Final ^^

Take It Slow

Hi guys, happy valentine's day ^^, hope you have a great day/night ahead and please enjoy the story ^^

Listen to the song here :

The lyrics are all from Irene's pov and i skipped the first chorus cause it was weird to write something final in the middle XD You can listen to the song while reading, enjoy~~


You’re trying to be really masculine these days
But you’re still young, you’re like a younger sibling
But are you…?

"Joohyun unnie! I can help you carry these!" Wendy said as she bent down,wanting to help Irene with all the groceries.

Wendy's face tuned blue when she carried all the groceries, including the ones that Irene was carrying, for it was too heavy for her.

"Seungwan ah, are you okay? Let me carry some of it." "No, no, it's fine! Let's go." Wendy forced a tight smile as she motion for Irene to start walking first. Irene walk and glance back occationally, afraid that Wendy might collapse because of the weight.

"Finally!" Wendy huffed as she placed the last bag into the car's boot.

"Here, Joohyun unnie, let me get it for you!" Wendy ran to the passenger seat and open the door for Irene.

"Oh..T..Thanks" Irene sat down and feel her heart beat as she glance at Wendy who was now in the car and fastening her seatbelt for her.


You suddenly talk like an adult
It’s cute but it’s making things weird
Maybe you don’t like it when I’m like this
But I can only see you as someone younger

"Unnie, are you okay? You look so stress during the practice just now..." Wendy asked worriedly as she sat herself down beside Irene in the group's practice room.

"Nothing much, I was just tired and the new dance is a little harder than normal." Irene just shot back a tired smile.

"You know, you can tell me anything unnie, I will be your listening ear if you are stress, I understand it's hard to take care of the 4 of us while you are also busy with practice, I am willing to be your helping hand." Wendy said as she held Irene's hand.

"Haha, what is wrong with you today? Why are you talking so grown up just now? Aigoo, our Seungwannie is an adult now." Irene laugh and held onto Wendy's hand as well.

"Ahh unnie~~ I was just trying to help you~" Wendy whined.

"I know, I know, I am fine, don't worry." Irene let out a motherly smile.


You’re calling me a lot more these days
You’re starting to talk to me informally these days
Don’t know why

"Hyun ah. Hyun ah. Hyun ah." Wendy kept repeating herself as she tries to get Irene's attention.

"What is it?" Irene finally turned around and look at her.

"Do you really like this nickname the best?" Irene nods.

"Then can I call you like that from now onwards?" Wendy asked with a toothly grin.

Irene looked at the adorable hamster in front of her before sighing, "Only when we are alone, I don't want the other members talking informally with me too."

"So I am special?" Wendy's grin widen.

"Maybe...." Irene turned back and blushed, not wanting Wendy to see her face.


You clumsily try to be serious
It’s cute and it makes me laugh without knowing
You probably don’t like it when I’m like this
But wait for me a little more

"Seungwan ah!" 

"Yes Hyun ah?" Wendy's head popped into the kitchen.

There was only the 2 of them left at the dorm and they were all doing their own stuff until now.

"The washing machine is spoiled." Irene pouted as she look at Wendy.

"Ohhh, don't worry, I think I can fix it!" Wendy said as she took a look at the washing machine and pull out her toolbox from the cabinet.

"Thanks Seungwan ah, I will prepare some sandwiches for you then." Irene smiled and took out ingredients to make a few sandwiches for herself and Wendy.

After she was done, she turned around and saw that Wendy was looking at the machine seriously, pulling out tools and turning them at the right parts. Irene giggled and Wendy turned around, cocking an eyebrow, wondering why Irene was laughing.

"Nothing, haha you just looked cute." Both Irene and Wendy froze when Irene said that. 

"Er..Erm... Anyways, here's your sandwich, I will eat mine in the living room, call me after you are done." Irene then made her way hastly out of the kitchen, trying to avoid seeing Wendy's reaction. What she missed was Wendy's disappointed face when she saw that Irene did not stay in the kitchen to eat their sandwiches together.


I’ll think about it for a bit
When I look at you, you don’t seem that young
I think you really mean it
I’ll try opening my heart now, don’t let me down
I want to show my sweetly trembling lips only to you

"Seungwan ah, what are you doing here? Let's head back to Seulgi's party." Irene said as she tried to pull Wendy together with her.

"Hyun ah, I have something to tell you." Wendy took a deep breath. "I love you."

Irene's eyes widen, she had always had a hunch that Wendy liked herbut she wasn't sure till this moment.

"I have always love you since we were trainees, you took care of me, cooked me food that I haven't tried before and most importantly, you showed me love. I am sincerely asking you to be my girlfriend, you don't have to give me your answer now, you can tell me whenever you are ready." And with that, Wendy bowed and made her way back to Seulgi's party before Irene could say anything.

Irene stood there dumbfounded, did Wendy just confessed to her and leave?

A shy smile slowly crept up to Irene's face once the information had been fully proccessed. Wendy Son SeungWan was in love with her. And she seem really sincere. Irene can hear her heartbeat loudly from her chest, and from then, she knew her answer to Wendy's question.


Actually, to tell you the truth, I don’t hate it
Why do you keep giving me that look?
You know me, I don’t open my heart easily
Come to me slowly, protect me more
I’m still scared, take it slow

"Good Morning..." Irene yawned and made her way out to the living room and saw that it was empty except for a blue box.

'Happy Valentine's Day Hyun ah!' was written on the post-it pasted on the box. Irene opened the box carefully and saw heart-shaped chocolates inside the box and all of a sudden, a guitar sound could be heard from behind her and a sweet voice could be heard.


On a sweet day like today
Anywhere is
good, sunny afternoon
The wave that came inside me
The warmth that resembles you
It’s all so perfect
Because it’s you
It’s an unforgettable, sunny
Sunny afternoon


No need to go far, yeah
Just close your eyes and feel it
The blue sky, the cool breeze
I’m happier than anyone else

The lazy, yellow sun
Slowly leans on my heart
The afternoon is filled
with the blowing scent
And always by my side
You are there, ooh

On a sweet day like today
Anywhere is
good, sunny afternoon
The wave that came inside me
The warmth that resembles you
It’s all so perfect
Because it’s you
It’s an unforgettable, sunny
Sunny afternoon

Can I do this?
More than I imagined
My heart flutters, trembles, pounds
Why is my heart like this?
You present me with a special day
Because it’s you
Between us, it’s a sunny day

In your big embrace
Your soft smile
You dazzle more than anyone else

The softly blowing breath
The faintly spread dream
Secretly hidden in the growing leaves
There’s only one in my heart
The precious you
is with me, ooh

On a sweet day like today
Anywhere is
good, sunny afternoon
The wave that came inside me
The warmth that resembles you
It’s all so perfect
Because it’s you
It’s an unforgettable, sunny
Sunny afternoon

Without anything special
Just us being together is special
I will hold onto this moment for always
And color in my days

I hear a sweet voice in my ears
A story only we know
Yours and mine, afternoon, afternoon
An ocean sparkles in your eyes
You are perfect to me
Wanna stay just as we are, sunny, sunny

On a sweet day like today
Anywhere is
good, sunny afternoon
The wave that came inside me
The warmth that resembles you
It’s all so perfect
Because it’s you
It’s an unforgettable, sunny, sunny
Sunny, sunny afternoon

"Hyun ah, I know I've said that I would wait for your answer but I just couldn't wait any longer. I promise that I will love you and protect you, I know you do not really accept relationships for you are afraid that they will hurt you. I swear by the name of Wendy Son Seung Wan, that I will never hurt you, Bae JooHyun." With that, Wendy place her guitar down and pulled out a rose from her back. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course I will SeungWan ah~" Irene pulled Wendy up and hugged her.

"Happy Valentine's Day, don't worry, I promise to Take It Slow for our relationship~" Wendy let out her dimpled grin as Irene pecked her cheek.

"Yes, we will Take It Slow~" 


So, I hope you guys enjoyed this one shot, do leave a subscribe, upvote and a comment ^^

See you guys next time, Happy Valentine's Day ^^

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Sisca84 #1
Chapter 1: So cute
Chapter 1: Awww cute
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 1: Sweet
seungwan15 #4
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww!!! This is so cute ^^
sosin09 #5
Chapter 1: Sweet!