Phone Calls & Drunk

2 Heart from Block B's

The time has come. You've waited for a long time. Block B has already finish their stage performance for today. You keep waiting for B-Bomb to reach you on your phone. You keep, waiting.. and waiting. And finally your phone start ringing. 

You quickly grab your phone on your small lamp table beside your bed. 

Just as you thoguh B-Bomb was calling. You pick up your phone.


B-Bomb: Hello ~

You: Annyeong MinHyuk oppa!


B-Bomb: Why so exited? Miss me much huh? Hahaha

You: No I don't. You know im mad at you.

B-Bomb: Ehhhh?! Wae ? I thought i already apologize to you.

You: Yes you did, on a text massage. It doens't count! 

B-Bomb: Aishh. Fine.. Michelle ah~ Oppa chinja mianhaguyo~ Im serious serious~

You: Haha. You already forgiven oppa. I was just kidding right now.

B-Bomb: I thought so.. doing anything now? 

You: Nothing. You? 

B-Bomb: I am just laying on my bed. Busy schedule, you know how my life going on. 

You: You tired, and still thought to call me this late? You should go to bed.

B-Bomb: **(How could i miss this chance to finally hear your voice again)

You: Oppa! Are you still there? Don't tell me you asleep already??!

B-Bomb: Haha. Chill. Im still here. Btw, why did you ask me to go out on text this evening. Anything important?

You: Ahhh.. that.. umm.. I just want to see you. It's been a month that we never see each other and you call that 'you always be by my side'? 

B-Bomb: I apolagized already!  

You: Kekeke. Jokes jokes..

B-Bomb: Michelle ah..

You: Nae? 

B-Bomb: Are you and Kyung alright? He seems down lately. Something wrong between both of you?

You: .....Uhh.. Hmm

B-Bomb: Hey, are you okay ? What's wrong ?

You: He didn't tell you anything ? About us .. ?

B-Bomb: LOL. He never told us anything about whats going on between you two since you guys dated. And the rest of us didn't even know that you guys dated from his own mouth, im the one who knows about it and tell the boys. 

You: Ohh .. Actually .. Me and him.. already break up .

B-Bomb: Beoo ?!

You: Yeah, it' been a week already . He say he's fine with it, but since you said he look down lately.. i guess he's not .

B-Bomb: So, that is why .. Look, i won't ask why and how this thing goes. You don't have to worry about Kyung. He got us. Worry about yourself,but  don't worry to much okay ?

You: Sure .. Wait. Oppa did you just said that you know about me and Kyung even though he didn't tell you? Like How?!

B-Bomb: Ahaha. That.. The day he 'propose' you , i overheard you guys conversation. That is why.

You: S..t..a.lker.. 

B-Bomb: What? Im was planing to meet you that time before you leave, but since you already have Kyung i won't bug. Tha't why I didn't contact you for a month. Kekeke.

You: You're so funny oppa. It's too late already, go to sleep. You must have more busy schedule tomorrow right? Go to sleep, have a lot of rest. 

B-Bomb: Looks like somebody is concern about me ... wahhhhh 

You: **blush. Am Not! Go sleep! Annyeong oppa~

B-Bomb: Goodnight. Annyeong


You both hang up you phone.


You could feel butterflies on your stomach. Hearing his voice once again. It feels like a dream. It made you want to see him more. You wish to face to face with him again someday. 


B-Bomb was still awake and not asleep. He keep staring at the ceiling and think of what you said about your relationship with Kyung. He was a bit sad for Kyung because he was not as cheerful as before. But, at the same time. He was happy because he know that he still have chance to be with you. 


Kyung POV:


Ceez, i drink again last night. I though the was no more. I was lucky that the manager don't know about this and no one notice me that night. As for Christina ..


Christina tried to recognized the person in front of her who already drunk. 

" Kyung?" She finally remember Kyung

" Why are you drunk on this street alone? You're a celebrity, don't you remember? Of course you don't remember you are drunk already!" Christina whined herself. She don't know how to help Kyung. 

Christina was just finished her gig with her band in one of the bar along the street. 

She go inside the bar to get his friend to help carry Kyung back to the bar. Kyung remain silence as he feel so dizzy because of the effect of the liquor. 

The bar is closing that time. She don't know where to take Kyung to. At first, she thought of send him back to his apartment or bring him to Michelle house.

" Tina.. you ! you .. don't tell anyone that im like this.. i've suffered a lot tonight... " Drunken Kyung told Christina to not tell anyone about him.

" Tina? Ceez! Since when? Then where should i take this idiot to.. " Christina keep whining as she hate to help people that would wasting her time. But since he knows Kyung and he was known for her own bestfriend boyfriend, she have to help. 


Christina have no choice but the brought Kyung to her house. 


On the next morning, Christina go check up on Kyung whom she placed to sleep on her sofa. Christina tried to wake up him.

Kyung opened his eyes slowly and shocked that Christina was in front of him. 

Christina goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water for Kyung.

" Here! " She lent the glass to Kyung. 

Kyung still put up a weird face. After he finish his drink he ask how he ended up being in her house.

Christina told him all about last night and she ask back why Kyung was drunk .

Kyung then explain about his break up with Michelle.

In the afternoon, Kyung left Christina house to go back to the apartment. 


"OH no! I forgot to thank her ! 




This would be like a dialog update? Hehe. Thanks for the supportive comment!

I love my readers! I will write more !

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Infinitely4k #1
Chapter 26: Thank you!!!
Infinitely4k #2
Chapter 25: Go Bbomb! Man up and tell her!!
Chapter 24: this is the best story aout block b!!!!
UpDaTe SoOn!!
Infinitely4k #4
Chapter 24: Kekeke! They are finally a couple! Thank you for this chapter!!!
Infinitely4k #5
Chapter 25: I just found your story again! Not long ago, I wanted to read it again and couldn't find it ;__; so please continue it!!
BlockBC #6
Chapter 25: Continue this story!!it's really good!^^
JonzkMaalum #7
Update jebal....
Unni update soon please!!!!!
merrylchoi #9
please continue updating this fic!! i'm currently reading the chap 10 and i like it!! XDD