Chapter Five


-Jimin’s POV-

After I heard Yoongi whisper that he loved us I ran and got Namjoon faster than the speed of light.

“Namjoon! Namjoon! H-hurry up!” I yelled to him as I was running to him crying.


“Jimin? What’s wrong?” Hoseok tried to stop me by standing in front of me.


“Y-yo-yoongi! He’s gonna’ kill himself if we don’t hurry, Hoseok!” Hoseok ran to Yoongi’s room without me, I’m still sprinting to find Namjoon.

“Namjoon?!” I smelt the smoke filtering the house as my legs moved. Would I make it? Can I save us? Would it help if I kept looking instead of running back to help Hoseok and Yoongi? I decided to give up and run back to Yoongi, but there’s one big problem… where is it? I was lost in my friend that I’ve known for my whole life’s house. The reason me, Namjoon, and Hoseok came here was because all of us decided we were gonna’ go to the park to clear our minds. I started to get light headed, my feet dragging on the hardwood floor, my heart beating faster than I can count.

“Yoo-ngi…” I was coughing hard and my breaths were short. But I won’t give up. I’m not losing another friend… not EVER again. I stood up straight and put my hands in the air.

“For you.” I whispered before I whipped my hands around and ran to clear the smoke so I could see. I’m pretty sure I was hallucinating ‘cause I was seeing, Jin? He was guiding me to the room I was searching for. ‘Thank you.’ I thought before I reached the door of his. It was so dark, hot, empty, I felt alone. The door was open and two people inside on the floor. “Hoseok! Yoongi!” I ran to them kneeling down, that’s the most I could move before I was too lying on the burning floor. I could hear cracking and stomping, the cracking from the floor, stomping from the dark figure standing in the frame of the door. The blurry man grabbed all of us individually, except for one of us… Me. It was too late before the man could hold me up and carry me out of the burning room. The flaming floor had caed in with me on top of it. My legs and hands flew up into the air and my eyes were wide open. It felt like slow motion until the blurry man looked at me screaming and crying saying he’s sorry. I felt a smile appear on my face once I figure out that I would be with Jin soon. This moment couldn’t come sooner.

I hit the ground. The ground hit me. I wasn’t dead, yet, just suffering. The fire still taking control over the house and having me inhale the ash that was circling the orange-red room. I was coughing and crying, not being able to move in a fire isn’t the best situation to be in right now. It hurts.

“N-namjoon, please help.” I saw around me get blurry, my eyes were teary, I was being burned. But it was worth it for saving a friend. I was so full of thought before I heard my name getting called out, by what sounded like a child. I look to my left slowly, it felt like it was broken. No one was around me, not a soul in sight.

“Jimin.” I heard it whisper again, and again and again until I knew what was going on. My short life was flashing before my eyes, that’s when I looked back up from where I fell.


*Flashback 1*

Jin was chasing me and laughing trying to tag whoever came near him.

“I’ll get one of you eventually!”


“Nuh uh, Jin!” Taehyung yelled from behind a tree. Then Jin stopped running and looked past me. I looked as well and saw another boy we had never laid eyes on before, who’s he?

“Hey, kid, who are you?” I tried to say nicely but to him I must’ve sounded like a monster, he was so shy!

“It’s okay, we won’t hurt you or anything, we just want you to be our friend.” Jin was always caring and calm when it came to people.

“I-i’m Jungkook. I’m 12 years old.” 12 years old, he’s 5 years younger than Jin-hyung. We all introduced ourselves, Jin was last.

“Hello. I’m Jin, 17.” Jungkook’s eyes widened hy how old he was, has he never seen someone over the age of 12? If not now he has. I could already tell he liked Taehyung and Jin the most, he would always stay by them mostly, I mean he would spend a lot of time with us, just those two more. Taehyung and I were a year older than him. Namjoon was two years, Yoongi was four years, Hoseok was three years, and Jin, as I said before, was five years. We loved him so much and he repaid us with his love, sometimes he would even go out of his way and buy us things with his own money. Things like this I’ll never forget.


*Flashback 2*

“I hate living here!” I yelled at my mom. She was crying with her hand over standing in front of the front door I was trying to get out of.

“Do not yell at your mother!” My dad came to me and twisted me around by the shoulder I was inches away from his face.

“I’m leaving.” I whispered to his face and moved my mom out of the way without looking at her. I opened the door and looked at the darkness that consumed the round Earth by now. The only one that lived really close to me was Namjoon, so I ran to his house.

“Namjoon? Can I please come in?” I asked him as soon as he opened the door. He looked a little confused but he eventually smiled at me and nodded.

“Yeah,” he responded still nodding, “yeah you can. Come in, it’s cold out there.” I walked inside and sat down on the couch next to the picture of the day we met Jungkook. Still a sweet boy.

“So why’d you come here, Chimchim?” Ah, that nickname, my favorite.


“Um, my dad wants me to follow in his steps and doesn’t accept that I want to be like Yoongi, in the music business.” I was actually in the same situation Yoongi was, exactly.

“And? What’d you say, or what did he to make you so mad?”


“I didn’t do anything, all I did was say I like music more than what he does! He doesn’t get that I control my life, not him.” Namjoon and I talked the rest of the night and I ended up staying at his house that night.

“Thanks Namjoon, love you.”


“No problem, love you too, bro.” He smiled and walked off to his room and I walked to the guest bedroom. I love him being apart of my family, what would I do without him, them?


*Flashback 3*

It was just the moment before this one.


“I just want you guys to know… I love you.”


“Yoongi?! Yoongi open the damn door! Yoongi!” I yelled to him thru the inch thick door that I was too weak to break down. It’s all my fault.

“I’m sorry, Jimin. I love you and the boys. Though I die our friendship will live on.”

He was right. The friendship we all have will never go away no matter how many of us die off, it’s always going to be there. I started to run to find Namjoon, not remembering he was in the car where he wouldn’t hear me. I just kept running until I spotted Hoseok, he stopped me in my tracks and asked what I was doing. After I told him he ran to Yoongi, like I should've done. At least Yoongi’s safe now, I would’ve died for him anyway even if we weren’t in this situation. Gotta’ do what you can to keep a friendship.


This type of friendship was family. The kind you can’t forget, the kind you want to keep, the kind you can’t live without. And now we’re here. The point to where I’m almost…




Dead. I was crying and smiling, staring over my not even minute dead body. Then water was being grazed over the burning building. I was shocked at how cold it was, I wasn’t fully dead yet, almost there though. I heard yelling and someone came over to me and carried me up out of the house.

“I got one! No pulse, but we may still have a chance! Hurry!” He set me down on a metal surface. When he said ‘No pulse’ that’s when I knew I wasn’t living. But I was actually happy, I saw Jin. He was holding his arms out to me wanting to hug me. But I also saw the boys. Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon in thin brown blankets. So he was the blurry figure.

“I tried, but failed in the end and now-now he’s dead. It’s all my fault, guys.”


“No-no it’s not your fault! It’s okay, really. You don’t need this on your self-concious for the rest of your life. Live it more than we did.” I tried to tell him but it was of no use, he couldn’t hear me, not yet. I was walking up to Jin to tell him I didn’t want to leave them.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to die. Go, just walk over to them and tell them that you want to live.” Before I walked away, I stepped closer to Jin and hugged him tighter than I ever did in my life.

“Jin,” I looked up to him and he hummed, “if it was this easy, why didn’t you stay?”


“It was just my time, Chimchim. But remember that I still love all you guys, okay?”


“Okay, Jin. I promise I will.” I started to walk over to Namjoon first.


“Namjoon? I just want you to know that I’m staying with you forever, I won’t leave you.” That’s really all I said before I could go any longer, I was breathing again. That's when they all ran to me and hugged me. It hurt though, my arms were burned really bad. But I knew in time they would heal if I just thought positive. But what’s there not to think when you got your family with you?


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