Wait... What ? A Boygroup ?

[HIATUS] Two Boys, One Girl...♥

''Tiaaaa !''

Tia turned her head around, she had just arrived at her locker when Mi Ran jumped on her.

''Hey! Annyeong!'' she smiled, glad to see her friend. ''How are you ?''

''I'm fine, but.. Omo, is it true..'' she stopped, looking at Tia with round eyes.

''Umm, what ?'' Tiamae looked confused. ''What is true ? Uh?''

''IsittrueyouwerewithKwangMinafterschool?'' (zomagaad, I had to keep myself from adding space xP)

Tia tilted her head to one side.

''What ?!'

''Is it true you were with Jo KwangMin after school ?'' she said more slowly.

Tia giggled.

''Jo KwangMin ? So, is last name is Jo... Yup, I was with him. He, umm, helped me after I ran into a girl. It was so embarassing.'' she blushed lightly. ''Anyway, waht's so special about him ? Is he some kind of god or whateves ?''

Mi Ran gasped.

''Wait, what ? You don't know Boyfriend ?''

''Boyfriend ? No, why is everyone talking 'bout this ?!''

''It's a rookie boygroup Tiachu,.''

Tia tilted her head again.

''A.. B-boygroup.. ?''

''Ne, they're quite famous for rookies..''

''Chincha?! I don't know, I'm not really listening to new groups..''

''Gee, you were so lucky to be with him !'' Tia's friend pouted.

''Yup, I guess I was.'' She said lost in her thoughts.

''Ooh, I gotta go, see you next period !'' she waved.

''So, he's part of a boygroup.. ? Gee...'' she thought.


Gaah, Why are my chapters so ty. -.- Pff. Anyways, I hope you enjoy & subs & comment! 







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lovebud #1
update please...
and awsome chap it was so cute!
WAHHH~! their gonna have a lunch date! <3
OTL u is still on hiatus? It's been months... -_________-"
oh well...
update soon? Maybe not? eh, eh?
Wow.........She just realized? No offense, but come on! She's a bit pabo, don't you think? She likes kpop, she should really update her knowledge! Sheesh! Anyways, please please pleaseeeee updates soon! Saranghae! ~<3
YEPI! Thanx for commenting :DDD (I dunno D:) Kekeke.♥
Woah,stalker status! ^^ update soon! (why ami the only commenter? 0_0)
Okays, you must be on hiatus, right? The last time you updated was the 4th this month.......today is the 19th [i think].....
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! U updated! XD I love how Tiamae pushed Youngmin! He must've been like, "dude, wat da f was day?".,.......So DAEBAK!!!!!!!! \( >w<)/
Hahaha, I'm updating sooon I promise x)