
One Thread


Like a river flows surely to the sea


So it goes

Some things are meant to be

Can’t Help Falling in Love- Elvis Presley

chapter playlist





Baekhyun could hardly wait for this afternoon. He was excited beyond belief. He had never hung out with any friends from school before - well, he had never been to a school in the first place.

The day was a blur, but not an unpleasant experience with Chanyeol by Baekhyun’s side. Finally, it was time to meet. 

Baekhyun stood at the intersection, wearing his navy blue sweater and an old Pink Floyd T-Shirt. He wore his best blue jeans and Chuck Taylors. He had had a hard time deciding what to wear; he had never been invited out for anything by someone who wasn’t Kai, Xiumin, Lay, or Suho.

In the distance, he could see Chanyeol walking. He could spot Chanyeol a mile away, with his staggering height and long legs. Chanyeol was dressed casually in dark jeans, a loose T-Shirt, and sneakers. Baekhyun smiled at the sight of him. He had never seen him outside of school before. 

“Hey, Baek!” Chanyeol smiled, waving. “I hope you weren’t waiting long.”

“No, I just got here," Baekhyun replied. 

Jongdae arrived a few minutes later, skidding on his skateboard. “Hey!” He screamed as he ran up to them. He carried a big black duffel bag with him and shook it. “I’ve got the goods!”

Chanyeol opened the bag. “Nice. High quality. I approve.”

Baekhyun attempted to peer inside of the bag but Chanyeol pushed him away. “You can’t see it yet. It’s a surprise!”

Baekhyun was suspicious. “What are you two up to?” He narrowed his eyes.

Chanyeol grinned evilly. “Nothing that isn’t illegal. Well, I mean, in some countries.”

Baekhyun gasped and Chanyeol bumped Jongdae’s shoulder, who was stifling a snicker. “So, let’s go buy some food first! Maybe until the sun sets, at least.”

“To the convenience store!” Jongdae skidded past them on his skateboard. 

“Hey, race you there! Let’s see if my long legs can beat your wheels!”

Jongdae tipped his hat. “I’ll win.”

Chanyeol turned his head. “Baek, can you referee?”

Baek felt his heart pound as Chanyeol addressed him. “Yeah, okay!”






They finally reached the nearest convenience store - right after the two raced and Jongdae nearly died by skating into incoming traffic (he still won though, and Chanyeol was still a sore loser).

They walked into the convenience store and Jongdae bolted through the aisles, knocking down a few bags of potato chips and earning himself an eye roll from the cashier.

“Treat yourself boys!” Jongdae grabbed a lollipop from the candy aisle, unwrapped it and popped it into his mouth. “It’s on me tonight!”

“Come with me, Baek.” Chanyeol motioned to the back of the store. “Let’s get some hot dogs and slushies. Are you hungry?”

Baekhyun nodded and followed him. Chanyeol raced for the machine and grabbed the biggest cup. He yanked on all of the levers of slushies and poured it into his cup, leaving him with a disgusting, dark mixture. He took a quick sip and sighed. “Aah! Delicious!” He offered the cup to Baekhyun. “Want some?”

Baekhyun made a face. “That looks disgusting.”

“Try it!”

Baekhyun took a hesitant sip and choked immediately, spewing some on the floor. Chanyeol laughed at him as he swallowed it with difficulty. “That’s delicious to you?!” He shrieked, cleaning his face with a napkin.

“Yes! The best part is that you can't differentiate any of the original flavors.”

“I am disturbed.”

Jongdae returned to his two friends, holding bags of junk food in both hands. “Come on, lovebirds! I’m getting myself a hot dog!”

Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun blushed simultaneously, stammering incoherently. Sneaking a quick glance at each other, they following Jongdae without a protest.

Jongdae grabbed a hot dog and prepared it with ketchup, mustard, onions, relish - all the works. Chanyeol and Baekhyun did the same, although the latter was not accustomed to preparing a hot dog. He had only seen people eat them in movies, never having tried one himself.

Baekhyun took a bite and found it was very delicious. Greasy, and possibly plastic, but still delicious nonetheless.

“Hey Chanyeol!”

Chanyeol turned to Jongdae, only to have ketchup sprayed straight into his face. 

Baekhyun burst out in laughter at the sight of Chanyeol’s face dripping with ketchup. Chanyeol immediately snatched the mustard and squirted it Jongdae’s hair, rubbing it in with his large palms. “You stupid oaf!” Jongdae screeched. Chanyeol zeroed in on Bakehyun, his next target, spraying the mustard at his face. 

Baekhyun was expecting this though, and opened his mouth wide to catch it instead.

“Woah!” Jongdae screamed. “Impressive.”

Baekhyun took off running, laughing as he staggered I the piles of condiments of the floor. Chanyeol tore after him and Jongdae grabbed his purchases, throwing a wad of cash at the cashier with a yell of “keep the change!”

Chanyeol caught up to Baekhyun half a block away and nearly tackled the smaller boy, wrapping his arm around his neck and giving him a noogie. 

Baekhyun yelped in pain and Chanyeol released him, giving him a soft shove.

The three sat on the curb, eating their hot dogs and laughing in the dark, illuminated only by the street lamp next to them. Jongdae retold stories of Chanyeol and his old times of tomfoolery, and Baekhyun keenly listened.

Once they finished eating, they left and threw their trash in the nearest can like respectable citizens of the community. 

Jongdae waggled his eyebrow at Chanyeol. “The sun’s completely down now. I think we should get started.”

Chanyeol laughed. “Alright. I spotted a good place between Al’s and a shop on the way here. Let’s get going.”

They began walking, Chanyeol leading the way. He walked backward, his arms to the sky. “Just you wait, Baekhyun. Tonight is going to be the night of your life.”

They reached the place in a matter of minutes. The alley was dirty and smelled of rats and garbage. Baekhyun stood at the mouth of it, the light casting his shadow before him. Flashbacks ran through his head of allies such as these, where had killed more people than he could count.

Jongdae pushed past Baekhyun and into the alley. He set his bag down in front of the garage door that made up a part of one of the walls. “Perfect place. You always know where to go, Yeol.”

Chanyeol danced in behind Jongdae. “The streets are empty, we’ve got the perfect timing.” He cast a glance behind him at Baekhyun, motioning for him to come inside. “Baek, come on!”

Baekhyun obeyed, standing behind the two. Jongdae rifled through his duffel bag, tossing Chanyeol a can of spray paint and a white bandana.

Chanyeol shook it, grinning evilly and tying the bandana around his nose and mouth. “Watch and learn, Baekhyun.”

Chanyeol sprayed the paint onto the garage door, making loops and swirls in red paint on the rusty door. Jongdae joined in, painting a swear word. 

Baekhyun watched, mouth agape. “Chanyeol, isn't this vandalizing…? Is this illegal?!”

Chanyeol turned around, winking. “Yup. Wanna try?”

He tossed the can of paint to Baekhyun and he caught it perfectly. Baekhyun stared at it for a moment. 

I’m pretending to be a teenager in high school,” Baekhyun thought to himself, grinning. “Might as well play the part.”

Baekhyun ran to the wall and streaked his initials onto it.

“Attaboy!” Jongdae laughed. He tossed his arm around Baehyun as he drew a smiley face that dripped and drooped. Chanyeol threw Jongdae a murderous glance, and the boy dropped his arm off of Baekhyun quickly.

Baekhyun continued to spray, amazed at the amount of rebelliousness within him. 

Was this what it felt like to be a teenager? He thought as he searched through Jongdae’s duffel bag and grabbed a bottle of white spray paint.

Baekhyun sprayed an outline of a dead body on the cement. For a moment, he stared at the ground, horrified at what he had done. He gulped and turned around to find flashing blue, red, and white lights in his face. 

!” Chanyeol cursed. “Let’s go!”

Baekhyun dropped the can of paint and Jongdae quickly picked up the bag. They ran out of the alley and down the block. 

Baekhyun ran beside Chanyeol, his hair and jacket flying in the wind. Baekhyun felt a surge of exhilaration within him. He couldn’t help but smile as the adrenaline pulsed through his body. Chanyeol turned his head around and caught his eye. Baekhyun laughed and smiled.

Was this what it felt like to feel alive?

The sound of the sirens became louder and they crossed an intersection. As Chanyeol and Baekhyun crossed, the light turned green. Jongdae, exhausted and panting, was left on the other side. 

Chanyeol slowed, Bakehyun nearly bumping into him. “Just keep on going!” Jongdae yelled, running in the opposite direction. “I’ll be fine!”

Chanyeol nudged at Baekhyun. “Come on, let’s go!” Baekhyun peered over the cars, concerned, but Chanyeol grabbed his wrist and pulled him along. 

“Are you sure Jongdae will be okay?” Baekhyun asked. Chanyeol nodded. “Yeah, he’ll be okay. He knows his way around.”

Chanyeol and Baekhyun continued to run, the sound of the sirens fading. Chanyeol slowed to a brisk walk, he motioned for Baekhyun to follow him. “C’mon, I know a place where they won’t ever find us.”

Baekhyun followed Chanyeol down a neighborhood and he watched the houses warily. They neared a big building, crumbling with age. The building was surrounded with big wrought iron gates, with the words “Sister Miriam’s Orphanage” lining the top.

They stood in front of the gates and Chanyeol fished through his pockets. “Hold on, I know I put that bobby pin somewhere…”

He found it and shoved it in the big lock on the front of the gate, and in a few seconds, the gates creaked open. 

Chanyeol held the gate open for Baekhyun to go through. “Wow, you’re an expert.” Baekhyun nodded in approval.

“Well, I’ve been doing it for years now.” Chanyeol shrugged. “Follow me.”

Chanyeol led Baekhyun through the year and around the building. “Be careful,” Chanyeol warned. “The kids leave a lot of toys out here.”

They reached the backyard, and Chanyeol lead Baekhyun over the edge of the property, carrying a large ladder. He leaned it against the building and motioned for Baekhyun to climb.

Baekhyun climbed the ladder warily and slid onto the roof, Chanyeol following him. 

Baekhyun sat on the roof, being careful with the loose shingles around him. Chanyeol sat beside him, catching his breath. 

“The view here is amazing.” Baekhyun breathed, lifting his head to the sky. The stars were a lot more visible from here than in the city. Baekhyun couldn’t take his eyes away.

“Yeah,” Chanyeol smiled and stared into the sky as well. “It’s always been a great view. When I can’t sleep, I usually just stare out the window.”

“Do you live here, Chanyeol?” Baekhyun asked. 

Chanyeol nodded, staring at his feet. “I’ve lived here my whole life, in this orphanage. I’ve seen many kids come and go. I’m the only one who has stayed this long. I grew up hoping that someday, somebody would come and take me away, care for me, and love me…”

Chanyeol looked up into the sky once again. “But now, I’m just content with the fact that someday I can leave on my own and see the world.”

Baekhyun listened sadly. Chanyeol was the happiest and most loving person he had ever met. He stared at Chanyeol, the pain in his heart growing. To think that Chanyeol never had anyone care for him before made him hurt more than any physical wound that had ever been inflicted upon him. 

Chanyeol continued to speak. “I used to wonder why I was here, and why I was alive. I would watch these children leave, and I was full of so much hatred. I wondered why I wasn’t wanted. Then I realized there was no need to dwell on those things. The best thing is to stay positive. You have to live life to the fullest, even if it seems as if it’s heading in the wrong direction.” Chanyeol smiled at Baekhyun. 

Baekhyun stared at awe at Chanyeol, as he spoke. “I like to think that life’s like a novel. You’ve gotta stick around to the end of it. Nobody likes a cliffhanger.”

Baekhyun stared into the space before him. “Chanyeol, thank you for tonight. I’ve always wondered about life, and how I fit into the world, and if there was any meaning in it at all. Tonight,” Baekhyun turned, only to meet Chanyeol’s eyes. “I found why I want to live.”

Chanyeol’s eyes didn’t leave Baekhyun’s. “Everybody exists, but not everybody lives.”

“Can you live with me, Baek?”

The breeze rippled through them. Chanyeol’s hair tousled, and he smiled softly. Baekhyun swore he could see the galaxies in his eyes. 

Chanyeol leaned in close to Baekhyun, and Baekhyun’s heart fluttered. Chanyeol closed the space between them, brushing his lips against Baekhyun’s. As their lips met, a current of electricity ran through Baekhyun, setting his heart and body ablaze. Baekhyun closed his eyes, leaning into Chanyeol’s touch. Chanyeol’s hand cradled Baekhyun’s face, and Baekhyun reached to thread his fingers through Chanyeol’s hair.

Baekhyun couldn’t think; the world around him was dizzy and swaying. All of his bodily instincts and nerves were absolutely frazzled. He had never been so close to anybody before, but despite this, his body knew what to do. He was kissing Chanyeol back. The only thing he could feel was Chanyeol and his touch. Baekhyun loved the taste of Chanyeol - of honey and sugar. It enticed him, and he knew he couldn’t have enough. It left him feeling intoxicated, swirling against the night sky. His body trembled under Chanyeol’s grip, but all he wanted was more.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol separated, faces pink and flushed, lips rosy. Baekhyun replied huskily, his voice breaking. “Yes.”

The second kiss was almost as amazing as the first. Baekhyun threw his arms around Chanyeol, their lips interlocking. This kiss was less hesitant than the first, and a lot more passionate. It started softly, but grew in intensity as a fire does with added oxygen. Baekhyun moaned against Chanyeol’s lips, and he could feel himself melting in Chanyeol’s hands. Baekhyun cursed Chanyeol for making him so soft, but he didn’t mind. Chanyeol kissed him hard, needily, and Baekhyun parted his mouth and clung to Chanyeol. 

Baekhyun was sinking into Chanyeol, but he didn’t mind. He was helpless against him, but all he wanted was to feel.

They parted once more, a string of saliva caught between them. Chanyeol laughed as Baekhyun dropped his eyes embarrassedly.

Chanyeol wrapped his arms around Baekhyun and brought him down to the roof so that they lay against it.

Chanyeol stared into Baekhyun’s eyes, running his hands through his hair, cradling his soft, flushed face. He planted a small peck on Baekhyun’s forehead, on both of his closed eyelids, on his nose, on both cheeks, and the last one on his lips.

Baekhyun didn’t know what to do. The emotions he didn’t knew existed were swelled within him, and he didn’t know how to react. It was as if all of the feelings he was meant to feel up to this point in time were going haywire, and Baekhyun was overwhelmed.

Baekhyun wrapped his arms around Chanyeol and buried his head into Chanyeol’s neck. Chanyeol smelled heavenly; it was the smell Baekhyun didn’t know he needed in his life, but he did.

Chanyeol smoothed his hand over Baekhyun’s head and kissed the top of it.

“Baekhyun,” He spoke, his voice softer than any time Baekhyun had ever heard him speak. “This is really sudden, I know… But I am in love with you. Since the moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were something special. I knew you would change me. Baekhyun, I am in love with you. I’ve never felt this way for anyone before. I’m sorry, I might make mistakes, I’m not perfect, but I hope I’m the perfect person for you. Baekhyun… I love you.”

Chanyeol’s grip around him tightened, and he said with more certainty, “I love you.”

Baekhyun felt tears welling in his eyes. He rubbed at his cheeks sloppily. When had this started? When did he start breaking out in tears? It all started with Chanyeol - he cursed the boy's name again.

“Chanyeol,” Baekhyun said shakily. “I love you. I mean, I think this is what love is. I’ve never really been sure how to feel my whole life. When I met you, everything changed. I began to look at the sky and appreciate the smaller things. Whenever I look at you, the world falls away. You are the only person I see. Oh my God, this is so cheesy I need to stop-“

Chanyeol lowered his face and pressed his forehead against Baekhyun’s. “Don’t stop. “

Baekhyun lowered his eyes and babbled absentmindedly. “I don’t understand how to feel when you look at me. My heart hurts and I think it’s love. And God - you’re so tall and handsome, how am I supposed to feel when you’re around? I don’t know, I just really like your face. It’s very nice.”

“Okay, please stop now,” Chanyeol interrupted, laughing.

Chanyeol interlaced their hands and brought them up to Baekhyun so he could see them. “You know how I know we’re meant to be? Our hands fit perfectly together.”

Baekhyun laughed and hit Chanyeol softly on the head. “Shut up, you piece of cheese.”

“I’m cheesy? Says the guy who said 'I just really like your face!'" Chanyeol mimicked Baekhyun in a high pitched falsetto.

Baekhyun pounded his fists against Chanyeol’s built chest. “Yah, stop!”

Chanyeol laughed, and Baekhyun could feel the warm vibrations through his clothing. 

Baekhyun smiled against Chanyeol’s chest. He to his back, hands still interlocked. He pointed at the stars with his free hand. “Look, I found the Big Dipper.”

Chanyeol rolled over onto his back also, leaning against Baekhyun. “Well, I found the Little Dipper.”

“Oh, I found Hercules!”

“No way, that’s not it.”

“Yes, way! Can’t you tell?”

“That’s a satellite, not a star!”




And the two star-gazed late into the night, falling asleep on the rooftop, still in each other’s arms.



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bobohu_baek #1
Chapter 37: Wow... this is a real... tragedy :( but one thing, how did suho die ?
I love how this plays with your emotions. It's a really good story.
Chapter 36: BRUH such a good story. Although it does tear you apart. Your use of emotions is amazing.
Chapter 36: Omg this actually happened o.o
I was gonna say it's hard to believe Baekhyun was actually an assassin when he was actually quite nice and so soft for Chanyeol, but t ending caught me completely off guard ><
And Sehun, wow, I totally didn't expect this!
But it was a nice story to read, I really liked it. Thank you for writing this *^^*
Tarilaebi #5
I hate this....i cant believe i stayed up till 3am just to read a sad story with a terrible ending...i have just 3hrs left to sleep
holypetals #6
Can’t wait to read this!
Chapter 21: this is too cute im anxious im sure is going down soon
Chapter 19: LMAO XIUCHEN