
Memories [ONESHOT]


The sunlight streaming through your window woke you up one Saturday morning. Your eyes and head ached. You stretched and got out of bed.

“A cold cloth, some medicine, and a cup of tea will help with everything,” you thought to yourself.

You walked through the house, trying to find the kitchen. As you passed the front door, you stopped and remembered last night. Your boyfriend of two years, Minho, had stopped by. You were surprised, but happy nonetheless. However, when you invited him in, he stayed in the threshold, refusing to enter the house. He had just stopped by to tell you he wanted to break up. After a couple minutes of talking and you trying to hold back tears, you shut the door and he left. You stumbled to your bed and cried yourself to sleep. Just remembering last night you felt a pain in your chest.

“Maybe fresh air is better for me right now,” you thought. You changed your course to your backyard. When that crisp morning air hit you, your headache disappeared. The sun was shining bright, and the wind had a nice chill. You started walking around the perimeter of your backyard, inspecting flowers and making sure the yard looked nice. When you reached a certain spot, though, you paused. This was where he and you had camped out one night. Eating s’mores, making shadow puppets, and sleeping together in a tent under the stars was one of your favorite dates. It was his idea, of course.

“And that one is Aries, the ram,” Minho said as he pointed up to a cluster of stars. “And that one,” he said, pointing to another, “Is Perseus. Named after the brave Greek that slew Medusa and saved Andromeda from the vicious sea monster Cetus.”

“Is Perseus the one that looks like a triangle?” You asked.

“No, that’s Hydrus.” He said with a small chuckle. “Perseus is the one that looks like, well- uhh…”

You your side to get a better look at him. You giggled a bit, because Minho started getting flustered. “You know, you look adorable when you’re flustered.”

He turned to you and scrunched his nose. “I’m glad you enjoy my confusion,” he said sarcastically. “I guess I should just stop with all of the constellations, since you obviously like watching me more.”

You made a face, turned to look back up at the sky, and sighed exaggeratedly. “You’re right. How could I possibly resist your charm even when I could be looking at this breathtaking night sky full of an infinite amount of bright, twinkling stars? You caught me.”

At that, he laughed and turned back to look up at the sky. He took a deep breath and, as you both silently gazed at the night sky, he intertwined his fingers with yours. You couldn’t help but blush a little and wonder how you got so lucky to have a boyfriend so perfect.

You sighed and decided that going outside probably wasn’t such a good idea. You returned to your bedroom, so you could make your bed. As you looked at your bed, you remembered the time that you were sick and Minho took care of you. You had a fever, and he stayed by your side day and night, ready in case you needed anything. At one point, you said that you wanted soup, and he did his best to make you some, even though he wasn’t the best cook. Still, he always did his best. Later on, he even kissed you. He did it despite your protests that he would get sick. Lo and behold, after you recovered, he fell ill.

                “Totally worth it,” he said while lying in his bed, drenched in cold sweat, with 3 thick blankets wrapped around him.

You chuckled a bit and poured out a dose of medicine on a spoon for him. “Here. Take this. Soon you’ll feel much better.”

He grunted and turned away. “Don’t wanna. It tastes bad.”

You scoffed slightly and said, “Come on, stop acting like a child.”

“But I don’t waaannnaaaaaaaaaa,” he whined.

You couldn’t help but smile a bit at him especially because of how sick he was. “Fine. Open wide, Minho-yah! The airplane is coming in for a landing!” You made sound effects and maneuvered the spoon around in the air like an airplane.

At this, his face brightened and he opened his mouth wide. You successfully gave him the medicine and he fell asleep soon after. As he slept, you smiled and shook your head. He looked so peaceful. You moved a piece of hair from his face and planted a gentle kiss on his forehead.

You couldn’t help but smile at the memory, but the pain in your chest came back as you straightened the comforter on your bed.

You left your bedroom, and moved on to the kitchen, finally going to make some tea. You filled your favorite mug with water and started heating it up in the microwave. You picked out your favorite flavor of tea, and sat on the island in the center of your kitchen as the water heated up. In the kitchen, you remembered one day when you and Minho had decided to cook. You vividly remember how you couldn’t help but put down the flour you were measuring and laugh at how he looked with a pink frilly apron on. While you couldn’t breathe at how purely adorable he was wearing an apron that was clearly meant for a woman, he decided to get back at you by picking up a handful of flour and throwing it at you. That started an all-out food fight between the two of you. In the duration of the battle, you both flicked flour at each other, broke eggs on each other’s heads, and tossed any ingredients at each other that you could get your hands on.

“Take that, scorpion woman!” he said in an exaggerated way as he flung some sugar at you.

You threw back a handful of baking soda and yelled, “Go and bake some cookies, MRS. Choi!”

He used a strainer as a shield and wielded a wooden spoon as you pitched eggs at him. He hit a couple, but you soon ran out. When you did, he ran after you. Soon, you slipped on some egg that landed on the floor. He started laughing as you moved into a sitting position. He held his hand out to help you up, but instead, you pulled him down to sit next to you. You both started to relax and worked on a peace treaty. The pact stated that no wars would be started as long as you didn’t laugh at him when he would wear the pink apron. You agreed, and the treaty was sealed with an eggy, floury kiss.

The beeping of the microwave finally snapped you back from your reminiscing. You finished fixing up your tea, and walked to your living room. You sat on the couch and turned the television on. A movie came on that you had watched with Minho on one of your dates. You both had settled on your couch and watched the movie together. At one point during the movie, Minho had reached his arm over to rest it on your shoulder furthest from him. At that, you snuggled into him. Even now, you remember how warm he was, how he smelled. That was actually the date where you both shared your first kiss.

After all of these memories came back to you, you couldn’t help but cry again. You got up and started pacing. Finally, you leaned against the wall across from your front door. You slid down to sit on the floor, hugging your legs and burying your face in your knees.

You finally look up at the front door and say softly, “Choi Minho, why must you be so impossible to forget?”

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Chapter 1: jal;fjald So cute and sad!
T^T How can Minho break up with her? What they had together seemed so special. T^T I want comfort the oc girl sooo bad. Huhu!
SingATune #3
@AbsoluteLovely I know, it's sad. I got the idea when listening to a sad song. And the girl did bawl her eyes out. I mean, it's CHOI MINHO! ^~
But it just came to me when I heard the song, so I just decided to write it down. ^^
AbsolutelyLovely #4
oh my gosh..... Q_______Q

what the heckkkkkkk! i read this one, thinking "oh, she read my Minho fanfic. i'll read her Minho fanfic, too!"

but it was a sad one T___T so well-written though!

i loved the constellation camping part ;____;


i'm amazed at how well she took the break up.... i totally would have bawled my eyes out. IT'S CHOI MINHO FOR GOODNESS SAKE!

this was a very sentimental piece. very nice, idea and all ;___;
Sure! That would be great unnie! :D
SingATune #6
@keilyn_96 Thank you so much for reading and (more importantly) liking my story! I could do a sequel if you want me to! I just need some inspiration. If you have any ideas, though, I could write something with you!
Unnie, aren't you going to make a sequel or something? =) This oneshot is reallly good! *^^*
SingATune #8
@akunipau Awww!! Thank you so much!! Sorry it made you cry, but I'm so glad that you liked it!
akunipau #9
i cried the whole time :"> it's WONDERFUL ♥
SingATune #10
@AyaMisa Awww! Thank you so much! That means a lot! I'll continue to work hard on writing stories that you'll enjoy! ^^