Shopping with mom?!

Weirdos in the family house - convenience store spinoff.

It was a nice Monday morning when Yoongi and Jimin was eating breakfast together with Sandara, Jimin’s oldest sister who was visiting home. She was quite busy at her work as a math teacher, but she had taken time off in a long time to come home. She was definitely Yoongi’s favorite Park sibling(after Jimin, of course).


She was 10 years older than Yoongi, but he still enjoyed talking with her since she seemed to be the actually only normal one among the Parks. She was of course very intelligent and beautiful, but also extremely interesting. Jimin seemed to agree with Yoongi on that and was happy that his lover liked his oldest sister so much.


As Yoongi was quietly eating his cereals and listening to the siblings talk with each other. He thought he understood what they were saying until he heard complicated words and calculations. He remembered that both of them were excellent at math and he was not. He tried desperately to follow the conservation, but realized that probably just made him sound even dumber.


‘’So how do you enjoy you life here, Yoongi? Do you like it?’’ Sandara asked Yoongi suddenly.


‘’Ah, of course.’’ Yoongi nodded and smiled.


‘’I’ve heard that you take care of Jimin very well? That’s nice to hear as his older sister, since I want to like my brother’s lover just as much.’’ She said, using such adult-ish words that Yoongi wasn’t used to.


He nodded and looked at Jimin with panic in his eyes, who was just smiling back and continued talking with his sister. Yoongi finished his cereals and when he was about to go clean it up(or tell a maid to clean it up), he saw a little child crawling on the floor up to Jimin’s lap. It was Chul and Jessi who entered the kitchen. Sandara politely greeted her mother, while Jessi just petted her daughter’s shoulders and then hugged Jimin and Chul.


She looked very excited and was of course dressed in her unique youth-inspired fashion with a lot of makeup and a cool coiffure. Yoongi looked at Jessi and Sandara, comparing the two. If you didn’t know the two, you would definitely think that Sandara was the mother and Jessi was the daughter. Both also had very young-looking faces, which made it even harder. Jessi suddenly removed herself from her sons and clapped her hands.


‘’Children, who wanna come with me and find some clothes today? I need to find a pair of shoes for spring and also a new dress for my next meeting with my girlfriends!’’ Jessi said, speaking way to youngster-ish for her actual age.


‘’Mom, don’t you have enough already? Soon dad won’t even fit in your bedroom because of all your stuff!’’ Chul muttered.


‘’Don’t say that, baby. I just love clothes as much as I love all my kids! By the way, Jimin, didn’t you have a female friend in that store you worked in before who enjoyed clothes very much?’’ Jessi asked.


Yoongi frooze.


‘’You mean Krystal? Yeah, she loves buying stuff! What about her?’’ Jimin asked.


‘’Can’t you call her and ask her to come with us? I would need an experienced young lady to help me find the most trendiest items.’’ Jessi said excitedly.


‘’Of course I’ll call her for you! But why do we need to come with you, then?’’ Jimin asked and had already texted Krystal.


‘’Well, we need someone to hold our bags, don’t we?’’


Then a moment later, Yoongi had been forced to come with them and was now waiting together with Jessi and Jimin for Krystal. Chul managed to escape and hide before Jessi forced him as well, and Sandara just said she was busy and Jessi let her go. He hasn't met Krystal for a few weeks and it was a long time since Yoongi’s life had been that quiet, even if he lived with the Parks, no one could be as annoying as Krystal.


Then Jessi suddenly started waving like crazy and Yoongi turned his head to see who it was, but didn’t manage to react before he felt a heavy weight on his back and someone was holding their hands before Yoongi’s eyes. The person removed their hands, showed Yoongi their face and he thought he was in a nightmare again.


‘’OMGGGG, guuuuys! I’ve missed you two soooo much! Even if I met Jimin a few days ago, I still missed my little angry midget-Yoongi! I can’t believe your mother asked me to come with you guys to shop, that’s so amazing!!!’’ Krystal shouted, jumped off Yoongi and greeted Jessi.


‘’Hello there, I’m Jimin’s mother!’ Jessi said and smiled.


‘’Yes, I see that!! You’re like, so beautiful! Just like your son! Like wow, omg, I can’t believe this! I’m just so excited! I haven’t been buying that much recently!!’’ Krystal laughed and flipped her hair.


‘’Yeah, right.’’ Yoongi hissed at the obvious lie.


But the two ladies were already in their own little world and Krystal ignored Yoongi’s comment, grabbed Jimin’s mother by the hand and they started galloped away to the first store of the day. Yoongi just stared at them, wanting to take off his shoe and throw it on Krystal’s head. But Jimin stood beside him and told him they should follow them before they disappeared. Yoongi just nodded and dragged his body after Jimin.


The boys ran after the ladies into a clothing store that only sold items for females and every guy that were inside were either standing beside their girlfriend or their mother looking sour, or they were buying something for a girl. So when Yoongi and Jimin entered the store, basically every girl turned their heads at Jimin and they were soon surrounded by desperate ladies.


Yoongi’s first plan was just to tell them about their relationship, but some girls started pulling Jimin away from him and the he tried to pull his lover back. But the power of desperate girls were not to underestimate. Yoongi thought he would lose Jimin again, but Krystal then suddenly appeared and randomly tackled the girls and pushed them away from the poor boy.


‘’Yah, you ugly es!! This guy here belongs to..!’’ She tried to scream, but someone interrupted her.


‘’What did you say, you hideous cow! This guy is your boyfriend?! No way, you’re way too ugly for a cute guy like him!’’ Some super-short, aggressive girl screamed.


‘’Do you wanna die?! How dare you say that I’m ugly?!! These guys are a couple, not me and him! If you wanna fight me about it, let’s go then!!’’ Krystal screamed, so loud that Yoongi had to cover his ears.


That was exactly the reason why Yoongi hated going outside with Jimin where a lot of girls, or people in general, were. Since they always managed to find themselves in a annoying war. But when Yoongi felt Jimin’s hand on his again, he calmed down and felt a lot better. Even when Krystal was beating the out of some girls and got them kicked out of the store before Jessi could find anything, Yoongi was still happy.


This time, they decided to go to a store that were less popular but still had amazing items, said by Krystal. Since she spent a lot of money and time on running around the city finding more stuff to add to her already gigantic wardrobe, she knew every store and shop like she knew her men. Or something like that.


They walked to the store and entered a place that didn’t give you the best first impression, but the further inside you walked, the better you could see the place and find some interesting stuff. They didn’t only sell clothes and shoes, but also decorations for the house and some toys. Yoongi did plan on just finding a chair and wait there. But then he saw Jimin throwing some longing glances at the stuffed toys, so he moved his over there to inspect them.


Yoongi didn’t tell Jimin anything about it, but Jessi and Mr.Park had been giving him some pocket-money every week to ‘’survive’’. And by pocket-money, he meant the amount that his mother gave him in a total of a year. He definitely wasn’t a big spender and everything he bought was to Jimin, never to himself. Except maybe some meat now and then.


So without Jimin noticing, Yoongi just grabbed every stuffed toy he knew Jimin didn’t already have and bought in secretly. Then the girls were finally done after a while and the four walked their way to a cafe. Jessi had found some stuff, probably a lot more than she expected, but Yoongi have heard how excited she was with having Krystal’s ‘’elite’’-advice told, so she bought way too much in the heat of the moment.


As they were chilling in the cafe and Yoonmin were sharing a cake, Yoongi tried not to make it obvious that his oversized bag were to Jimin. Krystal was just shaking her head at the boy but decided to ignore them and enjoy her three huge pieces of cakes. Since Jessi was paying for everything, she sure didn’t hold her greedy self back.


‘’Yoongi, what do you have in the bag? Don’t tell me it’s more stuffed toys to Jimin? He already had so many before you moved in and now he probably owns more stuffed toys than there lives people in my house!’’ Jessi said and worryingly drunk her coffee.


‘’Haha… What do you mean? He doesn’t have that many..’’ Yoongi said and looked away.


But Jimin suddenly grabbed the bag and pulled the items out of the bag, clearly holding five big stuffed toys in his hands. He did look angry at first since Yoongi always wasted money on him, but then he saw how cute the toys were and couldn’t be angry at him. So Jimin quietly stuffed the toys back in the bag and slowly hid the bag behind his back to ‘’trick’’ his mother.


Everyone just looked at the boy and shook their head, except for Yoongi who was applauding himself and blew a kiss at the boy. Krystal saw him do that and threw herself before Jimin, pretending to grab the flying kiss and ‘’threw’’ it down on the floor. She was ‘’stomping’’ on it and hissed at Yoongi.


‘’Yah! Stop being so ridiculous, you midget!’’ Krystal yelled.


‘’I really don’t wanna be called that by you, you mega-loud cow. I think I’ll go deaf every time I meet you.’’ Yoongi hissed back.


And that was how the day ended, the two of them yelling at each other and fighting like it was any other day. Jimin looked at them and felt a nostalgic feeling at just hearing them yell horrible names at each other. He would've have liked to watch them more, but when it started to get psychical, ninja-Jimin had to step in and stop them before the cafe’s employees kicked them out of there too.

Such a peaceful day.

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Chapter 11: It's ok! We will wait!
Chapter 10: Haha, oh boy, caught in the act
Aimz19 #3
Chapter 9: everything here is just.....random....i love it
HanneyLee #4
Chapter 9: I started to like Krystal because of your story.. XD She's a little bit.. Crazy and so much fangirl material.. XD
Chapter 9: Krystal always has her OTP radar on
Chapter 9: Thank you for Krystal!!!
Chapter 8: Hahaha, loved this chapter