Ξ Γ TAKE ME TO THE SKY ↑ graphics portfolio



graphic portfolio
designer . 17 . canada
Simply a space to showcase some of the things I make. I don't take personal graphics requests, but feel free to request me at +Neverland or +Palette! If you want to collab, just comment or pm! I'm always down :3


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Chapter 3: wow, this is amazing!
Chapter 11: I'm going to print that Amnesia poster, frame it, then make it my family heirloom. lol jk but seriously I love that double exposure effect so much!! I also was amazed when I saw the poster at Neverland and thought "I will never be this cool" lol you seriously never cease to amaze me :OOO Also the second one is soooooft lol The flower textures are so pretty! And your blending is impeccable like always <3
Chapter 11: WAIT HOLD UP
I FOLLOW THOSE SHOPS AND I WAS LEGIT LIKE wow damn those are frigging amazing, I'd love to know who made those WELL NOW I KNOW
christ just stop like i can't deal with your art i need a break my eyes are going to burst because they're so beautiful
Chapter 10: back at it again with the creative blends <333 I know you posted this like a week ago but I didn't get a chance to comment haha I would love if you could post a video of your designing process or something! But like it's totally up to you haha anywayss your blending is so great and your coloring!! Do you use premade psd's or do you make them yourself? ^^
Chapter 10: You're kill me softly with your graphics.....
these puns are only going to get worse and worse, im sorry not sorry
<3 The colouring of this must be an onion cuz its a makin me sob
Chapter 9: take me to the sky, more like take me to your graphics shop so I can request!
the typography is on point!
Chapter 9: lovely <33 Your composition is definitely creative! Looking at your graphics always makes me wanna open Photoshop omg I'm in love with your art!!
Chapter 8: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssss to this!!
My god, I love the way you position the characters, Like I try to do this with having them at different sizes, and I just cant. I freaking love this (love your #1 fanboy~)
-natsukim #9
Chapter 8: The coloring isn't my liking but the position of the characters are goooood!
littlehoe #10