Chapter 3

Our Girlfriends Are Babies

Mina's pov

Nayoung unnie clears getting everyones attention.

"Alright so I talked to the manager about the situation. He said we could use the company card in order to get the kids some clothes and baby stuff. However the weather is to cold for them so here's what we're gonna do, 1 of us will stay with the kids and the others will go shopping." 

As she's talking Pinky ran up to her and is now pulling on her pants trying to get her attention. I laugh quietly since Sohye is asleep now and I don't want to wake her up.

"Okay so who's gonna stay and who's gonna go" Doyeon asks. 

"I'll stay, I'm second oldest so I think I can watch 5 kids" Sejeong states.

I get nervous hearing this cause what if Sohye wakes up an I'm not here, she's been acting weird.

"Unnie what about Sohye, if I'm not here when she wakes up she'll freak" I explain. 

All of them look at each other realising I'm right.

Sejeong places her hand on my shoulder "hey I'm sure she'll be okay, I'll watch her well."

I nod agreeing with her, I gently had Sohye over to her hoping she doesn't wake up.


Somi's pov

Since I'm going I head back to the table to let Chaeyeon know.

"Hey Chae, I'm gonna go to the store okay but I'll be back soon and Sejeong unnie is gonna watch you, okay?" I tell her.

She looks up "pwomise Chae" she asks while holding out her pinky. 

I laugh while pinky promising her that I wont take to long.

She smiles before going back to coloring. "Chae make sure you don't give Sejeong any problems" I tell her before making my way to the room to change quickly. After finishing I head to the door to wait for the others to finish.


Doyeon's pov

I look at Yeonjung who's been in her own world this whole time and sigh.

I place my hand on her back in order to gain her attention "Jungie me and Yoojung are gonna go shopping and Sejeong unnie is gonna watch you, okay?" 

She looks at me while smiling that smile that always melts mine and Yoojung's heart. She nods cutely "I be gwood." 

I chuckle while ruffling her hair before leaving to go get dressed. After finishing I wait with Somi by the door.


Yoojung's pov

After Doyeon leaves I look back at Yeonjung who's gone back to coloring. I crouch down next to her "are you gonna be okay Jungie" I ask her.

She looks up and nods but I notice the watery eye's.

I rub her back "it's okay me and Doyeon will be back fast." 

She rubs her eye's and nods, I pat her head before going to get dressed. Like the 2 before I wait by the door.


Sejeong's pov

I have the urge to smack Mina and tell her to get dressed already and leave.

"Are you sure unnie what if..." 

"Mina it's okay, she'll be fine you can't baby her or she'll never stop being clingy" I tell her.

She sighs before nodding, she leans forward and kisses Sohye on the forehead before going to get dressed.

I stand there for a moment looking at Sohye noticing that even in her sleep she looks uneasy.

That thought doesn't last long when I suddenly feel a tug on my pants. Looking down I see Chungha, " yes Chungha what's wrong." 

"Bored" she answers.

I laugh out loud but regret it immediately when Sohye jolts awake in my arms. She looks around and when she doesn't see Mina a loud cry erupts from .


I try to calm her down by humming to her and bouncing her but it isn't working. She just continues to scream until Mina comes racing back over. 

She takes Sohye from me and begins rocking her trying to get her calm. After a few minutes Sohye falls back asleep while clutching Mina's shirt very tightly. She frowns slightly before handing her back over to me gently. 

"Unnie what if something's wrong she was never like this when she was older" Mina asks.

I'm not really sure, cause she's right when she was older she didn't really depend on a lot of people. 

"I don't know Mina how about when you guys get back we get the little one's dressed then take them to the doctor's" I tell her. 

"That's a great idea" she tells me.


Nayoung's pov

I look down at Pinky who's been tugging on my pants leg. Crouching to her level I ask "what is it Pinky?"

"I go too?" she asks.

"Sorry Pinky it's cold so you stay here with Sejeong okay?" I tell her.

She pouts but nods anyways. "I'll be gone for a little bit okay" I say.

I pat her head before making my way to my bed room to get dressed. After finishing I open the door and there is Pinky with her arms pread wide. 

"What are you doing Pinky?" I ask.

"Waiting for my hug" she answers.

I lean down and hug her small body before letting go so I can get to the store and back.

"Be good" I tell her as we walk out of the dorm. 

I close the door and off we are to the store.


Sejeong's pov

I stand there and lock the door behind them. Turning around I'm met with the stares of 4 kids.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask the 4 of them.

"Pway" Chae says.

"Yeah pway" Pinky agrees.

I turn to the other 2 "what about you 2."

"Sweep" Chungha answers while rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah sweep" Yeonjung agrees while yawning.

I chuckle quietly before picking up Yeonjung and placing her on the sofa close to Sohye but far enough, and do the same for Chungha.

"Okay don't move around too much or be loud, Sohye is sleeping" I tell them.

They both nod before snuggling next to each other and falling asleep.

I turn to the other 2 "okay you can play, but be quiet cause the others are sleeping okay?"

Both girls nod their heads before going back to coloring.

I turn the tv on and begin watching it waiting for the next hour to pass. 


Third Person's pov

25 minutes pass quietly before Yeonjung wakes up and tries to get off the sofa before falling off completely. 


Sejeong turns quickly to see Yeonjung on the floor on her . She rushez over to pick her up and see if she's okay. After making sure she's okay Sejeong places her next to Chaeyeon on the floor.

Chungha wakes up shortly after 10 more minutes pass. She pushes herself off the couch and walks over to Sejeong who's sitting on the floor.

Chungha pulls her shirt but Sejeong has fallen alseep. 

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP" Chungha yells.

Sejeong jolts awake only she isn't the only one to wake up. A loud wail fills the air signalling that Sohye has woken up.

Everyone turns to the crying child on the sofa. Sejeong quickly gets up and races over to Sohye.

Picking up the child she tries to calm her down. "Sohye-ah it's okay, Mina will be back soon. Calm down Sohye your gonna get sick from crying."

The others not knowing what to do come rushing over. They all look at Sejeong with worried eyes.

Sejeong takes Sohye to her room and places her on her bed. She walks out leaving Sohye to get over herself thinking she's crying for no real reason. Since she remembers reading that you should let a child cry it out.

Only her crying doesn't stop it seems to get worse. Her cries turn into screams and they get louder and louder.

Realising that maybe she's wrong Sejeong rushes back into the room to find a very red faced Sohye. Not knowing what to do she races to Mina's room and pulls on one of her shirts. Quickly going back to Sohye she picks her up and places her against her chest. Sejeong smiles when the scent of the shirt calms Sohye down enough so she can breath again

Just then the doorbell rings. 

"Oh thank goodness their back my body couldn't handle much more" Sejeong sighs.

She rushes over to the door and opens it revealing the girls with tons of bags.

The girls nearly laugh at the state Sejeongs in when they notice a still whimpering Sohye in her arms. Quickly Mina puts down her stuff before taking Sohye into her arms. She bounces her slightly to calm her down, but Mina notices how Sohye's face seems flushed. Placing her hand on her head she feels the warmth on it.

"Hey guys I think Sohye may be sick" Mina says with worry.

Nayoung walks over and feels her forehead and pulls back at the warmth. She nods "okay we should get the little one's dressed and go visit the doctor."

Everyone gathers their child up and brings them to each room to change them into warm clothes.

Nayoung smiles as Pinky struggles to pull her shirt on. "Here let me help you" Nayoung tells her.

"Tank you" Pinky says with a wide smile.

Nayoung just chuckles at her cuteness.

Somi laughs as Chaeyeon pouts holding her shirt out to her for help. 

"Hewp Chae pwease" Chaeyeon asks. 

"Aren't you a big girl" Somi teases.

Chaeyeon's pout gets bigger "pwease hewp."

Somi nods before helping her pull her shirt on.

"Thank you" she says.

"Your welcome."

Sejeong goes to see if Chungha is done.

"Chungha are you ready."

"I'm weady" she answers.

"Whoo I'm glad she's able to dress herself I lucked out" Sejeong says to herself.

"YAH Yoo Yeonjung get your over here so we can dress you" Doyeon shouts while running after a surprisingly fast child.


"Doyeon maybe we could catch her if you would stop tripping on stuff" Yoojung says.

"I'm trying that little keeps knocking stuff over, whoever said children are angles are a bunch of liars" Doyeon pouts.

"Here let me show you how, Yeonjung-ah could you please come here so we can dress you" Yoojung asks kindly. 

Yeonjung comes running over and stops in front of both them.

"See that's how it's done" Yoojung says with a smirk.

All the girls get each child dressed before hearding them to the door. 

Nayoung turns to the kids making sure everyone is there, before noding and opening the door allowing all the kids to walk out.

Chungha holds Chaeyeon's and Pinky's hand making sure they don't fall. Doyeon holds Yeonjung in her arms even though she wants down. Mina holds Sohye in hers, and has a blanket wrapped around her since she might be sick.

The other 4 kids look around in wonder at the snow.

"Wow white tuff" Chungha says amazed.

Both Pinky and Chaeyeon copy her "white tuff" they both say also amazed.

"Pway Jungie pway wiff wife tuff" Yeonjung states while wiggling in Doyeon's arms.

"Jungie calm down maybe later okay" Yoojung tells her.

"Otay" Yeonjung says while pouting.

 The older girls open the car and put each little one in a carseat. The only one that gives any problems is Sohye, who begins to whine and wiggle in the seat.

Mina climbs in quickly and sits next to her to calm her down. She lets Sohye grab her pinky finger so she knows that she's right there.

The others climb in quickly so they can visit the doctor and get back home. 

The ride there is pretty quiet with no problems except Sohye's crying and fussing, and Mina's humming. As soon as they reach the doctors the girls gather up the kids and walk in.

Nayoung walks up to the counter to get the forms for the girls while the others watch the kids.

"Hello my name Lim Nayoung and I have 5 children with me today that need checkups." 

"Okay and are they your children or in any relation to you?" the nurse askes.

"No they aren't me and my friends are watching them for right now till their parents get back" Nayoung answers.

The nurse nods before pulling 5 forms out "okay just have each girl fill out these forms and we'll have the doctor see them."

Nayoung takes the forms to the others. 

"Okay so she said fill these out and then the doctor can see them" she tells them.


Somi's pov

I look down at the form

  1. Name: Jung Chaeyeon
  2. Age:

I look down at Chaeyeon "Chae do you know how old you are?"

She smiles "I'm thwee" she says holding up 4 fingers. I chuckle before going back to the form.

2. Age: 3 years old

3. Date of Birth: December 1, 2013

I only put 2013 since if I put the real one I would have to answer a bunch of questions.

Knowing everything else I quickly fill it in and take the form to the nurse.


Sejeong's pov

1. Name:

'That's easy' I think to myself.

1. Name: Kim Chungha

2. Age:

"Chungha how old are you?"

"I'm four."

2. Age: 4 years old

3. Date of Birth: February 9, 2013

I quickly finish the form and turn it in.

That was way to easy.


Nayoung's pov

1. Name: Zhou Jieqiong 

2. Age

"Pinky can you tell me how old you are?" I ask her.

She giggles "I'm thwee."

2. Age: 3 years old 

3. Date of Birth : December 16, 2013

After answering those I finish pretty quickly and turn in the form.

I see that everyone is finished except Mina and Doyeon. Those 2 are gonna be the most troublesome but I am worried about Sohye.

I guess we'll see what's wrong.


Doyeon's pov

1. Name: Yoo Yeonjung

2. Age 

"Jungie can you tell me how old you are, please?"

"Jungie ish two yeah two" she answers.

2. Age: 2 years old 

That explains a lot, terrible two's. I'm surprised that was easier than I thought it would be. I look back over and realize that Yoojung is playing with her and keeping her calm. That's good she is a lot easier to handle when she's calm.

3. Date of Birth: August 3, 2014

Okay after filling that out I quickly take the form back to the nurse. I almost laugh thinking I'm last but realize that Mina is last. This must be hard for her cause I'm not sure but something is up with Sohye.


Mina's pov

I sigh because I'm the last one to finish.

1. Name: Kim Sohye

2. Age 

I sigh at this question cause Sohye isn't talking so I don't know how old she is. Even though I still ask to see if she'll answer.

"Sohye-ah can you tell me how old you are, please" I ask the child next to me.

She looks scared before holding out 1 small finger.

1 she's 1 years old wow.

2. Age: 1 years old

3. Date of Birth: July 19, 2016

I quickly finish before standing up to turn in the form, only to have Sohye start to get up too.

"Sohye-ah stay here okay, I'll be right back" I explain to her.

She frowns and her eyes get watery but she sits back down when she's my face and how I mean it.

I turn in the form and head back to Sohye quickly. Now we wait to see who goes in first.


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Maryia_Morales #1
Hey guys sorry for the long wait!!!! I'll definitely update very soon so just wait a little longer for me please I promise to update soon.
multifandomie #2
Chapter 7: updateee
Chapter 7: update pleaseeeee
StrikeFalcon #4
Chapter 6: Authornim this story is so good T_T update pleaseee
Chapter 6: When will you update author-nim please update jusseyo~
Chapter 6: Cute sohye hhehehe~ I just found out about this and I can't wait to know what will happen next!
when will you update?please update soon
Chapter 6: Author-nim when will you update? I'll be waiting
Chapter 6: Hehee as expected of Chungha she was being brave :3
Yeonjung won't be as easy as Chungha this :/ I already feel bad for DoDaeng...
Maybe when they come back from the doctor the lil kiddos will be playing pranks on the rest of IOI, it would be funny >:D
Chapter 6: CUTE. ^ ^