Part 7

Whalien 52 | BTSxReader | Text series

“Jungkook?” With eyes glued to his smart phone, Namjoon approached the young man as sweat drops ran along his temples. Seated beside each other against the foggy mirror, sipping on the cold liquid to cool down after rehearsing for the next concert.

“You haven’t been paying a lot of attention for this rehearsal, you do know it’s important?”

“I know, but it’s Y/N” Jungkook confessed with a defeated smile, almost as he was annoyed of the presence.

“What’s wrong?” Putting the leadership aside, Namjoon took in a deep breath as for changing his state to a friend. They have been living together for years, and Jungkook knew that Namjoon was great at listening and even talking to figure out any problem.

“Her working place is probably going to shut down”

“Can’t she just get a new working place?”

“I thought about that too…” Biting onto his lip, he tried to figure out multiple ways to get you back on your feet. Postponing your dream college, was a big deal. Jungkook is in the position of trying to figure out what to do next, since he finished high school just a few months ago.

“But, she doesn’t want me to help her.” He continued to speak, making Namjoon nod in between words. Grumbling along the idea of giving up a school degree, just to save the place where you could feel whole.

“Maybe, this is her battle and not yours” The leader finally spoke, making Jungkook put his phone away. Digging his face into the palms of his hands, he felt frustrated not able to help. No, he wasn’t allowed to help.

“But what if we can promote the store, then it won’t go in ruins and she will be able to attend college?”

“I know, Jungkook. But do you even know the name of the store?” Within seconds, the maknae shook his head in denial. Namjoon chuckled of delight, patting the back of Jungkook, soothing his uneasiness.

“She must really be something.”

“She is. Her life hasn’t always been easy, and this is just another mountain she must climb. I want to help her, Hyung. But she won’t let me…”

“Jungkook, you need to understand that Y/N has been facing hardships for years. She is used to do everything by herself, and even help others in need. That is, for her shop. If she is trying hard enough, to the point of postponing her college degree, this shop means everything to her. But, she also needs to let others help her. You can do that.” A single rub along the spine of Jungkook, he looked upon Namjoon who had his dimples flashing. Tilting his head to the side, he wondered about the idea that he should push on about helping you. But if you knew Jungkook had a finger in play, you might look differently on him.

“I know what you’re thinking. Talk to her one last time, and if she doesn’t let you. Then come to me, and we’ll figure something out” With that, Namjoon walked back to the others gathering in a circle. Jungkook felt even more lost, as for what to do. Sometimes his leader didn’t make sense, but something inside turned his stomach on the thought about asking again.

“Come on Jungkook, we need to practice.” The elders called for the youngster, who was sitting in a daze against the mirror. His spine imprinted in the glassy wall, as if he was glued against it. Shaking his head, he wanted to work hard, but you were always on his mind. In between steps, there was always a glimpse of your tears the nights before where your heart ached of hurtful memories. That night, he promised himself not to let a tear fall, except for joy. You didn’t deserve it, and he was going to make sure of that.

“Jungkook?” You muttered into the microphone, walking out of the store, to see the nightlife on the last hours of the weekend die out.

“Hey…” The boy responded, making your eyes flutter while locking the front door. Eyeing the bystanders, you listened to his heavy breaths as if he was afraid.

“Is something wrong?”

“I’m bored” He confessed in the speed of light, biting onto his lip. Sitting along the edge of the bed, he requested to call you immediately after arrival from the concert.

“Bored? Already? Didn’t you JUST get back from a concert?” You chuckled, walking along the boring pavements until arriving to your place. His airy laugh, signalling he found it slightly amusing himself. You remembered his schedule.

“You know, it’s weird.” You continued, making his head tilt in wonder. You listened to every movement, but everything played back to the very first phone call. The way he spoke, and his words got to you. Out of all people in the world, BTS Jungkook was the one to get in hands of your phone.

“You know, you got to get used to it loser” He laughed in delight, crashing on the mattress feeling the springs run along his ribs.

“Wouldn’t you feel weird, if IU suddenly called you, realising it’s someone you have been talking to for a long time?” You replied, trying to hide the smile that flashed in the streetlights.


“I’m talking to the famous golden boy in the music industry, of a group I have known since debut. How in the world, do you want me to get used to all of this? Time flies and soon you will be getting your phone and I will too.” You spoke, reaching the darkened apartment on the 4th floor. The sound of your shoes clashing against the floor, waking everyone who lived in the building. It wasn’t the most expensive place to live, but it was comfortable enough for you to live. The last thing needed, was a bigger bill than the one you already have.

“Soon, you will be going back to your idol life and I will working in the shop-“

“Don’t leave me” Your eyes widened in shock, finally appearing in the hallway of your minimalistic apartment. The room showing only two pairs of shoes and little to no decoration, only the worn-out bag and coat kept it alive.


“No, I said, don’t leave yet. I thought about something. Maybe, you can keep working in the art shop, and still go to college…” Coughing of his awkward sentence, he tried to steady himself as his heartbeat continued to beat harder than regular.

“How will I do that?” You asked curiously, disregarding his discomfiting vocals. Not even bothering to turn the lights on, you walked along the slim hallways, remembering every furniture to not hurt yourself.

“You could host competitions? Like, public things. Maybe, show off some of your own art work? I have seen them, and I bet a lot of people will like them too. Try to find other local artists, to show off their canvases. The famous the person is, the more people will be interested in going. But, competitions would probably be a first. Ask the students at your college, if they will be willing to help and they can win a week of getting their art shown in the windows of the shop? Or small prizes?” Jungkook was almost out of breath, trying to get every piece of information fit into the sentence. You nodded along his idea, as you crashed on the bed. The moon light shining through the window, hitting your skin, glowing like a vampire of the darkness.

“For how long have you thought of this?” You questioned, getting him to smile fondly. Jungkook used his free time, to figure out a plan to help, without helping. Jimin didn’t mind spending time with Jungkook, watching the frustration on the youngster. There was a silence, lingered in the speaker as you both relaxed against the mattress.

“I really want to help you, Y/N”

“Why….?” Out of everything that has happened, you didn’t deserve this kind of help. Asking people through years of your life, having them to drop hours of their day, to help a child like you. Taking away their precious hours, because you needed help. You felt it was selfish and unnecessary, as if it was better to live homeless or forgotten.

“Because it means a lot to you. You like making art, I have seen them. Also, you’re going to college, where you can work even harder. It’s the same as me, just that I love making music. I know what passion lies within you, as if nothing else matters. I can’t just stand on the side line, watching it fall when I know, I can help.” His voice trembled, but it was like you could sense his determination through the little of sound. Staring into the ceiling, you chuckled of defeat.

“Thank you… It means a lot.”

“So, you’re going to college tomorrow?”

“Yea, I am.”

“HELL YEAH!” His voice was louder than usual, throwing his fists into the air of victory. You laughed along, imagining the scene before you. Jungkook was arrogant at times, even unserious at times to ease up the mood. But deep inside, he was caring like a 5-year-old.

“Will you still call me?” He questioned, finishing his victory on his bed. You pondered on the question, realising his first comment.

“Did you think I was going to leave you?” Not even thinking about the question, you blurted out the obvious. Jungkook gulped loudly in your ear drums, assuring you he was thinking.

“I’m bored without you” He spoke in a hurry, facepalming at the words. Disappointed he couldn’t confess the right one, he felt embarrassed and flustered of the thought.

“Really? You’re living with 6 other guys. HOW in the world, would that be boring for you?” You chuckled, taking advantage to question him.

“It’s fun. But, at least you don’t beat my if I’m annoying” He laughed, scrunching his nose of the thought, when the elders ran after him to stop his child-like-games.


“Yet? Do you really think, you can beat me??” Jungkook sat up, the usual tongue action along the inside of his cheek, fiddling with his fingers. His chest boosting up in confidence, as you chuckled in arrogance.

“Of course. I’ll be having you down on the floor in seconds, I’m stronger than you think” You threatened with a smile, making him chuckle.

“It’s on, Y/N-Hulk” You both went into a fit of laughter, feeling the bubbles inside your stomach rise, at the thought of Jungkook. Slowly, small conversations became deeper and raised once more. Talking to Jungkook was relaxing, and even daring when it came to competition. Not only did you have a 1-on-1 fight with each other, but even requested to beat your in Mario cart. As time went by, you wondered if any of the things you talked about, would ever happen. The nights out, games, playful fights and casual meet ups. Jungkook is an idol, and it made your dreams crash down.

“You suddenly went quiet… What are you thinking?” He spoke in a groggy voice, as if he was about to sleep, curling under the sheets. Taking a deep breath of exhaustion, you watched the grey clouds pass by the blue moon.

“That we probably won’t have time to do these things. You’re an idol, Jungkook, don’t forget that. You work almost 24/7 and sparing time for a random girl, is ridiculous. We won’t have anything to do with each other, then late messages that will never be responded when you come back home. We will not have to keep in contact….” Your heart went slower by the second, pouring your thoughts out to Jungkook. His heavy breathing soothing your ears, afraid what he would think. He seemed so excited about the idea, that he could go outside to visit you, like a regular student or neighbour. There was this thing about him, that you wondered about. He was carefree but hard working, and at times, seemed like he wanted to run away. It broke your heart, thinking you won’t be keeping in contact with Jungkook. Not because he is famous, but the way he takes care of you, despite the way it all has turned out. There was still no memory of how you got a hold of his phone, and imagining that you had stolen it, made you feel uneasy as a feared lamb.

“I know…” Jungkook responded in a whisper, losing his eyes to imagine the way the short conversation will become. Standing in front of each other, and maybe too embarrassed or awkward to exchange proper words like this. The way his life turned a little spicier, getting a hold of your phone. Your encouraging words that felt like his mothers, and make him feel like a child once more.

“But… we should at least try…right?” Even though it would be harder, when arriving home. Working on a new album and packages for their dear fans. Spending just an hour outside in the world, was precious too Jungkook. When it meant to escape the idol life, it was worth it, especially when you were the only who could make him feel like a regular guy.


Entering the college building was a dream, like walking into a museum. People wore their own type of clothes, unique style to different shapes. Art works displayed from the ceiling to the floor, making your mouth gab in amazement. People were friendly, smiling and even helpful to guide the way. No one was divided into groups, as it was in high school, here, you were accepted. Classrooms were bigger and fascinating topics and white canvases ready, for when assignments and projects were announced.

You couldn’t remember when you fell asleep last night, when talking to Jungkook. As if it was a removed memory, but the sound of his voice lingered in your head. Sitting along on the long bench, waiting for more people to join the class, you felt your cheeks rise at the thought of Jungkook’s words from yesterday. He was encouraging and caring, as if everything depended on him. Not wanting to let him get too close, because you both knew, maybe it wouldn’t last. But, determinate like Jungkook, you would fight for this friendship to continue.

“Is this seat taken?” Taken out of your thoughts, you were met with a different male sound from the side. His arms crossed to hold his books and black shoulder bag, fitted well with his simple style. He was handsome, and probably your age. His eyes were amazingly a bright green, and tanned skin as you were unsure if he was a foreigner.

“No, go ahead” You hurried, since he was only waiting for a response.

“Thanks. I’m Jooheyon by the way” Flashing a smile, while seated on your side, it was even more beautiful than you imagined. Hypnotised by his spring eyes, you could barely speak proper words as the professor started the class. His style reminded you a lot of Jungkook’s, simple with white shirt and denim jeans. A red beanie fitting his deep brown hair, and features so sharp it might cut.

“I’m.. Y/N…” You whispered, knowing it would be bad getting caught. His attention was pointed in your direction, giving you a challenging time to breathe. Leaning on his hand, soothing his eyes on your small frame, you felt your cheeks rise with a mightier heat than before.

“Interesting. What group are you in?” In college, you were divided in groups as for what classes to attend. Every announcement for new projects, you needed to be leaded by the group you were assigned to.

“B-3” You responded confidently, getting him to smile widely.

“Same for me, looks like we’re going to be official classmates” His chuckled, making you mirror in response. He seemed friendly, but there was an aura which was almost unable to read.

“Students, new and old. We’re going to start with a mini project, to get to know each other. Each of you, are going to be assigned with a partner and luckily, it’s the one on your right or left side. We’ll be presenting our projects in two days and the best will be shown in the main hall. Any questions and workshops areas, shall be confronted with me, okay? Kay.”

With that, people started talking to their new partner. Easy enough for you, when Jooheyon was yours. Putting your heads together, you tried to figure out his favourite art area. It was hard trying to concentrate on an idea, when his eyes were too beautiful to spare. With that, your phone continued to buzz making your distractions worse. Eyeing the screen, you noticed the number which you couldn’t recall. Taking a minute to read unread messages, you noticed a woman who Jungkook was assigned to collab with, was calling his cell without results. Panicking, as if you should answer or not, you heard the bell ring for a break. Taking the chance, you took your things, getting ready to text Jungkook about this mystery girl.

“Hey, let’s exchange phone numbers, so we can find each other easily” You were stomped by the taller boy, holding his phone in front of your face. Taking the time to not think properly, you shot him a warm smile before coding your number. Excusing yourself, you felt his eyes staring in the back of your neck as you left the classroom.

Dumbfounded and lost, you were now having a new mission on the run. Trying to act like Jungkook for his own sake, you had to be careful what you texted, or worse, even said.

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Chapter 10: Kookie's cuteness always makes fans forget that he's actually a hulking mass of muscle ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
detective-kid #2
Chapter 10: Your story was amazing :) I read it in one sitting just because I couldn’t stop in the middle of the chapter. The interactions were amazing and I just loved the way she talked because that’s quite close to the way I text :)
peggyw #3
Chapter 10: Such a sweet story! I'm impressed that you were able to make it believable.
Chapter 10: This is sooooooooo good and beautiful ;;;; Oh goddddd please I am loving this a lot. It is well written and the pace of teh story is just fine to me~~ her sassiness and jungkook sassiness when texting is my fav. Couldnt stop smilling ;;;
july-pupetta #5
Chapter 10: that was very beautiful :D. i really enjoyed reading your fanfic :) their interactions was amazing jk is a cutie <3 , i loved so much all the text messages :)
MinAhRa #6
Chapter 8: Jk messed up pretty bad
MinAhRa #7
Chapter 7: Hey, u updated
Im kinda missed you haha
Gosh, now i badly want to know whos the chick that calls jk
MinAhRa #8
Chapter 5: So midget was jimin all along?!!
MinAhRa #9
Chapter 4: S.T.O.P
Chapter 4: This seems so cute!