Roses and Tulips

Hand in Hand


A/N: I'm so sorry! I forgot to post this! The chapter was supposed to be released last week, but I completely forgot to put it onto the site LMAO.I won't be post this week's chapter until Sunday though, because this chapter is definetly best read alone, without the second chapter to sort of put it off. Shoutout to the user who left a comment about my update. I wouldn't have noticed.

To read this chapter, I reference some flowers and their meaning. As the chapters update, I'm incorporating the role of flowers into them, as the real bulk of the story is getting written. Before reading the chapters, I will have a flowers reference guide to the flowers I mention in the chapter. Please read this before reading the chapters if you don't know the meanings. (I hope you find this somehow interesting, as the cover did have Doyeon with a face full of flowers.

Acacia: concealed love

Tulip: declaration of love

Red rosebud: heart of innocent love, passion

ONE LAST THING: Yoojung and Doyeon are planning to release the LA Diary??? I was?? Already fullfilled??? When Yoojung said that their trip was a honeymoon??? My single bum is so happy and petty about it LMAO.

Without further ado, let's jump right back into our adorable drama queens ;)))))))


Doyeon lives on the floor below me in our complex, so it doesn’t take me very long to get to her apartment. Her door has a cute bunny greeting sign; it was a gift I got for her when she decided to move out of her parents. I just want to stare endearingly at it all day, forgetting the awkwardness of this morning. Before I can knock on the door, she opens it.

“Hey Yoojung. Want to come in?”, she says quietly.

I nod back, and I peel off my shoes as I walk in. My nerves are completely all over the place, so I manage to trip on air coming in. Before she can laugh it off and break up the tense air, Doyeon reaches out to keep me from falling, but I push her down with me. Suddenly, our faces are inches away. I watch her pupils widen. Her lips part by a millimeter to let out almost inaudible little gasps. Underneath me, I feel her chest rise up and fall in quick, unsteady beats. Her legs are quivering, and her arms are iron tight around my waist from the fall. Our hearts beat uncontrollably, and I all I can do is stare at her, not budging for a second. Eventually, my neck can’t hold up my face, and I fall against the crook of her neck,sighing. She has a thick aroma of acacia and rose on her, and the scent wrenches at my heart.  She shifts, and suddenly the snug warmth from her arms are replaced with a slap of frigid and terrifying realization. I look up instantly, afraid to see her face. She’s pulls my arm in and shuts the door behind us. I’m standing face to face with her, her height towering over me both frighteningly and comfortingly.

“Yoojung, do you want to tell my why you’ve come over?” she asks.

Her eyes are serious but just as wide. Behind the conviction of her voice, I see a twinge of insecurity. It’s the twinge of insecurity in her eyes when she steps on stage to dazzle. I know she’s putting effort into this, into us. And I understand that she deserves the amount of sincerity she’s giving me. But I can’t really speak. Out tumbles the feeling I get when she holds me in a mess of tears that I can’t really explain. My voice is cracking, and I know I’m saying things that I might regret, like the feeling of yearning I feel every time I hear her full and loud laugh. Or the time when I dreamt of us together for the first time, just as insecure and as passionate as I am right in this moment. I feel so vulnerable, and I am frustrated at myself for letting fat, hot tears blur Doyeon’s expression.

 All I know is that I sob out a loud, “I love you”, and her eyes fire up instantly. And my head is spinning, but I feel the scalding heat from her arms covering my body entirely, but slowly. She’s holding me in her arms tightly and I can’t breathe. My head can only comprehend the touch of her fingers, and the soft strands of hair filling my head with her scent. She’s chuckling softly, whispering back the things I told her not two seconds ago. She releases years of insecurity and dark guilt with just her words alone, and I know I just did that for her as well. Every word she speaks and every response I have strengthens the glue that holds the two halves of Doyeon and Yoojung into a whole.  Right now, we are one unit. We are together in a bond that is strong enough to erase any distraught we have felt since fifth grade. Our heads are hazy with a fuzzy and empowering love. The smells of our perfumes mix, and I realize something.

When the scent of tulip and rose mix, the bittersweet smell of acacia fades away into the distance. And dominating all the of the aromas swirling around in our air is the crinsom rosebud.

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Chapter 4: what happened?
YoodaengStan #2
Chapter 4: author, please update ~ it's been a while already
Dadison #3
Chapter 4: Are you going to continue this? Please do. ❤️
exquisitemyoui #4
Chapter 3: Yeahh. Ikr their LA trip!I think will release in 07? the previews my gosh, they're so adorable! Doyeon was a totally a bae there specially in that hair flip'ng at the start of the preview. And that beach scene, their hug aaah so precious Y.Y
Did YJ mention it as a honeymoon? *squeals* we, indeed, just got fulfilled lol. I'm so excited for their debut gosh new sweet interactions will surely come :D
YoodaengStan #5
Chapter 3: thank you for this amazing chapter as always *gives you a alstroemeria* xD
Chapter 3: Ughhhhh this is so good
Chapter 3: this is beautiful ;-;
Chapter 2: Are you not going to continue this authornim? :(
dodojjyu #9
omg i love the first chapter already!! your writing is amazing and im looking forward for your update authornim. somehow this made me realized dodaeng will be legal this year xD