Hold me tight

Are you bulletproof? | BTSxReader

A/N: Mentioned stories are FICTIONAL (Means I don't know if any is real, or not.) After this chapter, I'm taking a break for a week or more, from writing this series. I have also decided to stop using the cover, and use Gifs like on Wattpad.

Not too far away from Yoongi's family home, there was a tiny forest. It wasn't big, but inside it had a path. It's a trail for common dog owners, to walk with their pets whenever they want. Dogs can meet any time of the day, say hello or goodbye. There aren't multiple cars and loud noises like in the city, the trail inside the forest gave you the right peace. Walking alongside the taller figure with a leash in his hand, and his fingers intertwined with yours, made you feel a special kind of happiness. None of you had to think about work and just enjoy yourself, with each other.

"You were being sarcastic about the thing with sweatpants, right?" He questioned, looking at you with a perplexed expression. Giggling lightly, you shook your head in denial. His hand facepalming at the situation, made him release a sigh. "How should I know, we would be going on a date?? I just thought we would hang at your house these two days!" You excused, pouting at him.

"I know.. but this restaurant is kind of fancy. Sweatpants might not be the best kind of clothing." He scoffed, tightening his grip around your fingers. Your eyes fixed upon the scenery of trees and a river, made you imagine what kind of place he would take you to. "Which means, we're going shopping when we get home" He demanded, releasing his fingers from yours. To tug you in by the hip, closing the gap between the two of you while walking. "So, let me enjoy walking this close with my girlfriend before we go to town" He finished speaking, letting out a heartfelt laugh.

"You're not scared of fans will see you?" You questioned, enjoying his warmth against your side.

"Me? You should be scared too. I mean, we're both famous? Also, let's just keep it a low profile. One of my old classmates owns a shop not too far away from here, she sells decent clothes." He suggested with a light squeeze to your hip, making you push him away in a teasing way.

"You're so full of yourself~" You spoke back, making him clutch to his chest. Chuckling at his acting, he tugged you into his chest. Kissing your forehead, before he let you go once more. The two of you could get used to this kind of lifestyle, but would eventually miss your love for music. Continuing to walk, your destination was controlled by Holly, he pretty much dragged you around on that path until the end.

"By the way... The person owning the shop knows us, but not as a couple. She will probably ask about BTS and careers, we can't let her know that we are together. She has a hard time keeping shut at times" He spoke with a hence of annoyance, making you furrow your brows. Even though it was just a high school classmate, it still urged you that he knew that much. "Was she close to you?" You let the curiosity get the best of you and let out whatever was on your mind, before it ate you up.

"Kind of" He responded flatly, before Holly started barking. Another dog was in sight, making Holly drag Yoongi towards the other owner. Leaving you behind, with only an answer that would make your mind run. 'Kind of'? Who was she?

Parking up in front of a store with the display of wedding dressed and party dresses, in the window. Yoongi gave you a nudge on the shoulder, before he left the car. Glancing at the mirror, you assured yourself that your outfit was on point, including the makeup. Walking alongside of Yoongi, you made sure there was a couple of inches in between. There was no way you would risk, getting spotted alone with him. The both of you successfully got inside of the shop, luckily it was that time of the day that people were busy getting home than shopping.

"Yoongi? Is that you?" A female voice approaching the both of you, with an astonishing face. Her facial features making her look like a kid, but the v line on her face showed adulthood. Her eyelashes long and black, with milky white skin like Yoongi. She was a couple of inches smaller than you, with a petite like body. She had working clothes on, with a black top that had the shop's name located upon her chest. Her dirty blonde hair, made her brown eyes light up. Pinkish lips that looked fuller than your own and cheekbones that could probably cut you, with just a touch. She wore all black, with different accessories. Her hair covered most of her back, but she had the perfect curve to give her a fuller . She had perfect clean skin, not a single imperfection was to be seen. Her s looked huge to you, to the point they looked unnatural. "Omg. I'm turning into Jessica." You thought, stopping yourself from staring.

"Hey Van, long time no see" He answered, walking forward to bow with his head. Confused and unaware, you blurted out; "Van?"

"Vanessa... It's nice to meet you!" She spoke with a smile, taking your hand in hers, bowing 90 degrees. Shocked over her politeness, you mirrored her. To your thinking, she would most likely be older than you. Approximal the same age as Yoongi, since they were classmates. Giving her your signature smile, her attention went back to the boy beside you. "What brings you to Daegu, also in this shop?" She asked curiously, blinking with her long eyelashes. Strangely, it mesmerised you.

"Business, this fool forgot to bring a nice dress. So, I took her here, knowing you could find something for her." He suggested, putting a hand on your shoulder. Flashing the girl in front of you a smile, you internally wanted to hit him. "Well, we just got the newest collection in, would you like to see?" She questioned, turning her face towards you. Nodding at her question, she put a hand on Yoongi's chest before turning on her heels. You were not the jealous type and have learned to bite it in you, but that hand definitely didn't look innocent. Following along her trail of heels clicking against the floor, you arrived to see dresses stacked neatly on a table. Your eyes growing bigger by the neon colours, almost turning you blind. "What do you think, any ones you fancy?" She asked, taking out a few dresses. Aligning it against your body, to imagine what style would fit you.

"I don't know, neon colours aren't really my style..." You excused, with your eyes fixed upon the dress she held up. To your defence, at this point you wished Jessica had accompanied. She always knew what dresses and style you liked, but right now you were probably lost. Glancing over at Yoongi, he was busy scrolling through his phone, not sparing a look. Using a few minutes lost in thought, she handed you a couple of dresses, giving you whatever she thought looked nice. "Try these out!" She requested, pushing you towards the dressing rooms.

The dressing rooms were pink, giving you a familiar memory with Jessica in her favourite shop. The dresses that Vanessa handed you, were with multiple zippers or had to be tied. She waited for you behind the black curtain, separating a worker and customer. Stripping off your clothes, you tried on the first dress. Already looking at it without it on your body, there was no doubt you didn't like it. It was Yellow with polka dots and white tulle under it, making it look like a kid's dress. Throwing it away, you grabbed onto another dress. Without a proper look, Vanessa peeked inside. "Do you need help?" She asked, before she got in front of the curtain revealing herself. Her smile blinded you more than the neon dresses, making you blush slightly. Nodding at her, she went behind you to zip the dress. It was blue, very deep neon blue. It actually scared you, how much it didn't fit you. The big pink bow on your stomach, made you look like a doll. Furrowing your brows, you heard a slight chuckle from Vanessa. "You don't like it, try the other one" She suggested, zipping you out of the dress. Proceeding to get a green dress on, which just gave the same results.

"How is it being an idol?" She questioned curiously, letting you get into a dress.

"It's nice, I love making music. I can do something I like and make other people happy" You spoke with a gentle voice, revealing a smile to her.

"Must be perfect... How are the others? Jimin and everyone else?" She kept asking, tying up the dress on your back. Afterwards she went up front to fix the chest area, where there were ribbons as well.

"They are doing well, have you met Jimin before?" You responded, noticing her nails were decorated with crystals and a fitting colour.

"I met Jimin the last time Yoongi was in Daegu, been a few months ago now. Yoongi keeps getting more handsome, too bad he didn't look like that in highschool" She giggled, making you look in the mirror. Her laugh made you smile, because it reminded you of your sisters. Furrowing your brows once more, she took it as a 'no' again. She proceeded to untie your dress, her eyes faltered after a while. "Is something wrong?" You questioned, raising an eyebrow at her.

"What makes you think something is wrong?" She responded, her eyes softened at your consideration. Putting away the dress, she handed you a pink one. The back was just a pure zipper, but there were letters printed everywhere on the fabric.

"You seem, upset." You spoke, looking into the mirror getting her eye contact. curving into a smirk, she looked upon your back to zip it.

"Are you perhaps dating Yoongi? It's the first time I have seen him with another girl in Daegu" She asked, with her voice trembling. Your mind became blank, repeating her words 'another girl'. "No, we're members. Just co-workers" You responded flatly, letting her zip the rest. Even with the background music, booming in the shop. Vanessa's exhale, was big enough for Daegu to hear.

"It's hard to be around him for many years, I miss him from time to time" She whispered, ping your dress again, seeing your face unsatisfied. Your chest hurt, hearing her words. She was definitely close with Yoongi, but you weren't sure if it would be good to know, how close. Biting to your bottom lip, she found the last dress in the colour red, handing it to you. Her hand touching yours for a split second and you felt her smooth skin, that set you on fire like Yoongi. Gathering enough courage, you sighed;

"How close... were you and Yoongi?" You questioned, mentally slapping yourself. You heard Vanessa giggle over the question and seeing her face light up at the name of Yoongi, you couldn't help but feel jealousy.

"I dated Yoongi in high school, for a couple of months. We both had a dream of becoming rappers and rule the world, with our songs. We both auditioned at Bighit, hoping we could be in the same group despite our gender... but Yoongi was the lucky one to get accepted.... We couldn't continue as a couple, so we broke up and sooner, he was so busy we barely talked. It was like our relationship never happened... but someday I hope he will come back... my feelings never vanished.... Such a foolish dream." She finished, tying up the last dress. Even though the red dress looked nice, it just didn't do its job. More of all, Vanessa's sad love story made your chest hurt. Your throat was dry, because you felt bad. As if you took away her man, without intending to. You imagined that jealousy would take over, but you were sadder, for her. She was unlucky, not getting through with her dream, getting left behind. Knowing her feelings never budged for Yoongi, it hurt to see her chase him like this. Your mouth opened slightly, to tell her the truth. It would be unfair, letting her believe Yoongi is waiting.

"Found a dress yet?" A man interrupting, pushing the black curtain away. Revealing you in the red dress, as Vanessa put up her brightest smile. "I don't think Y/N likes them" She pouted, giving him the puppy eyes. Furrowing your brows and Yoongi walk away.

"Did I do something?" She questioned, untying your dress. Shrugging your shoulders, Yoongi came back with black fabric in his hands. You were only wearing partly the dress, making Vanessa cover you with her body. Yoongi's eyes lighted up with lust once more, but shook his head handing you the dress. He looked upon the girl in front of you, bowing down to her eye level.

"Army is outside the shop, they saw me... Could you perhaps lead them away for a while until I leave?" He requested, making Vanessa blush of the close contact. Obeying him, she left the changing room, closing the curtain behind her. Leaving your half body, with a lustful predator. Crossing his arms, he waited patiently for you to wear the dress.

Simple and black, just one zipper and lace on the chest area. The dress was tight around the waist, giving you a perfect hourglass figure. Your body felt comfortable in it and it was noticeable on your growing smile, that Yoongi had a sense of your style. "Like it?" He questioned with an arched brow, getting closer.

His arm surrounded your waist, tugging you against his chest. His nose sliding up against your neck, taking in your perfume. Feeling the heat rise to your cheeks, you nodded to his question. Placing your hands on top of his, he looked into the mirror, catching your eyes. Eyes filled with happiness, but the doubt was too noticeable for the hawk eyes, of Yoongi's. Swinging you from side to side in gentle movements, he hummed asking what was wrong.

"When I asked how close you were with your 'classmate', I didn't expect that you have been dating before training" You gently spoke, trying to not sound annoyed over the fact he kept it a secret. His grip tightening around your waist, he placed a kiss onto your bare shoulders. "I assume she told you?" He questioned, making you silently nod. Sighing into your neck, he looked at you in the mirror with his eyes darken at the subject.

"We did, kind of date... for about four months. I was an underground rapper, where she seemed to have noticed me. We started talking and I realised she was in the same class, as me. I wasn't in my right mind, when I met her. I never truly asked her to be my girlfriend, but she was always around me. As bad as it sounds, I didn't expect it to hold for a long time. Did she tell you about the audition?" He questioned again, feeling his hot breath hit your neck. Nodding along, you his arm with your thumb. He took a deep inhale, before continuing to tell the story.

"Even though Vanessa wasn't able to get into Bighit, it didn't stop me from continuing. She may seem like she has a dream about becoming a rapper, but... I have never heard her rap before the audition. She can't rap for , I'm not kidding.... I moved to Seoul as a trainee for Bighit, while she stayed here in Daegu. We didn't break up yet, but I had so much on my schedule I never got time to visit, or call her. Whenever we spoke on the phone, or texted. She was constantly mad at me, asking about the staff girls. She was clearly jealous, I'm not that stupid... but I could keep up with it. Not long after I broke up with her, telling her we could still be friends but I'm more focused on my career.... And she took it well... Kind of..." He trailed off, kissing you on the neck making your hair rise. Smiling at his cuteness, you closed your eyes.

"What do you mean with 'kind of'?" You whispered, letting your body rest against him. Placing his chin on your shoulder, he sighed before telling the rest.

"Whenever I came back to Daegu or when she texted me, it always included what the staff was like. She never stopped asking about you, when it was announced that a girl would be in our group. Who you were, how you were. Did we date? There wasn't a single time, she didn't ask me that. She even asked if me an Jimin were dating, when I invited him home to Daegu... to say the least... she can be... obsessed. There is nothing left for me and her, neither will there be. You didn't tell her we dated, right?" He questioned, letting his eyes fall upon you. Shaking your head lightly, he eyes softened with his gummy smile. Kissing you one last time on your shoulder, he whispered into your ear; "That's my girl"

His words made your core scream, and your flustered heated cheeks were unbearable. His significant chuckle, rung through your ears. His arms disappearing from you, letting your burned body chill. "Here's the plan. I'm going out first, I bought a shirt so the fans won't think I'm buying stuff for a girl. Vanessa is leading them away, while I take the car. Just wait a few minutes before going, and make sure most of the fans are gone. Just walk along the street to your right and I'll wait for you there." He spoke, again ping the dress for you.

Nodding along his plan, your mind was still filled with his words of being his girl. Fiddling with his pocket, he dug out a card. Handing the golden card to you, he flashed a wink. "My treat" He commented, before walking out of the dressing room. Standing and holding his card, you saw his name engraved into it. Feeling like a princess, you looked at yourself in the mirror. "How am I this lucky.." You wondered.

A loud noise of screams and rustling, made you snap out of your lost state. Rushing to put on your clothes, you looked at the watch on your phone. It hasn't been long since Yoongi left you and there was a risk of getting spotted, if you didn't take care. You waited ten more minutes until there wasn't any more screams. Clutching to the black fabric of the dress, you walked out to the cashier. Vanessa was standing behind it, looking out of the window. Scanning the shop, there wasn't anyone but you. Exhaling the amount of fear in your lungs, you proceeded to walk. Putting the dress on the counter, Vanessa flashed you a smile. "Yoongi already left, the fans were piling up outside. I didn't even get to say goodbye" She spoke, folding the dress together.

Pursing your lips into a thin line, her smile disappeared little by little. Finding a bag, behind the counter you heard her whisper "He will forever, be the one that got away" Making you furrow your brows, but cringe at her use of words.

"That'll be 85,000 won." She requested, tapping on the screen in front of her. With fast and swift movements, you gave her the card. Vanessa didn't pay much attention, until she made you sign the paper.

"Isn't this Yoongi's card?" She questioned confused, looking at the name displayed. A feel of cold water running down your spine, you smiled at her. "I forgot my card at home, so I asked if I could borrow his" Excusing yourself, giving her the pen back. She gave you a perplexed look, not sure what to think. Taking the bag and card, you walked out of the shop. Before getting to the exit, you heard her yell "Come by again soon!"

Hands in your pockets, you powerwalked down the street. Prayed on the inside, that no one would recognise you. It would be a living hell, if people noticed you in Daegu. Walking for five more minutes, you grew confused over not seeing the car that Yoongi was driving in. Uncertain if you walked in the wrong direction, your body was frozen in place. Looking at the scenery of old shops, it reminded you of some aesthetic photo on Tumblr. To your amazement, there were a lot of noise at this time around. Taking your phone out to call Yoongi, a car honked in front of you. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE YOU FOOL AND GET IN!"

Without a second thought you jumped into the car, seated yourself in the passenger seat. A flick on your forehead was made, making you whine. "Go right, not left you idiot. Remind me to get you a GPS for your birthday" He scoffed, switching the gears to drive. Pouting at his comment, you secured yourself with the seatbelt. Your face directed at Yoongi, making him glance at you. "What?" He asked, forcing himself to look at the road.

"Thank you, for the dress." You shyly spoke, making him chuckle.

"You're welcome, I don't know why, but the dress screamed your name." He responded, letting his hand fall upon your lap. Smiling at him, you felt his of kindness rest against your jeans.

Putting on the last earring, Yoongi was busy taking a shower. A last puff of perfume and you looked like a goddess. Slick long shaved legs, with the black dress Yoongi picked for you and added silver jewellery. Standing up to look yourself in the mirror, you blew a kiss for looking way too good. Putting your phone out, you decided to snap a selca for Jessica. The amount of effort you put into your outfit, you knew Jessica would be proud. After sending the picture, your 'boyfriend' was still taking a shower. Deciding what to do, you went to the living room. Holly was sitting in his dog bed, before he skipped over to you with little wimps.

"Hello darling~ So pretty~" You spoke, kneeling to put him on your lap. Holly's dark eyes shot arrows through your heart, every little turn of the head had you in awe. "You're so cute I could cry" You whined, petting his light brown fur.

"Oh~" A gasp reaching your ears, making you stand up. A woman, not far away. Standing with a cloth in her hand, wiping up excess water from her hands. She was approximal the same height as you, possibly smaller. Black hair going just above her shoulder, with a smile duplicating Yoongi's. Her tone was shocking, but gentle. The clothing she wore was plane and modern, a beige shaded sweater with black pants. A necklace with the colour of rose-gold with small crystals and one ring on her left hand's ring-finger.

"You're Y/N, right?" She questioned, approaching you. Stiffing your body, you bowed 90 degrees out of pure respect. Feeling a bit nervous, she giggled.

"Finally, I get to meet you... Yoongi didn't tell me he invited another friend to Daegu, if I knew you were this polite I would have told him to get you here sooner" She laughed, going back to the kitchen. Following along her steps, you figured that this woman, was definitely his mother.

"Is he taking a shower?" She asked, getting back to washing the plates.

"Yeah, he's probably soon done" You responded, trying to calm yourself. Her face glancing to your direction in between her dish washing, she always put up a smile.

"Are you enjoying it here?" She spoke again, finishing the last plate.

"I like it. Your house is really pretty and it's so nice around here..." You answered, feeling guilty not having to say anything more useful.

"You're just as sweet as he told me... Too bad my husband won't be home until tomorrow." She spoke, putting the cloth away. A kitchen counter separating the both of you, feeling intimidated. A slight blush appeared on your face from her compliment, making her smile.

"He talked about me?" You blurted out, feeling curious but fearful for what he might have told. Yoongi's mother held her hand up to reach for yours, your knuckles. Her skin tone was just as milky like his, but was slightly warmer.

"I don't think there was one time, he didn't mention you. Besides, you're colleagues" She spoke, taking her hand back. The word 'colleagues' made you slightly upset, that not even his mother knew you two were a thing. But how could you tell? It's not like it was public anyways. Eyes narrowed, his mother decided to chuckle. "I just wish I met my daughter-in-law way earlier, than now, where we barely get to speak"

Her words piercing through the brain, making your eyes grow large. Her laughter that significantly reminded you of Yoongi, made your shoulders rise. "Shocked? That boy never stopped talking about you and suddenly he takes you home? After what? Five or six years? There must have happened something, for him to do that." She smiled, making you relaxed.

"Mother... don't make my guest uncomfortable" A voice behind you, feeling a pair of arms trapping you against the counter. A manly cologne rising in your nose, making you dizzy.

"I'm just teasing a bit...My son looks so good! You look like a groom~" She teased, making you turn around. The man in front of you, had a nice black tux. Perfectly contrasted with his milky white skin and black hair. Silver earrings that beamed, against the ceiling lights. You convinced yourself it was the smoking effect, but lord knew, this was just the top of the ice cream. But his mother wasn't wrong, he did look like a groom. Unfortunately, you weren't going to be a bride in that black dress.

"Thanks mom, what do you think about Y/N's dress? I picked it out for her" He questioned, letting his eyes fall upon the older woman. Yoongi's mother grubbed about the question, giving you the elevator eyes. Your body shaking at the thought of what she would think, Yoongi placed his hand on your hip that made you feel at ease.

"She looks absolutely beautiful." She finished, making Yoongi smile. Soon enough, they mirrored each other. There was no doubt, Yoongi was her son. Nodding at her answer, you whispered a 'thank you' with a dry throat. Yoongi's hand on your hips, he guided you towards the exit. His mother following along and soon you were outside on the house porch, turning around to face the woman. She flashed one last smile, before waving goodbye. "No drinking, and drive safely!"  

Sitting on the opposite side of the table, starring into the dark brown orbs. The two of you finished dinner inside a small restaurant, that were placed on a hill. It was the only thing on the hill, that usually rich people would go to. There weren't many people, but three other couples. Sliding your finger against the edge of your drink, there was a pianist playing music in the background.

"This is way too fancy, Yoongi. What are you? A millionaire?" You snickered, seeing his smirk rise.

"Not a millionaire... I use my money wisely. There is a reason I took you to this place" He spoke, sipping on his non-alcoholic drink. Arching an eyebrow at him, your curiosity was killing you.

"Is that so? Why don't you tell me the reason, then?" You suggested, letting your ankle rub against his leg. Seeing his body jolt of the touch, amused you. Glaring at you with a smile, he stood up from his chair. Walking towards the bar, where a waiter was taking in orders. Your eyes following the waiter and Yoongi, they were headed somewhere. The pianist stopped playing and another pianist joined the instrument, but not just any pianist, it was Yoongi. Seating himself in front of the white cleaned piano, stretching his fingers before they touched the keys. The melody of 'River flows in you' were blessing your ears, being one of the traditional songs to play on the piano. Your eyes locked upon the man, who looked nothing more than beautiful, playing on the instrument. To your surprise, after his first song, he played butterfly. Not an old song, but it still brought memories. Multiple eye contact was made in between the notes, to assure that you were listening. After finishing his piano play, the guests started clapping. Getting back to his seat, he placed a kiss on your cheek.

"Is this why you took me here?" You questioned, finishing your drink. His head shaking in denial, made you confused. What was there else to do?

"Come, the bill is paid for." He requested, taking your hand in his. With light steps, you were dragged outside. A garden, just beside the restaurant. It was filled with flowers, or at least you imagined there would be if it wasn't for the harsh winter. The snow, flowers, bushes and ice combined, making it look like a scene from Bambi. Walking alongside with you, on a path made in between the covered flowers. His fingers holding tightly against your own, he stopped on the edge of the garden. Getting behind you again, his arms surrounded your waist tugging your body, against his own.

"See." He whispered, making you look at the beautiful scenery. There was no word to describe the incredible sight of lights and snow covered rooftops, with the night sky above you. The headlights of a car would drive around as the lights inside houses or shops, looking like any other famous cities. You were on the top of the hill, with your beloved. Feeling his hot breath against your neck, as you both enjoyed the special view. His hand raised into the air, he pointed towards a big building.

"That's where I went to high school, Apujeong. I may have had issues back then, but it didn't stop me from achieving my dream.." He spoke, letting you, exam the school from afar. Humming along to him, he swung you from side to side like in the dressing room. A short dress, but the warmth was no problem when Yoongi was this close.

"Right over there, I crashed on my bike. If it wasn't for my arm, I would have broken my nose." He continued to speak, pointing on a different spot. "There, is where I would play basketball with a couple of friends, or alone" He pointed towards a basket court next to a park.

"Right next to it, is where I had my first kiss, when I was in kinder garden"

Yoongi pointed to different directions in the city, where he could possibly remember any living memory. How his brother would chase him down town, or look out for the neighbourhood girl. It didn't matter that these stories didn't include you, because hearing about his life, filled you with happiness. Every time he mentioned a good memory, you could feel his smile and the tone of his voice, that he enjoyed talking about it.

"You could say, I'm a promise breaker" He commented, dragging you out of your thoughts.

"What do you mean?" You questioned confused, but felt his hand turn your body around. His arms still locked around your waist, he held you in front.

"I promised Vanessa not to fall for anyone in the industry, when we were together. But... look at me now, being with you." He answered, letting his forehead fall upon yours. His words were doubtful and hurt, but you couldn't help but feel the heat rise to your cheeks. "Yoongi..." You whispered, making him shush you.

"Let's just enjoy it" He whispered, before placing his lips on yours. His salvation of love and eagerness, had your knees melt. The lustful feelings and actions taking place, from previous encounter. Both of you, could barely keep your hands away. Soon enough, outside wouldn't be the appropriate place, but getting home was way more exciting than you'd think.

Your eyelids rising of the sound of snoring, there was a specific warmth holding you close. The blue hinted blanket covering both of your bodies, you turned around to see Yoongi's sleeping face. Checking the time on your phone, it was about ten in the morning. The both of you ended up driving home, than doing the dirty deed outside at a restaurant. His parents were deep asleep, allowing the both of you to enjoy the time together.

"What is Holly doing" You wondered, getting out of bed. Yoongi was deep asleep, so you had no hope for him to wake up soon. Putting on a pair of sweatpants and one of Yoongi's shirts, the smell of his cologne made you dizzy. His shirts were so big, it was going down your thighs. If the shirt was longer, your lower half would look . Proceeding to walk out of the room, you were met with a taller figure.

Well build, not skinny but neither too fat. A black sweater in fleece and you were the height to be at his chest, and beige pants. Looking up, his face looked like an older version of Yoongi. It was the face of your boyfriend, but it was also totally different. A smile creeping upon your face, to avoid the awkward moment.

"You're Y/N, right?" He questioned, bowing with his head. Nodding to his answer, you bowed the 90-degree respect of greeting. "Yeah, I am" You responded stiffly.

"You must be hungry, my wife has just finished making breakfast, care to join us?" He requested, putting a hand on you shoulder. Following along him, he gave the aura of confidence and kindness. Walking behind him, you noticed his broad shoulders, reminding you of Momma Jin. A scent of eggs and bacon filled your nostrils and you were met with a gentle smile, from a familiar woman.

"Good morning Y/N" She spoke, setting a plate on the table.

"Good morning" You responded, giving her a warm smile while seating yourself at the dining table.

"Is Yoongi not awake?" She questioned, seating herself across from you, beside her Husband.

"No, he is in deep sleep" You chuckled, seeing the man in front smile lightly.

"That's not surprising." The man commented, reaching for the eggs in the middle.

"Even though he sleeps a lot, I bet he works hard, doesn't he Y/N?" The woman asked, reaching for the bacon.

"He does, sometimes he overworks himself. He is a perfectionist when it comes to composing songs and that's part of our big success." You spoke, debating on what to grab first. Out of nervousness, you decided to just get the toast. Slapping a bit of butter on it, you waited until the eggs were free.

"I'm proud of my son and I'm glad he has worked so hard and get friendships out of it" The man spoke, munching on his food.

"Honey, it isn't only friendships... Yoongi achieved a significant other..." She giggled, making you blush of the sudden words. Her husband gave you a raised eyebrow, before his eyes softened and a humming sound of approval reached your ears.

"He has found the perfect mate" He commented, while chuckling. Making you not feel less embarrassed, but to the point your legs couldn't stay still.

"She's not a dog, Dad" You heard a mumbling from the back, a hand creeping upon your shoulder. Yoongi's crazy bed hair tickling your ear, as a kiss was placed upon your cheek. Feeling your muscles relax, he seated himself beside you. Questions flying back and forth between your 'parents in law' and your 'boyfriend', it was nice to eat together. Hearing the stories of Yoongi making bad decisions, or stupid stunts with his older brother. It was to no surprise, that his brother had similarities with Yoongi, but his major was not music.

After the delightful morning, eating breakfast and storytelling. Yoongi dragged you inside to his room, to just relax with you. The night before, you didn't notice his room. Both of you were busy, with each other. His room were white and very little furniture. Different kinds of Kumamon figurines and plushies were decorated on his desk. Even though the tough guy he tried to display, it kind of showed that he could still enjoy collecting to his obsession of a mascot. Yoongi crashed upon his bed, while you adored his interior.

"What's up?" He questioned, getting comfortable taking his shirt off.

"I realised... I'm dating a kid" You snickered, letting your smile brighten his room. He scoffed at you, before letting his head rest on his hand, giving you a judgemental look. "So, Jin who collects Mario and Namjoon, who collects Ryan... are not kids. But I am?" He scoffed.

"A big kid~" You teased, making him get a perplexed look. His hand patting onto the mattress making you come over, seating on the edge of the bed. An arm swung around you, to pull your body against him. Wrestling you down on the bed, to be on top. He gave a smirk, before abusing you with love bites and kisses.

"Yoongi! Can't we watch a movie of something??" You giggled, with his lips moving across your skin making you laugh. His head coming up from the crook of your neck, to put his hand beside your face. "What do you want to watch?" He questioned, with a brow raised. Thinking over it, you shrugged your shoulder in defeat.

"Exactly" He finished, before he placed a kiss on your lips. Abusing your neck with bites that didn't last long enough, to leave a mark. His movements and crassness, made you give into his erted ways.

The both of you didn't use the whole day, intertwining your bodies. Movies, snacks, Holly had you both occupied, using the day to just enjoy the life you had. Even though the idol life will come crashing tomorrow, none of you minded. It was both your dream and lifeline, it was something that you adored that matched perfectly.

Standing on the porch, you stood with Holly running in circles around your legs. He was excited to see the snow fall in clumps, crashing on the grass in front. Yoongi was packing the car with your bags, because it has already been two days in Yoongi's household. It was time to go back to the dorm, even though part of you didn't want to. Petting Holly on his small head, he your hand in return.

"I think we're almost ready. Do you have everything?" He questioned, walking up to the both of you. Kneeling to pet Holly, you responded with a simple 'yes'.

"I think my phone is in the bedroom, mind fetch it for me? I can't just let go of Holly~" He requested, pouting his mouth. Giving into his cuteness of him sitting with Holly, you placed a kiss on his lips before walking inside.

Walking along the hallway, you took a last look on his baby pictures. His family, mother, father and brother. All of them, showing a story that happened in this house. It was a special kind of warmth and made you smile, but it faded when your own family, came into your thoughts. Shaking off the feelings, you went inside his room to grab the phone. It beamed with messages and phone calls, making you get a confused look. The screen showed multiple missed calls from Namjoon and Sir Bang, but it was the messages that made you get a horrible feeling.

"I hope for your own good and Y/N's, you did what I told you"

Letting the words take over your mind, you sighed in the process. Walking out of the room, to meet Yoongi at the porch. You handed him the phone, biting into your bottom lip.

"What's wrong?" He asked, confused over the state you came back with. His fingers turning on the phone, he noticed the message from Sir Bang. "Y/N... I can explain..." He spoke, seeing you cross your arms in the meantime.

"Then tell me..." You requested, biting into your cheek. Because every time you felt this horrible kind of feeling, you knew there was something bound to happen. He put his phone away, while Holly was let inside. Taking your hand in his, you didn't resist but hoped for the best. Dragging you across the porch, you both got seated on the bench that was placed. His eyes avoiding you, and all you could do was wait. Your hand locked into his, he made circles of on the back of your hand.

"I... Love you.." He spoke, finally looking at you. His black hair covering his eyes, but a few gaps let you see into his black orbs. His jaw clenching, you felt something tug at your heart. Furrowing your brows and a small smile creeping. "I love you too" You responded, but he never smiled back.

Your own smile faded away silently, seeing his eyes avoid you again. Even for the cars driving by and the risk of someone seeing this scene, you cupped his cheek to get eye contact. His head leaning against your hand, you his cheek with your thumb. Noticing water resting in the corner of his eyes, you felt the same strong tug on your heart.

"We can't be together."

Everything, froze. Holly's barking turning into a muff as the cars disappeared, hearing your own heart burst. Mouth barely open, you retreated. Clutching to your chest, seeing Yoongi's eyes pool with water. Not realising what is happening, but your head hurt. Your chest was painful, as your cheeks burned. Heart beating slower as your breath, got sharper.

"Si-hyuk won't let us be together. He told me after new years, that if I didn't stop the relationship, you wouldn't be able to be in this group..." He continued, noticing his jaw clench between the words.

Feeling your eyes give a familiar sting, you turned towards him. The hair slapping your face and sticking to your cheek, without notice, you have let tears fall. "Why... Why didn't you tell me...You knew about it for three days and didn't... tell me..." You whispered, trying to hold your anger at bay. The feelings inside, swirling around playing with your mind and strings of betrayal choking.

"I... I just wanted to be with you for a little longer... I just wanted to be happy, with you, just for a little while..." He answered, letting a tear fall. Not responding to his answer, the silence killed the both of you. The winter breeze freezing the tears falling from your eyes.

"You're selfish... Min Yoongi... You knew all this time, this wouldn't become anything... yet you took me home.. took care of me... you loved me.. you told me multiple times.. meeting your parents...Holly...Everything that was dear to you, you let me in... but in the end.. to throw me away.." You spoke in between sobs. The tears, uncontrollable to stop. His face turning paler, but mirroring the same hurtful tears. His body feeling cold, as the more distant you became.

"...I know..." He confessed, letting his face fall into the palm of his hands. Grabbing his hair in frustration, all you could feel was a broken heart. A knife stabbing you in the back and no one to patch it up.

"Why... Why?... WHY DID YOU PLAY ME LIKE THIS? WHY DID YOU LET ME THIS GET THIS CLOSE?Not able to hold your anger inside, your fierce voice took over. His eyes closing to your words, while his hands turned to fists. Your throat felt dry, but as the water from your body disappeared.

"BECAUSE it was either my own happiness or yours! If I didn't end it, you WOULDN'T be in this group. I know your love for music, to express yourself. You came this far... I couldn't let him take this away from you. But I was COWARD enough to not let you know. I LOVE YOU, ALL I WANTED WAS TO BE WITH YOU. MY FEELINGS ARE REAL TOWARDS YOU, I CHOSE YOUR HAPPINESS...I just didn't want to hurt you.. but it didn't matter what choice I made, I would hurt you...I needed to be selfish" He finished with heavy breaths, letting his hand relax. Both of you, looking like a mess in front of his house. It was the same posture as the beginning for the two of you, but something you didn't know, was that you would end in the same scene. Closing your eyes, you pursed your lips into a line.

"....You promised to fight, for us... but it seems like you aren't wrong, about being a promise-breaker... I should have known.." You whispered, letting the last tears fall. Your mind was a mess, and so was his. His blood shot eyes, looking at you in sorrow. He reached a hand, to cup your cheek. To dry away the tears, that he created. You merely slapped his hand away, giving him a shock. Sniffing once, twice.

"Don't touch me." You whispered, bringing up a smile of misery. His hand retreating, you stood up from the bench. With one forceful wind hitting Yoongi, you were gone.

"Let's get back to the dorm." You spoke, standing with your back against his sight. His mouth unable to make a sound, because of the rope he let grow around his neck. The rope of regret and mistakes, to kill him in the run. His mind repeating the words of 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you', but this time, he knew nothing would be the same, nothing could save you, or him.

The car engine wasn't loud enough to muffle your sniffing and Holly's barking, that disappeared the longer he drove. Driving for more than two hours, it was nothing but silent. The radio blasting music, but it didn't muffle your teared heart. Memorising the moments, the two of you have had in Daegu, created only sorrow. You came as a couple, but left as colleagues.

The car parking up to the dorm, you rushed out to get your bag and dashing inside. Namjoon opening the door to see your messed form, his eyebrows furrowed. Looking at him for a while, letting him block your path. Your tears threatened to fall, as he tried to get his words out.

"Y/N how was-" A push to his ribs, making him move to the side. You rushed inside your room, because with your sensitive ears, Yoongi was on his way to the entrance. Namjoon was shocked, over the behaviour. But seeing the same state on Yoongi, he knew why.

"You did it, didn't you?" Namjoon asked the older boy, making Yoongi grit his teeth and nod. Heavy steps towards his room, the member didn't question either of you. Their confused state and the loud bangs of doors mixed with a lock, made them fear for what would happen. They expected your happy faces, but got nothing like that.

You crashed upon your bed, face into your pillow. Screaming, biting and crying. It continued for hours, but it wasn't only you. On the other side of the hallway, Yoongi was mirroring you.

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Chapter 26: Phewwww finally finished reading this and here I am again hello leaving comments again I really hope im not too.late in discovering this story BUT THIS SII TOO GOOD BEYOND EVERYTHING ;; I have nothing to say but to thank your genius brain and mind for writing this story I love it so much. It pains me to hae her get kicked out of the band but I really hope it works out for her. As much as I want her to stay but in reality the world is too cruel. She might get a lot of hates if she continue. But I wish bang would let her take part in the wings tour first and look how bad the response is. After all taking her off from the group immediately bcs of the dating news is so unfair for her ;; she is still part of the band. The comeback is approaching how she worked as hard like others. Nonetheles, that is only my penny of thoughts hehe I STILL LIVE YOUR WRITING ANYWAYS. *sending loves and hugs*
Gwen13 #2
Chapter 26: Sequel plssss maybe about her solo debut:)
Love it..keep going, you are a good writer