
The Figure Skater



"Jaiden, hurry up we're gonna be late!"

"Calm down, God! I'm coming!"

The beauty rushed to finish her makeup, and slapped on her wrist watch, grabbing her purse and heading to meet her best friend at the door.

She kept cooing and telling herself that it's her best friend's birthday, her special day, finally turning eighteen. She was young for their year, the two already first years in college.

"Jai, I don't wanna be late," her friend whined, twirling the car keys in her hand.

"I know you've been waiting forever to go see a competition, Yuna, but getting there an hour early won't make them start any earlier." Jaiden told her.

Being the great friend that she is, she had bought Yuna tickets to go to the figure skating Grand Prix in Japan. She was a big fan, like everyone else in the country.

Jaiden had moved to Tokyo a little over a year ago, wanting to leave the United States and study abroad, and what better place than the glorious country of Japan? Since she already knew the language fluently, it was a no brainer for her. And being the brilliant student she is, getting into the University of Tokyo, the top school in Japan, was no problem for her.

And so here she is, ready to head out with her best friend to celebrate.

"I know, but still~" Yuna whined, yanking at Jaiden's sleeve. "I wanna see my Keiji-kun~"

"Tanaka Keiji, I'm never gonna hear the end of him, am I?" Jaiden rolled her eyes. "C'mon, let's go already." She snatched the keys from Yuna, and headed out. Yuna followed suit giddily.

Jaiden's car was nothing luxurious, but it was modern and easy to drive.

The drive to the rink wasn't too far, though traffic made it seem a bit longer. That or Yuna talking away barely catching a breath.

When pulling into the venue, the two couldn't help but gawk at the size of the arena.

Parking was starting to fill up, even as early as they were.

"I told you so." Smirked Yuna. Jaiden scoffed as a response, pulling into a spot not too far from the entrance.

"Shall we?" Jaiden wrapped her scarf tightly around her neck, ready for the slap of cold about to hit her when she opened her door.

Yuna was fidgeting in her seat, hand already on the door handle. "Let's go!"


The boy tied his laces like it was second nature, his muscles ached from the hours of practice the past few days, readying himself for this performance. He didn't sleep the past night, having traveled all night from Canada to get here. What he'd give for a nap...

"You ready, Champ?" His trainer, Brian Orser, came up to him with his usual businessman-like smile.

"Ready." He replied with a smile of his own, his distinct accent when speaking English clear.

"You're program is the last one, be sure to stay warm. You know what to do. I'll see you out there," the man spoke, to which the boy nodded in response.

With that, his coach left and the boy picked up his phone. His mother would be coming to see him, being one of the only chances she has to see him in person other than on the tv.

Sending her a quick text telling her to bring a warm jacket, he shoved his phone in his bag. He could hear the cheers from the crowd, the opening ceremony probably starting.

He looked around his empty dressing room, standing. He headed over to the door, his mind blank. It always was before every competition.

As he walked backstage he could see the other competitors warming up, they would stop and stare as he walked by, both admiration and jealousy on their faces as the reigning world champion walked by.

He was nostalgic. Just a few years ago his heart would be jumping out of his chest with nerves, his grin would be plastered on his face. He'd lose sleep because of how excited he'd be about performing.

Yet now he walked with a solemn fake smile, going through the motions, day by day the same routine. Practice, diets, more practice, occasional sleep, competitions, winning first place, more practice, and so on.

With a sigh, he claimed a lonesome corner, and began to prepare himself for his program. Stretching, controlling his breathing, emptying his mind... his routine. Everything routine.

He didn't realize until his manager was in front of him that he was up next.

"Let's do this, Champ." Brian placed a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Yeah," he replied, the usual smile back on his face. Another program, another win, and he'd go back to his mother's house for a few days. He'd get to rest for the first time in three years. He thanked Brian immensely for the few days off. Though they compromised that he still had to stay in top shape throughout his little vacation.

And so, he walked beside his coach, his head held high like a true world, and Olympic, champion.

"Now, the program you've all been waiting for!" The announcer shook the arena. "Olympic champion, World champion, four-time Grand Prix champion, welcome Hanyu Yuzuru!" The crowd roared, and the boy glided into the ice.

It was miserably cold in the arena, more so than usual, and he couldn't understand why everyone was so happy despite that. Until he saw her.


"It's starting!" Yuna repeatedly slapped Jaiden's arm, unable to hide their excitement.

Jaiden had made sure to get the best seats, right in the front row. Next to the panel of judges.

"Keiji-kun is first!" Yuna shrieked, the lights dimming and announcer booming. Jaiden couldn't help her smile at her best friend. Even with her constant nagging about figure skating, seeing her this happy was worth it for Jaiden.


The beauty turned to her left, at an older woman. Then her eyes widened in realization.

"Chiyo-San?" Jaiden smiled. The sweetest woman she has ever met, she was the first person she met when coming to Japan. She owns a flower shop just outside her apartment complex. Jaiden visits her every day, she even brings her some of the sweets she bakes every now and then.

"What a coincidence, dear." The woman spoke with a smile.

"Are you here by yourself? If I knew you were coming, we would've brought you with us-"

"Oh, now dear, I may be old but I'm very capable." Chiyo waved her off. "Besides, I'm here to see my son."

"Your son?" Yuna popped her head into the conversation.

"Sorry, this is Yuna, my friend," Yuna nodded with a grin.

"Pleasure," the woman smiled. "And yes, my son, he's competing."

"I'm glad, you must be so proud," Jaiden spoke. Chiyo was about to say something but the announcer cut her off.

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the 2016 Grand Prix in Japan!" The crowd roared.

Jaiden sent the old woman an apologetic smile as they turned to the show.

Yuna went insane when Tanaka Keiji performed, she even bought dozens of flowers to throw into the arena after he finished.

Jaiden had to admit, figure skating was nothing to joke about. She was enjoying it almost as much as Yuna was.

"He's the last one to perform," Yuna nudged Jaiden.


"Now, the program you've all been waiting for!" The announcer cut her off. "Olympic champion, World champion, four-time Grand Prix champion, welcome Hanyu Yuzuru!"

The boy skated into the arena. He looked to be searching for someone.

"Yuzu!" Chiyo smiled brightly, waving proudly. The boy picked her out and smile at her. He was about to turn away when he saw her.

Jaiden couldn't look away from the beautiful boy.

Both Chiyo and Yuna noticed the looks, the boy never parting his gaze until he reached the center of the rink. Jaiden couldn't help but turn to the floor.

"Looks like someone caught his eye," Yuna nudged the girl. Chiyo smiled fondly at Jaiden's flustered figure. And she always complained that her son focused too much on the sport and not enough on his real life.

Jaiden decided to shake that whole ordeal off, and focus on the performance.

almost hung open at the sheer beauty of the man.

She had never seen someone so beautiful. How he glided gracefully on the ice, spun in the air like he was weightless, and grinned victoriously once he finished his performances. The audience, much like the girl, were captivated. They roared once his performance ended, and gave him a standing ovation. Jaiden was one of the only who didn't stand at first, still so shocked at what she had just witnessed.

It wasn't until Yuna dragged her to her feet did she snap out of it.

The boy bowed in every direction, thanking the audience. He looked to his mother once he faced their side, and glanced quite a bit to the beauty beside her.

"Your son was amazing," Yuna spoke to Lady Chiyo.

"Thank you, he's great, isn't he?" She had a proud smile on her face. "Let's go greet him," the woman took hold of Jaiden's arm, lightly dragging her away from their seats.

"A-Are you sure, Chiyo-san?" Jaiden skeptically spoke.

"I've told him all about you, Jaiden. How you keep me company in his absence. He's wanted to meet you for so long," the woman smiled brightly, and Jaiden could only look in awe. Yuna couldn't hide her excitement as the three headed toward the restricted area of the competitors.

Jaiden was shell shocked, seeing the countless skaters that she had just seen fly through the ice, stretching like normal athletes before her.

Yuna let out a small yelp, Jaiden turning to see what had her so excited. The beauty sighed when she saw Yuna cautiously going up to Tanaka Keiji, leaving just Chiyo and her to continue on their walk.

The beauty shook her head, smiling at her best friend's actions.

And then she saw him. In front of a camera being interviewed, sweat still dripping from his forehead and a water bottle in hand. He was taller than she thought, the skates maybe attesting to that, glowing in his performance outfit.

"He'll be done soon," Chiyo told Jaiden.

"Is it really okay, Chiyo-San? I don't want to intrude on you seeing your son-"

"Please, Jaiden. You're practically family to me as well," she squeezed Jaiden's arm with affection.

The boy finished shortly after, and immediately came up to his mother, though glancing at the beauty beside her.

"Yuzu, I'm so proud of you," she embraced her son.

"Thanks, mom," his voice was gentle, soft.

“Yuzu, this is Jaiden, the one I always tell you about,” the woman turned to the beauty at her side. Jaiden smiled shyly at the boy, nodding in acknowledgement. She wasn’t one to shy away from meeting people, but the boy’s presence was unparalleled. 

He smiled brightly at her, making her face flush.

“Nice to meet you, Jaiden. I can’t thank you enough for taking care of my mother,” he took her hand in gratitude.

“It’s nothing, I just keep her company some days,” Jaiden immediately waved off. Yuzuru shook his head vigorously.

“It really means a lot, if there’s any way I could repay you, please tell me,” he spoke politely.

“There’s no need,” The beauty smiled happily. She truly did enjoy spending time with Chiyo-san. Who knew she’d have such a successful son? She had mentioned how proud she is of him, but none of his accomplishments or that he was an Olympic Gold Medalist.

She simply saw him as her little boy, and Jaiden found that adorable.

“I’m gonna go to the restroom, I’ll leave you two to talk,” the woman spoke.

“Do you want me to go with you?” Jaiden immediately asked.

“Please, Jaiden, I may be old but I’m a very capable woman.” She responded confidently, making her son and the girl chuckle as she stomped off overdramatically toward the restrooms.

“But really, let me do something to show my gratitude,” Yuzuru spoke, “A thank you isn’t enough.” Jaiden shook her head, knowing that arguing against this would be futile.

“Fine, fine, you win,” she rose her hands up in surrender, and the boy smiled brightly.

The two continued to talk for much longer than Jaiden would have thought. It turns out he was really easy to talk to, his grin never fading which made her comfortable. Jaiden didn’t bring up his figure skating career, she mainly wanted to hear about his life at home with Chiyo-san.

Yuzuru didn’t know how long the two talked, but he treasured every minute of it. All he spoke about for most of his life was of his career. Yet here comes this beauty, not even asking a single question about it. He was glad he half forced her to go out for lunch as a way for him to repay her for being with his mother while he was away.

He hadn’t been this excited after a competition in months.

“Did something happen?” Brian noticed instantly when he went back to the waiting room to grab his things.

“I have a few days off, right?” The boy asked immediately, gathering his things to meet his mother outside.

“Yeah, training in the morning but that’s it,” his coach replied, his brows furrowed. He hadn’t seen Yuzuru with such a spark for so long. Maybe it was because he was back home for a few days. Yeah, that had to be it.

“Great, I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” with a slight bow, the boy headed for the door.

“Yeah, god job today…” he left his coach with a cocked head.

“So~” Yuzuru now walked with his mother, who ever since he said goodbye to Jaiden. “Jaiden’s a sweet girl, I knew you’d like her.”

“Did you do this on purpose?” He had to ask. Chiyo-san smiled sheepishly, shrugging with a triumphant look. “Unbelievable,” the boy shook his head, though unable to hide his smile.

“Look! I got Keiji-san’s autograph!” Yuna paraded her poster throughout the venue as the two headed out.

“Yes, you don’t have to show the whole world,” Jaiden pushed her toward the exit, not too fond of the fans’ looks at her giddy best friend.

“Why didn’t you get at least a picture with Hanyu? You two talked so much I assumed you got something,” The girl grumbled.

“I did get something,” Jaiden smiled shyly. “He’s taking me out to lunch tomorrow.” Yuna froze for a moment, responding only minutes later with a single scream of joy.


Let me know if you guys would want me to continue the story, this was just an idea and if enough people like it I will continue it! 

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