chapter 2

abandoned kitten

in the morning when jackson woke up he looked down at his chest to see a little white kitten curled up on his chest and remembered what happened yesterday with a smiled he started to pet the little kitten. The cat looked up at him and yawned as jackson said

"good morning mark"

jackson soon called jaebum since jaebum own's a cat and has a catboy as a best friend he though he'd be the best to call when jaebum answered his phone jackson filled him in on everything that happend yesterday and asked him 

"can you help me buy stuff he needs"

"ya dose around 2 sound good?" jaebum asked jackson

"ok see you then"

when he ended the call he remebered somthing he needed to ask so he texted jaebum


To: jaebum From: jackson

hey can youngjae cat sit for me i dont want mark to be alone


To: jackson From: jaebum

i asked him he will dont worry mark will be just fine


once 2 roled around mark was curled up in jacksons lap as jackson was watching T.V and there was a knock on the door knowing who it was

"come in" jackson called

as jaebum and youngjae walked through the door mark looked up and noticed the ears on youngjae's head and knew he was another catboy but youngjae would never know because mark would have to show him his human form for youngjae to know once jackson introdused everyone he left with jaebum.


it was just mark and youngjae after that and mark was curled up in youngjae's lap watching T.V youngjae being a cat himself he knew how to pet and where to pet mark to get him to love it and mark was, mark was a purring mess in youngjaes lap geting peted and all youngjae could do was smile and keep peting the little kitten


when jackson and jaebum were out jaebum only showed him the necessities for a cat and said

"he could be a catboy you know"

"i dont think so" jackson said

"just keep that in mined" jaebum said as he was carrying some stuff for the cat

one thing jackson knew he had to get was animal shampoo to get the dirt out of marks fur


when they got home jackson put everything they bought away and set up. jackson asked jaebum to help wash the kitten because he didnt want to hurt mark but as they were going to put mark in the water every time jaebum picked him up and put him the the water he'd jump out so jackson tryed he stayed and let jackson wash him every time jaebum tryed to help the cat would walk away not wanting him when mark got out and dried now no dirt in his fur the two were suprised at how white the cats fur was it was white as snow


at the end off the day jaebum and youngjae left. jackson looked for mark to go to sleep with the kitten and when he entered the room he saw the cat on his bed he grabed mark placed him on his chest and said

"good night mark"





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Chapter 3: So cute
loxymg #2
Chapter 3: OK...... so im going to post 1 more chapter and see where it go's from there but........... i don't know how to start it (@_@) so give me some time to think sorry for such a delay
Chapter 3: Add more chapterrr this is sooooo cute
Chapter 2: awhhhh this is so cute!!!!!!
KimJuhi #5
Chapter 2: Aww...its to fluffy fic!!! Luv it:)
Plss update soon authornim:-*(^^)
KimJuhi #6
Awwww......that was so cutee:)