
Are you bulletproof? | BTSxReader

Your voice was booming in the room, as the boy's eyes widened while seconds passed. Did they mistakenly dye your hair red, because you were certainly, glistering anger from your eyes. Hoseok was merely confused and scared, of your sudden change in behaviour. Neither of the boys, wanted to get close, after your outburst. The manager's shoes clicking against the wooden floor, while their muttering, covered your eardrums. Getting up from the chair, with the hair dye resting, you were cursing under your breath. There was no accurate description, if it was because the leaked information, or the fact that your heart tried to heal in the process. Either way, you weren't happy.

"Who?" Namjoon asked curiously, with a perplexed look shot your way. You clenched your fist, knowing this woman was out of capability, to be any good. Her name, that made you grit your teeth as your vocals got ready.

"Vanessa motherfuc-"

"Y/N!" Jin interrupted your answer, making you take a deep breath. His mother-like-eyes were stern, keeping you away from your dirty mouth. You whispered a 'fine', while you erased every bad-mouthing thought, out of your mind.

"Vanessa whatever her last name was... She was the girl that owned the shop, that Yoongi took me to, so I could buy a dress" You continued, sitting back into the chair as your stylist took the dye out.

"But I don't understand. Why mention Yoongi's credit card?" Hoseok questioned, sitting on the opposite side. His plastered smile, faded away as he wondered deeply and unsure, what do in this situation.

"It was the original plan, that I was the one to buy it. But Yoongi ended up buying it for me, right before Army came. He just gave me his credit card, and left." You finished. Making the boy go in awe, of his Hyung's gesture. You left out the detail, of how Yoongi held you close in the changing room, as he explained the former relationship between him and Vanessa. Your heart ached of the thought, as the scene flashed by.

"Noona? This isn't a major thing, right?" Taehyung asked one of the managers, who was silently biting her nails, overcompensating the possibilities. A heavy sigh left her lips, before she stood up. You didn't know why, but the atmosphere changed when she took off her glasses. The cold air briefly touching your bare shoulders, as you gulped at her response.

"I don't know. It can go both ways. Either they will forget about this 'scandal' or, it will escalate. Give it a few days and let's see. The CEO will be notified of the situation and maybe, he got an idea what to do." She spoke gently, as the others nodded along.

"Can't we just say they aren't dating, isn't that the main issue?" Jimin suggested, making you bite on the inside of your cheek. Fiddling with the hem of your shirt, you felt a slight pain increase. Jimin was right, you and Yoongi weren't dating. At least, not anymore.

"We aren't going to say anything, yet. Act like you usually do and I'll have a talk with the CEO. Y/N, you should probably talk to Yoongi about this. Figure out a plan, or make up a story, so fans won't suspect anything. At this point, you two are a hot topic on twitter. Remember, your fanbase is majority of underage people. They sometimes, cannot take news like this well." The manager explained, making you nod in response. Even though, you hated the thought of talking to Yoongi again, you knew it was part of your job, to be professional. It was just bad, when you lost the sense of professionalism, around the boy you loved.

The boys' eyes were on your silent form, as you thought of a plan. Jin was occupied with his phone, having Yoongi on a secret call, so he could hear everything. The boy on the other line, was shaking of anger, hearing the news. He knew Vanessa was capable of causing drama and he couldn't help, but blame himself.

"WHERE IN THE FLYING HAVE YOU BEEN" You cursed at the older boy, as he was down on his knees. His contagious laughter, that affected you so briefly that you couldn't help, but smile at him. Jackson found his way to your dorm, as he saw the scandal fly around Twitter. Your knitted brows relaxed, seeing his begging posture in front your feet.

"Get up..loser.. you look miserable from up here" You scoffed, as he stood up from the ground. His arms surrounding your waist, as he pulled you into his embrace. You immediately let go of yourself, indulging into his touch. You missed him. A friend, that you haven't seen for long, would help on your wounds.

"I'm sorry. I have been busy. But when I saw the news, I had to go see you. Jessica told me you had been on a trip, how did it go?" He questioned, as he loosened his grip around you. Your face faltered, knowing you had to tell him the truth. By far, Jackson has been the only one to aggressively respond to Yoongi's actions. Last time, he threatened to beat him. You wondered, what would he do after knowing what Yoongi has done now.

Sitting down with Jackson in your room, the atmosphere turned from joy to anger, which didn't surprise you. The veins on his hands and neck sprouted, as you finished your story. In other words, Jackson was ready to beat him up. But as the person you were, your smiled and positivity helped him control it. His clenched jaw softened, bringing you into his embrace once more. His deep and harsh breath, as he tugged a tearful sorrow of a human into his warmth.

"What are you going to do now?" He questioned, finally letting you go, to look at your face. Swollen cheeks with a hint of red, from the crying had his eyebrows knit. He wanted to help, beat up the person who made you this sad, but what cause would that make?

"I don't know, Jackson. What do you think?" You shrugged on your shoulders, getting him to exhale. For the first time in ages, you let someone else, to guide. It was rare, whenever you let someone take over. It was a risk of trust and boundaries, put into Jackson's palm. Shocked and thoughtfully thinking, he needed to take this chance with care. You were a fragile flower, that just needed a little light.

"Maybe it will just go away... or maybe Hyung will do a stunt, like the JB one? Fake dating?" He suggested, making you squirm of the thought. Not only was it fake dating, but being close to Yoongi like that, would break your heart even more.

"Jackson... Fake dating, again? It's worse than walking alongside him all day..." You whined, losing hope of finding a solution. Maybe, Jackson was right. The scandals might disappear, into thin air. But you knew, the fans weren't happy for the news. It wasn't surprising, that they had made up 'ship names' or OTP's, catching every glimpse of relationships they could. It was just a dream, that they didn't wish was true. You knew, what a heartbreak felt like and this, wasn't any different.

"Okay, I'm going to ask you questions, where you're only able to answer 'yes' or 'no'. Got it?" He interrupted, staring into your eyes. His posture of confidence, as his chest was shown briefly through his loose top. You gulped in nervousness, unsure what the older man had, in thought. Playing along his game, you nodded.

"Right. Do you like singing?" The first came like a piece of cake, making you answer in an instant, 'yes'. A smile appeared on his face, knowing he finally got you.

"Do you worship your fans?" He questioned again, but you couldn't help but furrow your brows, of it. 'Worship' was a big word and even though you loved your fans, you weren't sure if it should be called 'worshipping'. Either way, you answered a blunt 'yes'.

"Do you have a crush on Jimin?" Another question throwing you off, but you merely answered 'no'. Without a doubt, you loved Jimin. But you were nothing more, than friends. It was a simple kiss, that got out of hand because of your desires, to be held. Either way, where did Jackson want with this?

"Do you like living here?" He asked, making you bit onto your lip. You loved being around the boys and have your spontaneous movie nights, but it had been so tense, the last days. Practice and concert preparation, made the dorm into a madhouse. Soon, was going to be the day of shooting, for 'spring day'.

"I love living here, but it's hard with all of this floating around us. But, we'll get through it." You whispered, with the end of a chuckle. The memories of chaos in the kitchen, as you all tried to make meals for everyone. It was enjoyable, seeing it flail in between the group. Jackson's jaw clenched, before asking you the next question.

"Do you love Yoongi-Hyung?" His eyes darkened, as you answered 'Yes'. Despite the hardships, you couldn't deny your feelings. Yoongi, was the one you loved. He showed you, what it would be like, being around him. Hearing what his story was, when no one else could. Letting you get this close, was his own choice, but it was because he knew, you were the one. He needed, to show you, before it would end.

"Do you want him back?" His final question, making you jolt- This is where he wanted to go. Absorbing his words, you nodded. The sting in your eyes, made water threaten to fall. Jackson pulled you into his embrace, asking you to let go of the tears once more. His well sculpted arms, were brushing lightly against your own. You wanted Yoongi back, and making music with him, was spectacular, but so was being in his arms. Choosing only one of them, was unbelievably hard. Jackson's hands were your back, as you choked the last tears.

"Please talk to him Y/N... You need to find out, what to do. We both know, keeping quiet, won't last long." He spoke again, letting a smile dance on his lips. It was contagious, making you smile in response. He was right, like always. You had to talk with Yoongi soon, whenever he decides to show up. The empty dorm, with just the two of you around, there was no reason to call the target. No matter what was going to happen, either of you had to it up, being around each other. You just hoped, he felt the same as you...

"Break, except Min Yoongi!"

The speakers boomed in the room, with a pile of clothes where you and the other boys were placed upon. It has already surpassed 19 hours of recording, but you have reached your limit. Jumping off the pile of clothes, you all took a break, letting Yoongi finish his solo shoot. The other boys were busy playing around, sleep and eat. You on the other hand, were focused on the little boy on the mountain. He basically, looked like a doll in a claw machine. You watched his mouth mimic to the rap piece, as he moved slightly. The camera floating up and down, giving it dimensions. You were taking aback, as he caught your eyes from his position. Slowing down his reflex and complexion, making the director retake the shoot. You were a bump on the road, as they recorded the scene again. Yoongi, couldn't keep his eyes from you, making it hard for the director.

"Again!" You didn't care, hearing the word get repeated. Your mind, was absorbed onto him. Every muscle was moving like a butterfly, as the blue streaks in his hair glowed in the dark. The bright pink shirt, made it even harder to not look away. After the seventh time, it was finally starting to get better. Yoongi got composed, finishing his solo scene. Letting him, get a break too.

It was probably past midnight, but you didn't know. The shooting place, was inside a big warehouse. Small props, to bigger props stored inside. It was a whole different world, as you looked around. Tomorrow, was going to get worse, when you had to record outside in the winter snow. It was ironic, making an mv in the snow for the song 'Spring day'.

You gasped, seeing his petite body jump from the height. Hungrily going for the snack table, as you observed his moves. You didn't know, if it was because of Jackson that you looked at him like a prey. Or the fact, that the atmosphere was gone. Throughout the whole day, either of you have had multiple eye contacts and acted if nothing has happened, when the camera appeared. Did he know, what you wanted? Because right now, you weren't sure if you wanted to go back, when everything is fading away. It's this, what Yoongi wanted, right?

"Y/N?" A voice creeped from behind. Turning around, you found yourself in front of the sun. A snack bar was pointed in your way, as he handed you the supply. Hoseok's smile were brightening, even though his eyes were barely red from being awake. You took out the chocolate bar from his hand, as you flashed him a smile. "Thank you" You whispered, unwrapping the sweet consistent. A light chuckle brushed against your ears, as he nodded back.

"Should get some energy, for our shooting~" He sang, spinning around your lifeless form. How did this person, have so much energy after hours of recording?

"Looks like I could learn from you" You scoffed, walking over to the couch. A red soft furniture was placed along the wall, for decoration to later. For now, it was your place to relax. No one knew, when the director would call again, so might as well get the rest you can. Hoseok followed along, to sit beside. His body aligned with yours, as he munched on the snack. The staff walking and wobbling past, seeing that they are just as tired like you.

"It's going to be cold tomorrow. Hopefully none of us will be sick" He mumbled, leaning his head onto your shoulder. Repaying his affection, you leaned against his. Your hair tickling his skin, making him giggle of the touch. Closing your eyes, you let every sound and word absorb.

"Hopefully not, but if we do a great job, we might not be outside for long" You responded, making him hum. It has been long, since you and Hoseok had been together. At least, alone. You heard Jimin and Jungkook laugh in the back, while Jin were telling a bad joke. You chuckled hearing it, like always. Jin's jokes were not the best, but his windshield laugh breaking out afterwards, always caught you.

"You should talk to Yoongi" Hoseok interrupted, as your eyes fluttered open. The light above blinded, as you mumbled a 'what' in return. Your energy level was running low, while you had to save it for later. Hoseok, didn't move from your shoulder, but you could feel his eyelashes and breath hit your skin. The chills formed on the surface, as you closed your eyes once more.

"I spent the past days with him in the studio..." He continued to speak. Part of you didn't want to hear, but your ears grew bigger. Everything that contained Yoongi, made your ears like a bat's. You haven't been able to talk, because he was always gone. Did he avoid you? Did he ever think of you? There was no answer, until Hoseok put everything clear. "Is that so?" You responded, feeling your energy vanish through every exhale.

"You don't seem to care?" He spoke again, making your eyes flutter open. His fingertips the visible skin on your forearm, making more chills run up your spine. "Please don't ever think that Hobi.." You muttered, staring up at the ceiling. It wasn't a pretty sight, different valves crossing each other, holding everything in place, or had no purpose. It was like looking at yourself, you had a purpose for singing, but the rest was unknown.

"I know... If just Hyung would think that too..." He replied, making you bite into your inner cheek. "What do you mean, Hobi?" You questioned, feeling his stop on your arm. Closing your eyes, you were ready, to hear any kind of scolding, or explanation. The black hole placed in your heart, filled with doubt, will be destroyed.

"He never stops talking about you... Surprising, no? I thought so. He composes a lot of songs, but they are heart breaking and filled with sorrow. It's about you, I know it. Even though, he tells me it's not. His blood shot eyes, are filled with water whenever I see him. The aura of regret, that fills the whole studio. Whenever he sleeps, he keeps muttering your name. I always wonder if he has nightmares? I don't know what to do... I'm not asking you, to go back to him. All I'm asking, is for you talk to him. I know, it wasn't fair for what he did. But he is suffering, just like you. We both know, only you can help him the right way." Even for your closed eyes, you felt the tears fall on your cheek. Hoseok's voice were haunting your mind, with his beautiful words. His fingers intertwined with yours, as you squeezed them lightly. He was there, he was always there. The sunlight, you needed to brighten the road, you needed to take. As time had passed, you always thought Yoongi didn't care. Trying to forget and move on, like you always did. But even so, this was a matter, that none of you, knew how to handle. Without the boys to confront and help, you would be stuck the same place forever. Dwelling on the bad memories, of a broken heart.

You opened your eyes, to see a lighter day. The director muttered a word, that you couldn't hear clearly. Hoseok's eyes were pointed at you, with the care of a child. A light chuckled escaped your lips, before you tugged him into a hug. His arms holding onto your body, as his hands patted you lightly on the back. You thanked heaven, for letting one of their angels walk amongst you.

*Next day*

It was unknown, when the last time you were inside. Or at least, that's what everyone complained about. The outside air was fresh, but hurtful with the snow around your shoes. It was early in the morning, because the director wanted a clean sunlight scenery. The boys' noses were horribly red and shaking, because of the little clothes some of them wore. You felt bad, when you were allowed to wear jeans. Rather packed up, more than the others. For the two hours of filming, the only shots of Taehyung and outside walking was cleared to be perfect. Rest, was still filled with practice and re-dos. Either of you, couldn't hold your shaking bodies from being too visible. The cold of minus degrees, were digging into your bones.

"Waaaaah" You heard Jimin from afar, as the rest ran in circles. The heat packs were too hot for their ears, or too cold without them. There was no in between, of having comfort in this weather. Everyone, was basically a burrito. Their bodies were wrapped in blankets, with staff holding the heat packs against their frozen skin. Besides the circumstances, the place they chose for the shooting, was beautiful. River, trees and train tracks. It was a sight, that should be engraved. Taking the last shot of you all walking, like goddess on grass the director yelled "Cut, break time!"

The boys ran towards the crew, where the blankets were stored. Screams and sighs were slipping through the air, as their reptile body succumbed to the warmth. Cups of cocoa were brought to the place, as everyone got inside of a 'trunk' that was there, to assistance the crew and everyone else. You got handed the cup, while an aroma briefly touched your nostrils. Pulling on the corners of your lips, making you walk away from the trunk. You were enjoying the scenery, as you came closer to the tree. Branches with a little ice on top, as it melted away. The sound of the grass hitting the wind, making the nature take over.

"It's cold" A raspy voice behind, approaching your frozen form. You knew, without a doubt, it was Yoongi. A blanket covering your shoulders, feeling the warmth grow. His body walked further, to stand in front of you. His red nose, looked like Rudolph. Making you giggle, of imagining a pair of deer-like-ears grow and antlers out of his head.

"I missed hearing you laugh" He commented, holding onto his cup. His gloves, that held his palm warm but not his fingertips. They were red, and close to turning purple. He was cold, but why was he dragging himself out here. Even for the compliment he made, you were worried of his health.

"You should go back" You suggested, looking down on the ground. The blankets covering your shoes, while his legs started shaking lightly. He wanted to go, but he couldn't. "No." He responded sternly, taking a sip of the sweet liquid. Sighing of satisfaction, the steam blew from his mouth like a dragon.

"Why not? You're cold" You spoke, darting the eye contact he tried to get. The shield around your body, felt broken when he was this close. His breath, that you could feel hit your skin. An atmosphere, that was so familiar. You weren't sure if it was the cold, or the feelings of longing, were stinging your eyes.

"I am, but I'm not going back without you. We need to talk." He spoke, finishing up his cocoa. Putting the cup on the ground, his hands found place into his pockets. You closed your eyes, hearing his words. It was time, to put an end to this misery. Multiple images and suggestions ravished your mind, not knowing where to start. You wanted to be back together, but you didn't know how he felt. Did he really miss you, like Hoseok said?

"I'm sorry." He muttered, making your eyes flutter open. He was sorry? For a second, you didn't know what he was apologising for. It spiked a sense of anger and regret, realising he wasn't the type to say those words. He knew, when he 'd up. But he always had a hard to time, to acknowledge it. You felt the tears dwell in the corner, as they froze in place of the cold.

"Sorry for?" It wasn't that you were trying to be persistent, but you wanted to know what he meant. He could tell you he was sorry for leaving, or playing you, but only he knew, what he wanted. You sipped on the cup, to put on the ground at last. Tugging on the blanket, to cover your body more. The cold was silently growing, making you anticipate a short answer.

"For not talking to you." He responded, while he rubbed the back of his neck. Even though you deserved and explanation, Yoongi was tip-toing around you. He has always done it, since you both came back. Trying to stay away from your sight, as he knew, he was the cause to bring the pain upon you. What he didn't know, that talking to you, was better than ignoring you. When he saw the glimpse of tears fill in the corner of your eyes, he felt like tugging you into his embrace. But, he didn't know what you felt. Everything was a maze for Yoongi, a difficult maze to find you. His heart was beating louder, by seconds went. You didn't respond, avoiding his eyes. He was at a loss, not knowing what to do. Was this the end?

"Hold me." Your words surpassed his ears, making his hands search for you. His arms wrapping around your waist, to pull you into his embrace. You were there, your body pressed against him. As the sound of your choked tears, was muffled at his ear. Your bodies stopped shaking, as the warmth grew in between.

"Y/N... I missed you... so ing much..." He spoke gently, as he your back. You muttered a simple 'I missed you too'. Because, even for the disappearing of his existence, you missed him. The jerk, that showed you love and his life. You needed him. The two of you stood beside the tree, holding each other as if the end was near. Neither of you, wanted to let go. It had been days, since the touch of a beloved. Time went by, the snow melting away under your feet.

"I'm lost, Yoongi. I still love you... It never changed, despite my heart breaking of your words in Daegu. But you showed... yourself. I appreciate that and even if this won't last long, I'm glad it happened. I hate the thought, of us acting like nothing happened in the past. Shoulder against shoulder, is like walking into war. Right now, I don't see a lot of light because of the scandal. I don't know what will happen and I'm scared. I just want you back.." You spoke, drying the tears away. Yoongi's arms loosened around the form, as he took a look at your face. He missed being this close, hearing your words and the smell of your perfume tickle his nostrils. God, he longed for this.

"I'm lost too. You're not alone and I have tried, to take care of Vanessa.... But I think I'm out of luck, even though I want to protect you. The only thing I could think of, was you. I wanted to make everything safe, but I'm useless. You're scared, I understand. I'm scared too, but I cannot live without you around me. Everything contains you, my songs, thoughts and dreams.... Staying away from you, was a mistake. My feelings are killing me..." He trailed off, unsure what to do. Biting onto his bottom lip, he gathered his courage "I love you, so ing much Y/N." He responded, as tears formed in his eyes. The feelings he had been locking up and trying to pass, has reached its limit. You were finally in front and listening, to whatever he had to say. The chills dancing on his skin, as he pressed his lips against yours. A familiar warmth embracing you both, as the kiss got longer. It was a thing, you both wished and longed for. Standing together, tears in your eyes, like the beginning. Releasing his lips from yours, he placed his forehead onto you. Your eyes were locked together, reading the words his mouth couldn't produce.

"Do you want to, continue this? No more secrets, even if it means Mr. Bang will find out?" You questioned, as he intertwined his fingers with yours. Fitting like a glove, you squeezed them. The cold breeze disappearing, as he brushed his lips against yours. "I want to do this, together. This time, I'm not letting you go." He whispered, as you pulled a smile into the kiss. A giggle escaped your lips, as the bubbles of happiness and butterflies build in the bottom of your stomach. You missed this closeness, with Yoongi. Walking back to the trunk, the field seemed to shine more, or was it the fact your heart was repairing? Looking to your side, your companion was there, to keep you safe and sound. The cold, seemed like nothing when it got thawed, by your glowing red cheeks.

"I have to tell you something... and you might won't like it..." You trailed off, as your eyebrows knitted. You had been keeping a secret, unsure if it should be told. If you proposed for no more secrets, you had to tell him. Yoongi hummed in anticipation, of what you wanted. He was confused, because in his mind, there was no way you could have done something, that he wouldn't like, or was there? The sound of the other boys came closer, realising what has happened between you two. You gulped, seeing the pink hair shine at the sunlight.

"Me and Jimin kissed the other day, but it was fast and innocent. Please don't get angry!" You finished in a second, making him stop in his tracks. His eyes grew larger, over that his friend could do something like that. But was he even allowed to be angry? You two had nothing when it happened. Yoongi groaned in response before making his hand into a fist, letting go of yours. Marching towards the younger fellow, he grabbed Jimin's collar.

Fear grew in Jimin's eyes, seeing his older brother with a firing rage. The boys were on guard, seeing the scene unfold. Yoongi's hand was raised into the air and you called his name from afar, stopping him from hurting the pink haired boy. The other members looked carefully and not interrupting, unsure if Yoongi was actually going to hit him. For Jimin, he didn't speak. He knew he did something, that was considered a 'crime' in other's thoughts. If he was going to get hit, he deserved it with every might. Jimin closed his eyes, anticipating his punishment.

But nothing came. Yoongi's eyes softened, seeing his friend get prepared. Realising, this person, was always there to comfort others. He didn't deserve to be treated this way, and Yoongi knew that. His hand retreated to himself, as he released a chuckle. The other boys around, were holding their breath, as you came closer. Yoongi pulled Jimin into a hug, making the younger brother open his eyes. The rapper held the singer tightly, as both released a chuckle and the crowd left a relieved sigh.

"Thank you... for always being there, cleaning up my mess... Thank you, Jimin" Yoongi muttered into Jimin's ear, making him giggle lightly. You saw the scene, as the others ran in to join the hug. It was like the group was assembled, to reunite. Everyone, needed this to happen. As they felt their lives crumbled apart, they needed to know, that they existed in someone else's world. Namjoon's hand flew out, reached in your direction. The boys turned their heads to see your fallen tears, as they smiled your way.

"You never walk alone.." He spoke, letting you run towards the bundle of people. Their arms surrounding you and the sound of giggles spreading into the air. The tense muscles and cold, disappeared without a trace. Yoongi knew Jimin kissed what belonged to him, but when Yoongi wasn't there to keep your broken heart from self-destruction, he could always rely on his friend. It was a kiss, but rather someone steal an innocent kiss, than you from this world. The group was never, only work, it was family. Everyone always knew, that every person in this bundle, was there when they needed one. Help, love and luck. You wouldn't want to trade this treasure, for anything in the world.

Getting back to shooting, time went by, there was only the 'carousel' scene left. You have used hours, to get the perfect scene and with the team work you had, it wasn't a problem. Everything looked flawless, as night time came close. The song playing in the background, making you all dance the choreography to keep yourself warm. The sound of laughter, making the atmosphere change forever. You had everything you wanted, the boys and their happiness brighten. Yoongi by your side, despite the hardships that will and has been coming your way. You were lucky, to be here.

"Alright, that's a wrap!!" You heard the director yell, making everyone clap. You thanked everyone for their hard work, as Yoongi pulled you into a hug. A familiar scene playing out, with his lips attacking yours. It was never getting old, as your cheeks heated up at the affection. Your core was tickling as you felt his body this close, with his lips brushing against your neck. His cologne making you dizzy, while you heard your manager mutter something in the back.

"What?" You responded lowly, making your manager talk louder. Yoongi froze, as your eyes grew bigger of your manager's words. His arms held you tight, because if he didn't, you would fall to the ground. The warmth disappearing, as fear corrupted your mind. Shaking of the thought, that tomorrow was doom day. Jin came running, to tell that the others were ready to leave. Seeing your state of shock, Jin retreated to look at Yoongi. His milky white skin, were paler than never before.

"Is something wrong?" Jin questioned confused, seeing the two people speechless in front of him. Yoongi shook his head, before he looked at his Hyung in confusion and fear. Doubt his eyes, with words falling on each other. You grabbed Yoongi's arm harder, when he repeated the sentence. Leaving Jin to be baffled, of the thought.

"Bang Si-Hyuk wants to see Y/N in his office tomorrow at noon.." 

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Chapter 26: Phewwww finally finished reading this and here I am again hello leaving comments again I really hope im not too.late in discovering this story BUT THIS SII TOO GOOD BEYOND EVERYTHING ;; I have nothing to say but to thank your genius brain and mind for writing this story I love it so much. It pains me to hae her get kicked out of the band but I really hope it works out for her. As much as I want her to stay but in reality the world is too cruel. She might get a lot of hates if she continue. But I wish bang would let her take part in the wings tour first and look how bad the response is. After all taking her off from the group immediately bcs of the dating news is so unfair for her ;; she is still part of the band. The comeback is approaching how she worked as hard like others. Nonetheles, that is only my penny of thoughts hehe I STILL LIVE YOUR WRITING ANYWAYS. *sending loves and hugs*
Gwen13 #2
Chapter 26: Sequel plssss maybe about her solo debut:)
Love it..keep going, you are a good writer