"Movie" Night

More then just a friend?

          Chapter 3
Im back...for now gehehe :D
Check the end of the chapter for more note's.


I walked to the living room with the two drinks .Tae was already sitting on the sofa. The sofa looked way smaller for some reason. I gave him one of the drinks as i sit next to him.

"So which movie are we watching?" i asked.

"Well i couldn't find a movie so we're just gonna binge watch bleach" he said with a huge smile on his face. He's been trying to get me into that anime for a long time now.

"Fine"I said while looking at his wide smile. I like it when he smiles and the fact that he does it the most when he's with me even more it makes me feel special in some way.

"So..can you tell me what's it about? "I asked.

"Sure its about this guy Ichigo who can see ghosts and a girl Rukia who is a shinigami from the soul society she's on a mission to catch evil demon monsters called hollows that eat dead people's souls and also living people's soul but that's only when those people have a high spirit level and guess who has a high spirit level? Ichigo! So the monster is after him and Rukia tries to stop the monster and..".

I didn't understand a thing of what tae just said . shinigami? Soul society ?
Hollows?  Spirit level? I was so confused i could already tell this anime wasn't something for me but seeing tae get all excited about it when talking about it made me still curious.

"You know what let's just watch it before i spoil the entire first arc"he said while putting his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer towards him. 

This is normal he does that often i tried to assure myself but why does it feel so different now. I felt my cheeks getting warm and my stomach swirI. I started to get all shaky and felt him looking at me.

"Are you cold? You're all shaky and stuff" he said as he grabbed a blanket from the chair next to him.

No im hot and its all because of you! I didn't say that out loud of course.

"Here"he said as he put the blanket over me and pulled me even more closer. My head was now resting on his chest.

"Better? " he asked with concern in his eyes.

No you idiot you made it worst -_-

"Yes thank you tae"i said. He's too kind.

He pressed play and the anime started. I couldn't really concentrate on what was happening on screen i was distracted by the sound of his heartbeat it was so steady compared to mine. It calmed me and i noticed a familiar sent of milk and honey mixed with Tae's own body sent it went well together. Come to think of it he probably used my showergel. I returned my attention back to the anime and stared to actually watch it.after a couple of episodes i actually started to like it it was funny and sometimes cringey the characters where fun too most of them reminded me of our friends.

"So who is you're favorite character so far?" Tae asked as he looked at me curiously. 

"Definitely the weird guy who owns that convenient store and also Renji i got this feeling that he's not all that bad" i said as a grabbed a hand full of popcorn and stuffed my mouth with it.

"You look good with your mouth stuffed full"Tae said as he stared at me with something in his eyes that i couldn't quite recognize.

I choked on my popcorn.
"Do you know how weird that sounds" i said as i looked at him. His cheeks turned pink.

"I-i ..uh i meant that you looked cute with you're puffy cheeks" he said as he pinched my cheeks with both hands as to prove his point.

"Lets just watch the episode i actually really enjoy this anime " i said as i put my head back on his chest.

"This is nice"

"I agree " he said.

Wait did i say that out loud?

"I really missed this..us watching movies together, we dont hang out that often anymore" Tae said all of the sudden.

"Yes me too...its not my fault tho you always hang out with hoseok hyung these days"i said a little harsh.

"Are you... jealous?"he asked with a smile creeping up his face.

"No its just that you have so manny cool friends to hang out with and i-im i think that you'll forget about me or think im to boring and clingy" i said voice trembling and tears forming in my eyes.

"Sorry i...i didn't know i made you feel that way im a horrible friend and of course i won't forget you you're Park Jimin my best friend , the kindest soul the one person who never fails to make me smile , the funniest , the most talented guy and did i mention handsome? That prety eye smile you have and that i mean god that should be illegal!
And yes you're clingy but im needy so thats perfect for me. Dude your the one of the best things if not the best thing in my live! I could never forget you and i hope you wouldn't be so insecure about yourself because you Park Jimin as cringy as it sounds are simply amazing
I love you"
He said getting red after realising what he had just said

"You're not a horrible friend Tae i don't know what i did to deserve a friend as precious as you" i said while hugging him tightly 

"Didn't you heard what i said just now?" he said laughingly as he my hair

"I love you Tae"i said i finally realised that im in love with him i could finally be honest with myself. All these years I've been lying to myself and searching for some one that was right besides me. My friend my soulmate my ideal type. Ugh he was right...Jungkook was right.

"Yes i love you to dude"Tae said awkwardly face all red.

-_-Ugh why does he always choose to be dumb at the worst moments smh.

"No Taehyung...i mean it i love you"


A/N That's it for this chapter hope you liked it :D i also hope it wasn't to soppy(if that's what you call it xD).
Oh and sorry for not updating on time i know how annoying it is when your reading a fic and the author doesn't update fast enough or at all xD but i also get now that its hard some times to udate (in my case) even tho some people just go mia without saying a thing :'( ( i want updates! !) annyways xD in the next chapter Jimin is going to confess to Tae. The chapter that follows (the one after the next chapter) will probably contain t *wiggles eyebrow* xD don't expect to much tho as it will be my first time writing . I was also thinking about writing about kookies "relationship" with his mysterious "friend"(did you guys get who it is ? Come on they went bowling and i wrote "mushroom haircut" xD) but im not sure yet let me know if you'd want that or suggest other ships if you want and i wil see if i can make something thing (maye for anothet fic idk :D).
Also guy if you haven't watched bleach then please do its so AMAZING (its kinda old but still amazing).
Do you guys have any recommendations for anime's to watch? Please give them :D. If you guys would like to interact with me here's my social media
Twitter: @Lindagomes
7798 (i think xD)
Let me know you've read my fic so i can follow you back :D
Have a great day/night

Xx DaIsylinda 

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vmin9594 #1
I love it!..waiting for ur updates..hwaiting author-nim! :))
Chapter 2: OMG..Yes.. Not Today mv literally killed all the Armys! ^^ and the styles for all of them really slayed and on point! Why they have to be more handsome and handsome for each comeback!! ❤❤❤ *Especially my Jiminie with his pink fluffy hair (my bias)
I'll wait for upcoming ..Hehehe ><
Good job Kookie for being a decent friend
Kim_Haerin99 #3
Chapter 1: I love this
Chapter 1: I like this , continue more ❤