
How To Wake Up Kang Seulgi

This was literally done under three hours. Excuse the simplicity and the typos you might see.

Words: 1k

If there was anything that Seulgi learned was to never watch a scary movie despite her best friend telling her to NOT do that.

Kang Seulgi wasn’t one of listening to her friend at times, especially because she was bored as hell at home. So, she grabbed the remote controller and turned the T.V. on, popped the DVD in, and watched some delicious horror. Every gritty detail crawled into Seulgi’s brain and engulfed it in the darkest thought, making her squirm and flinch at the slightest sound and the slightest movement.

The world and the objects adjusting were things that made Seulgi jump and hide under the blanket all night, she was frozen underneath the covers but also sweating at the need for cold air. Peaking a foot out was just enough for the devil to be able to grasp it, Seulgi thought, so she stayed rolled like a burrito with her eyes peeled open all night.

When the day light came and the classes were over, she was asleep and knocked out on the desk.

“Uhh, Kang Seulgi?” The teacher said, worried, watching how the teenager had her head against the desk and her  arms fallen to the side since the past ten minutes.

The very few students that were left who were gathering their stuff stared at her with a bit of concern, considering Seulgi was always the one to slap someone’s head for sleeping in class, but now she understood the sentiment.

The sunlight was out there to protect her! How not to sleep now that she spent the entire night protecting herself. Now she could rest.

However, she had to move from her seat, so there was only one person who could wake Kang Seulgi up. And that was Bae Joohyun who was sitting right next to her, hearing every sleepy mumble. Including mumbles that related to herself and her friends--who clearly did not think of Joohyun as only a friend, as evidenced by the ‘Joohyun, please give me another kiss.’ And it wasn’t weird, either, the pale girl already knew it, but she was waiting for the dumb bear to make a move.

Extreme was a way to describe Seulgi’s sleeping manner. She either slept all the way like a rock or she didn’t sleep at all, and that was something only Bae Joohyun  knew for certain, after many sleep overs and shenanigans at home. She knew how to handle the situation.

So, without hesitation, Joohyun stood up and gave the teacher a warm smile. “I’ll wake her, it won’t take long,” and with that, she was determined to wake her up. She dragged her desk to join Seulgi’s pulling her seat next to the sleeping bear and then she laid her head down against her hands in the desk, staring at Seulgi and waiting for her to wake up.

Is there really any way to wake Seulgi up?

No, not really.

For years, Joohyun had tried and tried with every technique, but nothing. Nothing could wake up the sleeping rock that she was. There was a small little technique, but that wasn’t guaranteed, but better than nothing.

Ultimately, Joohyun only focused on her and her movements, her facial expressions and the way her eyebrows scrunched. As soon as there was a sight or a hint that she was out of that deep REM, no matter how minimum, the pale school princess could chime in and tap the bear away. Though, that was doubtful.

Lo and behold a miracle amongst the land of light and humans, Seulgi shifted and groaned.

Perfect, Joohyun thought, and so she softly spoke in her sweetest tone. “Seulgi-ah~ Wakey wakey,” she remained in her spot, letting her voice slowly get the young girl awake.

Ethereal voices echoed in Seulgi’s mind, bringing her out of her pringles fantasy Dreamland and into reality. The softness of that angelical voice slowly waltzed with her to consciousness.

Notable to say that this sweet voice was one she knew real well, but she couldn’t identify if it was her hopeful brain or reality. But there was a way to find out.

And that was by waking up.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open and the image of a young goddess was staring right at her with a genuine smile, mouthing something she couldn’t quite make out until her senses came back to her. It didn’t matter, because her eyes were greeted with the most pleasant of views.

Pale snow white skin, caring eyes, perfect hair and a smile full of peace--only those traits belong to Joohyun, that’s what Seulgi always said. The amount of warm in those eyes could almost match up to one of a mother, but it was different, just that the dumb dumb Seulgi couldn’t pin point what was different. It was obvious.

She soon knocked out of that trance and stretched her fallen arms a little. “I… morning?” Seulgi said softly before looking around at the empty classroom, the teacher by the doorway speaking to someone outside. Tired, she laid her head back down on the desk and stared at Joohyun, who was giggling. “What?”

Joohyun shook her head and reached over, patting the younger’s head. “Noooothing~ You just look lost and that’s cute.”


Tint started to climb to Seulgi’s cheek, clearly showing that she liked the compliment, her smile unable to hide for long.

“You didn’t sleep at all, you weren’t joking,” Joohyun said.

“I know… I really shouldn’t have seen that movie.”

“I told you not to, silly.”

“I know, I know…” Seulgi sighed, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

Joohyun sat up as well and just looked at Seulgi, quietly admiring. The way she looked so cute, the sun shining through the window and washing over her with gold; she was beautiful even without a night sleep and just woken up, a bit of drool on the corner of her lip.

Oh, she drooled a little.

“Here, silly,” Joohyun said softly and she got close, making Seulgi stare at her and wiping the drool out of her, unintentionally keeping eye contact.

Seulgi was a little frozen--as per usual with skinship--but she stared back and smiled a little, just letting her do her thing.

They were so fixated on one another that when the teacher closed the classroom door they both jumped and looked at the teacher.

“Sorry,” he began before arranging things in his desk. “But can you girls hurry up? I have to lock the classroom.”

They nodded rapidly and jumped off of one another quickly. Joohyun, however, had a cheeky grin while grabbing her stuff, sneaking a glance to the shy bear while at it, loving the pink color of her cheeks.

Without much more, the girls arranged their seats back in place and said goodbye to the teacher, while Seulgi frantically apologized for falling asleep in class, especially for such a long time.

Out their merry way they were, walking side by side and Seulgi shuffled her feet like a sleepy little bear. At one point, it was as if Seulgi was sleep walking, walking with her eyes closed and her feet non-stop shuffling, it was starting to attract the attention of the few students left inside the school. 

Joohyun merely stared with amusement before she patted the sleepy girl’s back and spoke to keep her awake. “Now you know not to watch horror movies, no?”

Seulgi's head shot up awake, looking around disoriented before she giggled and shook her head a little. “It was a good movie, though. I’d probably do it again.”

Joohyun internally rolled her eyes and was ready to scold her, but instead… she realized her words needed to be chosen carefully for an impact. Normal scolding won’t work at a long shot, this experience probably will be swept under the rug in Seulgi’s head--because, let’s be real, she’s not the brightest of the bunch. So, with a big grin, she stopped in her tracks and made Seulgi stop too.

“So, Seulgi. About what you said to me in class…”

Seulgi froze and her sleepy eyes suddenly awakened, widening to the maximum. She knew damn well what she was referring too, because the dream was still fresh in her mind, the way those soft and plump lips were against her thin pairs, the way it left her needy for more and more.

“You were lucky no one else heard it--.”

And that was more than enough for Seulgi to take off running as if she wasn’t functioning with maybe two or three hours of sleep. She ran past people, things, bumped against the janitor and just ran through the front door with furiously red cheeks. By mere luck she wasn’t screaming for her mom.

Far from offended, Joohyun found it cute. She found herself admiring the flustered bear as she giggled, perhaps a little mischievously.

She learned a few things today. That Seulgi had no innocent dreams and how to properly wake up Kang Seulgi.

And hell, wasn’t the young girl awake after that.


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76 streak #1
Chapter 1: cutie
2192 streak #2
Chapter 1: So adorable<3
Chapter 1: cute >.<
Chapter 1: Haha that was cute
Chapter 1: haaaa~ too cute ♡(> ਊ <)♡
Chapter 1: Too soft and cute for my Seulrene heart djdjdkd.
Chapter 1: lol suel
Chapter 1: so fluff and soft aww
Chapter 1: The ending makes me giggle like a kid again hahahah thisbstory is cute! Thanks for this story Author! (:
Chapter 1: This is so cute avhgsjdnsajasjh