Chapter T W O

Until Tomorrow


            Mina cleared , her grip tightening on the expensive bottle of wine in her hands. Why had she agreed to this? She had planned to go at least six months before going to see her family, but within a week she was standing before the lavish front door. Her usually calm exterior was cracking as she thought about the people who resided inside… The implications. She rung the doorbell, taking in a deep breath, preparing for the unknown.

            A short, thin man opened the door. “Miss Kim, please come in. Mr. Kim and the young masters await you in the parlor room.”

            “Thank you,” Mina replied. She was far from used to a doorman or a butler. He took her light coat and she thanked him once more. The house was just as extravagant as she remembered from years ago. Not exactly a warm and inviting home as she had once felt. It was impersonal and premeditated. Like one of those perfectly tailored homes you saw in magazines. It was of great contrast to her own family home, tallies of their heights on the walls and family photographs covering the walls. But perhaps this medical approach was better. With her home gone, she couldn’t help but feel the ache. Now this, she could risk losing.

            She shook the distressing memories creeping up. They tore at , the sudden reminders of soft laughter and the fall air entering the open windows. “Mina,” Taehyung cheered, he approached her and brought her back to reality. Taehyung’s familiar smile made some of the tension dissipate, but also reminded her why she was there in the first place. The tall man gave her a quick embrace. “You made it.”

            “Oppa, hello. Yes, you invited me,” she retorted matter-of-factly. “I didn’t have much of a choice, now did I?”

            “Mina, is that really you,” a deep voice interrupted. “I see you finally grew out your teeth.” A lanky young man with a dimpled grin made his way to her. He hesitantly took her in his arms as well, lightly patting her back. He was casually dressed compared to the others with dark jeans instead of slacks, even his attitude had an air of carelessness.

            “Namjoon,” Mina whispered. A small grin played on her lips. “And I see you’re no longer the shortest.” He rubbed his neck awkwardly, recalling just how much he was teased for being shorter than Taehyung and Mina, regardless of being older.

            “Mina,” Seokjin began. “You—You’ve grown,” he stated, not very good at the small talk. The broad-shouldered brunette kept his distance, only taking her small hands in his large ones. “It’s good to see you.”

            “You too,” Mina slightly stuttered. Seokjin had truly blossomed. He’d once been an awkward and black rimmed boy. Now, he stood at near six feet and glowed with his good looks. His black turtleneck emphasized his large and lean upper body.

            He stepped aside to reveal an older and pepper-haired man. Mina had to remind herself to keep breathing as her own father’s face emerged on the man’s face. She swallowed with some difficulty, having spent years unable to even look at photographs of him. It was all too much, because remembering him, meant reliving what happened that night. “Young Mina, no longer that young.” His lips twitched with a possible smirk, but his face remained sullen. “I’m glad to see you home in Seoul. Through the generations of Kim, never did one leave Korea.” Mina bowed at her uncle. “Taehyung tells me you’re doing well at work. I see you received a large portion of your father’s genes in that aspect, but your looks, very much your mother’s.” The silent young woman nodded, interactions like these making her regret ever coming. She didn’t need anyone reminding her who she was or who her parents were. “I believe the table is set, let us have dinner.”

            Her uncle Seojoon, sat at the head of the table. Taehyung sat at her side, while Namjoon and Seokjin were positioned across the table from her. “Thank you for having me,” Mina attempted, her cousins silent. There was a certain atmosphere of intimidation and unease in the dining room.

            “Family is always welcome, in spite of actions and decisions. Blood is thick and stubborn, something that distance cannot dilute.” He cleared his throat and took a bite of his large steak. Mina bobbed at his not exactly welcoming words. “Speaking of stubbornness, are you done with your little games Namjoon?”

            Namjoon closed his eyes momentarily, setting his utensils aside. His dark eyes met his cousin’s before directing his gaze to his father. “Father, it is not a game. It is my future.”

            Seojoon let out a cynical laugh. “Future? Seokjin taking over the family business is a future. Even Taehyung’s job at the CIA is a future.” Taehyung sighed, thanking his father for demeaning his own passions. “Music, that is not a future.”

            Namjoon’s jaw clenched in frustration, fists at his sides. He thought that at least by now he’d be used to his father’s negativity and insults. However, he was not. For this reason, he was disappointed in himself. The sooner he accepted his own father’s disapproval, the sooner would he be able to live his life without ache and regret. “It is for me, father.”

            Seojoon slammed his hand on the table. “Nonsense!” Mina was instantly on her feet, her training taking over. Raised voices often times meant threats. Her uncle chuckled lightly and smoothed his hair out. “Mina, please sit. Forgive our small family disagreement.”

            Disagreement? Is that what he called it? “I should be going, sir. I still have some matters to settle since arriving in Korea.” She bowed to him. “Thank you for the dinner and I do hope you enjoyed the wine.” She gave him an ingenuous smile, quickly making up her mind on the type of man that he was. “However, not to worry, I will be returning soon for a visit.”

            Seojoon on his top teeth, the displeasure evident. “Very well. Safe travels home.” His eyes watched her calculating. How much of his brother he could see in her. His idiotic dissatisfaction with injustice. His abhorrent tendency to always do as he pleased no matter the status quo. His constant condemnation of how he, his own brother, chose to live his life.

            “I’ll walk you out,” Taehyung offered, on his feet and by her side in seconds. The two walked in silence to the front door. Only looking at one another when they stood outside in the light breeze. “Sorry about that. We’re far from the Brady Bunch.” He exhaled, tucking his hands into his pockets. “You know I used to always be so jealous of your family. You were all so happy and your father… The way he spoke to you, like an equal. Like he truly valued what you thought and said.” He sighed, his own mind traveling to a time he wished even more his family weren’t his own. “Like he loved you.” The ache in her chest returned, rendering Mina silent. “Ah, Mina, I’m sorry. I won’t bring them up anymore.”

            Her lips drew together into a thin line. “Yeah, I’d appreciate that.” She patted his arm kindly to reassure him. “ I’ll see you at work on Monday.”

            “Sure thing. Hey again, I’m sorry.” He bit his tongue, punishing himself for being a moron. Despite being a genius, he sure could be an idiot. Hurting her was the last thing he wanted. He wanted to care for her, just as she had. She was so broken and even if it wasn’t his job to mend her. He wanted to hear laugh, really laugh. Void of any cynicism, bitterness or deceit. Even if she could take care of herself, he wanted to protect her. Shelter her from any more pain. “Let’s have a drink tomorrow. I’ll make up for this horrendous event I roped you into.”

            “Who am I to reject free drinks? I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

            “I’m holding you to that,” Taehyung called after her. She waved back without turning around. She had always preferred to drink alone, but turning Taehyung felt utterly wrong. Family was family after all.


*     *     *

            The night air was becoming cold as winter drew nearer. Mina hugged her coat closer to her body, the convenience store bag rustling at her side. She had only taken a few bites of her food before excusing herself from the awkward family dinner. Although it was cold, she stood still before his shop. She had dropped off his mother’s pants on an early Monday morning. Mina could not quite understand why she had returned them in that way. Why she had chosen such a fearful approach? Why had it been so difficult to come face to face with him?

            Just as she was about to continue her way home, he appeared, as if hearing her conflicting thoughts. He beamed, making her heart beat a little bit faster. She nodded and her way home. He quickly opened the shop door and shouted, “Mina, wait!”

            How she wanted to continue. Why should she not? Mina owed him nothing and she never been one for manners or pleasantries. Some could even say the young woman was rude and stubborn. Yet, she froze and turned to find him already crossing the street. “I just wanted to thank you for returning the pants. Though, you didn’t have to. They suited you. It’s not like I can wear them.”

            She lightly laughed. Losing herself in his soft and sincere eyes. “They’re your mother’s. I couldn’t keep them.”

            “Yes, but I think she’d appreciate a very beautiful woman wearing them instead of gathering dust in a closet.”

            Her cheeks filled with warmth. She cleared , never having blushed at any compliments before. “I should go. It’s dinnertime.”

            Jungkook’s eyes caught the bowl of instant noodles and small container of kimchi. “That’s dinner?” She lightly chuckled and Jungkook felt his heart flutter at the sound. He liked seeing her smile, it had a beautiful glow to it and that laugh, it was sweet. “I—Uh perhaps this is too forward, but I made dinner, there’s more than enough for two,” he offered.

            Mina hated herself for even hesitating and considering his offer. However, it was difficult not to. He had this effect on her that she was starting to have a tough time denying. Relating to others… Caring for others was not something she was used to. “I shouldn’t.”

            The slight pain in his face made her regret her words. “Please, let me thank you for saving my life.” Her hand tightened on the plastic bag, gaping. “And don’t say the pants were that thank you.” Mina’s strong brow pulled together, shocked he knew her following words.

            “Kimichi stew with pork belly and tofu,” he tempted, his own dark eyebrows rising.

            Mina’s mouth watered and perhaps it was the nostalgia of her own father preparing them kimichi stew on a cold night, that she agreed. In a matter of minutes, she was sitting before the strong, yet kind man at a small table. Her eyes gleamed as she took her first sip of the broth. “Wow!” His heart warmed as he saw her give him a full beam. “This is incredible. Seriously!” She let out a deep gasp and took another big mouthful, no matter how hot it was. Jungkook’s gentle eyes watched her attentively, enjoying every second of it. “It might be better than my father’s,” she sighed in bliss.

            His head cocked, hearing information from her behalf for the first time. However, he noticed her clear and shift uncomfortably at the mention of her family. He did his best to keep the mood up lifted. “What do you do Mina,” he unknowingly questioned.

            Mina did her best to recover. “Law.” The long told lie felt especially deceitful at the moment.

            “Oh, a lawyer? That’s amazing.” She nodded slowly, avoiding his eyes. “Did you always want to do it? Be a lawyer.”

            She hesitantly looked up at him. “No.” The young woman released a deep breath, suddenly in a situation where she actually had to think about her prior dreams. Dreams that seemed so long and lost. “My father did the same. I-- I always wanted to be a teacher.” His careful eyes continued to study her. “But I suppose things didn’t turn out that way.” Mina’s lips pursed together. “I lack the patience regardless.”

            “I doubt that, but I bet your father is happy you chose his own occupation.”

            Her perfect top teeth bit her bottom lip. “I don’t think so.” Mina was completely oblivious to the amount of things she was revealing about herself. Sure, she was lying. She was not a lawyer, yet, the connections and revelations were true. “From a very young age he had always shared his abilities with me and although I was surprisingly skilled at them too, I think he wanted a different life for me.” Her eyes narrowed. “I think he actually wanted me to do anything but.”

            “But, you help people. There is no better gift to the world or a parent. No matter what he planned for you, I’m positive he’s proud of you.”

            Mina’s throat tightened despite herself. She let out a controlled breath and peered down at her stew, doing her best not to cry. Especially not in front of a stranger. “I’m guessing your parents were ecstatic when you decided on becoming a doctor,” she added cooly.

            “My father was.” Jungkook’s own eyes shyly looked away from Mina for a moment before returning. “My mother… I wouldn’t know. I hardly remember her, I suspect she doesn’t know I studied medicine. It’s hard for her to know when she’s been gone this long.” Mina was absorbed by him. “It’s okay though. The pride and love from my father was more than enough. He truly was delighted. The son of a florist changing lives he said. It’s ironic really, just how much it hurt him to see me drop out to help, to nurse him, to keep him alive when he was so sick.” Mina struggled to breathe. These emotions too much for her deceiving and fragile heart. “Now that he’s gone, I know he’d like me to go back and I plan to. I ju--just have to finish paying his bills,” he announced with a smile.

            There it was. He was an orphan, just like her. Yet he was the absolute opposite. He had this lighthearted and optimistic approach to life, while she detested every moment she had to spend on this Earth. He hadn’t allowed the pain of losing them negatively affect his outlook. He was light and she was darkness.

            “I envy you,” she whispered.

            Jungkook’s brow furrowed. “Why?” How could she after the story he had revealed?

            “You’re hopeful, despite it all,” she admitted. “That’s not easy.”

            His grin had her heart racing. “Ah, if there is one thing you must remember about me, it is that I never give up.”

            This very much proved to be true to Mina.

*     *     *

            “Ah! One more,” Taehyung insisted with a slight slur.

            “Oppa! No, we work tomorrow,” Mina retorted, shaking her hand politely at the bartender.

            “Yah! You are my dongsaeng! You must do as I say!” He tried to glare with authority, yet his swaying figure gave him away.

            She chuckled. “I am too American for that Oppa. I’ll choose to follow the customs that benefit me.” Mina grabbed at his pocket, removing his wallet and using his card to pay for the drinks. “Like the elder always paying.” She let out another laugh, feeling lighter than she had in so long. Perhaps it was the drinks or could it be the heart to heart she had with Jungkook?

            “I like when you laugh,” Taehyung smirked. “You don’t do it enough.” She placed his wallet back. “I demand that you only smile from now on,” he drunkenly instructed.

            “You’ll sooner get a pig to fly,” she sullenly retorted. “Now let’s get you home, I may be the trained one here, but carrying an unconsious you seems all the more impossible.”

            “No! One more shot each and we can leave, I promise!” Mina sighed, slapping down a 20,000 won, quickly taking both shots the bartender poured.

            “There we go, we each drank a shot, let’s go.”

            “Did we?”

            “Yes, now you promised.” He squinted a bit as he stared at the two empty shot glasses before he smacked his lips together and nodded in agreement. She helped him in walking, gaining some stares from people. The cold night air failed to sober Taehyung up, still slumping against his shorter cousin. Mina hailed down a cab. “Stay alert, Oppa.” She gave the driver the address and a large bill for the fee, as well as any possible drunken shenanigans her cousin brought forth.

            “How are you getting home? Is your boyfriend coming or something?” He clumsily made his way inside the cab. His puppy dog eyes looking at her.

            “I don’t do boyfriends.”

            He chuckled. “I’m sure plenty of guys from work will be disappointed to hear that. Even Agent Min.” Mina’s lips puckered as she thought over his words, but before she could ask him to clarify, the cab drove off. “Goodnight,” he wailed.

            Mina tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear, giggling to herself. Despite drinking the same amount, her cousin had been the first to reach intoxication. Mina on the other hand, was only slightly buzzed and a warmth spread through her as she made her way home. In that lonely night atmosphere, she couldn’t help thinking about Jungkook. His peculiar laugh, his toothy grin and soft eyes. He was different. Although complimenting her, it felt genuine. There was no ulterior motive and he relished in her company instead of trying to make a move like most men. Yes, he was different.

            A muffled yelp brought her alertness back on the forefront like a strike of lightening. Her mind screamed to not examine it, to continue on her way home.She was not on duty, this was beyond her. However, her instincts did otherwise. Mina secretly looked into the alley, hidden on the turn of the corner. In that instant, she caught a man being dragged through a seemingly empty building. Her conscious continued to instruct she leave, yet her father’s words of helping the helpless came to mind. “,” she hissed as she automatically made her way to the large metal door. “Self preservation you idiot,” she reminded herself, yet continued to walk.

            She stood outside, mentally calculating the steps into the interior, ears absorbing the distance of said steps from the door. Struggling shouts prompted her to make her entrance. Mina continued to go unnoticed, the men too distracted by their fighting victim. The agent cursed herself for not bringing her gun with her. Never was she to make that mistake again, but for tonight the lead pipe she picked off the ground would do. Her head cocked in wonder as she too picked up a brick.

            “You won’t get away with this,” the dark haired man warned as he fought against his restraints. The thick rope ripped at his skin. “Everyone will know!” He bared his teeth, though frightened, his long and handsome face bore holes into his captors. “They’ll all know!”

            “That’s what we’re hoping for,” one of the men replied before delivering a harsh blow to his face. Another followed suit and so they continued until all four had gotten a turn. The bound man didn’t cry out. His disheveled black hair encased his bloody face as he let out slow breaths, slumped in the wooden chair. He blinked harshly, looking up at his captors and spat out blood.

            “Is that all you got?”

            “These sick bastards,” Mina thought. The one who had spoke before, pulled out a large hunting knife, a large grin on his face as he made his way to the man. “That’s my signal,” she sighed, the world moving in slow motion as it always tended to. She was only noticed by the man in the chair as the other four had their backs to her. She swiftly rendered one of the men unconscious with a sharp swing of the pipe. The other three reacted, but not quick enough. The lead pipe smashed another across the face, teeth catapulting out of the man’s mouth. The larger of the men charged her, but she tossed the brick, blood spewing from his broken nose. As if gliding on ice, Mina stood next to him and swung led pipe against the back of his skull.

            The lethal woman, now slightly covered in blood turned to find “the talker” trembling, knife in hand. “Stay back, I won’t hesitate.”

            Mina smiled, leaving the tied man in further shock. Her lips puckered in fake fear. “Please don’t.” He charged her. Swiftly, she darted and caught his wrists, applying pressure. The knife fell and Mina gracefully took his fingers, his bones breaking as she pulled them back. A shriek escaped his lips, falling to his knees as he clutched his hand. She released a satisfied sigh. Her eyes connected with the beaten man.

            “Holy ,” he gasped. “How-- You just-- You moved so fast,” he stuttered in shock. Mina quietly picked up the hunting knife and cut through the rope. “Thank you.” He stood up, taking another glance at the unconscious men and his attacker.

            “Now I usually don’t condone needless violence, but I am a firm believer of a little vengeance here and there.” She tossed the man the lead pipe.

            A second wasn’t delayed. He stalked his prey. “Home run?”

            “Plea--” he was cut short with a blow to the face.

            “And it’s out of the park,” he smirked. His gaze returned to his heroin. “Who are you? What are you?” Mina examined the man, an air of power behind him. She didn’t respond and he dusted at his expensive black button up with his remaining beam. He found her silence utterly enticing. He elegantly pulled his cellphone out of one of the possibly dead attackers and sent a rapid text. The bruised faced young man extended his hand forward to Mina. “Jung Hoseok. Monarch of Seoul.”

            Mina her lips, the image coming together. “Kim Mina. CIA agent,” she devilishly admitted. Hoseok, initially frightened, smiled and took her hand. “Pleasure.”

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jawsthecat #1
Chapter 2: This is really well written, I am absolutely loving the story so far. I like Mina's character though I wish she would open up more, she independent and doesn't let people take advantage of her. I can't wait to see her friendship with Hoseok progress though especially with their fields of work. As of now, I would say that I really like Jungkook's character and I think that he'd be really good for Mina's development. Keep up the good work :)