Chapter 4 (Part 1 of 2): The Secret’s In The Telling

Time and Confusion

CHAPTER 4 (Part 1 of 2)

The Secret’s In The Telling

(Song by Dashboard Confessional)


Sunday |June 12, 2011| 10:00 AM


Intro music: Vanessa Carlton – Ordinary Day


Someone once said, “You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”


Well, for Krystal it goes something like that. The last three days were one of the best and happiest she has ever experienced. Aside from reconciling with her brother, she met Aiden. Never in her life has she met someone that could make her heart beat faster and slower at the same time. Never has she met anyone that can make her blush in an instant. Never has she felt like this.


Krystal woke up with a smile on her face, mainly because of a certain someone. As she was lying in bed, she recalled everything that happened for the past three days, from the moment they met until they said their goodbyes. Her heart started beating faster when she thought about the kiss that she and Aiden shared last night. She placed both of her hands on her chest feeling how her heart might explode any moment now. It was a new emotion; very different from what she felt when they had . Yes, she received pleasure and a lot of satisfaction from it, but what she felt the moment their lips touched was beyond that.


My god... Why is my heart beating so fast... And this feeling...She thought still clutching onto her chest.


The Ice Princess has finally fallen in love.


“Augh.”, she said as she sat up. “Get a hold of yourself.” She continued as both of her hands were slapping her cheeks.


Come on, that’s not the reason you’re here. You’re here because you wanted a different life... To be with Taemin and your parents... Focus Krys, your family’s the number one priority right now, not falling in love.


[Gasp] She brought her hands to cover thinking of the last three words she said, though it was just in her mind.


Her hands were now covering her whole face as she was swinging her head left and right, not aware of her blushing face.


Am I really... in love?  [Sigh]


She lied back down and covered her face with a pillow, but if only one can see, she was actually smiling underneath it.



Sunday |June 12, 2011| 11:00 AM


Krystal stayed in bed for another hour just lost in her thoughts. She looked at the time and realized she had been lying down for over an hour now.


Woah. It’s already 11 AM. I better wake up Taemin, he’s been sleeping for ‘bout 11 hours now.


But then her thoughts instantly went to Aiden wondering if he was still sleeping or has he eaten yet.


Gaah, Krys. Snap out of it. Stop thinking about him.


She thought she should just make her and Taemin some brunch to distract herself from thinking about him, so she got up and went to the kitchen.



She was greeted by their maids, along with Martin and Ms. Joori.


“Good morning Young miss.” , greeted their helpers.


“Anything we can do for you?”, asked Joori.


“Good morning everyone. Uhm, I was planning on cooking some brunch for me and Taemin. Could you guys show me where I can find the things I need to use?”, Krystal explained.


“No need for that Krystal-shii. Just tell me what you want to eat and I’ll cook it for you. I’m Lucas by the way, your family’s personal chef.”, introduced Lucas bowing as he did.


“Oh. Nice to meet you Lucas. Thanks for the offer, but if you don’t mind, I’d like to make it myself. Jessica, Taemin and I used to cook together when we were back in L.A. It was one of our ways to bond. Remember Martin?”, she said, then pertaining to Martin for the last part.


“Yes. Young Miss. I can still remember because you guys always let me taste whatever it is you cooked.”, Martin replied.


Krystal laughed as she remembered those times. “Sorry you had to be our guinea pig Martin.”


Martin just scratched the back of his neck and replied, “It was no problem Young miss. Don’t worry. Some of it really tasted delicious. Are you planning on making your infamous Eggs Benedict?”


“Yup. You got it.”, Krystal replied with a smile.


Krystal made two Eggs Benedict, one for her and one for Taemin with the help of Lucas because he kept on offering so she obliged.  Martin helped her carry the dishes up to Taemin’s room.


[The Jung siblings favourite dish is Eggs Benedict (poached egg over a slice of English muffin topped with Hollandaise sauce). Krystal liked hers paired with smoked/poached salmon and small side of garden salad with lemon vinaigrette; also called Eggs Hemingway. Taemin liked his paired with strips of bacon or prosciutto over roasted tomatoes; also called Eggs Blackstone. Jessica liked hers paired with sautéed garlic spinach topped over some mushroom risotto; a combination of Eggs Florentine and Waldorf style Benedict.]



Sunday |June 12, 2011| 12:00 PM


Once they got up to Taemin’s room and placed the food on his table, Lucas and Martin left Krystal alone to wake him up.


Krystal sat at the side of his bed and started tapping Taemin’s arm saying, “Taeminnie... Tae Tae... Wake up. You’ve been sleeping for 12 hours already.  You have to eat. ”


Taemin started rubbing his eyes and opening them slowly, but with a smile on his face.


You’re so cute Taeminnie!


“Look, I cooked our favourite.”, she said bringing up the plates to his bed.


“Morning.”, Taemin greeted, then giving Krystal a kiss on her cheek.


“You mean afternoon.”, Krystal added while rubbing his head.


Krystal stood up and got the white letter envelope she placed on top of Taemin’s dresser earlier. “Hey, I have a surprise for you.” She gave the envelope to Taemin for him to read and was watching him intently as he opened it and unfolded the letter inside.


He started reading the letter aloud, “Dear Ms. Jung... We are glad to inform you that your application had just been accepted. Your outstanding credentials and recommendations... – Wait, you applied in my school? [he asked when he noticed the logo/emblem of his high school on the top left corner]”


“Yup. They offered me a slot and I accepted the offer.”, she replied with a big smile.


“But you said your school in L.A. starts in September?”, Taemin asked, clearly confused.


[Sigh] “You do know I can’t go to two schools at once Taeminnie. So that would only mean-”, as Krystal was trying to explain Taemin got what she was hinting and gave her a big hug right away.


“Oh my god!! So you’re staying?!”, Taemin said excitedly, still hugging his sister.


Krystal just nodded in reply.


“Oh my god! Kryssie, are you really serious?! Is this for real? You’re not joking right?”, asked Taemin again, but now he was already teary-eyed.


“Aww... Taeminnie, don’t cry. You’re gonna make me cry too.”, Krystal said wiping Taemin’s tears before they even fall. “I really am staying here with you.”, she added, then giving him another hug.


“Do Mom and Dad know? I- I just... I can’t believe it. I really thought you were only visiting because you said you’ll return before your classes in L.A. start.”, explained Taemin.


“Yes, they know... Well as for me saying that I was only visiting... I only said that because my surprise got ruined when you guys saw me while I was taking a jog... Sorry Tae, I just really wanted to surprise you.”, Krystal clarified.


“It was worth it though, your reaction was priceless.”, she added.


Taemin just laughed and responded, “One of the best surprises ever!”


“Hmm, so how about we dig in our favourite Eggs Benedict and you can tell me all about your school and your life here. Sound good?”, asked Krystal.


“Yup”, he replied gladly.



While Taemin and Krystal were already having brunch and catching up on things, Aiden on the other hand was still fast asleep.



Sunday |June 12, 2011| 12:00 PM -> same time


Bruno Mars – The Lazy Song


A handsome young face was still sleeping in the middle of the day. Though the young man has already regained the sleep he lost, he was still sleeping in bed peacefully. But this didn’t last when a loud noise woke him up.


“Yah!! Hyung stop it! I’m awake already!”, exclaimed Aiden sitting on his bed but only to lie back down again after a few seconds.


Jonghyun was in Aiden’s room and was banging on his drum set. He knew that one of the things that could wake his little brother up were unpleasant noises.

Jonghyun snickered when he heard this, and said to himself, “Works every time.” He then proceeded to go up the stairs, only to find Aiden still lying in bed, now with his headphones on.


“Yah! You lazy dino. Wake up! You’ve been sleeping for 11 hours now.”, Jonghyun shouted. He turned off Aiden’s iPod and took his headphones. But Aiden just ended up going under his pillow and covers.


“Yah! Aiden I’m serious. Mom’s plane arrives in about two hours and I’m going to pick her up. I want you to come with me.”, ordered Jonghyun to his dongsaeng.


“But I’m still tired.”, replied Aiden but his head was under a pillow so it ended up being muffled.


Jonghyun removed the pillow covering Aiden’s head and said, “What? I can’t understand you.”


Aiden spoke still lying on his back with his eyes closed, “I said, I’m still tired.” Then he yawned while stretching his arms.


“But Mom’s gonna want to see you when I pick her up. So come on.”, explained Jonghyun with a bit of pleading.


“I’m sure she’ll understand... So I’ll just see her when you guys come home.”, replied Aiden who was now lying on his chest.


“Gaah! You’re so stubborn. Fine, suit yourself.”, said Jonghyun, giving up and finally leaving Aiden alone.



After Jonghyun left, Aiden his iPod, wore his headphones back on and started listening to some music; not having any plans of getting up soon.


Today I don’t feel like doing anything

I just wanna lay in my bed

Don’t feel like picking up my phone

So leave the message at the tone


‘Cause today I swear I’m not doing anything

Nothing at all


Aiden slept for about an hour after Jonghyun left before finally deciding to wake up.


“Augh”.That was a really nice sleep.


He stretched for a bit, but then he suddenly remembered the moment he shared with Krystal last night.



After Krystal and Aiden kissed, she whispered something to Aiden, “Thank you for last night. It was amazing... You were amazing.”


The last three words kept echoing in his mind while scenes from what had happened between him and Krystal played. From the time they met to the kiss he shared with her. But one memory stood out for him and kept replaying in his mind, him and Krystal having .


He saw Krystal being so seductive, so y and so beautiful- kissing him, touching him, giving him pleasure. It was like he was back in the moment. He could remember every little detail from her whispers...


You taste so good...’


‘Let’s take this up to my room...’


‘You like what you see...’


‘You’re so cute, when you stare...’


‘Come here big boy...’


‘I want you...’


... to her moans and screams.


Aiden interlocked his hands and covered his eyes with it. [Sigh] “God... I can’t believe that actually happened...”


His phone suddenly rang distracting him from his thoughts. He opened it, and read:


From Jong/JD:

Hey baby D! I’m with Mom already and we’re now heading home. Hope you’re awake now.


[It’s actually Mrs. Lee’s nickname for her boys- Jonghyun is JD: Junior Dino, Donghae is SD: Senior Dino, and their Dad is DD: Daddy Dino]


From AJ/baby D:

Yeah, I’m up. Drive safely.

See you guys later... P.S. Tell Mom I missed her and give her a kiss for me.



Just when Aiden was about to put down his phone he received a new text message:


From Jiji:

Hey Aiden. :) Just got back home. I missed you... <3 See you tomorrow! :**


Aiden’s eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his socket after reading the message.


Crap! I totally forgot about Jiyoung.


He hid his head under the pillow and kept thinking; trying to analyze his situation.


Dammit Aiden. What have you gotten yourself into?


She’s Taemin’s sister... Your best friend’s sister... His older sister.


Then something that Krystal said came to his mindWhy don’t I help you finish what you’ve started?


He was embarrassed for a moment when he remembered Krystal walking on him while . But after he thought of the things that happened with Krystal, he realized she was actually the one who initiated the first move.


Hmm... That’s right... She’s the one that came on to me first...




“Gaah... But does that even matter? You still slept with her.”, he said to himself.


“You slept with her... ”, he repeated. And it echoed in his mind.


You slept with her.


You slept with her for the first time...




You slept with someone for the first time...




And it was amazing...


She was amazing... Beyond amazing...


Aiden’s heart started beating faster. Flashes of them being in bed together, Krystal screaming his name, Krystal coming, and Krystal sleeping... Her perfect body flashed in his mind. Her breathtaking face... Her striking eyes and her gorgeous stare... Her juicy pink lips... He thought no one in this world could ever be more beautiful. She was god-like.


“Dammit.”, Aiden’s right hand was now above his heart, feeling his chest, feeling his heart pounding loudly.


. What’s this I’m feeling?


“But we can’t... We can never be...”, he said aloud.


Jiyoung and I aren’t official... But... [Sigh] Even if I don’t have someone else right now, she’s still Taemin’s sister. We can never be... I shouldn’t love her... I can’t.


[Sigh] Besides... She doesn’t live here... She only came here to visit Tae.


After contemplating about it...


Wait. She did say that it was just ‘our little secret’ so it means that it was just between the both of us. Does that mean that it was only that one time?


Was that only a one-night-stand?


Aiden was so confused. He didn’t know what to think aside from what he was feeling. His heart’s telling him there was something more. But his mind kept thinking that it was just and Krystal wanted nothing more.


Come on Aiden... You have someone already... ”Jiyoung...”, he whispered.[Sigh]


Aside from the fact that she’s Tae’s sister, you’re not gonna see her anymore after she leaves. So nothing can and nothing will ever happen between the two of you.


He ended up concluding that maybe what they had was just a one-night-stand for Krystal. After all she did grow up in the States, being in a liberated environment, especially in Los Angeles; it was a common occurrence for teenagers to have premarital . Maybe it was just her way of satisfying herself and he just happened to be there.


Although that seemed to be the case at first for Krystal, Aiden has no idea that she has already fallen for him.



Sunday |June 12, 2011| 1:30 PM


Meanwhile, at the Jung mansion...


After they ate, Taemin told Krystal details about his school, his friends and his new hobby- dancing. He told her stories about where they’d hang out and the best places to eat around the area which lead Taemin in suggesting that he and Krystal have an actual tour. He wanted to show Krystal the places where he really grew up and became independent (well, sort of). [When Taemin and their parents moved to Korea, he just turned 10 years old, Krystal was almost 13, and Jessica was 18] But given that Taemin was just 15 years old and wasn’t allowed to drive yet, Krystal was the one who will take them around because she already has her licence.



Taemin and Krystal went to their garage and he showed the car that they would use.


Krystal was in awe when she saw the cars that they owned. But she was stunned when Taemin stopped in front of a white sports car. “Oh my god. This is the car that we’ll use?”



It was a white Ferrari 458, although Krystal drove a white Lexus convertible back in L.A., this car was so much better and so much cooler.


“It’s yours actually. We’re driving your car.”, Taemin responded with a smile while scratching the back of his head.


“Are you serious?”, asked Krystal clearly happy and excited to drive the vehicle.


“Yup.”, replied Taemin. Then he pointed at two more cars beside the Ferrari 458. “See, that one’s mine, and that one’s Sica’s.”


Taemin: BMW ZR Roadster


Jessica: Porsche 911


“Woah. That’s awesome.”, Krystal said still in awe.


She was really touched because even though she and Jessica weren’t living in Korea, their parents still thought about them. Sica was right. They never forgot about us. They never did. All the while she thought that their parents were too busy with work; always at the firm. She finally understood what Jessica told her; everything that their parents do were for her, Taemin, and jessica’s sake. Everything about their estate in Korea was about them or inspired by their wants, personalities, and hobbies. It was just too bad that they never got the chance to visit with in those five years. [Taemin and their parents were the ones to always visit them, or they would go on another country for the holidays and summers]


“Wait. Why do you have a car Tae? Do you even know how to drive yet?”, Krystal wondered.


“Well, no. A little... Mom and Dad told me that I’m growing up too fast so they thought they’d just buy one for me in advance. Dad’s the one who takes it out for a spin when he comes home. Mom says that he just used me as an excuse to buy the car and that he was the one who actually wanted to drive it.”, Taemin explained causing the both of them to laugh at what their Mom had said.


“I usually use my motorbike [BMW R1200 RT] when I go to school, since it’s located within the subdivision (or village).”, added Taemin.





After showing Krystal their cars, they went around the neighbourhood first, Taemin pointed at Onew and Minho’s houses when they passed them by. They went around with Taemin being the guide and telling Krystal the directions on where to go to. Taemin led Krystal to his school which was located inside the subdivision.

“Oh my god. So this is your school?”, Krystal was surprised when she saw the school in its actual form. The brochures Jessica gave her did not do any justice to what the school really looked like.


Front view of Seoul’s St. Martin’s Academy of Music and Arts: Main building (main building where most classes like Math and Sciences are held; except the Arts and Music)


“Yup. That’s Seoul’s St. Martin’s Academy of Music and Arts.”, replied Taemin.


“Wow. It’s so beautiful. And huge!” , exclaimed Krystal.


“Do you wanna see it up close or do you want us to continue the tour?”, asked Taemin.


“Yeah. If that’s all right with you Taeminnie. It’ll actually make my job in finding the buildings a lot easier for school tomorrow.”, suggested Krystal.


“Yup. No problem.”, responded Taemin.



Brief description of St. Martin’s Academy (SM Academy of Music and Arts):


St. Martin’s Academy was founded during the early 1900s by Congregationalists that visit and ended up settling in Korea. These people were the Calvinists, some from the third generation that established schools in selected countries around the world.  Examples of these schools are Harvard and Yale Univesity and Darthmouth College.


It belongs to one of the oldest schools in Korea and is still functioning after a decade. SM Academy is the most prestigious international school and was the first of its kind of be established in the country.


This Academy was the first University-Preparatory school or College-Preparatory school (“Prep School”) in Korea; a private institution designed specifically prepare the students for a college or university education. The school is known for its selective admissions process, challenging academics, and high reputation for sending students to highly selective colleges and universities.


It is exclusive in the sense that only the richest and most affluent people can afford to send their children to this school; that’s why it is only logical that its location is found within Korea’s most exclusive district (where most wealthy families live). The tuition fee is almost similar to the cost of attending an Ivy League university. The sizeable amount of money received by the Academy from the tuition fee payments allow the school in having big investments in facilities and equipment, and hiring of highly qualified, experienced teachers with advanced degrees. Thus it has the best and most advanced facilities in the country.

The usual connotations of St. Martin’s Academy of Music and Artsaside from selective admissions are academic excellence, prodigies in arts and music, and social elitism.






For the average people, none would question how Krystal was able to transfer in SM Academy, but for the affluent and intellectuals it was a different situation.


Yes, given their family background, it was not surprising to the eye that she will study in an Academy for the elites. But the faculty in St. Martin’s Academy, especially the current headmaster, don’t just check on the family background, they analyze everything: from the academic standing, extra-curricular activities, to the child or teenager’s peer and teacher evaluations that should all be approved by the headmaster or principal of the school the student came from. Aside from these mentioned prerequisites, the most critical requirement is two personal recommendation letters from the student’s current headmaster and a faculty professor.


So, how was Krystal able to succumb to the requirements? Well it’s a question of who was able to help her.


FLASHBACK: (no one’s POV)

Jessica never felt any guilty in her life. After Krystal’s breakdown/confession about being alone and sort of abandoned, Jessica thought of only one solution to this problem: to let Krystal go. She was sacrificing the only family company she has. “I think it’s time for Krystal to go to Korea. ”, she said to herself. [refer to Chapter 1, Krystal’s flashback]


She thought that everything was fine and that Krystal had the same understanding as her. Though she really misses her family and her parents, she knew that what their parents were doing was for the greater good of their future. They were a family of lawyers; their firm was the most successful Law firm and Koreas and in some Asian countries. It was founded by their great, great, grandfather; so it was only right for their parents to continue the legacy and uphold the reputation that after four generations.


She knew that whatever they chose to be, they would always be supported by their parents. It just so happens that being a lawyer was also the path that she wanted to take. Even if their parents weren’t present physically, she was aware they would always be there, one text or call away. They only see each other over holiday’s and a few weeks over summer, but the actual presence of having a family was and will always be a must if you love them. Jessica was just mature enough to understand their parents occupation, though at times she also felt hurt that they don’t make an effort to visit them every once in a while.


All the while, she thought that Krystal felt the same way as her. But she was wrong. A part of Krystal still had the same way of thinking, like, maintaining her academic standing in school and excelling in extracurricular activities (tri-athletics), but her emotional status however was different. Krystal turn to rebellion, by going to parties, always coming home late, dating a lot of guys, and being mean to her classmates. [reference role: like Regina George in Mean Girls (character of Rachel McAdams in Mean Girls the movie)]

After finding out about Krystal’s disappointing ways, she was initially enraged, but being the smart and analytical girl that she was, she evaluated the situation first and looked at every aspect of why Krystal behaved that way. Slowly, she understood that the Krystal she knew was still there, the caring, smart and funny girl that she grew up loving. It showed because, though Krystal could submit into total rebellion, by flunking in class and letting her grades down, she didn’t because there was care in her heart. She knew that Krystal still cared about her and their parents enough to just go on a self-type of rebellion and not letting them know about it. What it meant for Jessica was, Krystal still didn’t want them to get hurt by her bad and rebel ways, but a part of her wanted them to find out to so that the attention she was longing for would finally be given to her.


Jessica understood it all the moment she saw Krystal teary-eyed and shouting all her pent up anger and struggle. That’s why she didn’t bother to objectify what Krystal was saying and just gave her a long overdue hug.


After Krystal settled down and they broke off their embrace, they caught up on what was happening with each other. But knowing it would be hard for Krystal, Jessica was the one to open up first to let Krystal know that she wouldn’t judge her on whatever she’ll say. So Jessica told Krystal everything she felt. She tried to enlighten Krystal about their family situation. She even told stories about her college life and about the boy she had been crushing on to lighten up the atmosphere. After Jessica spoke, Krystal started opening up; she told Jessica everything she felt and what had been going on for the past three years. Their conversation ended up with the both of them crying; with Jessica feeling very sorry and guilty for Krystal, but having a better understanding on how her baby sister felt and, and Krystal finally opening up to someone about her feelings and finally releasing her bottled up emotions.


Jessica suggested that it would be better for Krystal to study in Korea and be with Taemin. Their parents were also there because they manage their main office branch in Korea so she would also get the chance to see them.


Krystal was hesitant at first, because that would mean that Jessica would have no one with her anymore. But after Jessica’s convincing arguments, Krystal finally agreed. Though it would make her life certainly lonelier than it is, not having any family around; Jessica thought she deserved it, after all she wasn’t always present and was never there for Krystal in times she was needed the most.



A different FLASHBACK:

The first thing that Jessica did was to call her parents and inform the changes that will be happening in Krystal’s life. She just said that Krystal really missed and wanted to be with them and Taemin. They did not hesitate to agree because Jessica knows how understanding their parents were and somehow, she knew that their parents also felt guilty on not being with them for the past five years.


The moment she got their parents consent, she knew her job was far from done. The school where Taemin was studying is really well-known in Korea, even Jessica was aware of it. She also found out about their selective admission and very strict acceptance of transfer students. But she made her job in helping Krystal fix her documents exciting by treating it as a case study, and Krystal was her client. 


“Hmm, this’ll be fun.”, said Jessica to herself.


She did a background check on St. Martin’s Academy of Music and Arts and got the list of requirements Krystal needed. She found out that they don’t really base their acceptance on a student’s family background and from what school the student came from not matter how prestigious the school was.


“Hmm, this is more challenging than I thought.”, said Jessica.


“Why?”, asked Krystal who was with her. Jessica just handed Krystal the brochures of the school.


“Wow. This is where Taminnie studies?”, Krystal asked Jessica again and just received a nod from her.


“Academic standing, check. Extracurricular activities... Wait, you are a member of the school’s varsity team right?”


“Yeah, of course. I am the captain of the girl’s team you know.”, boasted Krystal half jokingly and Jessica just rolled her eyes, earning laughs from both of them.


“Student’s peer and teacher evaluations... with approval of the headmaster...”, Jessica read.


“Uh... Hehe... I think that’ll be a problem.”, said Krystal while scratching her head.


“Why would it?”, Jessica asked not quite understanding what her sister meant.


“Well, I’m not exactly everyone’s favourite classmate and student.”, Krystal explained.


[Krystal’s character was like that of Regina George in the movie Mean Girls. Most girls hated her because of jealousy and envy, but at the same time wanted to be like her because she was popular, smart and was every guy’s crush.]


“What do you mean?... Oh...”, replied Jessica, remembering what Krystal had told her earlier. Jessica thought deeply. “Hmm, is Dr. Longoria (already a doctorate professor) still the headmaster?”, she asked.


“Yeah, why?”, responded Krystal.


“Well, we do need her approval and recommendations so I’ll just talk to her. That’ll be no problem.”, said Jessica.


“What do you mean you’ll just talk to her? Would it be that easy?”, Krystal shot back.


“Aren’t you forgetting that I’m a soon-to-be-lawyer? Convincing people and presenting sound arguments are my job. In addition to that, I did go to the same school, remember? After all, I was the class Valedictorian. So I think my past reputation can still be of benefit.”, Jessica said proudly.


“All right, if you say so. But most of my teachers and professors are new ones. Your just some stranger to them.”, replied Krystal.


“Yeah. But I think Prof. Stevenson still teaches there. He was one of my professors back then and I think I was one of his favourite students, so he’ll be a piece of cake to convince.”, Jessica bragged.


“So, teacher’s evaluation, check. Hmm, what are we going to do about the peer evaluation?”, asked Jessica.


[10 students (5 boys and 5 girls) in the school are randomly selected and are given evaluation sheets for Krystal’s overall standing- academically and how she behaves and treats people around.]


“Hmm, I think that’s 50:50. My popularity and reputation is divided. I’m sure all the boys (fan boys) at school will give me positive responses, but about the girls... Well, there’s my friends [if they really are, she thought]. Or unless they pick someone who’s a lesbian for me, then we’re all good.”, said Krystal half jokingly which just earned her a slap at the back of her head from Jessica.


“So it’s up to your peers, aye Soojung.”, Jessica said with a sigh.


“Hey, don’t call me that.”, interrupted Krystal, but Jessica just shrugged her off.


“Well you better hope they pick out students that fall prey to your charm, or else, there’s nothing I can do.”, said Jessica with a sigh. But Jessica didn’t give up that easy; somehow she was able to do something about the list of random students that would evaluate Krystal. So it ended up turning to be in their favour.


But unbeknown to both of them, what made a big difference to her acceptance was Jessica’s letter. While Jessica was placing all the required papers inside the envelope addressed to the Admissions Department of SM Academy, she slipped her own letter of recommendation for Krystal.


The surprising thing was, when the Department got hold of the letter, they were most impressed with Jessica’s letter, especially, Dr. Dmitri Seo who was the Academy’s current headmaster.


Jessica really made a good impression on Dr. Seo. It was like he could see through Jessica and how she felt when she was writing the letter. Though Jessica’s letter was very professional and unbiased despite her blood relation with Krystal, the letter was also very honest and heart-felt. Her effort really showed how much she loves her sister and her family.


After Dr. Seo read the letter he immediately approved Krystal’s application for transferring. He was so impressed, that he even e-mailed Mr. and Mrs. Jung personally to let them know that it was Jessica who convinced the board of Admissions, aside from Krystal’s outstanding school performance.


“Mr. and Mrs. Jung, you really raised a good daughter [Jessica]... I just hope Krystal’s as wonderful as Taemin.”, Dr. Seo said to himself.




[Technically, Seohyun knew about Krystal even before Taemin knew since she’s really close to her father and talks to him as she talks to her friends (she’s very respectful even to her peers). That’s also why Dr. Seo knows Taemin personally.]



Sunday |June 12, 2011| 2:10 PM


Krystal drove the car towards the school gate and was stopped by the guards. Taemin showed his I.D. and explained that her sister is a transferee and he was just going to show her around so they were let in right away.


“Gosh, it’s even more beautiful up close.”, she commented. They went inside and saw that there were many people. Some looked like parents and teachers while the rest looked like students.


West part of the school (serves as the common entrance and main parking area)


“Woah. Why are there so many people?”, wondered Krystal.


“Oh right! I forgot. Today’s the freshman campus orientation.”, Taemin said while he slapped his forehead. “Wait. I think new transfer students are requested to tag along with the orientation and the tour. Shouldn’t you join them?” he added.


“Oh yeah. I sort of remember reading something in the letter to attend some orientation but it slipped my mind that it was today... Hmm, I think they’re almost done Taeminnie... Couldn’t you be my tour guide? You were planning to show me around anyways. Come on. It’s more fun if you’re the one touring me around.”, spoke Krystal, then making a cute face for Taemin after. Krystal was not in the mood to be surrounded by people she doesn’t know, but also she just really wanted to bond with her brother some more before school starts the next day.


“All right. Sheesh.”, responded Taemin with a laugh because of her older sister being childish, even presenting him with her own aegyo.


Krystal parked the car and they continued with the tour on foot with Taemin leading the way, “So this is the inner part of the school.”

Main building (back view/inside of the school grounds)


“The first floor serves as the classrooms for the freshman students, the second floor for us sophomores, and the third floor for the junior and senior students.”, added Taemin.


“Why’s there only one floor for the seniors and juniors?”, asked Krystal.


“Well, aside from Math and Science subjects, this building is where introductory and secondary courses are held, which juniors and seniors already took. Plus, juniors and seniors have a more advanced class curriculum now. Most classes you’ll have won’t be in that building anymore.”, explained Taemin.


Krystal noticed Taemin going back to the direction of the car, so she asked, “Hey, where are you going?”


“Back to the car, come on [waves his hand, calling Krystal]. We could just ride around the school, so it’ll be faster and you won’t get tired of walking around.”, he explained.


While they were in car, Taemin continued the tour by giving a few descriptions about the buildings and facilities while pointing them out the window.


“So this is the Admin and Faculty building.”


Admin and Faculty building


“It’s where all the instructors and professors are. Papers and school projects are sometimes submitted in this building if the teachers don’t collect them in class. The headmaster’s office is also located in this building.”, Taemin continued.


They made left turn after the AF (Admin and Faculty) building and found two buildings facing each other. The building on the right side of the AF building was the Student Union’s (SU) building and across from it was the Cafeteria.


“So the building on the left is called the Student Union’s building or SU building. Inside is the Student council office, meeting rooms for school clubs and organizations, and other student facilities. This is where most students like to hang out. The building across from it is the cafeteria. Some students also like to hang out there.”


Student Union’s (SU) building and school cafeteria


They went straight, passing by the two buildings and stopped in front of a more modern looking building. “This is the Student Wellness Center (SWC). We should definitely go inside. This is one of the coolest facilities in campus.”


Student Wellness Center


After going inside, Taemin quickly returned into his tour-guide mode. “On our left if the volleyball court and on our right is the basketball court where the varsity teams practice. Where I [cough] practice.”, Taemin bashfully said.


Main lobby


“Wow! Really Taeminnie? Your’re part of the basketball team? Kyaa! I’m so proud of you!”, Krystal said really excited and happy for his baby brother and Taemin just laughed at her. They went inside to get a clearer view of the court.


Basketball court


“Woah. This is so cool. You’re so cool Taeminnie!”, Krystal said teasing Taemin and pinching his cheeks.


“Yah! Stop it Kryssie, some people are looking us.”, Taemin said, avoiding Krystal’s hands.


After looking inside the basketball court, they returned to the main lobby and went to take a look at the volleyball courts.


Volleyball court (also used for badminton)


They then continued to walk in the building.



“This building’s actually bigger than it looks”, Krystal commented.


“If you go straight then turn left you’ll find the Sauna rooms. Going beyond the Sauna room is where the infirmary or clinic is located. ”, said Taemin while pointing to that direction.


They turned left and got to the middle of the building which is the gym, the main feature of the facility.




Fitness center/Gym


Taemin went near the left window and pointed out side. “This building actually overlooks the baseball field, track field, football field and tennis courts; where Aiden and Onew hyung practice.”



Gosh. Aiden... I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.


“Kryssie... Krysssie... Are you listening?”, Taemin broke Krystal from her thoughts.


“Yeah. Where were we?”, replied Krystal.


“Hmm...  Anyway let’s continue.”, said Taemin.


They got out of the gym went to the basement floor where the swimming pool was.

Swimming pool


“Hmm, not bad.”, Krystal commented.


They just took a quick look at the pool and proceeded with the tour. 


Squash courts


“So these are the squash courts. This is the end of the building. Going straight out that door would lead you to the baseball and track fields. Further to the right are the football field and tennis courts.”, explained Taemin. They went outside just so Krystal could take peek at the field. “That white building is actually the school library.”, Taemin explained further.



                                                   Track field, Baseball field and Football field                                                              Tennis courts



They went back to the car and went around the SWC, passing by the baseball, track and football fields, so Krystal could see the front or entrance of the library.


Library (front view)


There were two very different, but distinct buildings across the library. On the left is the Ballet and Gymastics (BG) building and the one beside it is the Arts, Music and Humanities (AMH) building.



                                                      Ballet and Gymastics (BG) building                   Arts, Music and Humanities building                     


“So this is where the student body division happens. Half are in favour of the building on the left while the other half favours the one on the right. I, personally favour the building on the left. Can you guess the names?”, Taemin asked.


“Hmm... I’m guessing the one on the left is somehow related to dancing, but I can’t quite put it.”, answered Krystal.


“Well, you’re sort of right. It’s the Ballet and Gymnastics building, while the one on the right is the Arts, Music and Humanities building.”, explained Taemin while pointing towards the buildings. “The BG building actually has a basement floor where the Ice-Skating rink is located.”


Ice-Skating rink


They were now on the last part of their campus tour. “You see the tower at the back left side of the BG building, well, that’s the Bell tower. It’s not actually a bell, but the siren for classes. Two short succeeding sirens means there is only 15 minutes before class starts, while one long siren indicates the end of classes or the end of a class period.”


Taemin asked Krystal to drive around the back of the BG building for her to see the Bell tower clearly as well as the school Football and Basketball stadiums.


Football stadium


“Woah! I can’t believe the Academy actually has stadiums. It’s like you guys have two football fields and two basketball courts.”, said Krystal in awe of the school having to afford such facilities.


Basketball stadium



“So that’s it. I’ve officially shown you everything. Well, except for the actual classrooms and laboratories. But don’t worry Kryssie, I’m sure you won’t have a hard time finding your classes. The student’s here are actually nice and friendly. You can ask them around. ”, said Taemin.


“Thanks Taeminnie. Hmm... If you say so... [Sigh] Now that I think of it, I’m kinda nervous about tomorrow. I’ll be the new kid in school.”, Krystal said worried.


“Hmm, if you want I can take you to your first class. Then you can just text me after your class if you still want me to take you to your succeeding classes.”, Taemin offered with a smile.


“You sure? Thanks Taeminnie!”, Krystal quickly hugged Taemin because she was relieved that she might have to find her rooms by herself.


 Taemin laughed and said, “It’s no problem. I wouldn’t mind doing that cause after all those years it’ll be our first time on having to go the same school again, so I’d be glad to do it.”


After they broke their hug, they realize they’ve been in school for almost two hours now because it was nearing 4 PM, and decided to leave the school to continue Taemin’s tour around the area.



Sunday |June 12, 2011| 4:00 PM


Taemin showed Krystal the best places to eat and they ended up going to his clique’s (UC) favourite hangout spot; an Italian cafe-restaurant--deli named Sollazzare. “My gir- I mean- one of my friend’s [cough] family actually owns this place. We often hang out here after school... after practice... or after clubs... Hmm, come to think of it [holds chin] we do hang here almost every day even on some weekends.”





[Sollazzare is actually just one of the many restaurants owned by the Choi family. It is one of their most popular restaurants and has won the most awards for authentic and exquisite Italian recipes in Korea. The food served here are inspired by all parts of Italy, specifically Capri, Milan and Piemonte. From cold cuts of Italian meats and cheeses and homemade breads and antipasti to seafood platters, risotto, pizza to regional pastries, and the finest Italian coffee and gelato.]


The moment they entered the restaurant, the smell of authentic Italian dishes filled their nostrils.


“Hmm. Its smells so good in here; its already making me hungry.”, said Krystal.


Taemin just laughed at his sister and went to get them a table.


Ciao [Hello] Mr. Taemin. So what can I serve you today? The usual?”, a middle-aged Italian man who did not look anything like a waiter, but of someone a higher position went to take their order and handed them the menu.


Ciao Paolo. This is my sister Krystal by the way. Hmm, I think I’ll just have some dessert. Si [Yes], my usual order.”


“Oh, ciao Miss Krystal. I see that this young one really does have good genes [taps Taemin’s shoulder]. So what will you be having?”, said Paolo to Krystal complementing her.


“Thanks. [smiles] Uhm, I just want something light, just a snack maybe. [refers to Taemin] What did you order Tae?”, Krystal said.

“Oh, I just ordered some dessert. It’s a pistachio and mint flavoured gelato with ricotta cheese, almonds, and sweet bruschetta crumbs topped with some chocolate sauce.”, elaborated Taemin.


“Hmm, that really sounds good. It even made my tummy boil after you described it Tae. So I guess I’ll have the same, please.”, Krystal said.


After Paolo took their orders, Krystal was curious about the place, so she asked, “Paolo doesn’t look like your normal waiter. Is he the manager or the owner maybe?”


“He’s the manager.”, answered Taemin.


“You guys seem to be close. Hmm, how about the owner?” Krystal asked, curious.


Taemin started to blush, he bowed his head down and his right hand held the back of his neck, and replied Krystal’s question with another question, “Uhm, what about the owner?”


“How close are you with the owner?”, asked Krystal who seem to be having a hint on Taemin’s relation with the owner.


“Well, she and I are-” Taemin was interrupted by Paolo who came with their orders, placing it down their table. Paolo did not realize that he interrupted their conversation so he went straight to ask Taemin something, “So what brings you on a weekend without Miss Sulli?”


Taemin who still had his head down, started blushing even harder. Krystal realized this and started to .


“Oh my god. Tae, you are so blushing!”, teased Krystal trying to lift his chin up for a better look.


“Your face looks like a tomato!”, Krystal was now laughing.


“So whose question are you going to answer first, mine or Paolo’s?”, Krystal said but was still trying to stifle her laughter.


“Oh. I’m so sorry. I had no idea I interrupted something.”, apologized Paolo.


“No, it’s fine. I think your question is actually related to mine.”, cleared Krystal.


When Taemin still had his head down, Krystal threw another question at him. “Hmm, if my senses are correct... Is Sulli YOUR girlfriend?”


Still having his head down, Taemin brought his right hand to his forehead to cover his face, then nodded in response to Krystal’s question.


“Oh my god! Tae Tae! I can’t believe it! My baby brother has a girlfriend! Awww!”, Krystal excitedly said with a bit of teasing then pinching Taemin’s cheek.


“You should introduce us Taeminnie! Does she go to the same school? Are you classmates? How did you guys meet?”, Krystal was asking all the questions because of her excitement, until Paolo interrupted saying, “Uhm, I’m sorry to interrupt your conversation but, I suggest you guys start eating your gelatos before they melt.”


“Oh right. Thanks Paolo. ”, Krystal replied.



Sunday |June 12, 2011| 4:20 PM


While they were eating...


“Mmm... This taste’s so good...”, Krystal mumbled while eating her gelato.


When she noticed that Taemin still hasn’t said a word, she spoke to get his attention, “You know, you don’t have to be embarrassed about it. I get it, you’re a teenager already. Though you’ve grown up a lot since the last time we’ve seen each other, you’ll always be our baby brother... My baby brother... So don’t be ashamed of talking to me about it. Who knows... I might even give you tips on what gifts to give her or how to make her blush...”


“It’s just... It’s really been a long time since we’ve seen each other you know... So it’s sort of awkward for me to talk about these kinds of things with you.”, explained Taemin.


Krystal understood where Taemin was coming from so she decided not to push it and just asked simple questions, “Hmm... How about we start off by just letting me know what she looks like?”


“Hmm... Okay.”, Taemin said with a nod. “She’s very tall for a girl, has pale but rosy skin, has the prettiest eyes, especially when she smiles, has the cutest nose, and has the best smile ever...”


Oh Taeminnie... You’re totally in love. You’re so smitten!


“She’s very friendly and bubbly. She likes...” While Taemin continued ramble about Sulli, Krystal’s mind started wondering off.


He has the softest skin...


He has the nicest eyes enough to make you blush in a glimpse...


He has the softest lips...


He looks so cute every time he bites his lower lip...


He looks so adorable every time he fixes his hair...


He’s so handsome; it makes me insecure about the way I look...


He’s really a good kisser...


It’s such a shame that he’s allergic to peanuts... but, I’d give up eating them just so we can share the same food...


Taemin noticed Krystal spacing out and tried to get her attention, “Krys. Yo Kryssie. Are you even listening?” But the only response she got from Krystal was, “Mmm... Peanuts...”


“What? Peanuts?”, asked Taemin, confused.


“...”, still no response from her. Taemin now raised his voice, “Krys! Krystal!”


“Huh? What?”, Krystal said, finally uttering coherent words.


“You weren’t listening...”, Taemin said.


“Yes, I was.”, Krystal tried to fake it.


“Oh yeah? Then what the heck do peanuts have to do with what I was saying?”, Taemin challenged.


“What? Peanuts? Uhm, nothing?”, Krystal said, unsure.


“See... You weren’t really listening... And here I was, trying to open up...”, Taemin acted hurt to get back at Krystal for teasing him a while ago.


[Sigh] “Okay Taeminnie, you caught me... I’m sorry I was just thinking about something, that’s all.”, said Krystal.


“Nah, it’s all right. I was just playing with you. What were you thinking about anyway?”, Taemin asked curious.


“What was I thinking about? Uhm, I was just wondering about... Peanuts? You know... How some people are allergic to them. Yeah. That’s it.”, she lied.


“Oh. You mean like Aiden?”, asked Taemin.


“Well, not really; I was thinking about allergies in general. Like, how some people can’t eat what were eating. It’s just a pity that’s all.”, she explained. Whew. That was a close one. Good thinking Krys.


“Oh... Yeah. I see your point.”, Taemin commented.


While they were eating, Taemin started choking on his gelato. So Krystal handed him some water right away, but then he started laughing. It was because he remembered something.


“What’s so funny?”, asked Krystal.


Taemin kept his best to stifle his laugh to answer Krystal, “It’s just, I remembered that Henry and I were curious about what Aiden would look like if he ate some peanuts. He told us that his face becomes really red and bloated. So we wanted to see for ourselves what he meant, so we put some peanuts in the sandwich he was eating at the time.”


“Oh my gosh...”, Krystal said, worried about Aiden.


“Yeah. I know! My god, you should have seen what he looked like he looked like a red panda bear. It was so funny!”, Taemin kept on laughing as he recalled what Aiden looked like, while Krystal didn’t think it was because she knew how dangerous allergies can get.


“I can’t believe you guys could do such thing to your Hyung.”, said Krystal a bit disappointed.


After Taemin’s laugh slowly subsided, he realized what Krystal had said, “What? Did you just say Hyung?”


Krystal had some gelato in so she just nodded in reply. But Taemin was quickly threw another question at her, “You do know what Hyung means right?”


“Yeah, it’s like a term of respect for young male Koreans to the older males.”, Krystal answered.


Taemin laughed at Krystal’s mistaken assumption, and tried to clarify her, “Oh my gosh. [laughs] I can’t believe you actually think Aiden’s older than us. Heck, I’m even older than him!”


Krystal who had some food on , started choking and coughing, causing Taemin to hand her a glass of water. After Krystal was able to compose herself she said, “Are you serious?”


“Yeah. He’s just turning 15 this September.”, Taemin said.



Saying Krystal was shocked was an understatement. She couldn’t believe what she heard. Somehow she felt that Aiden was younger than her, more or less a few months or a year younger. But not 3 years younger.


Krystal immediately excused herself to the ladies room to think and analyze what she just learned.



In the ladies room...



Krystal started pacing back and forth in front of the sink. Still processing what might be one of the biggest shocks she has ever experienced. After walking back and forth for what seemed like an eternity. She stopped, looked at herself in the mirror, then she covered her face with both of her hands.


What the hell have you done Krystal...


This wasn’t suppose to happen...




It’s bad enough that you slept with one of your younger brother’s friends, but sleeping with a fourteen year old?!


My god!


Her inner self seemed to be in conflict. One voice is telling her it was all right and another was telling her that it was a mistake.


Well, sleeping with your brother’s friend didn’t seem to bother you a while ago. So what made a difference? Was it really the age? Or are you so in love with him, you’re scared that you’re just not good enough?


Come on, admit it. You knew from the start the moment you saw him, that he was clearly younger than you. You just wanted him. You wanted him to be yours.


Then she saw flashback’s of what happened between her and Aiden.




That’s right, he never failed to call me Noona...


‘W-wait. I-I’m not so sure this is right...’


His hesitations... Most guys wouldn’t dare hesitate to turning down a girl who...


‘What do you want me to do?...’


His innocence... and his lack of experience...


‘Noona, shall I stop?’


Him being so considerate... Most guys won’t stop once the started... But seeing me hurting...


‘...aren’t we going to use any protection... I don’t think I can...’


Him wanting to use protection... Most guys would be glad they don’t need to use one...


... and him not being able to control...




All the signs were there... His soft skin... His voice...


A knock then disturbed Krystal from her thoughts.


“Krys, you’ve been in here for a long time now. Is everything okay?”, Taemin asked; worried.


“Y-y-yeah... I’m fine. I- I- just lost one of my earrings that’s all.”, Krystal replied.


“All right. I already paid the check. So I’ll just wait for you by the car.”, said Taemin.


“Mmm. Okay.”, responded Krystal.



Sunday |June 12, 2011| 5:00 PM


Daniel Bedingfield - If You’re Not The One


Krystal and Taemin decided to go home after they ate since it was starting to get late.


Taemin fell asleep while Krystal was driving them home. She was all alone in with her thoughts once again. She doesn’t want to thinking about it anymore so she turned the radio on to distract herself only to end up thinking about it again because of the song.


I don’t wanna runaway

But I can’t take it

I don’t understand


If I’m not made for you

Then why does my heart tell me that I am

Is there any way that I could stay in your arms?


She changed the station immediately to something without any music. The radio station she changed to, was having some kind of segment where they’d give advice to the listeners.


“The best thing that you can do in life is follow your heart. Take risks. Don't just take the safe and easy choices because you’re afraid of what might happen. Don't have any regrets and know that everything happens for a reason.”, said the radio DJ.


[Sigh] What are you trying to say?


So she just turned off the radio.


Krystal was too preoccupied with her thoughts to notice that a black car was following them. When she pulled up to their house, the car also went in, but she did not notice. She only did, when the car parked itself in their garage next to hers.


She woke Taemin up and went outside the car to check who it was. But the only person she saw was a guy who looked like the driver who was putting taking all the suitcases inside the house. She was too busy observing the driver that she failed to see a woman getting out of the car. She only noticed when Taemin ran passed her to hug the person, “Mom! You’re back!”

Krystal was stunned when she saw their Mom. Though she was in Taemin’s embrace she was looking at Krystal with eyes that express so much love.


Krystal couldn’t move. She froze at her spot. It had been a year since she saw her mom, since it was only Taemin that visited them last Christmas.


“So, were’d you guys go?”, Mrs. Jung spoke turning his attention to Taemin after they broke their hug.


“Well, I took Kryssie around the area and I took her on a school tour. Right Kryssie? [refers to Krystal]”, Taemin replied gladly.


When Mrs. Jung noticed that Krystal was still frozen in her spot, she decided to break the ice by joking, “Well, aren’t you going to hug your mother Soojung? You owe me a lot [of hugs] you know.”


Krystal snapped out of her trance and started walking towards them slowly. When she was already standing in front of them, she got teary eyed then hugged her mom right away. They stayed liked that for a minute or so until Taemin interrupted their moment, “Yah! I wanna hug too!” Taemin hugged them both and they stayed like that for another minute.


After they broke their embrace, both Mrs. Jung and Krystal had tears in their eyes. You could see the longing for each other very apparent.


“I love you Soojung. Please forgive me and your father for not being there for you and Jessica.”, was the only thing Mrs. Jung said while looking at her daughter’s tear-soaked eyes.


Krystal just hugged her again, and whispered, “It’s all right Mom. I understand. Everything you and Dad were doing have always been for us... I love you.”


“Oh, Soojung...”, Mrs. Jung said, then she wiped Krystal’s tears and kissed her on the forehead and on the cheek.


They’re mother-and-daughter moment got interrupted again when they heard someone whimpering. It was Taemin who was also crying. Mrs. Jung and Krystal just looked at each other then they both giggled because of Taemin looking like a little boy crying.


“What? I was really touched by your moment.”, defended Taemin while wiping his tears. Mrs. Jung just rubbed Taemin’s hair and placed an arm around his waist. Krystal also did the same but she was on the other side of Taemin.


And they all went inside the house together.



Sunday |June 12, 2011| 2:00 PM -> Aiden’s Part (3 hours earlier)


After Aiden got up, he directly went to his bathroom to take a shower.


Music can be heard playing inside the bathroom along with the sound of water falling from the shower.


Incubus – Pardon Me


A decade ago, 
I never thought I would be,
at twenty-three, on the verge of 
spontaneous combustion. -Woe-is-me.-
But I guess that it comes 
with the territory,
An ominous landscape of
never-ending calamity.
I need you to hear, 
I need you to see
that I have had all I can take and
exploding seems like an imminent possibility
to me.


So pardon me while I burst
into flames.
I've had enough of the world
and its people's mindless games.
So pardon me while I burn
and rise above the flame.
Pardon me, pardon me...
I'll never be the same


Aiden was singing along with the song, getting the beat and rhythm of the song perfectly. He said the last line of the chorus louder than how he sang the previous lines. After those five words were released from his mouth, it kept echoing in his mind.


I’ll never be the same.


I’ll never be...


Then stills of Krystal started flashing again in his mind. Her face, her eyes, her nose, her lips... Then from stills, became actual scenes of them kissing, Krystal kissing his nose, Krystal on his lap, Krystal his earlobe and his neck... Krystal giving him a blo-


Aiden slapped the shower wall hard with his right hand to stop himself from thinking what he was about to think. But it was no use. He was seeing Krystal all over him. It was like the sensation he got from the water trickling down his body were Krystal’s touches and her kisses.


“Augh. Dammit.”, he said aloud.


Aiden never curses out loud; maybe in his mind, but never out loud. He was just tired of seeing her ever since he woke up. She never left his mind. He was frustrated, at himself for being weak and always thinking and wondering about her. Now he was more frustrated because he got himself get carried away from his thoughts, and now he was aroused.


It was like he was begging for the pleasure he felt. It was addictive, she was addictive. And he couldn’t control himself anymore. He was now touching himself; thinking about Krystal all the while he was pleasuring himself.



After taking a shower and releasing his frustrations, Aiden grabbed a change of clothes from his walk-in closet. But as he was looking for a shirt, he saw his favourite shirt, the one returned to him by Krystal.


Aiden’s favourite shirt: has Dave Grohl’s actual signature at the lower left side of the t-shirt


[He rarely uses it because he thinks this shirt is worth wearing only when significant things happen in his life. He just happened to break the rule of wearing this shirt when they were at Taemin’s, but it turns out that something significant did happen- him and Krystal.]



He just sighed when he saw it.


Just think of it this way, you’ll never see her again after she leaves. So just move on and don’t think about it too much. He said, encouraging himself.



Sunday |June 12, 2011| 2:40 PM


After changing into his casual house clothes [plain white t-shirt, boxers, and boardshorts], he went down to the kitchen to grab something to bite. His mom’s arrival slipped out of his mind.


Lees' kitchen


So when he got to the kitchen to grab some food in the fridge he was surprised that it wasn’t just their mom who came home but also their dad.


“So the baby dino has finally left his cave.”, said Mr. Lee.


Aiden’s ears perked up the moment he heard the voice he has been missing.


Aiden immediately closed their fridge and ran up to his dad.


“Woah there tiger. The your Pop’s not that young anymore.”, remarked Mr. Lee when Aiden hugged him with force.


“I missed you Dad.”, Aiden said.


“How about me my baby dino?”, said another voice coming behind them.


“Mom!”, said Aiden. Then he released his dad and went up to his mom to hug her too and also kissing her cheeks. “I missed you too.”


“Hey! Why are you guys hugging without the handsome dino?”, interrupted Jonghyun when he entered the kitchen and just laughed at his comment.


The guys were just hanging arournd out and they caught up with each other while Mrs. Lee prepared some snacks for her boys.



“So what are you doing here dad? I thought you were collaborating with Bono on their new album.”, Aiden asked their Dad.


“Well, we finished early. So I was able to come here before I go to L.A. to help with Swithfoot’s new single.”, Mr. Lee said.


“That’s good though. I thought I won’t be able to see you until my birthday.”, said Aiden.


“I’m sorry son. You know how it is. But everything I do, everything that your Mom and I do would always be for you guys. We work hard not for ourselves, but to provide everything you see around you, because we want you to have the best possible things.”, explained Mr. Lee who was looking at her wife lovingly.


Mrs. Lee walked towards her husband and gave him a kiss. Jonghyun got up from his seat and hugged their dad. Mr. Lee raised his eye brow towards Aiden to indicate him to join. Aiden stood up and kissed Mr. Lee’s forehead before hugging him on his other side.


“We get it dad and we love you guys for it. Thanks.”, Aided replied.



John Steinbeck once wrote, “Change comes like a little wind that ruffles the curtains at dawn, and it comes like the stealthy perfume of wildflowers hidden in the grass."


What was happening to Krystal and Aiden were changes. Change came into their lives not when they met each other, but when their hearts started beating together in harmony. When one heartbeat stops, the other would forever remain incomplete.


They might not be aware of each other’s feelings at the moment, but they will soon enough. For now, they are kept safe by the people they love; their families.


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*NOTE: I do not own any of the pictures.



Hey guys. This is actually an early update. I broke Chapter 4 into two parts 'cause it's so long. cool Hope you guys like it.


P.S. I'm apologizing in advance 'cause I might not update for a while. I've just been really busy with school. laugh

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Chapter 3: Update pls. I wanna see kryber together
carito #2
Chapter 17: please update!!!!!
elivalle #3
Chapter 19: holy shizzzz man 1. I really like the story and 2. you have awsome taste in music(cuz I love those songs)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: So boring, his story has drama, no emotion or anything fighting or love or just a lot of small details like used clothes, ate the horio each class, nothing transcendent purpose for the story.
future_mrs_liu #5
Chapter 19: OMG. I'm reading your story again! I missed this! Please update soon!
carito #6
Chapter 18: please update!!!!!
Chapter 18: Omg!!!!!!! Please update sooooonnn:( ur stories are sooooooooo good
houtee #8
Please update! I love your fics!!
carito #9
Chapter 18: please update soon !!!!!