 This can't be happening. No way. I refused to believe that after all this time I had finally come to that moment. I took some hurried steps forward. Staggering , my hair wet and clothes drenched.
I was losing my balance .

I quickly held on to a nearby red stall board. That didn't do me any better. Not to my heart any way. I was too scared to look at my wrist, not with my time ticking I tried to tell myself ‘no this is just a fake. A lie. It has to be ’

Things were happening too fast . For a moment everything was silent to my ears. I could only hear my heart beat and the clock ticking. I wandered my eyes around ,seeing the grass being showered with pearl drops of rain, people hurrying out to the safety of shelters, some others carrying colourful umbrellas ,the red stall next to me and a fake volcano like thing next to it…
Wait. A volcano. No way. 

5. Where would you want to meet your soulmate?
Oh there it goes. Stupid quiz. Take this.
Near a volcano.

Near a volcano. Oh my God. Please no.

I felt a lump rise in my throat. My tears threatening to fall. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my self down .
Where was Tina and Julie? I opened my eyes to search for them. 
 At once several things happened. 
The rain stopped. Stopped? No, it stopped raining on me! I looked up and saw a huge black umbrella cover me. That was held by a hand . A hand which belonged to a person.

Then the piercing pain ran through me again. My wrist felt as if it would explode. But that was bearable compared to the pain of my heart.

I risked a glance at my wrist. The 2nd date was gone.
"Hey". A voice. 
Just one word . And I was breaking down. His voice.
It was so deep. I was terrified, but I knew I had to.
I slowly turned and looked up to meet my soulmate

Just one look. And my breath went away.
There he was staring at me with his kind brown eyes and grinning with a smile so strangely familiar to a box. Excitement lit on his face. His  short well cut black hair fell to his eyes. He had a sharp jaw with light skin tone.
‘Otaku for life’. It was written on his black shirt.
I met his eyes. And I broke down . Fresh tears sprang into my eyes. So many thoughts ran through my mind. After years of despising soulmates and refusing to believe in the fate written on my wrist , I was trapped in to the final situations .I wanted to run away but at the same time I felt like I was glued to the ground. 
Our eyes still locked. As if we will never look away.
He was opening his mouth.
" So your my soulmate?" His voice sent chills through my body …so deep and lilt.
I had no idea how to answer. I kept silent.
 I saw a flicker in his eyes. Scared .Maybe hurt. 
Its not fair. It's not fair on him. He doesn't know what he has to look forward to. He doesn't know that in seconds, just seconds his soulmate will die. He probably waited all his life to meet me. Its not fair. I couldn't do this to him. I can't waste this precious seconds because of my own stubbornness. I owe it to this boy .This boy who I just met and to whom I would willingly give my life for. So this is a soul  bond.

 So I nodded.

The smile he gave me after hearing that could light up the whole world , no the whole universe. 
He started talking excitedly

 " Its amazing to meet you. I can't believe it. Its you. You look beautiful. I knew my Soulmate would be this beautiful. I can't wait to tell you all about me. I love anime by the way are you an Otaku? That's all I want from you."

 7. What would be the words you want to hear from your soulmate?
I want to hear "You are an Otaku? Good that's all I want from you!" The immortal words.


" Sorry I talk too much don't I? Many people say so but I like it. This is the best isn't it. How old are you anyway? Oh wait! What's your name ? My name is Kai. Kai Ariyes"

Kai . Ocean. It means Ocean.

2. What are the 'must haves' if you date a guy?
He should also have a nice name with a meaning to it. Like something related to sea. Maybe Poseidon?

Something gave me strength to speak. 
"My name is Hana. Kim Hana"

"Wow!! That's amazing !! I always loved flowery names! Hana, it means flower doesn't it?! Wow I can't believe it!"
Believe it or not he started dancing. Still holding to his Umbrella.

6.His would you want your soulmate to react when he meets you?
Haha. I want him to dance around me holding an umbrella. 

Normally I would find it embarrassing or funny if a guy danced around me. But this was Him and time was running.(He looked adorable anyway)

I realised that there was a reason I was fated with such short time to be with my soulmate.
I always took my time not caring what will happen , I hid my feelings , I took the liberty of adjusting mind and feelings so that I could avoid hurt or sadness.
I didn't accept my reality.
There was someone else getting hurt because of this. The person I least wanted to hurt.
I had to do something. He had to know.

I tool steps closer to him. Quickly . The umbrella fell from his hands. With no warning or anything what so ever I put my arms around him and took him to a bone crushing hug.
I felt the warmth run over me like fire. I felt like was having a hot water bath after a sweaty day of hard work . Like I was engulfed with happiness , content, peace and all the good things in the world. He stiffened at first but then slowly hugged me back .Both of us oblivious to the rain, held on as if our lives depended on it . Maybe it did. 
Time was running. I had to let him know.
I loosened my grip but I didn't let go of him. I looked straight in to his beautiful eyes. I wanted to say it, but the words wouldn't come out.

So I showed him my wrist.

His expression changed from pure happiness to hurt. To tell that it broke my heart would be a great simplification of what I felt. 
His tears were falling thick and fast on to my hands .
"No. No. No. This can't be happening...Kim Hana you can't leave me like this.."
I had to be strong . For him.  But at that moment all I wanted to do that moment was to hug him hard and cry my heart out.
But I had to tell him. 

"Kai, listen. Promise me won't cry you can cry..I just.. I just.."

I couldn't form the words can I express my emotions to him when I can't understand them myself.
Time was running so fast. Why ?
" love look at me . I'm sorry you have to go through this . But I won't leave forever"

He looked at me with his devastatingly beautiful eyes which were filled with hurt now.
"You won't ?" He asked with a voice filled with remorse to the core. It was barely more than a whisper bit it carved through my heart piercing like a knife.
I took a deep breath.
"No. Someday once again we will be together.." 

As cliché as I thought these words were , I strongly believed it.
The gods gave me  this fate. I didn't believe in it.
I didn't believe in soulmates.
I didn't believe in him.
Because of this I lose him.
I could see he was gathering his strength. It broke my heart to see him try so hard for me. He took a lol at my wrist.

" have to know this.." He was talking fast , he knew the time was so close.

" I wish we would have more time watch anime together.. To eat , to drink , to go on dates…there were so many things I wanted to do with you when I met you....not anything erted of course.."

I gave a weak giggle. Even at a moment like this he could make me laugh. My adorable baby 

"I wanted to show my dancing ..I wanted us to go karaoke…sing together ..look at the night sky together.." 
 Kai was whispering now

" I'm scared ..I don't know what to do...Hana what should I do?..."  His voice was breaking.
 Our faces was just inches away.I whispered 

"Let me go."
"I love you…Kai Ariyes"

At once I felt something catch my if the oxygen left the room. But it was quite different to what I felt before.
I started coughing uncontrollably, gasping for air and I fell down to the ground but still in Kai's arms. The next time I coughed, I coughed blood.
He held me close.
And whispered in my ear.
"I love you..Kim Hana.."




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Chapter 2: This is actually good!
Chapter 2: Oh my gooooooood >.< i loved it
New_life #3
Great story!!☺
New_life #4
Chapter 1: So she is going to meet her soulmate next minute... How long do I have to wait to read it!!
Annannabeth #5
Its great i love it i am impatient i am waiting for the next episode ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺