Bae Wulf


EunHae as (were)wolf boyfies, what else.

This is a product of the Solar Eclipse Ultimate Challenge: Alien AU + Werewolf AU + Not-Dating AU mash-up



Because I needed a distraction from real life... and just right when Solar Eclipse Fest came to a close, they issued an ultimate EunHae Challenge. So I bit the bullet... and came up short of the one-month deadline. So I'm posting the fic here as a WIP instead, because it's still a WIP.

Writing this fic is a ride, because while I love science fiction and fantasy in general, this fic has two things I literally shouldn't be touching on - Predators and Werewolves.

I've had nightmares as a kid ever since Predators came out. And werewolves? Luv em... but a lot of EunHae writers already have the most badass stories around werewolves that anything I'd most likely write is shiznit >< So what made me crazy enough to actually do the fic?

It's the mashup... the moment I read the prompts, this story just tried tumbling out of my head and it needed to be written :)) So no matter that it had something I hated, and this will be the only werewolf AU I'll write, it's a EunHae story that still needed to be told.

And thank you to the crazy hosts of Solar Eclipse SnowyK and haekass - very great writers, and the way they spin out prompts are more than just clues to why they are great writers. This story wouldn't come to be without them. :3

UPDATE: This, my dears, was the challenge:

"3 prompts must be used and mixed to any degree you desire:

  1. alien A hires human B for his pattern recognition skills to pick out enemies using camouflage but B won't stop seeing faces and cats in buttons and stars and A is very confused. +1: enemies spend all this money on camo tech but every human can easily spot them as moving blurs and all the aliens are so pissed
  2. ‘Why does no one believe me when I tell them we’re not dating? Yeah, I mean, we’re very touchy, and we do a lot of programs together, and there was that time at that party where we made out, but we were drunk! So what if we’re practically living together, and always share a bed when we can, there’s nothing wrong with any of it, and it’s so totally platonic, I mean, it’s not like I love the way your legs curl on mine as you sleep, or that I feel warm all over from watching you laugh, or that I might want to brush my thumb across your lip and press my mouth on your neck… …I mean, we’re obviously not dating! Of course not, why would I even want that, right? What a ridiculous idea….’ AU
  3. Werewolf AU A wakes up after a full moon night and is confused to see B at the door, who insists the husky he adopted and microchipped last night is inside his house. A is suddenly very concerned the pain in his shoulders isn’t just from stiff muscles.

Your mission, if you choose to accept, is to write an eunhae fic of over 2.5k (min word count, no rating restriction) in one month."




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lee_eunjae #1
Chapter 3: Interesting!!!!
Chapter 2: Ow myyy.. this is so interesting. I like it. Lol. Aliens and wolves in the same plot. Really, really interesting. Ahaha and Donghae's comment in the end of this chapter is priceless. Ahahaaha. But how did Hyuk sneaked into Hae's tent really? And why is his scent so alluring for our beautiful husky? I hope you will find time to continue this, as I realy like the uniqueness of your idea. Fighting ❤❤❤
WE HAD NO IDEA YOU DID THIS! And you've one upped us because none of us have started haha. Thank you for participating!!! I'll read this when I've got time :')
Chapter 1: Oh this is interesting. I'm don't care for sci-fi that much but this story draws you in easily. Can't wait for the next chapters. One question though why does Hyukjae have such a keen since of smell if he's human like Hae and the gang?