Part 9

Whalien 52 | BTSxReader | Text series

“Are you okay?”

Hani leaned over the counter, meting your gaunt face while counting the cash. A chocolate scent that matched the strands falling in slow motion upon the woodened counter, while tilting her head to align with yours. You have been closed in yourself the past week, trying not to reach out for your phone, whenever Jungkook called. You were mad at him. No, you ARE mad at him. He’s been trying to reach you since the encounter of his actions towards Jooheyon, but you didn’t let him. In fact, it hurt seeing his name dance cross the LED screen but shortly after, Nayeon would be texting about your whereabouts. Unfortunately, and luckily, they haven’t been able to meet despite the departure with Jungkook.

“Yeah I’m fine, why?”

“Come on Y/N… I’m your friend, even a stranger would have noticed your darkened expression” There was a slight doubt in her sentence, while you couldn’t quite respond to it. Her awkward poster waiting for an answer like a tiger on the hunt, you tried to compel whatever excuse laid in mind. Until, the entrance of the shop was opened by the acknowledged bell of a welcome.

“We’re closed, sorry.” Stating the obvious, you didn’t spare a look for whoever decided to bump in. As well, cursing over not locking the door as you should have done a decade before.

“Y/N, I think it’s for you” Hani’s voice was excited, yet contemplating on who was standing in the doorway. An aura of confidence and a nice smell of manhood swelled under your nose, making your hands shake. Your eyes slowly falling upon the tall figure, your excitement fell on the bottom of the pit.

“…Hey Jooheyon” A familiar smile awakened, walking further with his heavy black boots and skinny jeans. Asking Hani to take care of the money to be locked up in the safe, you walked away from the counter, demolishing the view of a ‘cashier and customer’ status.

“What are you doing here so late?” You couldn’t hide the disappointment for him, as you knew, Jooheyon has spent days trying to reach you whenever there wasn’t anyone besides him in class. Were you expecting someone else?

“You haven’t been coming to class lately, I got worried.” There wasn’t any change in his aura of confidence, as he shot another one of his deathly smiles. You couldn’t help, but mirror him.

“I’m sorry for troubling you, but I have decided to work here until everything gets settled.”

“I see that. Why don’t we talk about it over a late-night meal? You have probably been working all day, and you looked like someone who could eat something” Shooting a glance towards the back door, you knew Hani was eavesdropping as usual. Her hand gesturing you to take the invite, because without a doubt, all she wanted, was for you to get out of this shop and meet cute guys.

“Sure, why not.”

“You have been awfully quiet” Seated outside the food truck on an old green coloured bench, watching the couples walk by, trying to snug their hands together inside one’s pocket. You had barely touched the ramen that Jooheyon bought, excusing that it was still hot. But the steam rising from the plastic bowl, were slowly dying out into the night sky.

“I’m just a bit tired” You weren’t lying, but trying to keep your heavy eyelids open was already a struggle, even on top of trying to seem like a person without a heartache.

“Is it about Jungkook? When was the last time you two had contact?”

“Eight days, probably Nine by now” Twirling the soggy noodle with your metal chopsticks, you heard a significant sigh on the side.

“Let me guess. The silent treatment?” Jooheyon left out the obvious, trying to poke at your conscious about how horrible of an act it is.

“Maybe, I can’t get myself to reply any of his texts… It’s already bad enough that we got so involved in each other’s lives, and now I had a flip because of him. It’s not right, for me… and him.” Finally deciding that the grumbling monster in your stomach needed to silence itself, you slurped the now very gross soggy noodles and the aftermath of it dissolving like nothing on your tongue.

“He still texts you?”

“Even calls”

“Do you know what that means Y/N?” At least the food was filling your stomach, but something about Jooheyon’s sudden smirk and aura of solving a mystery, bugged you slightly.

“No, clearly I don’t. Enlighten me?” You answered in a haste, slurping another gulp of noodles.

“He likes you”

“If you didn’t know by now Jooheyon, that Jungkook is a famous singer in a boy group which has millions of people drooling to just touch him once. There is no way, that out of everyone in the world, he chooses me. I’m not a main character in a fanfiction, thank you very much.” You snickered into the air with gritted teeth making him giggle of your remark of denial, trying to ease the moments.

“Come on, as if it isn’t obvious. Why aren’t you thrilled? I thought you liked him?” Jooheyon continued with the bickering of love, making an imaginary black pulse hover on your temple.

“I like him as A FRIEND” Even writing the word ‘friend’ into the air, didn’t make him stop comparing your feelings towards another man.

“Oh really? So, the pink tinted cheeks of yours, is just a weird habit every time I mention his name?” Shocked and noticing his low eyebrow wiggle in suggestion, you couldn’t help but smack his thigh of punishment. How dared he, read you like a children’s book.

“Okay, so what? Isn’t it normal to have a crush on someone that inspires them?” Jooheyon chewed on the remaining of his sandwich, before hitting right on the spot into the trashcan. The same sort of growl of confidence brawled in his throat, while shooting you a warm smile.

“You see, that’s true. Everyone adores their bias in a group, but here’s something sweetie. You aren’t just a fan to him, you’re his friend. A friend, that left him hanging with multiple voice messages and unanswered texts. Here’s reality, and it’s going to hit you, whether you like it or not. For months, you have been having this close intimate relationship-“

“Intimate???” Flushed over his words as if you have had phone with a guy, you tried to hide away the thought of that, it could have happened.

“Close friendship. Not actual related stuff, you ert.” He continued, making you feel embarrassed and rather, exposed. Jooheyon only knew your background through what you have told him, but maybe he was smart enough to figure out everything.

“I get the idea, that you two switched phones by accident. But, here’s the deal. Jungkook is rich, he could get a new phone and basically get this number blocked or track it down, right? Well, looks like he didn’t and wants to continue talking to you.” Jooheyeon continued, as you slurped the last cold beef soup before tossing it into the same trash can, trying to ease the victory of downing at least a meal for the day.

“Why would he?” Seated back against the bench, with all ears open to what Jooheyon said.

“I’m coming to that. As any other person, they wouldn’t even bother trying to get it back. Who in their right mind, would trust a stranger with their phone, even a fan? No one. One thing is for sure, Jungkook has a huge interest for YOU. Why would he bother leaving messages and voice mails, knowing thousands of other chicks is ready for him? Because you, were the one that stole his heart.”

“Hold up. Stop the melodrama. I get it, okay?” You held a hand high to stop his preaching about stealing a guy’s heart, without even intending to. It all seemed unrealistic, but idealistic at the same time, as if the world was stuck between a fantasy and devouring dreams.

“No, you don’t Y/N. Do you see what you stopped, when the connection between you and Jungkook ended? You don’t come to college, the place you have always wanted to go. You can’t even get yourself to say how horrible it is, to let this guy wait for you, because of a single act. Jungkook isn’t like your mother, he isn’t just going to vanish because of your feelings. He WILL continue to wait for you, because love have no limited time when it’s first discovered.” His powerful words shot through your heart like an arrow, feeling every bit of sting and reality hitting as it promised. The tears formed in the corner of your eyes, drying away with a harsh movement. There was no doubt in Jooheyon’s eyes, that whatever words he sprouts in clarification, hurt your soul for each second.

“How do you know about my mother…?” The scene of your mother’s last words, with a single touch of goodbye and betrayal puts on repeat. Your lower lip quivering of shock, at the news of someone else, knowing your dark secret.

“I have lived here since I was a baby. It was just a couple of blocks away from where you lived with your family, and my parents told me the news about a young teen living by herself. Sending supplies to the house and even my father helped with your bills. You probably don’t remember me, since I went abroad for a few years after. But they kept updating me about your wellbeing. You stopped receiving help, because you told them you were okay now and moved out.” Remembering the shy boy behind a man’s back, there was no doubt, it was Jooheyon. Did they really do all of this, for you?

“You stopped getting help, because you feel like you don’t deserve it. But I think, someone is out there, trying his best to do what he can. Even, if it means to step over boundaries.” Putting his slender hand on yours, feeling every fibre of warmth cover the reptile skin of ice. His dark hollow eyes of comfort dragged you into despair of realisation, of what an absolute selfish idiot you were.

“I’m so sorry Jooheyon…” Tears of sorrow and warmth streamed down your face, offering your deepest feelings hidden behind the walls, that only one could break.

“I’m not the one, you should say sorry to.” Gesturing to the beautiful view of stars, your eyebrows knitted together in confusion before a gentle clap covered your shoulder.

“Listen to the voice mails, and give him a chance to talk. He won’t give up, trust me on that.” Taking a deep breath and a light thumb brushing away the tears. A warming smile as usual, before patting your lightly on the head like a child.

“I’ll be right over here, when you’re done. You’re not alone” Whispering of comfort leaving you behind on a bench like a lonely cat, you scanned his silhouette disappear between the dark shadows. Heart pounding like a horse on drugs, waiting for the right moment to scan the unanswered message of desperation. Jooheyon was right, that not only did Jungkook do something wrong, but he surely never gave up whatever drove your spirit. Not just one, but more than five messages was left in your voice mail, from the only man that made your heart skip a beat by just reading his name.

“You have six unchecked voice mails…. The first voice mail came on the 17th of July at 23:45….”

“Come o-“ Turning it off with the speed of light, you couldn’t get yourself to hear his deep voice as you remembered. Watching his videos on Twitter and Youtube, there was something about hearing his voice, only talking to you. Taking in a deep breath and exhaling while the foggy air released as a lit cigarette. This could take hours, but you didn’t have that much time. Gathering your confidence, you tried yet again, listening to every single message holding your own demons at bay.

“Come on Y/N… are you really giving me the silent treatment….?” How disappointing of the first message, which made you chuckle of how you were so afraid of just listening to messages like this. You didn’t understand why it was so important for Jooheyon to make you listen, when none so far, had given an impact. Deciding to delete it and continue to reach the rest of the messages, that was queuing up.

“Are you really that mad at me…? I wasn’t trying to make you upset. Call me back when you can…” There was a shaken voice and background noise of people talking. Even the echoing of his vocals made him seem confused and scared. It pulled your heart, to the point of not wanting to hear the rest of them.

“I can’t sleep. It’s been kind of boring, and manager keeps talking about this collaboration. He told me I seemed cold towards Nayeon… did you text her? I just need an update on what to do… There are still a few concerts to be held and I think my muscles are going to burst haha… you’re probably sleeping… Goodnight Y/N.” Was there more to your heartache, knowing you left him off to a night of no sleep. He probably would sleep, or so you convinced yourself while deleting this voice mail. Noticing your fingers shake in the process, not knowing what was happening inside your head.

“Still ignoring me…? It’s okay, I understand… but you should know I’m not the kind to give up that easily… When will I hear your voice again…?” Was that a tear? It was probably already there, listening to his shaken question, ravishing the world that you lived in, that you thought was reality.

“Lonely lonely lonely whale, like this, try calling once again~~ what do you think? Maybe my voice got a bit rusty after all these concerts… It’s been amazing like always, but it’s not the same when I’m alone in the hotel room. When will you call me back? Tonight? Tomorrow? Never…? I miss you Y/N… I’m going insane without you…” You smiled trying to ease the pain of sympathy that your feelings were the same as his, you missed him. Listening to every piece of Jungkook’s own confidence ravelling down, noticing how maybe his words were nothing but actual confessions of his feelings poured out in sorrow.

“Jungkook LOG 24th of July 2017. Do you like this idea?” This was something new, as if you were going through old videos of Bangtan bombs and even though you couldn’t see him, it was like he was right in front of you. His voice continued to speak in a calm tone and his witty character blooming through the speaker, letting you lean back against the bench rest.

“Normally I talk into a camera, as a note for myself… but I feel the need to let you hear it, properly. Maybe it’s too late, you might never call me back and we will depart soon…. It makes me want to cry, but I’m not that touchy haha. I just want to thank you, for keeping me in company, even though I was needy. I didn’t mean to make you upset, about Jooheyon. I just didn’t like the idea… that you would maybe like him more than me… I don’t like one-sided love, it’s horrible.”

“Don’t talk nonsense you fool…” You muttered biting on your lower lip as if it was bruising slightly of the pain, that couldn’t compare to your heart’s aching for Jungkook.

“Besides my members, they are like brothers. A family. But you? Something else. I think I should curse or thank Jimin for this… but I really like you Y/N. Not as a friend… more than that. It’s probably the worst way to get to know, but I can’t keep it a secret forever, when I know you’re only a call away… sort of…” His lips quiver of the sentence that released his feelings towards you, hit like a brick wall when crying. You couldn’t answer, knowing that he couldn’t hear, but the silence in the speaker was a faint sniff. Was he crying? You could hear his breathing settling to control and all you wanted, was to hug him and tell him you were right there.

“Silly, right? I thought it was in books that things like these happened, but I guess I’m wrong. I never told you about what happened that night? To put it simple, I will tell you when I see you…. GAAH I feel so stupid right now… I just want to see you… right now… Call me… please? I begging you..” Listening to the last records of his vocals confession, you thrilled to feel your heart become lighter. Your cheeks flushed and out of control, knowing that the guy your heart pounded for, was feeling the same. Was it insane? Probably, but at this point, you couldn’t care. It was like a dream, that your body flew in the clouds of baby blue and sunshine rising from the east. Drying away your tears, to tap along the LED screen to find his specific name. The sound of beeps holding on to every chord, that held your hopes high, to only wait in agony.

“Y/N…?” Your smiled brightened of the recognisable voice.

“Hey Jungkook…”

“You called me back… thank god…” A sigh of relief was muffling through the speaker, finding your own sticky hands trying to push out the right words.

“Look I’m-“ Jungkook was fast enough to catch of the creeping silence, not wanting your voice to disappear into the emptiness of his loneliness.

“No, Jungkook. I heard your voice mail, all of them actually.” You chuckled, but it was a mechanism to hold back your nervous giddy sentence. Trying to keep calm wasn’t easy, when there was need of gathering your courage.

“What did you think…?” You could tell by the noise of his own lips trembling and nibbling on the swollen bottom lip, in attempt to calm himself. Picking at the hem of your shirt, trying to sound right about situation, you needed to take in a deep breath, without screaming the answer.

“I missed you, a lot… To be honest… I was shocked, that an idol could feel the same about me, as I did with them…”

“So you like me too?!” Giggling of his fast remarks, clarified the butterflies flying around in the bottom of your stomach, only to realise that whatever Jungkook said or did, it would make your heart skip a beat and even to the point, it might stop it from beating.

“I do…”

“Jesus Christ, do you know how anxious I have been?? Realising I left my last voice mail…. I really believed I scared you away being a creep..” Jungkook could finally feel the burden on his shoulders release against the cold sheet in the hotel room, watching the sun set from his window.

“It was cute. I was more surprised that you started crying” You snickered, letting the deep air of ecstasy fill your lungs.

“I did not!”

“Sure, whatever makes you sleep at night” You missed hearing his exhausting laughter and reassurance that he’s close to you, or as close as he can be.

“Sooo, you want to see me again?” Jungkook questioned with a sight of hope, still remembering your angry texts of goodbye. Biting on your lip in the process of trying to seem witty as always, you couldn’t help but sound a little more excited than intended.

“Of course”

“Not right now, because I got to go! We’re planning for another concert and then we’re moving to our next location… I wish I could talk more with you-…” He trailed off taking in a deep breath, before you nodded along his sweet voice.

“-Can I call you later..?”

“Always.” You answered with a smile, crinkling your eyes in the joy of feeling your heart pound harder. If just, you could hear his. Saying goodbye was hard, but it’s easier, when you know than you will be talking soon again. With loud and clear steps to find Jooheyon leaning up against the cherry blossom tree, he only shot his significant warm smile, knowing what just happened.

“Thanks, Jooheyon” You whispered, walking alongside down the street to nearing your apartment. Patting your head like usual, finding you cuter and even closer after noticing, how familiar your size difference was.

“Any time Y/N.”

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Chapter 10: Kookie's cuteness always makes fans forget that he's actually a hulking mass of muscle ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
detective-kid #2
Chapter 10: Your story was amazing :) I read it in one sitting just because I couldn’t stop in the middle of the chapter. The interactions were amazing and I just loved the way she talked because that’s quite close to the way I text :)
peggyw #3
Chapter 10: Such a sweet story! I'm impressed that you were able to make it believable.
Chapter 10: This is sooooooooo good and beautiful ;;;; Oh goddddd please I am loving this a lot. It is well written and the pace of teh story is just fine to me~~ her sassiness and jungkook sassiness when texting is my fav. Couldnt stop smilling ;;;
july-pupetta #5
Chapter 10: that was very beautiful :D. i really enjoyed reading your fanfic :) their interactions was amazing jk is a cutie <3 , i loved so much all the text messages :)
MinAhRa #6
Chapter 8: Jk messed up pretty bad
MinAhRa #7
Chapter 7: Hey, u updated
Im kinda missed you haha
Gosh, now i badly want to know whos the chick that calls jk
MinAhRa #8
Chapter 5: So midget was jimin all along?!!
MinAhRa #9
Chapter 4: S.T.O.P
Chapter 4: This seems so cute!