

It was the official first week of Taeyeon’s second year in college and she wanted nothing more than to spend her free time in her dorm. The bustling of her surroundings had sparked the beginnings of a large, never ending migraine. The thought of it only getting worse from here had her clicking her tongue in annoyance.

If it wasn’t for her bad shape during the exact same time last year, she wouldn’t have found herself in such a horrible predicament.

Taeyeon liked all bases of art. “Like” was an understatement to what she felt deep inside from the sight of a compelling painting, a gear turning poems and her most passionate: music.

Taeyeon was drawn to music from the moment she could put two beats together. She was so drawn to it that her cloud-minded self last year had joined the music club as something to get her thoughts off of things, or to be specific, a recent heartache.

During her time with the club she had made minimal acquaintances. Never again was she prepared to make them anything more than just that. They were people she could meet outside of classes and not awkwardly sit with in the club room.

They played music together, even went as far as putting themselves out there in front of fellow members, presenting their own composition. Taeyeon had always been encouraging to her club members. She didn’t speak much though, having found no more use or reason to voice her actual feelings anymore. But her subtle nods and given authority allowed her to convey her support in a head bounce of acceptance or correction and adjustments to music sheets.

This is why Taeyeon found no reason for her to be sitting out here in the glaring sun, let alone with no clouds to shade her. She didn’t see her purpose as she sat in the middle of the table her members set up. Her only solace in her unwanted position was her dinged up black guitar case, lying in-between her open legs where she lazily leaned her body and head against.

Taeyeon just wanted to appreciate music in its natural art form, where she could freely express how she felt through just that. She never wanted to be publicly, and shockingly in an unanimous vote, that she wasn’t even involved in, announced her position as their college’s music club’s president.

Taeyeon just wanted to sleep.


The energized atmosphere gave Tiffany a bounce in her step. With her pink duffle bag hanging off one of her shoulders, she curiously walked around to scout out her competition.

A week of screaming girls that argued over every small details had all led up to this shining moment now. A shiver of excitement ran through her nerves with the sheer thought of her club’s plan following through.

Tiffany was never one to brag, she found no joy or purpose of such childish traits. However, this was a fact known by the entire college and state.

Tiffany’s club was their college’s prize possession, falling barely second to their academic achievements. She knew this was true from last year’s events and by the way first years stared at her with admiration.

They squealed, she bowed her head in gratitude. Groppy hands squeeze at her, she gave them light pats back.

Tiffany was a walking celebrity to everyone on campus but to her unknown girl who was sitting just to the left of her, looking on the border of slamming her face onto the table in front of her.

With quick hushes of thankfulness and goodbyes, Tiffany skipped her way to the music club’s get-up. Prodding her finger on the small, smooth forehead of her unknown girl before she could imprint it onto the table, Tiffany held back a squeal when she was met with tired eyes and a slight pout.

“Well, good morning, sunshine!” Tiffany bent down to level her face with the blank faced girl, shining her dazzling smile at her.

“Bad morning.”

Anyone would have taken that as a sign to back away and give the girl her space, but Tiffany, well Tiffany saw it as endearment when the light gruff mixed with a high pitch yawn followed the monotone greeting.

It was cute. Her unknown girl was the epitome of adorable that Tiffany didn’t have time to second guess her actions before she found herself giving her unknown girl gentle pats on the crown of her head.

The gesture did not only shock her but also the girl who was caught off guard mid yawn. Lowering her sleeve covered hand from , the girl looked up at her, confusion knitting at her eyebrows.

“Oh. I,” Tiffany retracted her hand, “there was a fly.”

The sun was hot, its burning rays seemed a good enough excuse for the warming of her cheeks, Tiffany thought.

“Did you pat it to death on my head?”

Tiffany couldn’t tell if the girl was mad or if she was teasing her, but with the slight raise of her eyebrow followed by the corner of , Tiffany couldn’t help but laugh at her own excuse too.

“Well, well, well, what brings Miss Captain of the Cheerleading team to us simpletons. Has our dear president here caught your attention?”

An arm fell across her unknown girl’s shoulder, and that alone was enough for Tiffany’s bright smile to drop, her eyes losing its previous gleam.

"Jonghyun, you're making her uncomfortable." Taeyeon lowly states, patting the hand that hung loosely from her shoulder.

Something ignited in Tiffany, she just didn't know what. All she knew was that the horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach wasn't good.

"Oh, am I making you uncomfortable, Your Majesty?"

Tiffany didn’t want to admit it but the stare that Jonghyun was giving her made her feel small, like she didn’t deserve to even have her unknown girl’s attention. The awkward situation had caught her the scrutiny of the entire music club who stared at her with protective leers causing her to fidget on her spot.

Intimidation was a sentiment she never took well to, and with all the eyes on her, the kind of gaze that isn’t usually thrown her way, Tiffany’s grip on her bag’s strap tightened.

“I should go and help my members out,” she forced a smile before quickly spinning around to walk away.

Tiffany puffed her cheeks, letting out a long deep breath. She didn't know what she did, but she had somehow offended the music club members. Usually people’s opinion of her didn't matter enough to effect her, but these people seemed close to the girl whose opinion did matter.

“I’ll walk you,” her eyebrows flew up in surprise from the sudden deep voice beside her.

Glancing to her side, she held back a smile when she recognised that it was her unknown girl, guitar case now hanging on the small frame of her back.

“I’m sorry about before,” the girl scratched at her fringe before turning to look at Tiffany, giving her an apologetic smile.

There was no more forced smile, intimidation long washed away. Tiffany didn’t know what she was doing or what she expected from these encounters, but the throbbing of her heart and the endless cheek aching smiles washed over her second guessings.

“It’s okay,” she nudged her unknown girl’s shoulder with her own, the spring in her step returned with an extra bounce.


Any crowd was a good sign to Krystal. It was the hypnotic light whilst she was its moth.

There was a buzzing crowd huddled by a club table, the numbers so immense that Krystal herself didn't know which club it was for. As her eyes were useless in this case due to everyone blocking her view, Krystal was only able to catch onto the rhythmic cheerings, bellows of chants from a megaphone and the flutters of skirts she caught glimpses of from in between the cracks of the crowd.

She was never a cheerleader, but she had integrated herself into their group of friendship, expanding her web of social connections through them during her high school years. She made a name for herself, being highly known through her own, and many other schools.

She loved the attention and recognition. Just the mere thought of it had her jittering in her spot.

Seeing the mass they gathered and the echo of their cheers within the crowd, Krystal knew she's found the club she wanted to join.

Bulldozing her way through, Krystal now had front row seats to watch the performance in front of her. Tall banners and posters fluttering in the breeze, Krystal's eyes hastily ran over the club’s setup.

Everything the club represented was exactly what Krystal had and wants again.

Like a breeze flowing through the leaves of trees in a forest, a frenzy of whispers spread like wildfire throughout the crowd, catching her and also the club member’s attention.

“It’s Tiffany,” a girl squealed in her ear.

“I saw her last year at the terminals, she looks even more breathtaking this year.”

A swarm of praises and ear piercing squeals erupted from the crowd around her, the need to see who the Queen Bee of the college is became Krystal’s mission as she pushed her way through the crowd again.

Linking the girl in front of her with the main focus of the posters and banners from before, Krystal ran her eyes all over the girl’s form, scrutinizing every little detail of the girl, even the girl next to her. With a widening smirk, Krystal could easily see her access into the popular world once again.

With a nod and the click of her tongue, Krystal observed the way Tiffany stared at Taeyeon, and with a reserved laugh she walked away to sign up for the club.

“Well, would you look at what the cat dragged in,” a teasing voice made her look at from the sign up sheets.

Krystal smiled at the tan goddess dressed in the cheerleading uniform. “It’s been a while, Yuri.”

Hey guys, I didn't edit this chapter much from the original I wrote a few years back, hopefully it isn't that bad.


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Hope you're not on writer's block with this one, I will be waitting for you to update this. I really want to see what will happen with taenystal
Movie91 #2
Chapter 3: Tiff, teach Krystal who really owns Taetae.
Chapter 3: I feel like drama and doom is just a chapter away and I ain't liking this. At all. The wait is killing me
Chapter 3: Oops I smell trouble
AlchemystE #5
Chapter 1: just you wait krys you are going to beg on your knee's how dear you do that to my taeyeon ugggh I hate you , tiff come now and take your taetae NOW!!!.
Chapter 2: Oooohhh krystae and Taeny.. this gonna be lit XD
Chapter 2: I'm so glad I found this. It's pretty interesting as there are hardly stories which involves krystae as a first pairing then taeny. I would love to see how this will progress. Next chap please!
AshBBG #9
I like it so far. When's the next chapters up?