Chapter 2

Just Us.

Her voice is the first thing he hears.


The black TV screen is the first thing he sees.


There's a little tug on his sleeve, but he just decides to ignore it, his body ached from hours of practice and the headache he received from yelling the night before didn't seem to pass even as he slept.


Why did he have to be such an ? She hadn't even done anything wrong, and he just yelled at her for no apparent reason. 


He guessed it was just the fact that she was actually leaving him actually moving on, he told himself he wasn't in love with her anymore but it breaks his heart a little just knowing that she's actually moving forward with her life, and he's still stuck in the past thinking about her smile, the way she used to smile at him. She's going to show that same smile of happiness, to someone else now, and only, if only he treated her better, if only he paid more attention to her, if only he kissed her more than she would still be in his arms right now.


The fact that he's a doesn't help the situation either, he can't change how he is, but then again he's never tried to change for Minhee, the only person he's ever tried to change for was his daughter.


He so selfish, that's probably why Minhee left him.


He squeezes his eyes shut at the thought.



"Daddy, Daddy! wake up sleepy pants!"



He feels something heavy jump on him and he can't help but smile when he opens his eyes and see's his daughter smiling down at him.



"Morning princess." He says raising up just a little bit to kiss her cheek, she giggled pushing his face away with the palms of her hands. "Now that was mean" he said pouting crossing his arms over his chest. "It tickled! What else was I supposed to do?" she said doing the same the exact thing he did, pushing her bottom lip out, and crossing her arms over her chest. "I can do that too!" she said lifting her chin up. He could feel his face stretching, god how much he loved his daughter, he would do absolutely anything for her.



Her smile was contagious. 



His daughter looks more like him than Minhee.



She has his hair color, and his pale skin, the only thing she got from Minhee was her personality and her eyes, but other than that she looks exactly like him.



He's tired and worn out, mostly stressed if he was honest but he would never let any of that show around his daughter. He wasn't going to bring his her down with him, if they were drowning he was going to make sure she swam to the surface, he could care less about himself when it came to her.



He sat up moving her to where she sat on the couch next to him. "What are you doing up?" he asked brushing his fingers through her slightly tangled locks. "Oh yeah!" she said after a while of looking off into space. 



"Uncle Jinnie said to come eat!"



"Did he now?"  His hands left her hair and he grabbed her little hand instead, burying it in his. 



"Yeah, that's what he said!" She said yelling, she's always had a problem with speaking loudly but he never thought it was an issue.



"What are we eating?"


"Bacon and eggs!"


"That sounds good right now"



"I know! that's why we gotta hurry before it's all gone, daddy!" She said holding his hand more tightly, pulling him into the kitchen.



She's so full of life, she's always smiling and sometimes he wonders why she's so happy, he asks her about her happiness often, she always tells him. "Because I got you and mommy! that's why I'm so happy all the time!" He's sure that nari doesn't know that he and Minhee are split up, but he's positive that she's noticed how tense and uncomfortable they both are around each other. He and minhee both decided that they would keep their break up a secret from Nari, for her, they didn't want her to feel sad that her mommy and daddy weren't together like all of her friend's parents. 



Once in the kitchen nari smiles widely and lets go of his hand running into Jungkook's arms. Which he smiled at this, all of s loved nari and she loved them just as much, she grew up around them after all. They all have so many memories together.



He remembers the time she was 3, the time Namjoon had broken her toy by stepping on it, she cried for almost an hour talking about how it was her favorite, Namjoon had no idea what to do, and none of the members were home, he was afraid if he had picked her up he would probably drop her, he's clumsy, he knows this no one has to tell him twice, he didn't want to risk dropping her and giving her a concussion. She cries were loud, some neighbors had even knocked on the door to see if everything was alright, he tried to convince her with many things but she just kept crying, that is until he had an idea that he knew would work. "If you stop crying I'll let you eat all the ice cream you want" and that one sentence Immediately shut her, Namjoon did, in fact, give her a whole bunch of ice cream and that resulted in a stomach ace and an angry Yoongi. Yet he couldn't really be mad at him, everyone should know better than to leave him with a kid, so it was basically his fault.



Or the time she was only about 2 weeks old, Jimin and Taehyung were stuck watching her while Yoongi and the rest of the members were out answering questions for an interview. Jimin and Tae struggled the entire night trying to make her stop crying or trying to figure out how many scoops of formula to put in the bottle, believe it or not, Taehyung didn't even know how to put a diaper on a baby, but luckily he had Jimin by his side that at least got the diaper on, but backwards. All 3 of them were knocked out, and the house was a complete mess when Yoongi had got back.



He can never forget the time when Jungkook played with her. Everyone was at ISAC at the time, and just for a moment, when the cameras turned off to set up for the next set, Jungkook has asked Minhee if he could take Nari for just a moment to show her around, after getting her approval he played with her and even introduced her to some idols, his friends Yugyeom and the others. 



Yoongi couldn't feel more happy to actually have a team that won't let him do anything alone, he doesn't know where he would be without them, he's truly grateful to be apart of their team.



He doesn't deserve it tho, he's too stuck up, too self-centered, he knows he is, and it because now matter how strong he, is no matter how hard he tries to stay strong, sometimes he just wants to break down and cry, scream the pain out, do something to take the pain he feels in his heart away.



He doesn't even know his ing self and god it's so frustrating.



He in a deep breath, waiting a moment then letting it out slowly, he needs to get himself together.



 No weakness in front of Nari, no weakness in front of the guys, I don't need their help, or their pity, I'm not weak.



I'm not weak.



"Daddy! look what Kookie got me!" She said smiling widely stretching out her arm holding out a pink teddy bear in her hand.



Ah, that's right. 



Her birthday is tomorrow.



She'll be six, he didn't forget her birthday, I mean how could he, she's getting bigger every day....and one day, she'll leave him like Minhee did.



He smiles, despite his thoughts.



"Did you say thank you?"



Her eyes widen for a brief moment before she pulls the teddy bear close to her chest, she lets her gaze fall onto the floor and suddenly starts chewing on her bottom lip, he's guessing she hasn't.



"What do you wanna say to jungkook huh?" he said sitting himself down in one of the chairs placed at the dining table. 



"Thank you!" she said wrapping her arms around his neck and squeezing him tightly.  He smiled slightly and bent down, to let her go, which she Immediately ran over to yoongi and sat in his lap happily with her new teddy bear. 



"Morning hyung"



He smiles just a bit as jungkook speaks taking a seat in the chair next to him. He knows the kid was up last night overworking himself, trying to improve like he usually does. He knows he heard all the yelling last night, the others probably heard it too, hopefully, they wouldn't bring it up, he had a feeling they would.






Jungkook smiled back to him in return, soon cutting the conversation short to play some game on his phone, which looked very stupid. He watched as jungkook played the character of an old lady, and had to swipe up, down, left, and right to avoid all obstacles to beat the game, he failed many times. After watching for a while he went back to his earlier thoughts thinking is was an even stupider game now, but it seemed to catch Nari's attention, because she didn't take her eyes off the screen.



Soon enough the rest of the members had piled into the kitchen as well and took seats wherever they wanted, a brief argument between Taehyung and Jimin about who would get to sit on the other side of Yoongi just to be close to Nari, after 3 rounds of rock paper scissors with Jimin 1 to 2 he pouted and grumpily made his way over to take the only available seat next to Namjoon. 



Jin had set plates down on the table two at a time, and let the others grab whichever plate they wanted, Yoongi didn't think Jin knew he knew this but even tho the guys were fighting over who had more food on their plates, yoongi secretly knew jin always had the most food on his, he put plates down on the table and then brings his last to sit it directly in front of him. What a greedy hyung.



Nari is a very very picky eater, she tends to judge food by its appearance. Say, if you pour white milk into her cereal she'll drink it, but if you just give her regular milk by itself she won't, or if you give her chocolate ice cream she won't eat it, but she will eat chocolate cake, even tho it's basically the same thing, sometimes she just doesn't want to eat and that explains why her iron is extremely low, he assumes that's bad for her asthma. Now that he thinks about it, he had to remember to take her to the doctor for a check up on both of those, hopefully, they won't have to draw blood because she absolutely hates needles. 



Minhee was supposed to take her to the doctor's office today, but he kinda messed things up, he'll call her today to see if she's still taking her, and maybe apologize to.






While the guys talk amongst themselves he closes his eyes and lays his chin gently on her head, not relaxing completely because he doesn't want to hurt her with his weight. 



Without knowing he smells her hair, his eyes instantly open in disgust he immediately regrets even breathing. It smells like dirt, grass, and everything outside. Did Hoseok was her hair with his smelly shampoo?



"Hey, princess did you take a bath already?"



"Nun uh," she said shaking her head.



He left it at that, he would wash her up after they had finished eating their food, but he'll seriously kill Hoseok if he keeps washing her hair with that that smells like , it freaking stinks, Yoongi want's to tell Hoseok he's disgusting if he thinks that crap smells good. 



"Daddy, can you do my hair today?" She said messing with the pink bow that was tightly stapled into the bear's neck. It was creepy looking as , its eyes were pink like the bear's coat, but they mostly looked red to him, he couldn't even see how the thing was considered cute to actually be sold in a toy store when it was most likely gonna give kids nightmares. Nari would think otherwise, she could always play with toys that most kids wouldn't play with, mostly because the stuff she picked always creeped them out, it even creeped him out sometimes, but as long as his daughter was happy he really didn't mind.



She turned in his lap a little so she could see him properly. "Taehyung does your hair everyday tho." 



"Yeah what about me?" He says making his way into the conversation, sounding a little hurt.



She huffs dramatically glaring at him. "Taetae! you got the brush stuck in my hair last night! I had to sleep with it in

my hair, Uncle Jinnie had to take it out this morning, it hurt a lot!"



Jin hums confirming the incident.



He couldn't help but chuckle at the image, that sounds just like Tae.


"I'm sorryyyy" He whines and it's NamJoon who speaks first.


"I wouldn't let you do my hair either, I'm still wondering how you managed to get toothpaste in my hair, like where did it even come from?"



It's only around his family, s, and his daughter, when he feels most comfortable. He laughs, laughs probably a bit too loud at something that wasn't even that funny. There's always gonna be something lurking in the back of his head that continues to tell him that, he's stupid, he's pathetic, that everything's his fault, but just for a moment he tries to enjoy things, try's to smile and laugh before all the hard comes knocking on his door.



"Daddy it's not funny! please!"



She begs, ignoring Taehyung's pleas



She latches herself onto him tightly, looking up at him with those cute puppy dog eyes of hers. It always works on him, but he wasn't going to say no in the first place.  "I will, what do you want it to look like? Pig tales?"



"Daddy just make me look pretty, please"



On a completely different note, he thanks jimin for teaching Nari about her manners when she was younger. He takes care of his daughter, he does, and he would've been happy enough to teach his daughter all the things she needed to know growing up by himself, but he has these's guys and when she was just a baby all they wanted to do was help out, so he let them, not because he wasn't feeling up to it, but because he wanted her to grow up and get comfortable with the people that he was with 24/7. He didn't want her coming over to him every weekend and wondering 'Who were those crazy guys that my daddy always hangs out with?' and also because of 's constant begging.



"You're already pretty," Jimin said, his eyes turning into tiny crescents as he smiled at her, jimin wanted her to know that she was just the prettiest little-



"I know I am" she says with confidence. 



"Ohhhhh" Jungkook and Hoseok said in unison.



Jimin laughed at himself when his comment failed to work.



"But, I wanna be prettier!" After the sentence, she roughly shoved so bacon in .






He said in his head smiling slightly, there was obviously no venom is his words.



"Hurry and eat up, we have an interview at 2 which means you, young lady," Jin says pointing to Nari with a silly grin on his face "Need to get ready for school"



"Aww man"



"Yeah, come on hurry"



He lets her finish up her food before taking her upstairs into the bathroom. If they have an interview at 2 and it's 11 something now, that means he'll clean her up, get her dressed, and then drop her off at school around 12:30 since that's when her classes start. Then he'll have an hour to shower and dress. The interview goes live in Seoul at 2 so that means they'll need to be there at about 1:25 to go over their lines. Nari doesn't get out of school until 4:30 so he'll finish whatever he needs to do before picking her up.



Once in the bathroom, he closes the door behind him, passing nari as she undresses to get to the bathtub. He makes sure the water is just the right temperature before plugging it up, using a towel because Jungkook doesn't know how to keep track of the of the bath plug, when all you have to do is literally put it on the rack. He swears it's like he's living with 6 children minus Seokjin because unlike the others he actually knows how to take care of himself.



"What color bubbles do you want today?"



He asks as Nari pushes past him and seats herself in the tub, even tho it's not even close to being filled up.



She has a collection of bubble containers around the tub, he won't say anything but he knows Namjoon has been using them.



"Hmm, I want the blue ones today." she says humming, playing with some of the toys that must have been left in the tub overnight.



"Whatever you want, princess."









"Daddy you're really good at this"


She said looking at the two long braids in her hair.


"Am I really?"


"You sure are! you should be a hair person!"


"But I'm a music person."


"Well you can be both"


She says encouraging him, he didn't even know he could braid hair in the first place.


"I'll think about it okay?"



She nods and starts to play with the hem of her dress. Before doing her hair, once she was done bathing, she and yoongi had a little argument about what she wanted to wear to school today, but in the end, Nari had won the argument like she always does, he's just never able to say no to her. He really wanted her to wear the pretty red dress today but she chose to wear the black on instead saying she wore something red the other day.



It was Tuesday today, he's not supposed to have her until Friday, Minhee will need to come pick her up by tonight, because with their schedules being packed lately, they have a whole lot of to do, that means interviews, Tv shows that their managers would most likely make them go on. They have to leave Thursday to go to Florida for a concert, only staying for 2 days then flying right back just to do another one in Seoul. Since they leave on Thursday that means he won't be back until late Saturday, only having the night with his daughter then returning her to her mother in the morning, then he won't see her for the rest of the week.



They have so many things to do, he's gonna be stressed out for a few days, but hopefully while performing and seeing his fans faces the stress will pass.



After she finishes putting on her shoes they both head downstairs waving goodbye to the others, she quickly lets go of his hand and kisses each of the members on the cheek before she runs outside to the car ahead of him. 










"That creepy toy"


"Hey, he's not creepy! his name is Junebug!"


He chuckles lightly listening to her muttering sweet things into the bear's ear. "Don't you worry Junebug your not creepy, daddy's just jealous that your so pretty" Not like the bear can hear anyway.


"Daddy, I think you should say sorry" he looks at her grumpy face through his mirror and again he's smiling.


"Why should I say sorry? I didn't do anything wrong"


"You made fun of his appearance,"


Now, where the hell did she learn that big word from? NamJoon?


"And you always said, when you hurt someone you say sorry, you hurt Junebug"


She really is a sweet kid.


"Okay, okay, I'm sorry Junebug for hurting you" 


"He says he's better now" She says smiling at him, god he loves her. He'd probably be cold and mean if it wasn't for her, I mean he kinda is but it's not like he's a 10 when it comes to that, he'd say he's a 4.


"Here we are."


He says stopping the car, lots of other kids are just getting here too, he waits until nari is full out of the car before gesturing her to give him a kiss on the cheek. When she does he kisses her forehead and watches as she gets further and further away from him. "I love you!" he shouts at the last minute, and even tho he can't see her through the large crowd of kids he hears her shout back to him. "I love you too daddy!"



He leaves with her voice still in his thoughts.










Once he's done dressing himself, he and the other guys quickly rush to the interview site, the managers are slightly angry at them, and Yoongi will be damned if the managers takes their pissy moods out on him when it's all really Jimin's fault, if he wouldn't have taken so long in the shower then they wouldn't be in this situation at the moment. 



He wonders what Minhee's doing, if she's having fun right now, with her new lover, if she's thinking about him right now, she probably isn't, But he's certainly thinking about her right now.



He can't help but wonder if he crossed the line last night, something in the back of his mind is telling him that she's gone, that's she's really not coming back but he refuses to believe it. What about Nari, she wouldn't just leave nari behind would she?



She wouldn't.



He sighs just thinking about her, he really got out of hand, he's happy s didn't speak about it like he assumed they would. 



He has to fix things before it's too late.


Or is it already too late?


He doesn't know, but he's not going to let his emotions get the best of him during this interview so all his fans can see how much he's struggling, no not today, so he pushes all thoughts aside and walks inside the building.



Sooooo? How Was This Chapter? Was Yoongi Less Of An In This One? I Promise To Make Him Nicer Okay? Just Let Me Know How You Feel About This Chapter K. <3

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Shadowslurker #1
Well ive seen a new side of yoongi now lol
He's such a dickhead...