Cash Me Outside


A/N This is mostly from Luna's POV, but I added in some Sulli just for fun.


Ch 2: Cash Me Outside





It was 3 hours into practice for the routine for their new song 'Diamond' and everyone seemed to be feeling the fatigue. Everyone that is except for Luna, who was restlessly pacing around in circles in the middle of the dance floor. The staff had all broke for a 'second' lunch about fifteen minutes ago, and the other F(x) members were doing what they normally do on breaks, which was move as little as possible. Looking around the practice room, Luna noted that it was the same routine as always. Krystal was lying face down in the far right corner of the practice room, most likely asleep, while Amber was in the opposite corner staring at herself in mirror and taking selfies. Luna smirked as she looked over at Victoria, who had actually fallen alseep in one of the chairs lining the wall. Luna had half a mind to prod her awake before she leaned over too far and fell out of her seat. Luna shook her head from the middle of the dance floor. These babos, dance is suppose to be exciting, not a snoozefest! Everyone in SM knew that Luna's stamina could not be beat. 

Walking over to the empty stool next to Victoria, Luna slumped down, eyeing back and forth between the two 'lovers' of interest. What are they doing so far apart from eachother? Luna really wanted to talk to Victoria about the two possibly star crossed lovers, but the leader had refused to say anything after their conversation in the bathroom last week. Luna knew that her Vic-unnie was keeping something about Kryber secret from her, but she wouldn't say what is was and said not to worry about it. It was seemingly evident to Luna at she was the only one left in the group who still cared about Kryber. 

And with that thought, Luna's eyes lit up and her lips curled into a smile. Whipping her head around quickly to make sure her members didn't see the proverbial lightbulb flashing above her head, Luna smriked to herself. She knew just who to talk to. If Victoria was out, then Luna would just have bring someone else in. 






A few hours later after practice ended, the members and staff all went their separate ways for the evening. Victoria immediatly bolted out of the SM building with her manager for a late flight to China for the weekend, so Luna suggested that the rest of the group go out for some much needed caffeine. But of course, Krystal complained about being tired, and again, like always, Amber offered to drive her home. Luna waved goodbye as they drove off, cocking an eyebrow when Amber turned left out of the parking lot instead of right. But Krystal's home is the other way.... what are you two up to?

Luna quickly pulled out her phone, scrolling down her contacts list, finally tapping on "Baby Sulli." It was only a few rings before the girl in question picked up.

"Luna!!!" Sulli's voice seemed loud in Luna's ear compared to the quietness of the entryway. "Luna-unnie!!! How I've missed you my little puppy. How are you?!"

"Sulli, I have a question for you," Luna said seriously, cutting quickly to the chase. 

"Go for it."

Looking around again to make sure there were no eavesdroppers and lowering her voice to a whisper, Luna timidly asked, "Could you tell me about how you used to sneak around with, uh," she gulped, not liking to say the word out loud, "Choiza?" 

Sulli burst out laughing, "You can't even say oppa's name without cringing can you? Ya know you don't have to call him that." 

Luna smiled awkwardly, glad that Sulli sounded amused and couldn't see her blush. "It's just that me and, uh, Vic-unnie think that our Koala and our SooJungie are, eh, sneaking around," she finally managed to stutter. 

There was a pause for a few seconds, and Luna breifly wondered if calling Sulli was a mistake. And then-

"So?" Another pause, and Luna didn't think her friend sounded intrigued at all. 


Sulli almost laughed out loud at the urgency in Luna's voice. Of course she would be excited about this, Sulli thought to herself. Luna had shipped Kryber from the first moment they all heard it was a real ship. Sulli did too, though never quite as seriously. Even the thought that Soojung and Amber-unni were a romantic thing made Sulli laugh a bit. She had nothing against that kind of a relationship, but those two girls were like her own siblings, so it was kind of weird.  "Don't you think its kind of weird that Krystal and Amber-unnie might be dating?" Sulli wondered outloud. 

"Umm, no. Those two never had a normal relationship." Luna said matter of factly. "Did you ever notice how Soo Jung-ah will, still to this day, will blush at everything Amber-Unnie says to her?"

"She still does that?"

"And Amber still purposely tries to annoy her. All. The. Time."


"Annnnd," Luna took a deep breath, "Amber still calls Soo Jung 'princess' and Krystal still calls her 'dork' and 'stupid.'"

"Those are just nicknames. I still call Amber 'hyung'!"

"Annnnnd," Luna exclaimed, ignoring Sulli, "I'm pretty sure they still have sleepovers!"

Sulli perked up at that, remembering all those times Krystal spent the night in Amber and Luna's room even when Luna was gone for the night. "Well, I dunno. We did all use to live together. But I'm guessing you didn't mean those kind of sleepovers huh, Lulu?" Sulli added. 

Luna went pink at the thought.  "I don't want to think about that. Though if they are it explains why they always seem super awkward around each other, like, every other time they are together," she rambled on, now completely ignoring Sulli. 

"Why should that matter?"

"Because it means they're obviously hiding something! And I'm certain that Vic-Unnie knows something but she won't tell me what it is!" 

"Hmmm, well..." Sulli started, sounding unsure.

"Please Sulli-ah, please? I need someone on my side. I'm not making this up!" 

"Okay okay, fine! I'm on your side. I have your back."

"Oh yay! So you will go with me tonight?"

"Wait, huh? Go where?"

"To spy on Amber and Krystal, obviously!" The excitement was evident in Luna's voice. 

"I dunno.."

"Pleasssseeeee??" Luna stood on her tip toes, raising herself and her voice to a higher pitch. Aeygo might be the only way to convince her friend. 

"Okay fine, I'll go with you," Sulli finally resigned. "But only if you chill out."

"Really? Oh thank you Jin-ri, you sweet girl!" Luna exclaimed, ignoring that last part. She was just glad to have somewhat of an ally in her Kryber scheme. 

"Don't mention it. Seriously. Last thing I need is Vic-Umma finding out. She'll think I've gone shipper crazy too."

Luna was bouncing on her feet now. "Okay then, can you meet me at that mexican restuarant by Amber's in an hour?"

"Oh, um, okay. You want to do this now?"

"Yes!" Luna said exasperated, looking around for her manager-oppa. "Oh, and dress in disguise."  


"So no one call tell it is us, babo!"

"Obviously. I meant why Amber's place?"

"Because I'm certain that's where they will go."

"Okay, stalker Luna." Sulli replied slowly, "Just give me a minute to geat ready."


"Okay! Aish!"






A little more than an hour later after she had changed into some comfortable clothes including a thick turtle neck and face mask, Luna found herself sitting outside the famous Mexican restaurant that Amber had still never offered to take her to. That llama! Luna wondered with a small smile if Amber had ever brought Krystal. 

Luna didn't have to wait too long for her friend to show up. A black SUV pulled up to the curb and Sulli jumped out, wearing a  dark colored knit beanie and sunglasses and a trench coat. 

"Luna! I almost didn't recognize you dressed like that."

Luna had to lift her own sunglasses up slightly just to make sure it was in fact Sulli. "I could say the same thing about you." Neither girls usually dressed in such dark clothing. 

"So what's the plan?" Sulli asked as the two started down the sidewalk towards Amber's building. "How do you know that you-know-who will even be home?"

"I just do. Trust me." Luna grinned looking forward, determination all over her face. 

Sulli cocked her head to the side, looking at her friend knowingly. "You really want Kryber to be real huh?" 

Luna furrowed her brow. She wanted to explain it so that her friend would understand that it was more than just silly idol shipping. The girls stopped walking and looked to the right. They had made it to Amber's building. Luna looked fondly towards the front gate, knowing that there might be a whole other side to Krystal and Amber hidden behind those walls, something beautiful and mysterious. Luna didn't know much about girl on girl attraction or that kind of love, but the fact that Amber and Krystal might be experiencing something like that was so romantic in Luna's opinion. Her eyes seemed to cloud over as she thought about her friends making eachother happy like that. Luna looked back at Sulli, though she wasn't really seeing her, too lost in her little shipper daydream. "It's like this," she attempted to explain, 'Krystal is like my little sister. And Amber is one of my best friends. I just love them so much and they are such beautiful souls! My little koala and that cute baby princess! I just want them to be happy." 

Sulli seemed unfazed by Luna's sappy description. "Beautiful? You talk about them like they are greek goddesses or something. I rather think they are kind of dorky."

"Dorky can be beautiful!" Luna suggested, her daydream over. "If anything, that's just another reason they should get together. Two beautiful dorky girls, how perfect is that!?"

"Two beautiful dorky idiots, you mean.  But Luna-Unnie, do they have to be happy together?" Sulli asked sincerely. 

Luna shook her head, noticing the pin lock on the gate. "That's just it Sulsul. Those two idiots are the happiest when they are together." Luna jiggled the handle, "Do you remember Amber's passcode?"

"No, I'm sorry. Maybe we should just wait for someone to open the gate."

"I don't want to get caught outside though. I mean, what we are doing is sketchy, right?"

Sulli threw her hands in the air. "This whole thing is 'sketchy' Unnie! Krystal being with Amber is sketchy!" Sulli started to grin. She had a mischievous glint in her eye that Luna didn't like, "I mean, think about it. If Krystal is like our sister, and Amber is hyung, then the two of them are like our 'siblings'," Sulli's grin got even bigger, "and so isn't it kind like-"

"Don't say it!" Luna interjected, but not in time. 

"-our siblings are dating each other?"

"Eww, Sulli! Must you say it like that?" Luna had to physically cover Sulli's mouth so her laugh wouldn't alert the whole apartment complex of their arrival.

"Told you. Sketchy."

"Whatever!" Luna whipped her head back to look at Sulli. "Seriously, though. The passcode! It's 1-0, -something. Right?"

"What? I don't know!"

Suddenly, Luna's eyes widened and she pushed herself and Sulli into a nearby bush, covering her friends mouth again before she could protest. Krystal and Amber were walking up the path towards the entrance. 

"Well its a good thing they are definitely here huh?"


Amber and Krystal walked up, side by side, and right past a hidden Sulli and Luna. Amber punched in the passcode before opening the gate to let Krystal inside. They were carrying what looked like take out food. The gate started closing, but very slowly. Waiting until the last possible second, Luna darted for the gate before it could close and slipped inside, kicking the door back with her foot for Sulli, before taking off again.

"Wait for me!" Trying hard to keep, Sulli was doing some kind of skip due to the heels she was wearing. "Luna! I can't run right now!"

But Luna paid her friend no mind, determined to keep up with Krystal and Amber. She could hear the mumbled whisperings between them, but the sound of her own heart thumping was drowning them out. Stay calm Luna, stay calm and don't let your members see you! Luna stopped in her tracks, turning around just in time to stop a hobbling Sulli from falling into a nearby soda machine. She grabbed Sulli's hand, and pulled her behind the machine. "Shhhh," Luna mouthed to Sulli. "They are right around the corner."

Peering around the corner, Luna could see Krystal grab Amber's hand and pull her down the hallway towards the front door of Amber's apartment. 

"How cute, they are holding hands again." Luna said fondly. 

"So? We're holding hands too. Are we cute as well?" Sulli said awkwardly, looking down towards her and Luna's combined hands.

Luna shook her hand free, "That's different and you know it," she explained.

Krystal pulled what appeared to be the key to Amber's place out of her pocket before opening the door, and the two girls dissapeared inside.

Luna's eyes widened in glee. "Did you see that?"


"Soojung has her own key."

"Ohhhh saucy," Sulli said with a smirk. 

Luna immediately ran up to the door and pressed her ear up against it. "I can't hear anything. And Amber's window is closed."

"Here, let me try." Sulli took Luna's place, putting her ear up towards the space between the door and wall. "I hear barking. Oww!" Sulli suddenly jumped back. 


"Amber just yelled at her pets." Seeing the slightly horrified look on her friend's face, Sulli clarified. "With love, I mean. But loudly." 

"Here, move. My turn again." Sulli stepped back, as Luna took her place. There was that mumbling again. It sounded like the girls were speaking english. Great, as if this door being in the way wasn't enough, Luna thought bitterly. Sticking a finger in her other ear to mute out any unwanted sound, Luna tried to tap into her musical training, focusing her hearing on a specific sound. In this case, it was the sound of Krystal's voice. 

"Am, you treat your pets like most grandma's treat their grandchildren."

"That's because my pets are my children, Silly."

"Hey now, I don't remember agreeing to any kids."

"Ahh, uhh, ha, right." Amber sounded a bit flustered, and Luna silently cursed herself for not practicing her English on a regular basis. 

Krystal laughed this time. "Don't stress Am. Hey, is that thing still in your bedroom?"

Thing? Bed? Luna's eyes got wide. She knew those words. There was some shuffling for a moment, then a squeak from Krystal. "Amber! I almost just tripped over Jack Jack."

"Well you gotta watch where you're walking Princess. Four legs have the right of way here," Amber paused and it was quiet for a moment, "Unless ya know, you wanna get on all fours-"

SLAP SLAP! Then Amber burst of laughing. 

"Ugh, don't be gross Amber."


Luna suddenly stepped away from the door, unable to decide whether she was comfortable continuing to listen. "Ewwwwww, I don't know what they are saying, but they sound like they are grossly flirting. They said something about a bed." Luna made a face of disgust, as the stepped aside, wipping her hands on her skirt as though they were dirty.  

Sulli chucked softly trying not to make too much noise, taking the spot by the door. "Grossly-Flirting and a bed, huh? You hear something you didn't want to know?" Sullied listened at the door for a few moments more. "Well whatever they were doing, I think they stopped. I heard a door close," Sulli breathed out softly.

Both girls held their breath for a moment, but the apartment stayed quiet. "It sounds quiet now. Maybe they went to bed." Sulli smirked to herself, the earlier awkwardness she felt about the possibility of her former members 'ing it up' together now felt like the most hilarious thing in the world.

Luna on the other hand wasn't so amused. The night hadn't even gone on for very long, and she and Sulli hadn't even found out anything new. Sure, Amber and Krystal tended to act 'gross' sometimes, but Luna figured that was some weird American culture thing. What she and Sulli may or may have not overheard didn't prove a thing other than that her friends were erts. Was this where their adventure ended? Stuck in a dark cold hallway, away from all the action? Luna wished so bad she could go inside Amber's apartment. Standing right at Amber's door, Luna unconsciously raised her right arm, about to knock. 

"No! Luna, no!" Sulli must have guessed what Luna was thinking and pushing her out of the way. "We can't bother them now, its too late! Besides, what if they really are, you know, using the bed or something? That would be so awkward if we interrupted that!"

Deep down Luna knew Sulli was right. Sitting down along the wall in defeat, mock pouting at Sulli who had sat herself on the welcome mat in front of Amber's door, Luna ran her hands through her hair. "So what do we do? Should we just head home?"

Sulli whipped out her phone. "It's only 8 o'clock. Its early." She looked up at Luna. "Do you have anywhere to be tonight?" Sulli asked a bit hopefully. It wasn't often that the members were ever able to spend much time together outside of work. And with Sulli now out of f(x), it was damn near impossible to get any of the members seated in one spot for long enough to visit. Truth was, Sulli missed her friend. 

"Well, we DID walk all the way here," Luna banged her head back against the door. "I don't want our efforts tonight to go to waste!"

"Yeah, especially me." Sulli was ripping apart a strand from the mat and tossing it down the hallway. "I have work the day after tomorrow. I wanna do something fun."

Luna leaned her head back and closed her eyes, rubbing her temple with her fingers, starting to pace in the middle of the hallway. She was so close to figuring out Amber and Krystal's secret. She pressed her fingers harder, wishing she could massage away the headache this was giving her. 

 Sulli leaned back against the door. "Wanna go get some boba?"

"Ooh, bo-ba!"

Whilst the two girls were distracted talking about food , they didn't notice the door opening until Sulli fell backwards onto the carpet of Amber's apartment. 

Looking up at the suprised faces of Amber and Krystal, Sulli shrugged and said "Uh, suprise?!"





A/N: Hey all, I am sorry about the slow update. I didn't really expect people to read or like this, so thanks so much. I originally was just writing a one and done, but an idea came to me that I wanted to explore.  Anyways,  I hope you all enjoyed because I plan to continue and finish this fic!

Also, I changed the first chapter's title to '4 Stalls' just for ya'll ;))) Peace out

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Chapter 1: I agree with them author, 4Stalls should be the title hehehe. I love it! Is this a One-shot or will be in chapters? Can't wait for the update!
King_Aston #2
Chapter 1: Haha you should have called it 4 stalls. Btw I bet this story is gonna be great
KryberloverFX #3
Chapter 1: Loved it. Could you make some more please this was really entertaining.
17 streak #4
The start of all the investigation.. Hahaha.. Nice lun, vic
kimster26 #5
Chapter 1: I see what you did there. Haha. 4 stalls would've been a really hilarious chapter title. ^^