Episode 2

We Got Married: Chen and Yuna Edition
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[Panel: Eric Nam, Park Misun, Kim Chanmi, Shin Jimin. Special guest: XiuMin]


It’s a normal day for the Pretty Couple, they woke up and did their morning routine. Now Yuna is doing some light yoga moves to warm up so that when she goes to practice later she won’t injure her muscles easily.


“Don’t you do any exercise before practicing?” Yuna asks without looking at her husband.


“I don’t.” Chen smiles, “Do you want me to do yoga with you?”


Yuna couldn’t hide her smile, she never thought that one day she would do yoga together with her husband. “Sure. I will teach you some moves.”

[Jimin: I’m dying to see some skinships!]


After 30 minutes into doing yoga, Chen is exhausted and lies down on the floor while Yuna rolls up the yoga mats. And even though Chen is tired, he loves the fact that they did yoga together. Who knows, this might help them get closer with each other.


Just when Yuna is done rolling up the mats, their second mission arrives:


Mission 2:

Meet the psychologist at ‘X’ clinic and examine your mental health and stress levels. Afterwards, go on a first date together.


“Ah, I’m hungry, let’s eat before we go for our mission.” Chen suggests and Yuna nods before going into the kitchen and opening the fridge.


“What do you feel like having?” Yuna asks sweetly.


“Just cereals with milk.” Chen goes to Yuna and takes the box of cereal and carton of milk out. “I will make breakfast today. What do you want to eat?”


“I usually only drink a cup of chrysanthemum tea in the morning.” Chen’s mouth opens widely when Yuna told him what she has for breakfast every day.



Interview #4 Q: Why did you initiate to make breakfast today? A: Ah… About this… It’s because Yuna looked very tired and she came back very late last night. So I thought she should get as much rest as possible.




Xiumin: So this was why Chen only wanted cereals and milk, he usually eats beef bone soup with two eggs and a cup of ginger tea!


Eric: Do all the AOA girls only drink a cup of tea every morning?


Chanmi: There are members who eats more in the morning, but for Yuna, she is more cautious with what she puts in her body.


Jimin: Sometimes we tell her to eat more!


After having their breakfast, the couple head to the psychologist clinic to get their mind health and stress level checked. As Chen as well as EXO gets some freedom from SM, he hopes Yuna isn’t too stressed since he watched the reality show of FNC and remembers how strict the company was towards AOA.


They reached the clinic and they were escorted into the consultation room. Yuna gets checked first.


“Do you feel tense all the time and not being able to relax?” The psychologist, Dr Im, asks.


“Most of the time.”


“What about your appetite? How is it?” Dr Im asks again while writing down what Yuna just told him.


“I am on diet all year round, so I don’t eat much usually as well…”


“What do you want to do the most when you have an off day?”


“I want to go out and take a breather, breathe in those fresh airs.”


Dr Im takes out a piece of paper and a few color pencils, “Do you mind drawing something for me? Draw whatever that comes to your mind or is always in your mind.”


Yuna take her time to draw the first that comes to her mind. Chen who is sitting next to Yuna is constantly looking at her, and is worried Yuna might be under a large amount of stress. He is racking his brain on what to do to make Yuna feel relax.

[Jimin: Note to myself: Get you a guy who look at you like how Chen look at Yuna.]


After roughly about ten minutes, Yuna is done with her drawing. Both Chen and Dr Im are shocked at the drawing because from one look, they know how Yuna is feeling right now. It’s a sketch of a girl which they assume it’s Yuna herself, behind a cage. And in front of the cage is a curtain. On the curtain is a smiley face.


“Your drawing… The cage shows that you feel like you’re being locked up and in this sketch, you’re not even trying to escape or break free. You just gave up trying to free yourself, perhaps maybe you tried too many times and those times didn’t work. The curtain with a smiley face shows that you’re always constantly trying to hide how locked up you feel by smiling to the world.”


Everything Dr Im said was spot on and Yuna gained a

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cupcaketree123 #1
Chapter 1: Aww they are so cuuuuute. And the set-up is really nice too. Like the whole atmosphere is so like the real wgm. Thumbs up authornim. Please update soon :)
alisondario #2
I've been waiting for a story like this for soooo long T.T AOA and Exo's interactions are the best!!! I cant wait!