022 Unwind

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Chapter 22: This maybe our first and definitely won’t be the last

“Kim Sera, get back here and eat your breakfast before you leave!” Jin called out Sera who already in her heels getting ready to head out. Approaching his sister with a silver ladle in his hand, he shook his head in disagreement “Why are you in hurry? I thought the audition is in 3 hours?” his brows knitted into a frown.

Sera clasped her hands together giving the older guy an apologetic look “I am sorry Jinnie, I will eat your food once I get back. Please just keep in the microwave okay? I am already late, they give me a super short notice changing the time and venue” a heavy sigh escaped from her lips.

“Fine, be careful. Don’t run carelessly and get hit by car or human or lamp post or pigeon or whatever make sure to stay safe. Use your eyes” he gave a light push on her forehead using the ladle that he held.

She tip-toed with a smile, planting a soft kiss on his cheeks “See you later oppa” her voice chirped as she made her way out. Sera had an important audition for a small role today, and it was important as a start for her career. She graduated from college few weeks ago since then she actively sought out for potential jobs even though a simple role in a theatre, she would definitely go for it.

Sera managed to catch up on her life that she always desired; a career, boyfriend, friends and loving brother. As for Jimin, he graduated with Sera and made use of his talent for something useful. He focused on joining as much as performance and competition that he could find just to gain experiences. He also wanted to open up a small academy and apparently he’s working on it now since the process of opening one was time-consuming.

After 15 minutes wandering around the area, she saw a tall building with “ Treetenth Co” sign across the road. Sera let out a sigh of relief as she was determined to nail this audition and awed everyone in the room. She was escorted by one of the crews to the audition area and there were others waiting in line for their turn, Sera could feel her stomach twitched in fear the moment she saw the long line.

Her foot tapped nervously as the pace quickened without she realized, she was feeling mousy. Hours passed yet the line didn’t seem to budge, at this rate her anxiety doubled. She waited for another hour before her name was called into the room, combing her hair with fingers as she took a deep breath before entering the room.

“Kim Sera?” a woman with a bob style hair uttered while scanning Sera’s application thoroughly. There were two others judges besides the woman looking professional and serious skimming the documents before nodding as a signal to the woman.

“Miss Kim. You graduated from an art college few months ago, therefore what are your achievements so far?” her question was intimidating but Sera tried to keep her face calm.

Her lips tugged into a simple smile “ During my college days, I was actively involved in my school theatres, regional competitions, sometimes I would be one of the backstage crews to assist the theatre. Last year, our team was chosen to represent the country to Germany. It was an honour for us to promote our culture through arts performance in World Tourism Day” her confident level somewhat managed to sway the judges as they nodded looking bemused.

“Going international does not make someone a good actress” the man with a deep voice sounded doubtful and Sera stomach twitched in fear.

She was about to answer him but he continued “Miss Kim, can you convince us with your talents not merely based on your good looks and astounding resumes?” the man had his elbows rested on the table with an intense gaze.

‘Kim Sera you can do this’ she nodded with a genuine smile “I will try my best to fit into any characters that you give me. You can count on me” she untangled her fingers which at first fidgeting afraid the judges would not notice her nervousness.

The woman diverted her attention back to Sera “So, Miss Kim pick your luck from that bowl. The theme will be random based on your pick. Prove we are wrong that your looks overshadowing your talent. We don’t want a bimbo” she pointed a bowl placed on round table at the corner of the room.

Sera approached the crystal bowl and made her pick as she prayed hard hoping to get something easy for her to come up with spontaneous dialogue. She felt a heavy lump on upon finding out the theme for her audition “Matilda the Musical by Dennis Kelley” she forced a smile.

“Good choice Miss Kim, you have five minutes to pick any scenes that you are confident with” the man with black hat nodded as he shifted his attention back to other judges discussing something. Sera clutched onto the paper gathering her strength to not screw this audition over her unlucky pick.

“Your five minutes is up” three pair of eyes were now minutely scrutinizing every inch of her body, with a high expectation look. Sera decided to choose the main character Matilda Wormwood and Matilda’s best friend Lavender. She remembered watching Matilda the Musical in her class as they were required to do research on the play, therefore recalling the memories about the play would not be that hard. However, to act it out excellently would be the challenging part.

The audition lasted for 40 minutes and the panels were satisfied with her performance; they even requested Sera to perform another play before ending her individual audition. She was confident to act one of the scenes from Kim Jong-Ok Chatgi (Finding Mr Destiny) as last week she went to watch the musical theatre with Jimin. So, the scenes were still cleared and not as ambiguous as the first play that she picked.



She heaved out a deep sigh when exiting the building, as pain started to build around her legs for standing so long in her heels. Sera took out her phone to see it is already passed lunch time. To her distaste, her belly gurgled loudly as she patted it to quell its sound from being heard.

“Now let’s find a good place to fill this poor tummy” she hummed. As she was about to take few steps forwards, she felt a warm presence behind her, and in a second a pair of warm arms was wrapped securely around her waist.

Sera was surprised at the sudden contact of their bodies as she quickly snapped and turned to face the person behind her. She sighed in sheer relief upon seeing Jimin’s handsome face alight with merriment.

“You scared me Jimin..Do not be a creep. I was about to claw your handsome face with my nails” her brows twitched together and her lips became set in tight, thin line of disapproval.

Jimin cupped her cheeks, pressing their forehead together “Sorry love. I promise the next time I want to creep on you I will leave kisses on your face” he earned a slight nudge on his waist. Sera cringed in annoyance when Jimin started to shower her face with kisses started from her forehead, the tip of her nose, cheeks, chins and lastly on her pink lips.

She giggled between kisses and caressed his chest “I miss you..” she mumbled on his lips.

“I miss my baby girl more” he pulled away from the kiss, rubbing their nose together “How’s your audition going? Was it good?” he gazed into his girlfriend orbs with a loving look.

Sera pouted “It was hard, I had to wait in line for hours before my turn then when I got into the room, the atmosphere was rather tense. I picked one of the hardest play but the panels wanted me to do second play which thankfully we went to watch the show last week. It was my life saviour” he soothed her hair softly.

“Isn’t it a good thing I dragged you out to watch Kim Jong-Ok Chatgi? You are doing well I am sure they can see that talent in yours” that was all she needed at this moment, Jimin’s raspy and soft whispers building all the strength in her again.

“But Chims, there is this one particular thing. I don’t want to be offended but they even questioned my talent whether it matched my face. They indirectly called me a bimbo” she shook her head with a slight frown.

Jimin chuckled and tapped his finger at the ti

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Thank you for 10K views and, new subs and upvotes xx Im deeply touched unwind is still alive <3


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Chapter 39: Thanks for writing this incredibly beautiful story!!!
Chapter 30: Oh my gosh!!! This is really unexpected!!!! I really love your story!!! A lot of surprises!!
Hi. I would like to say thank you for writing such a beautiful stories. I read all of your stories and its give me a lot of happiness during my semester break. Unwind is the best story and for the first time, i'm in love with jimin in AFF. I wish u a lot of happiness and thank you again :)
Chapter 40: Hi author I finished reading this, guess who is cryibg *points self* it is me. Cant believe I read such beautiful stories? Your writing makes me emotional. I sure want to see more of this genre in the future. I love Jimin and Sera. I will miss them and everyone.
Minaluvv #5
Chapter 40: Hi authornim, I enjoyed “unwind” a lot, so much that it only took me 2 days to finish this story, despite my busy schedule. I love how you plot and twist the story and they are interesting and addictive. On TOP of that, I love how Sera and Jimin loved each other so much that they didn’t let just anyone come into their life even when they were not dating. Thank you again for this wonderful story.
Chapter 10: This story is so intriguing, I cant wait to finish it. I really love Sera! She is fiction but relatable character. Rooting for more of Sera and Jimin.
Chapter 39: Okay. I am ready to go through the emotions again. Firstly, I'm glad I read this, it wasn't my usual genre but I stuck around for the epilogue and I am glad I did.
I have always been a Jungkook bias in fanfics, like i feel he fits every character written about him to the T. Jimin is a soft character and usually does well in either or extremely bad boy romances.
This story reversed the order for me and it took me some time to wrap my head around the reversal. I always rooted for Team jungkook and even after the epilogue I cannot decide which team I like better, its like Sera would have a different feel with both of them so its incomparable. I liked all the characters here, i could visualise them as they were described. The choice of words was simple and effective. It knitted the plot without any complexity that would hinder your plot or make it lose itself in the fancy schmancy and that is something I love. Nothing like Less is more right?
Coming to the story-
1. The backstory is so emotionally rich. You feel the pain, you feel the love and longing. The sting of loss, the void of everything around you collapsing like a house of cards *ehh see what I did there?*
2. I love how fatherly Jin is. I love everything that man does lmao. His motherly brotherly character tickled the plot by lightening it up through the revenge and love drama.
3. Revenge and betrayal play a hidden undertone in this- right from Sera's best friend who dated JK to the major antagonist Max. Its very difficult to write these scenes I know but you delivered well. Like it makes me hate his character so you succeeded.
4. Coming to the actual love triangle I did not enjoy the confusion a lot partly because I was on Team kook and i hoped she would go back to him. Even in the last when Jimin breaks up I hoped for her to end up with Jungkook (this is only me being salty as a subjective kookie wrecked cookie) like i throughly enjoyed flirty jimin bcz i can imagine the real jimin being this adorable pouty bad blob of mush too.
4. I really did feel so emotional at the entire thing. Jungkook started over. Jimsera have a family. Other friends have their world. Yoongi is apparently a hot man in uniform whoa.
If this was your first fic then this is legit your baby master piece because there wasn't a single dull moment. It concluded beautifully. Also i love how you format everything.
Bunny i hope you enjoyed my comment bcz i enjoyed this a lot. I am moving on to nip in the bud now lmao
iilydia #8
Chapter 39: oh my god, this story was so good. I was on an emotional roller coaster. Thank you for this wonderful story :')
Chapter 39: Bunny.... why did you do th-this to me?....I need to compose myself. Wait then i will give my comment.
*takes a deep breath*
Chapter 11: Oh no i cannot decide my team either :(