useless rant chapter 2


Between these two gross things listed bellow, which one you guys usually find around you in the roleplay? 

1) someone 'claiming' a character and immediately chase them even before they actually talk to each other, with their squad cheering them on and all, just because they ship themselves irl with those oppas or unniers or noonas or -- yeah. 

2) someone immediatelly dismissing someone else's attempt to get close whether it was in platonic or romantic way, not even replying people's wallposts and all unless you are their squad, because they are an almighty who won't reply nugus. You should be a popular muse or part of their squad in order to get their holy attention! Like, why bother joining a roleplay group if you don't at least make an attempt, right? But !selective!reply !is !fun !!


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I hate when people claims their squad is the coolest, like , shut up. you're ruining your fc's image whether you realise it or nah.
--blank #2
the second one is definitely vvvv common, super common. basically every place you join not as a popular idol, that happens. my popular muse is son hwamin who's an ulzzang so i experience it a lot.

the first one doesn't happen as often as it used to be so i would say i would see the second way more and it's way more annoying.
i'm currently at this place as hwamin and honestly, i rarely get replies despite it being 50+ members.
_Lubutt_ #3
I never really encountered any of those types of people, thankfully. For the first, I think the other chased person can brush them off if they want, you know. But the second one is much worse, since they refuse, utterly, to interact with anyone except for their faves. I mean, what's the point of roleplaying then?