured her. I stood up and held my hand out to help her up. She took it and let me pull her up with ease. Her cheeks were still red from the cold or maybe now from the heat. "Is it too hot in here?" 

      "No, it's alright."

      "Okay, ready?" 

      "Ready as I'll ever be," she said, smiling at me. I was taken with the sincerity of her words. She wasn't miserable after all. 

      For about half an hour, I taught and went over the first twenty seconds of the dance with JinRi. It wasn't too demanding but we were still sweating. JinRi had been doing well. I didn't have to correct her feet at all but occasionally her hands or her waist. After every run through, we smiled at each other with triumph.

      "See, it's not so bad after all, is it?" I asked. JinRi looked at me and when I gave her a cheeky smile, she rolled her eyes.

      "I suppose so."

      At this point in the dance, she was supposed to spin into my arms where we would then do a couple of isolations and a body wave together. But I decided it was time for a water break. I didn't want her to get scared off. JinRi walked over to the air-con and adjusted the temperature. Then she retrieved a water bottle from her bag and offered me the bottle. "That's alright, there's a water fountain just outside. I'll be right back," I told her. "If you wanna look up the choreo, it's by 1MILLION...I'll let you look at the next part while I'm gone," I quickly muttered, walking out the door. 

      As soon as I came back from the fountain, JinRi was waiting for me in the middle of the room. "Yah! There's so much touching in this dance, JunHong! Let's adjust it," she whined. I walked over to her and stopped inches from her face. 




      After a couple of groans, I convinced her once more that if she wasn't comfortable with something, we could stop. But I could see the determination in her eyes to finish the dance. "I'll teach you your part without touching you, okay?" She smiled and nodded. I laughed at her. 

      It was quite nice to see her hair up, out of her face. She had high cheekbones and a long neck that I would have liked to bury my face in had we not been sweating. Her bangs wouldn't go back into a ponytail so she pushed them to the side and tucked them behind her ear every now and then. I made it my goal by the end of the night to tuck it behind her ear for her. 


Your P.O.V

      JunHong was confusing me by teaching me without leading my arms and hands himself, which was part of the dance. My brow was furrowed and I was beginning to get frustrated. I could hear him giggling when we ran through the dance from the beginning and I spun into the air rather than into his arms. "Stop laughing, I'm confused!" I said, laughing myself. 

      "Let me teach you the right way, okay? Your hips aren't right," JunHong insisted. Sighing, I motioned for him to come closer. The air immediately got hotter and the flush that had been creeping on my skin covered my cheeks. It was so awkward for me that I couldn't even fathom how people learned this. "Pretend you're not nervous right now. Fake it till you make it," JunHong suggested. His voice was a lot closer than I expected and I looked up at the mirror. JunHong's tall body was directly behind mine, his head dipped towards my ear. I squeezed my eyes shut. 

      "Okay, I'm not nervous," I lied, eyes still shut. JunHong burst out laughing and grabbed my shoulders. 

      "Open your eyes, JinRi! You can't learn like that!" 

      "Yes, I can! Muscle memory!" I argued, opening my eyes nonetheless. I looked at him the mirror. "Okay, let's just get past this part." 

      JunHong moved my arms for me so I could see how it went. Then we ran through it in our respective parts. I squeezed my body smaller every time he placed his hand on my waist. When my back was to him and we had to do the body roll, we were completely out of time. I winced at how bad it looked. 

      "JinRi, like this," JunHong said quietly. He took a step closer, wrapping his arm around my waist. My eyes widened as he pressed our bodies together. "Feel the way my body moves." His words tickled my ear. The warmth from his body enveloped every inch of my own. I could feel his hips against me. JunHong began a wave from his chest that followed down to his wasit. Then he snapped his hip out to the side and back in. I felt every movement of his body against mine. It was terribly intimate. "Translate what you feel to your own body." I stared at our bodies in the mirror in half wonder, half surprise as he repeated the movement but slower this time. "Now you lead," he whispered. 

       I breathed in, held my breathe, and met JunHong's eyes in the mirror. The look in his eyes was the same look he had every single time we kissed. It made my body melt further into his. Without ever looking away from his eyes, I repeated the movement the same as I felt it and felt JunHong following me. We were silent after.


JunHong P.O.V

      I hadn't breathed in what seemed like forever. But before my courage fell from me, I s my arm further around JinRi's waist, turned her so she was facing me, and took her face in my other hand all in one motion. Her eyes met mine with surprise and I leaned down without looking away. I let our noses touch to see if she would move away. When she didn't, I let my lips capture hers. I pulled away immediately after, just enough so that I could see her face. She was just opening her eyes and stared back at me without a word. "Do you want me to stop?" I whispered. 

       I gave her a small smile when she didn't answer, and pushed back her bangs. I waited for her to say yes but hoped she would say no. My heart swelled when her hand crept to my shirt and pulled me back in. I let my eyes close as we connected once more. I pressed my body to hers and tilted her head back. When we parted once more, I smiled against her lips. "Let's practice later," I whispered. She laughed out loud. 

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