Sea Maiden


"Do not seek out the mermaids son, or they will surely find you."

Mermaids are cruel, terrible creatures with a great thirst for the blood of man. Drawing life out of sailors since the beginning of time. None who encountered one could ever survive such an attack. Kai, of course, was skeptical of this. Mermaids couldn't truly be so horrific, they were still partially human after all. His father always told him that his desire to see one would draw them to him, but Kai didn't know what that really meant.

Mermaids are beasts of bloodlust. Satan cloaked in the body of an angel.

All except one.


This story takes place in the future and away from Earth. It's on a planet that is called Ekai (a planet that I created when I was young). The main characters of this story will be my original character, Zaira, and Kai from EXO (I obviously don't own him... OR DO I Dun dun DUNNN! lol) Anyway... some little things that you should know:

Mermaids: The mermaids in my story are not exactly mermaids from ancient mythology nor are they like the modern depiction of them. They're kind of a thing I made on my own with both styles of mermaids in mind. 

There are two types of mermaids: The first and most common are actually fairly new (compared to the second) and are humans cursed by an angry demigod. Actually, there's a whole race of humans cursed by this one demigod and they call themselves Dimensi. Each curse is unique and varies in intensity. The true curse for these mermaids is that they were cast out of their group because their curse wasn't considered harsh enough. They can still walk on land and do almost everything any normal human can (though the ocean is preferred). These mermaids do hold a grudge towards "regular" land dwelling people though, probably the main reason they don't mind drowning them.

The second type of mermaid is very rare. They're called Malloran after their ancient tribe. Their race is small in number and they're also cursed similarly to the Dimensi type. The difference though is that these mermaids were cursed by a full-blooded, ancient god. As humans, they were a tribe of men and women living in the mountains and consuming human flesh. The god cursed the men and they became fish (similar to male angler fish). The women were meant to be turned into something similar to that as well, but the god fell for their beauty so he let them off "easy" by partially turning them into fish. They have rows of sharp teeth, a jaw that can unhinge and yellow-brown scales that are made out of something similar to tooth fibers (like sharks). Unlike the first type, they can't walk on land and rather than holding a grudge towards humans, they crave their flesh. Because of their small numbers (also because of their nomadic tendencies) they can't form a pod of their own (because most offspring end up being male) so they join pods of the Dimensi mermaids and offer protection from predators and in return, the other mermaids gift them with lots of humans. (Also, not all pods agree to things like this because mermaids (the Dimensi type) are so similar (in taste) to humans that sometimes the Malloran will actually eat them instead.)

Also, I got the picture of the mermaid from a free wallpaper site (lol) and just edited it a bit.


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