

Jiyeon POV :

"Why u cant promise to me jiyeon? Is it because u not love me sincerely? Is it because my love is not enough for u? I cant live like this jiyeon. I cant stay by your side when u are not even acknowledge me. When u cant even promise me. Im sorry jiyeon. I cant let myself to be hurt like this anymore. I need to protect myself in order to survive. I dont know what will i do to myself if u do the same thing again and leave me alone. Because u also know that i have nobody. I only have u. I rather stop now, than feel more hurt later when u really leave me"

Im sorry coz i never say anything to u that day. I love you and those feeling are not fake. My feeling to u are sincere.

Im sorry coz i ever utter any word that night. I just cant find the correct word to say to it. My mouth can even open to say all those promise that u want me to say. I dont know what happen to myself that night. I feel so down until i dont know what to do. I felt so empty when im alone that night. I miss my parents. The fact that they leave me at the orphanage make me feel that im unworthy to even living in this world. I feel like im not even worthy for u. I feel like i dont deserve a good person like u. U r too good to me. I know u love me so much. I know that u spend all of your day for me. U spend every single time u had for me. I feels like i dont deserve u. U deserve someone better. And that person is not me. Im just nothing. Im just a trash. I not supposed to be born in this world. If not, my parents will not throw me away.

U asked me whether u have place in my heart even just abit. In my heart, all are filled with u. Filled with all your love. There is no other person that will take that away. There is no other person that csn replace it. Even until now. Even after 1 year u left me.

I regret it. I regret it now but nothing i can do to rewind everything back. I tried to find u, everyday i find u. Go to every places that we always have been. I went to the market that we always buy groceries. I went to the place that we had our first meeting. I went to all the places that we always hang out but, u just dissappear without a trace. I totally cant trace u even your shadow.

Please comeback now...

Please comeback now... eunjung unnie.. i really miss u.. i really miss ur touch. I miss when u sing lullaby for me to sleep. After u left me, i never get any peaceful sleep. My sleep never more than 3 hours. Every night, i always dream of u. Everytime i wokeup from my dream, i wish u on my side. Care for me like before. Please comeback now. I cant stand the loneliness anymore. I cant stand the life without u besides me. I promise to u that i will take care of myself. I will never kill myself again. Will u comeback now unnie? I really miss u..

Please comeback... Please....

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HANJI96 #1
Chapter 1: its so sad );