Heart Rate Competition

Idols Are Here - Chuseok Special
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All of the idols chose their partners. Some got lucky to choose their previous partner which was their fan but unfortunately some not. A special segment was held to give another chance for the idols-nonfans partners to change their current partner. Daehyun and I didn't have to participate in this segment but the red-haired MC asked us to demonstrate to others. I sighed silently. The segment was 1-minute-eye contact competition. There was a heart rate watch attached to each participant wrist and the lowest heart rate would be the winner. Only 2 winners would be able to change their partners.

I walked towards the center so as Daehyun. As we faced towards each other, my heart beat so fast. I inhaled deeply. I glanced on my heart rate watch and I could not help myself but burst into laughter. I crouched down, laughing under my breath. Everyone was so bewildered. "Why? Why did you laugh?” Daehyun asked me out of curiosity. I showed him my wrist. He tried to hold his chuckle but his face showed it all. My heart rate exceeded 125 already. The MC approached me, looking at my watch. "Yah--This girl is funny. You might need to see a doctor later", he teased. I just shook my head and stood up. "No... It's just funny", I replied. "I just fail right? I don’t think I can do this", I begged the MC. Daehyun just giggled.

“No.. It’s okay.. Just show us once”,The MC replied. I groaned softly, looking at Daehyun.

“Let’s do it again. Who knows you have the lowest hear

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