
Are you bulletproof? | BTSxReader

Stretching your arms out and the rest of the body followed suit, it was like you had been sleeping for ages. Breathing in the air of a man and sweat, made your eyes water. It was a combination of smells, that would be in a practice room. But this time, it was connected with something else.

"What time is it?" A boy behind you, covered in the red satin sheets. Mumbling, knowing you weren't right beside him anymore, sharing your warmth.

"It's about 14:28" You claimed, while clipping your bra together. A pair of fingers your back, giving you the chills. Not moving from his touch, you scanned the room to find the rest of your clothes.

"Going anywhere?" He asked, sitting up in bed. To let his bed hair point to every direction, with his eyes half open to look at you.

"I think I will go to the practice room... I don't want you to cloud my whole world. By the way, where is my phone?" You chuckled, standing up to look. A pair of eyes following every move, feeling a pressure pushed upon you.

"You don't like me in your head?" He scoffed, pulling out his phone. His joyful eyes, turned to doubt. Seeing the various of names, displayed on his screen. Missed phone calls, that would make anyone wonder. Turning speechless, he left you to search by yourself.

"Found it. Might as well call Jessica, I wonder how it went with her and Jackson... I'm going now, sure you don't want to join?" You questioned, turning towards the man. That still had his eyes glued on his phone, with a light shake on his fingers.

"I'm fine, I'll probably go later" He answered, without a look in your direction. Making you furrow your brows, to sit on the edge of the bed. A hand raised to cup his cheek and his eyes, finally pointed at you.

"Are you okay? You look... like you have seen a ghost" You commented, with a gentle voice. his cheek, seeing his eyes soften.

"I'm fine, just a drunk text from Jimin" He chuckled, throwing his phone away. Making your worries disappear, as he leaned towards you. His lips against the side of your mouth, to slowly reach the centre of your lips. "I love you and I'll see you later, okay?" He whispered.

"Okay, I love you too. Text me if anything happens" You spoke, placing a last kiss on his forehead. Proceeding to walk out of the room, having the sound of a door close, echoed through his ears. His hands searching for a device and picking it up, feeling like it weights a brick. His eyes, worried again, seeing the name that had been calling him the past few hours. Dialling the known numbers, with heavy fingers. His breath got shortened, when the corresponded voice was heard.


"It's Min Yoongi"

"Ah right, Happy new years!" He spoke with a happy voice, with the sound of his mouth turning into a smile.

"Happy new years to you too, sir. Is there a reason for you to call me?" Yoongi questioned, biting his lower lip in anticipation.

"Yes, I think it's better to have that conversation at my office, yea? I'll be waiting." He requested, making Yoongi get chills down his spine.

"Of course, I'll be there soon"

Closing the call, Yoongi sighed heavily. The sound of bang-pd's voice wasn't as terrifying as he imagined, feeling his gut turning to mush. Maybe it was about the wings tour, or maybe a new song? Terrifying ideas and unlimited imaginations filled his head.

"There no time for that..." He groaned, finally pushing himself out of bed.

Huffing and sipping on your water bottle, a heavy mist appeared between every exhale. Your messy hair and sweaty back, that made every piece of fabric stick to your skin. To your surprise, you had more energy than ever. It was as if you had taken an elixir to boost your system, or was it just because it was a new year. Starting the new year in between Yoongi's arms, was probably the best way to do so. Not long enough, you will be on world tour with the boys. New countries, cities and hopefully new faces.

"So, since you're here. You haven't said a word about what happened between you and Jackson yesterday?" You muttered, seeing Jessica absorbed into her phone. When you arrived at the Bighit building, there was a reminder that you had multiple missed calls. Instead of being alone until the boys joined, you might as well call Jessica. After the intimacy night with Yoongi, there was no other contact with the others. Neither did you see them this morning, which might be due to a hangover.

"Right. I mean, what is there to tell?" She questioned, putting her phone away. Giving her the look of suspicion, made her flustered. Knowing Jessica for a while, or just any person. You knew, there was something up.

"'what is there to tell?' You think I'm stupid? Your red-hot cheeks busted you, might as well spill the tea" You chuckled, laying on the floor like a sea star. Hearing her grumble under her breath and a large inhale was made, making your ears tickle. It was weird, thinking Jackson and Jessica dating. Hopefully, you wouldn't turn out to be the third wheel. Now that you have Yoongi, it might never be a problem.

"Okay, when midnight came along, me and Jackson went out to watch the fireworks. There were SO MANY people on the street and my drunk just wanted to party..." She trailed off, making you hum in response. "Me, Jackson, Bambam, Taehyung and Mark. Went to a bar, because the youngsters went to power-bowl and Hoseok sort of, passed out in the living room. While Namjoon and Jin were too 'tired' to go with us and went to sleep. You and Yoongi were too busy getting it on, so we just partied on in town." She chuckled, remembering the details, of the blurry night. "It was fun, lots of dancing. More beverages, maybe more than intended. Bambam never stopped dabbing and constantly challenged people to flip the bottle. In the end, me and Jackson thought it would be fun to get a Hotel to keep the party going..." She continued, looking down upon the floor. Stopping in her tracks of words, that made you sit up to look at her.

"Jessica?" You questioned, seeing her face appear, hidden from her chocolate brown hair. "No one joined, except for me and Jackson.... Things got heated and he treated me well, it was like a dream..." She trailed off once more, making you knit your brows. The light in her eyes disappearing, as she clutched her palms together. Not knowing, if it was a good idea to tell you.

"I woke up with no one besides me... Not even a note, or a 'be back soon'. Not even a call... It's like, it never happened.... A dream." She finished, biting her bottom lip in wonder. Your facial expressions turned from confusion, to anger. Being a close friend to Jackson, you never thought he would pull a stunt like that. He was nothing but a sweetheart to you, a gentleman to Jessica. Was it all, to get into her pants?

"I'm sorry Jessica... I don't know what to say..." You muttered, standing up to comfort her. Your hand touching her shoulder, she twitched. There was no doubt, she was hurt of his actions. "No need to apologise Y/N. It wasn't your fault, besides I'm a strong woman. I can get over a one night stand.." She spoke softly, hoping it would get through you.

"But I feel bad... Jackson is my friend.. I encouraged you. I'm going to talk to him and if he doesn't answer me with a legit answer for leaving you, then I'm going to haunt him for the rest of his life." You proclaimed, her hair softly, hearing her chuckle of your words. Recently it was you that had a rough path on love, now it was Jessica. It pained you to see her like this, the way her eyes sparkle, merely blew out to a dim light.

"anyway... since it's 2017. Any new year resolutions? There is always that person being 'new year, new me'" She asked, with a forced smile. Her swift of topic, indicated that she didn't want to talk further about Jackson. That's how she was when dealing with drama, accept and move on.

"Not really a new year resolution, but I did tell Yoongi, I wished we could be officially together one day. Just, for a day..." You trailed off, haring Jessica chuckle of your answer. Your finger curling together of the cheesy words, that passed your mouth. She seemed to cringe as well, because her smile looked like a box, with her brows following along. "You're so cheesy~! But it would be nice, wouldn't it? Everyone accepting the two you, not having to hide it.." She spoke gently, making you smile of the thought.

"You all know I didn't do that!" A voice so loud, with multiple voices of arguments barging the door open. Every nerve in you and Jessica's body seemed to react, of the sudden bang. Four wrecked boys entering the room, with their bags of chargers and extra clothes stored on their back. It was no surprise, they were arguing about something, because they didn't spare a look to you and Jessica.

"Come on Hoseok-hyung, just admit that you are bad with alcohol" Jimin commented, putting his bag down. Giving a slight wave of 'hello' on your war.

"I get why Hyung won't like to admit, that he can't tolerate as much alcohol as a 19-year-old!" Jungkook snickered, putting his phone to charge.

"I can tolerate alcohol! I was just tired because of all the preparations we did for the party!" Hoseok excused, pouting but ran towards you. Opening your arms, there was a breeze of warmth hitting. Followed by hair tickling your neck and the scent of a newly washed man. "Y/N tell them to stop hitting on me~" He whined, motioning around, to use you as a shield against the youngsters.

"Heeey, what did I do??" Taehyung spoke loudly, with the facial expression of betrayal. Hoseok trying to aegyo his way out of this situation, but Jimin seemed to be in the mood of teasing. "You slept with your legs on the couch and the rest of your body on the floor. Do I have to mention you went out as a light, right before midnight??" He added with a smile, while giving his half-moon eyes.

"I was awake! You just didn't see!" You heard from behind and a finger pointed towards the others boys. Jungkook chuckling over the situation, Jessica was very occupied to see how it all turns out. Being held as a shield, for a good amount of time. The boys finally found peace, so they could do what they came for. Namjoon and Jin stumbled inside the door, in a fit of giggles. Everybody's eyes, turned to them. A silence, so quiet that the drop of sweat hitting the floor sounding like a bomb.

"So... had fun sleeping?" You questioned, wiggling your eyes suggestively at the two older boys. Jin's cheeks turned to little pieces of tomatoes while Namjoon coughed, giving you a glare. "Oh come on, tell us the juicy stuff" You continued to tease.

"Namjoon snores." Jin protested in a hurry, with his stiff posture to not give away any deep information. "I do not.." Namjoon answered, shaking his head as a sign of giving up. Making everyone around them chuckle, as they started to stretch. "I bet they know a lot of positions..." Jimin commented with a mutter, receiving a glare from Momma Jin. "I meant in stretching you ert" Jimin chuckled over pulling such a trick.

"Odd..." Namjoon spoke gently, scanning the room. Your eyes landing on his confused form, you decided to end it for him.

"What is it?" You questioned, with a hint of curiosity. His body stiffened, left in his own mind palace. Giving a light shrug, his mouth curved into a smirk. Raising his eyebrow, he was ready to discuss gossip.

"I'm certain that... whatever that made a lot of noise, it wasn't my snoring.. buut..." He trailed off, giving a light push onto Jin's shoulder, making him mirror. "Oh yea..." Jin teased, nodding along to see your face warm up.

"Dude... Keep that in the bedroom.. you're making the maknae cringe" Jimin spoke, trying out his serious tone. But it all resulted in a chuckle and the maknae looking down upon his feet.

"Not us, you idiot... someone else got to party hard last night" Namjoon commented, rolling his eyes at Jimin. Jungkook looked up once again, scanning the room. His smile brightening and the horns growing out of his head. "So, it must be Hoseok. I mean- The little amount of alcohol made that small party seem like a rave" He commented, while trying to hold back his laughter.

"Get ready for an beat" Hoseok claimed, walking towards Jungkook. His long fingers ready to grab whatever he came near of, to get closer to Jungkook. His eyes showing war, but it didn't seem real when his sunshine like smile, covered most of his face. The two of them, turned into Tom and Jerry.

"GUYS!" A booming voice, covering the room. Taehyung stopping the two animals from chasing each other, to continue Namjoon's mission. "I think he meant... Y/N... and Yoongi.." He spoke again, looking towards your way. A gulp of nervousness, of revealing the intimating moment between you and Yoongi.

"Ohhh... so that's what those noises were?" Jin continued to tease, seeing your face flushing to the point it was unbelievable. Jessica that was sitting on the side, had now a cheeky grin on her face. Despite her misfortune with Jackson, her mission of being cupid, took away the pain she held at bay.

"Walls are quite thin..." Taehyung spoke with his boxy smile, while Jungkook was too busy shaking off the idea, of you and Yoongi under one blanket. "They are... by the way... where is Yoongi, Y/N?" Hoseok questioned, dragging you out of the embarrassing moment. Silently mumbling a 'thank you' to him, you took out your phone, in hopes there would be a message.

"I don't know. He told me he would join later" You answered, seeing Hoseok's eyes furrow of it. Giving a look towards the other boys, they seemed to mimic him. Not sure what is going on, you turned to Jessica. Her shoulders giving you a shrug, as an answer. It seemed your confused state was noticeable, so Jungkook stepped in.

"He hasn't been here, at all?" He asked, while he got a shake as denial. The atmosphere turned from joking matters, to an odd tension. "No... why?" You bluntly questioned.

"He left the dorm about an hour ago? He said he would go to here" Jimin explained, crossing his arms. Your face was crunched together in suspicion, but your mind held it together. There was no reason to think Yoongi were cheating, as in, you weren't exactly an official couple. The thought of it, still hurt.

"But why tell us he is here, but he isn't?" Jin spoke gently, looking in your direction. Not sure how to respond, you adverted your sight towards Jessica. She merely gave a shrug, mirroring everyone else. It wouldn't surprise you, if she was planning something weird, but with this tension surrounding, she would have told you by now.

"Beats me." Jungkook commented, walking towards the computer. The maknae's comment, surprised most of you. His tone of words, were not unusual. It was just the particular situation, that made it seem off. Jungkook turned around, to see everyone's eyes were on him. It was clear, that he needed to add more. "I mean- it's not like he needs to inform us of every move he makes" He continued, with a light smile.

Namjoon sighing, to walk towards the younger brother. His arm swiftly swung around Jungkook, to give it a father-like shake. "He's right, Yoongi will sooner or later show up. What he has been doing, isn't really our business. He can do what he wants, so let's get back to practice." He spoke, adding his leader-like voice to it. Everyone shrugging off the tension, you quickly found your spot on the floor. After a few dances and singing practices, it was time to play. Like usual, to not make it boring, the boys always came up with weird games. Dance battles, rock-paper-scissor, vocal battle and with different penalties. Jessica adding multiple applause of your hard work, including for the boys. It was like, having a fan watching you, rooting on the side.

More or less, the thought of Yoongi being in the building but not in the practice room, gave you an odd vibe. Where is he? Even though you tried not to think about it, it was secretly clouding your mind.

Footsteps, the sound of voices, a computer's keyboard being used. It was a loop of sounds that rung inside Yoongi's head, standing right in front of Bang Si-hyuk's office. His heavy breathing and heartbeat that beat slower and slower, by seconds. Yoongi left the dorm, only a few minutes after you. Si-hyuk wanted to speak with Yoongi, but what he didn't know, was what it was about. The walk to Bighit, every possible scenario went through his head. No matter what it was, he wasn't prepared. Taking a deep breath, Yoongi finally gathered enough courage to knock on the door. Grabbing the door handle, he opened it to be greeted by a man stuck to his computer.

"Oh Hello Yoongi." Si-hyuk spoke with a smile, reaching a hand out, to show Yoongi to take a seat.

"Hello" Yoongi responded, his legs like pudding, he walked further inside to place his in the chair. His hands finding the garter that was on his thighs, to keep him occupied, fiddling with it.

"How was New Year's Eve?" Si-Hyuk questioned, taking his glasses off. Yoongi was confused, but it wasn't because of the question. It was just the fact that, he was called in to meet. Shaking his head, he gave a light chuckle. "It was great, it sounds like Got7 had a nice evening too"

"Yes, Park Jinyoung told me. Despite the fans finding Jackson outside at morning, in town, none of you got dragged into it." Si-Hyuk clarified, still with the same smile plastered on his face. Yoongi just nodding along to his words, Si-hyuk coughed to clear his voice.

"About the new song that you're working on, how far are you?" He continued to speak, not letting the silence take over. Yoongi's heart beat a more humane way, because he felt at ease, when he talked about music. "We're getting closer. We need the final verse, so we can record in the studio. We also, still need a beat or bg from Supreme boi." He answered, releasing the thigh garter to use his hands of vision. Secretly, Si-hyuk loved when Yoongi did that, it was a sign of dedication and passion. Or just ordinary visualisation, either way, it pleased him.

"It's good to know. How about the others?" He questioned yet again. BTS has been working non-stop for their Wings comeback, but it never stopped them from working on their next comeback. New songs, dance routines, concepts. It was always a lot of work, but it would pay off with good results. "Namjoon and Hoseok seemed to be doing well, Jungkook got help from me on composing. Outside of the usual problems we have, it's nothing major, yet." Yoongi answered, unclear of his words.

"and dancing?" He asked with a chuckle, letting his smile crinkle the eyes. "It's better, we are practicing a lot." He flatly answered back to the CEO. Even with small flaws towards some dancers, they always worked hard to provide their best. It's better than nothing, as Yoongi would think. Si-hyuk nodded at his answers, as he was a teacher in an exam. Besides music and promotion, there wasn't a lot to talk about. But it would always be one of the first things, to clear out.

"Promotions are going better than before, there is no need for special promotion on Y/N anymore. Fans has started to accept her, as she is." Si-hyuk confessed, making Yoongi's eyes widen of your name. He looked upon the bigger man with his mouth slightly open, giving out a loss breathing. A silent answer, because what was he supposed to answer to this.

"There is a reason I called you in and I lied. It wasn't only about music and promotion.." The CEO trailed off, as his smile disappeared. His thumbs fiddling, making his hands sweatier of the movements. "What is it?" Yoongi asked bluntly, not trying to be over surprised.

"Many years ago, I agreed to make a group with a combination of one girl and seven boys. It was, against my will at first. But your speech, had me convinced." He spoke gently, but it didn't help on Yoongi's nervousness. There was a reason for him to bring this up, but to his fear, he hoped it didn't have anything to do with you. "You promised me, a pact. Correct?" He finished with a question, making Yoongi bite his lower lip. Was this, really happening?

"Correct." He answered, stiffening his back.

"You made the pact, to let Y/N stay in BTS.... Then why break it? The staff has been seeing you two holding hands in the building and more, not too long ago." Si-hyuk continued. His eyes directed at the nervous form in front of him, to see Yoongi astonished over his words. It wasn't that Yoongi knew he would get away with it, but he just wished he could hold it for a little longer. "I... don't know." He whispered, as his head tilted down in shame. The amount of shame and incoming pain, was building inside. It was threatening to flow towards his eyes, but he tried to not let it affect him.

Si-hyuk stood up from his chair, to walk in front of the desk with his back. Sitting upon the piece of wood filed with papers, he was in front of Yoongi. His voice deep, but gentle. Taking a minute to ask the second question, making Yoongi look up towards him. "Are you and Y/N dating, Yoongi?"

The amount of nervousness, made Yoongi nod his head as a 'yes'. Si-hyuk's facial expression turned to sorrow and disappointment, of the news. Seeing the form in front of him, shine shame and doubt. As the CEO, it was up to him, of what solutions could be done. It was rather his call, or advice to give. Putting a hand on Yoongi's shoulder, he felt the vibration from his body. The shakiness of not trying to cry, was a pain to see for Si-hyuk.

"I'm only doing this, because it's for the better...." He gently spoke, feeling the vibration from Yoongi's body get worse. "You promised me, a pact, of no dating. I expected you to keep it and you didn't. I'm not enjoying to do this to you. Her reputation has just gotten better and I can't risk it, to get worse." Yoongi's eyes stinging of Si-hyuk's words, knowing what would come his way. He grabbed the nearest piece of fabric, clutching to it tightly. His teeth biting hard, to hold back his emotions.

"I can't let you two date and.... I need you to break up with her.... If you don't break up with her, I need to move her out of the group. She will have to start over, without you guys. You don't want that, do you? It's a dangerous game you're playing and it's better to stop before someone gets hurt.... I'll give it until next meeting." He finished talking, giving a squeeze to Yoongi's shoulder. Getting off the desk, he walked out of the office. Letting Yoongi sit in silence, taking in the orders he was given. The clock ticking in the background, was the only thing he could hear besides his heart.

"How... How am I going to tell her this...? This... is bull..." His voice unstable, as his jaw were trembling. His hands turning to fists, with a burning sensation. "THIS IS SOME ING PIECE OF SH-Yoongi lashed out to the nearest object, a vase with beautiful white roses in it.

Shattered pieces of glass are scattered around, with water flooding upon the carpet. Fallen leaves lying, giving it a depressing look. Yoongi's eyes couldn't hold in his pain any longer and at last, he cried. The streams of tears running down his cheeks, with a trail of redness. His hands shaking of anger and his body, shaking of fear. He was going to lose you, no matter what decision he made. His silent whine and tears falling upon the floor, kneeling against his own will. A sheet of defeat, weighting on his shoulders. Thinking of the pain he has now, will double up when he was going to tell you. Part of him, didn't want to, but neither did he want to risk, to kill what you loved. Nothing in the world, could help right now.

"HYUNG!" Jungkook spoke loudly, spotting the black-haired boy appearing from the entrance. Yoongi's hand, waved towards everyone, with a forced smile. His bag was put to the side, while everyone went back to practicing. Your first instinct was to take a break and walk over to Yoongi, giving him a back hug. Feeling his broad back shaking, against your chest.

Turning him around to face you, there was a smile ready. Your eyes softened, to finally see him. Your thought of his whereabouts disappeared, but there was something about him, that made you worry. His hands gripping your hips, to tuck you into him. His forehead falling upon your shoulder, as you heard him exhale deeply. The warmth of breath hit like a wave, making you shiver. Looking up upon your face again, he caught your eyes.

Seeing into his black orbs, there was a hint of love and pain. But you convinced yourself, it was just something you imagined. His eyes scanning the room quickly, seeing that everyone was busy doing their own thing. Leaning forward, he placed a soft kiss onto your lips. It was more than one, but you didn't complain. your cheek with his thumb, he locked eyes with you once more. A light smile, making you feel flushed.

"Y/N?" He called out, keeping you close to him. Without an answer, you nodded. His eyes turning from love, to sorrow. It was definitely, not something you imagined. Your brows furrowing from his actions, he looked down onto the floor. Taking a deep breath, he spoke once again, trailing off; "Y/N... I think... we should..."

"Should what?" You asked confused, knitting your brows together to finish the sentence in your head. You knew something was up, but you were never that clear to know what exactly bothered him. Either way, you didn't feel good about what he was about to say. Closing his eyes of regretting the life decisions he made, that included you. He never intended to hurt you, but neither did he wish to bring you these kinds of news. Not after promising, to not run away anymore. To stay and fight, for this to work. The sting in his eyes, threatening once more but he held it back, for you.

"I think, we should visit Daegu. I got permission to go home for a day or two, and I would like to take you on a date." He requested, making you giggle. The butterflies breeding in your stomach, there was no way you could hold back your smile.

"Date in your house?" You snickered with a smile, making him chuckle. "No- well, yes. But I will take you somewhere nice in Daegu and also, you can meet Min Holly~" He chimed, making you smile from ear, to ear. You have a great love for animals and knowing Yoongi had a cute puppy, it just pushed you further on going with him.

"I'd love to, when are we going?" You questioned, placing a kiss on his nose. His cheeks giving a hint of pink, as he tried not to be overly happy of your acceptance. "Tomorrow." He finished, leaning his forehead against yours. Placing a last kiss on your lips, it was longer. Softer, more passionate. He did give you weird vibes of his request and actions, but there was always the fear of overthinking. His hands letting you go, he saw you sprint towards Jessica. Telling her the news, of the Daegu trip. His heart warmed up, but it would never cover the pain, he needs to bring to the surface one day.

"Just a little longer... please..." He whispered, as the youngsters came over. The teasing began, hearing the news of his request. Jimin and Hoseok pouting of not being asked, but it never affected Yoongi. The two of you going on a trip to Daegu, seemed normal to others. But to Yoongi, he saw it as the last.

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Chapter 26: Phewwww finally finished reading this and here I am again hello leaving comments again I really hope im not too.late in discovering this story BUT THIS SII TOO GOOD BEYOND EVERYTHING ;; I have nothing to say but to thank your genius brain and mind for writing this story I love it so much. It pains me to hae her get kicked out of the band but I really hope it works out for her. As much as I want her to stay but in reality the world is too cruel. She might get a lot of hates if she continue. But I wish bang would let her take part in the wings tour first and look how bad the response is. After all taking her off from the group immediately bcs of the dating news is so unfair for her ;; she is still part of the band. The comeback is approaching how she worked as hard like others. Nonetheles, that is only my penny of thoughts hehe I STILL LIVE YOUR WRITING ANYWAYS. *sending loves and hugs*
Gwen13 #2
Chapter 26: Sequel plssss maybe about her solo debut:)
Love it..keep going, you are a good writer