
Drop Dead Gorgeous

"Tiffany,  stop please ! I can't take it anymore" taeyeon was on the verge of tears at this point 

"Just a little bit more Taeyeon, you have to bare with me" tiffanys brows are frowned deeply, sweat was beginning to form on her forehead. She didn't like to see taeyeon in so much pain but she had it up this time

"ING HELL TIFFANY DO IT ALREADY" taeyeon wasreaching her limit , so tiffany gave a final rub on the wax paper and pulled it away fast 

" I felt some of my skin leave me there" 

If someone saw taeyeon right they'd think she'd given birth instead of getting waxed 

"You know this all you fault that you let it grow out that much before deciding to wax it " Tiffany said matter factly 

" I didn't think waxing your ing pubes would hurt like this ! That's the only reason I agreed to do it this way!" The short girl was agitated "plus.." she continued "you lied! You said its like getting your legs shaved"

A tantrum was the last thing tiffany need from taeyeon after whats just done, so mean tiffany have to fire back to shut this angry bird up 

"If your gunna continue to complain like this, not only will will you sleep on the couch, but also no for a week" 

Taeyeons mouth opened like a fish out of water 

"Fukin' rude the only reason I shaved was for you" taeyeon mumbled uber her breath 

That made tiffany turn around 

"Well, other then the fact you made do the work for you, thats sweet of you taeyeon, plus.." she walked over slowly to taeyeon, then put her hands on the couch on either side of taeyeons head 

"Since decided to shave for me why don't I reward you for it now?" She purredinto her ear having completely forgotten her earlier threat 

"I mean look at you.." she continued "you already have your legs open for me"

Taeyeons ears have gotten to a shade of red that would be considered maroon at this point 

"Fany .. ah-i .." 

A stuttering mess is what shes reduced to 

"What's the matter tae? Cat got your tongue?" The teasing brunette breathed into her ear

"Fany st-stop teasing !" 

"As you wish" she smirked and stuttered off to the bathroom 

"If you don't come and join me in one minute the bathroom door will be locked " Tiffany shouted 

And taeyeon have never gotten up from a couch so fast to run for something other then food delivery.

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Chapter 6: Waxing but at least the end result is something good here haha
Chapter 4: Cute!
Chapter 3: Oh... this was an interesting AU.
Chapter 1: LOL not the shower thoughts in the middle of the night 😅
Chapter 6: Waxing... :/
But the reward is fulfilling so why not? ;)
1128 streak #6
Chapter 6: Wahahaha poor TaeTae
1128 streak #7
Chapter 5: Lol I keep on scrolling down until I reach the previous chap... why too short authourssi or u accidentally post it?
1128 streak #8
Chapter 4: Lol chap 1&2 are hilarious chap 3 shocking and chap 4. eventhough taeny moments are short but some still like it
Chapter 2: Hahahhahaa...this is so funny
573 streak #10
Chapter 2: Heheehe this is so Taeyeon ?