Chapter One

Waves Of Memories
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"Wow!" Tao exclaim. "Who have thought that it's already been a year. Sure time fly so fast nowadays." Tao said as he looks at his Grandfather's tombstone before looking at the clear blue sky as he fights back his tears from falling.

It was a sudden one, just right after Tao graduated from college his grandpa passed away. It seems like his grandpa was just waiting for his grandson last graduation. 

It was a huge shock from Tao to hear the news while he was packing his things to give his grandpa a surprise visit and also to show him the degree which shows that he finally did it. During the funeral, none of his parents showed up nor showed grief to the person who is their father to them but Tao couldn't care less as long as he will be there throughout the morning ceremony. Many visited and gave their condolences whether they are just new in the neighborhood to the ones who are close to his grandpa which have a soul than his parents.

After the bury, Tao needs to head back as his grandpa's personal lawyer / best friend need to discuss something with the Huang Family. Of course, Tao knows what it will be and his parents won't miss this meeting for sure.

And he is right. He reached at the meeting place 20 minutes early like he always does but as soon as he enters a private room in the restaurant, both of his parents are already there.

"Well isn't this a surprise, " Tao said as he looks at both of his parents with a disgusted look "Who have thought that you both will arrive early" Tao continues but this time in his most sarcastic tone ever as he head to an empty seat.

"Don't get started with me you ungrateful brat!" His mother answered back. 

Tao rolls his eyes and scoffs "Look who is talking. You didn't even bother to visit your father's funeral and here you are in front of me because of his will statement." Tao seriously had enough with his mother's attitude as he prays for the meeting to get over soon.

"This -- " His mother got interrupted when the door suddenly opens "Good morning." Mr. Chan greets the Huang's and they did the same.

Mr. Chan takes his seat beside Tao "As we all know that we are here to discuss Mr. Huang's Will Statement" 

"Yes, Mr. Chan." His mother said in a peppy voice.

Tao rolls his eyes once again feeling ashamed that his mother acts that way in front of Mr. Chan. 
Mr. Chan now opens

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