
Dateless Dates

Wendy was nervous, to say the least.

It was her first time getting asked out on the most dreaded holiday (was it even a holiday?) of the year, and while she usually spends this day baking cupcakes and cakes that will go uneaten, she's excited she won't be alone this year (don't get her wrong, she loves baking but there's a certain sadness in not being able to bake with anyone). Not to mention her date was a really cute girl and definitely Wendy's type. 

Except here she was dumping every single piece of clothing in her wardrobe onto every inch of her room until you could no longer see the floor or her bed, making her wonder if a tornado hit or she really had more clothes than she initially thought.

Wendy finally settled on a simple, but cute outfit since she realized the date wasn't anything fancy, and it'd probably be embarassing overdressing over a casual date to begin with. 

Wendy had everything carefully planned, she didn't want to seem too desperate, so she decided to only show up only 10 minutes early, and she definitely didn't want to seem careless showing up late either.

Okay, it's only 6:41, if the walk takes about 10 minutes, I should be there at around 6:52 at most, and the meeting time is set to be at 7:00, which gives me plenty of time to find a nice table, and prepare myself emotionally, Wendy thinks.

After she makes it out her door, and begins her walk to the meeting place, Wendy stops momentarily and has a strong urge to slap herself. How could she forget the single most important thing on Valentine's Day? She forgot to get a gift for her date. 

I mean, sure it's not required, and her date didn't ask for anything, but don't most couples give eachother chocolate or flowers or something? And of course she would've baked something for them, but she didn't even know what they liked, or if they were allergic to gluten, or peanuts, or if they liked baked goods at all and god damn it Wendy you're already screwing this up.

Wendy quickly checked the time and estimated that if she started sprinting to the nearest convenience store now, she'd be able to make it just in time. So much for preparation, she thinks.

- - - - -

Irene is used to getting confessed to, receiving gifts, compliments, getting asked out and it's pretty tiring, to say the least.

Which is why she's pretty confused as to why she miraculously accepted the offer to have dinner with someone on this day, which is very rare. Oh wait, the date just happened to be in one of her favorite diners, which happened to serve the best carrot cake in town. And it's not like she's taking advantage of her date and using this as an excuse to stuff herself with carrot cake, no, it's just that she decided maybe it would benefit her to meet new people and all that. And her date was willing to pay, not that she would accept that, she had manners, but hey when life gives you free carrot cake and dinner, you're clearly supposed to take it.

Irene felt her phone vibrate, and found a text waiting for her.

xxx-xxx-xxxx: sorry, can't pick you up like planned, let's meet there instead?

Irene momentarily thought they got a wrong number until it hit her that it was her date and she didn't care enough to save them as one of her contacts. 

Irene: sure, 7:00 it is.

Irene wasted no time getting ready, and hoped her date liked sunflowers, since it was the only flower left at the store. She shrugged, it was good enough.

Irene made her way past the doors of the old, but familiar diner and sat at her favorite table by the window, opposite of the counter. She briefly looked around and only spotted a few couples, with the exception of a girl sitting by herself on one of the booths directly across the room from hers. Maybe she's waiting on her date too, Irene thought. She checked the time, 7:08, looks like they're not here yet, she thought. She didn't feel like waiting to get fed, and ordered a coke to begin with.

"Anything else?" the young waitress asked, looking sympathetic at Irene.

Irene smiled at the waitress, "I'm still deciding" and continued to flip through the menu.

If there was one thing she hated, it was people feeling sorry for her. Her date was probably just running late, and it doesn't mean she should just wait and starve until they arrive. Besides, the sunflower she set on the table was just a gift out of kindness, nothing more and nothing less. She checked the time again, 7:18, and at this point she's just waiting on that text to confirm that they won't in fact make it and that they're very sorry to have wasted her time. 

xxx-xxx-xxxx: I'm so so sorry, I don't think I'll be able to make it tonight, I'll make it up to you, promise. Something came up, I'm sorry once again and I hope you have a good evening nonetheless.

and there it was.

Irene decided to look across the room and check on that girl, maybe, perhaps at least one of their nights was going well. However, she ended up locking eyes with her, and realized she was actually pretty cute, or at least her side profile was, especially when her cheeks flushed red and she looked away, without a date sitting across from her. 

Irene unconsciously raised her hand up to call the waitress, ordered some fries for the girl in table 8, and made sure it ended up on her bill. Hey, at least she'll be able to hopefully brighten up someone's day today. 

As Irene kept herself busy with her phone and the burger she bought for the next half hour, she received a tap from the waitress, which almost gave her a heart attack because who sneaks up on people like that? 

"You can thank Table 8 Girl for the coke" she said, with a small smile.

Irene hadn't even noticed she finished her coke, and she looked back at table 8, with the girl's back turned to her (was she coloring?) How cute.

Irene thanked the waitress (who's nametag read Yerim) and made sure to enjoy what was left of her food, making sure to leave space for her long awaited carrot cake. She wasn't particularly upset about being stood up, she wasn't interested to begin with, and she needed some alone time after all. It was after she started scrolling through her social media accounts with the never ending pictures of couples kissing, doing cute stuff together that Irene started feeling a bit lonely. Irene didn't necessarily want to go home yet, so she decided to keep herself occupied with her doodles on napkins with the pen she was able to borrow from the Yerim.

- - - - -

Wendy felt like crying, she should've known this would happen. 

I mean, no one ever showed the slightest interest in her, what made her think this time was any different? In the end, she was the one being disappointed after all.

But hey, she's used to this. She's used to the heartbreak after watching endless dramas, which always results in her eating sweets and fatty foods. What made this any different? She'll make sure to take adavantage of the situation and just stuff herself with food instead of dwelling on the fact that she'll probably be alone for the rest of her life and never be good enough for anyone. So, instead of crying, Wendy did what she knew and ordered just about everything she could manage to eat. Go big or go home, right? 

Except, the pretty girl across the room from her table made it hard for Wendy to stuff her face with food and look like a pig. 

Instead, she settled on a simple order of pancakes, choosing to ignore the solicitous look on the waitress that screamed "I've seen this happen so many times and I just want to say I'm sorry" and focused on the fact that she'll finally be able to take a bite of the pancakes she's waited for all day. 

As she waited for her order, she chose to distract herself with the coloring sheet provided by the waitress- now known as Yerim and made a mental note to get rid of the rose she originally brought for her "date" later. 


Wendy was in the middle of finding the word "milk" on the wordsearch puzzle when a tap from the waitress startled her.

"These are from the girl in table 2" the young waitress said, with a knowing grin on her face as she laid the fries on her table.

To say she looked like a tomato right now was an understatement, because Wendy's face looked like it was about to explode from blushing.

Wendy managed to say a small "thank you" but the waitress had already left, tending to other tables.

She was too embarassed to look back at the cute girl in table 2, knowing she was already looking at her from the corner of her eye and instead went back to coloring.

It wasn't until she received her pancakes that she noticed table 2 girl was running low on coke, and decided to return the favor as well. Somehow, this was starting to turn into a game of who would make the first move which could be obviously seen by everyone in the diner with the way they would both steal glances at eachother and look away before they could maintain eye contact. As much as she'd like to approach the girl, she's simply too shy to make a move, and the couple making out in the booth in front of her was making her uncomfortable.

"I'd like the chocolate cake and the bill please" she said sometime later.

- - - - -

Okay, maybe Irene was more interested in table 8 girl than she thought, she's never seen someone so red after receiving fries and only precious, innocent people that deserved the world would color the sheets meant for kids on Valentine's Day instead of being on an actual date.

Except there was no way Irene would make a move, and she tried not showing her disappointment when it seemed like the girl had finished coloring and was bound to leave soon. Irene wasn't even able to get her long awaited carrot cake since the last slice had just finished. She was sure she just had the worst Valentine's Day, but at least pretty table 8 girl made it at least a little better.

I guess this is a sign that it's time to go, Irene thought as she checked the time over the diner door that read 8:05. She signed deeply, this was not how she expected her night to go. First she gets stood up, then her carrot cake runs out and now the cute table 8 girl is walking her way? Oh she's coming her way with- is that carrot cake? Oh she's getting closer and — she.... just had to use the restroom. Irene inwardly prays that her nervousness didn't show and that her face didn't betray her and show how disappointed she was and— wait did she just take carrot cake to the restroom? As Irene turned to look back, the girl was already sitting at her booth stuttering with a slice of carrot cake on one hand and a rose on the other.

"I'm sorry I almost chickened out and was going to use the restroom instead but then I realized how weird I would've looked going to the bathroom with carrot cake so I just decided to go for it and I hope you like carrot cake" the girl just blabbered on so quickly that Irene couldn't even comprehend what the girl said, mostly due to the fact that she was very attractive up close. 

Irene couldn't help but stare at the girl's milky white skin, the way her bangs bobbed up and down at her excessive gesticulations and exaggerated expressions, or the way her eyes looked like honey was being poured out, not to mention her very defined collarbones sticking out of her shirt, or her attractive neck just waiting to be kiss—

"Um you know what, I'll just leave, I'm sorry for interrupting please have a good day and enjoy this cake" the girl frantically said and made her way to leave before Irene held her wrist and pulled her back into the booth.

"I'm sorry I was just, just attracted— I mean distracted (by you), please stay" Irene suddenly said, more surprised than relieved at the fact that her voice was still steady enough to hide some her nervousness, even though she's probably shaking at this point, because holy she's never seen a goddess this close.

"Uh, yeah okay.." 

To say the atmosphere was awkward would be such an understatement because Wendy wanted nothing more than to run and never look back but she was already here and how could she deny this ethreal human being in front of her?

"Oh I'm sorry my name is Ire— Joohyun" she stuttered and even surprised herself for revealing her actual name. 

"Nice to meet you Ire—Joohyun-ssi" the girl seemed to immediately relax and grinned at her own mistake instead.

"Oh my name is Seungwan, but you can call me Wendy", the cute girl from table 8 now had a name, and also managed to paralyze Irene with that flawless and bright smile of hers. 

"How did you know I liked carrot cake?" What if Seungwan was actually one of her admirers and planned this whole night out? What if she was now being played by the world and this attractive girl in front of her was just like the res—

"Actually I wanted to order chocolate cake but the waitress told me they ran out and carrot cake was the only thing available so..." Seungwan smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck shyly, which by the way, was probably the hottest thing she's witnessed despite being the most normal thing anyone could do.

"I figured since we're both alone on this awful day, you could have this" Seungwan gently handed her the rose she had with her, after adding "Roses are red, violets are blue, I've never experienced a love so true" with the biggest grin on her face as if she just said the most clever thing ever and it made Irene want to chokeslam and kiss her all the same.

"If i knew you were this greasy, I would've ran out the door before you got to my table" Irene joked, flashing a devilish grin because as cringeworthy as her pick up lines were, she couldn't help but find it endearing about the girl.

"I can't help it that I'm so charming" Wendy proudly said with a smirk on that dumb face of hers. 

"Seungwan, I present to you this sunflower, not only because it's as pretty as you, but because you are the sun in my life as well" 

Irene inwardly cringed, but it would all be worth it once she saw the reaction from Seungwan, which was probably the cutest thing ever. 

If Seungwan was as red as a tomato before, this time her face was a darker shade of red than the lipstick she was wearing. 

Irene laughed at the younger girl hiding her face and figured that getting stood up on Valentine's Day was probably the best thing that happened to her.

"Let's eat this cake together, shall we?" Irene got her fork ready and called for the waitress once again.

Yerim made her way over to table 2 with the most -eating grin Irene's ever seen, because this little probably anticipated this from the beginning and made no effort in hiding it, and with the most innocent-like voice she can muster, the waitress gives her a simple "How can I help you two?"

Seungwan was clearly flustered at the waitress' implications and Irene made a strong effort not letting this devil of a waitress get what she wanted, how old was she anyway?

"We would like an oreo milkshake please." Irene said with the fakest tight lipped smile she could give because how dare a younger girl like that in front of a girl she was obviously trying to impress

"Would you like to share it in one cup or separately?" her tone was clearly amused, a wide grin spreading on the girl's face

At this point Seungwan was probably dying, since not a single sound came out from her.

"We'd like it separate. Thanks" Irene shot a challenging glare at Yerim, she was going to scare Seungwan away.

"Got it" Yerim gave a wink at the both of them and walked away.

Irene suddenly realized that Seungwan might not even like oreo flavored things and mentally slapped herself.

"Oh shoot I'm sorry I didn't even ask what flavor you wanted" did she even want a milkshake at all?

Wendy's eyebrows shot up and frantically waved her arms in all directions 

"Oh no no it's fine I love milkshakes. And oreos." the curve of Seungwans lips pulled upward, and also managed to pull at Irene's heartstrings

"You don't have to lie to me, we're here to enjoy a lonely Valentine's Day and you should be able to drink what you like to drink"

Before Seungwan could open and correct Irene that she did in fact, like oreo milkshakes, the waitress came over with a single glass cup and a smirk on her face as she laid two straws on the table and left as quickly as she arrived.

Seungwan self-consciously waived her arm to get Yerim's attention

"Umm excuse me, you forgot to give us another milkshake" Seungwan timidly asked, not noticing the discouraged look on Joohyun's face. What if Joohyun wasn't comfortable sharing drinks? They had just met after all...

"Oh, my bad" the waitress quickly left and returned with another cup, placing it on the table and briefly studied their faces before returning to her own duties.

Joohyun was quiet throughout this whole ordeal, I guess I've been reading the signs wrong, she thought.

Seungwan carefully placed the a straw into Joohyun's milkshake and one on her own, perplexed at Joohyun's sudden quietness, and thought that she perhaps had read the signs wrong.

"Oh, what the heck" Seugwan nonchalantly said while plucking her straw out of her drink and inserting it into Joohyun's own drink.

"This is fine right? I mean, it may not bring many boys to the yard, but... it brought me to you, so it's fine right?" Seungwan smiled softly as she began taking a sip from their now shared drink.

Joohyun couldn't help but laugh, which, according to Wendy, sounded much like a beautiful melody from the angels above, probably even better than angels at that, and she slowly leaned in bashfully, looking at everything except Seungwan, because those beautiful brown orbs were staring right at her and she'd be crazy to willingly stare cause she could easily get lost in them, and finally, took a sip.

Seungwan started laughing, and after much bickering over who's face was redder, they were made to face reality when Yerim snapped a photo of the both of them seemingly looking like a very loving couple, which further humiliated them and only progressively reddened their faces even more, if that was even possible.

A brief thought crossed Seungwan's mind and she perceived that if getting stood up meant she could meet such a beautiful person, she'd rather get stood up forever until she could meet with Joohyun.

- - - - - -

After staying in the diner for what seemed like forever, they made sure to leave a -very- generous tip to the annoyingly arrogant waitress (who charged them extra for the photo she voluntarily took, what a scammer) and mutually agreed that maybe, it'd be really great if they could have a proper date next time, and maybe without a waitress teasing them every chance she got. They both went their own ways with a sunflower, a rose, and a number in hand with a huge smile on their faces.


A/N: this was kinda rushed and I figured we needed more wenrene content, especially during this drought. What's better than some Valentine's Day fluff?

Hope you all had a wonderful day, whether you were alone or spent it with someone special. 

Also, please forgive any typos and grammar errors.

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ShinHye24 1340 streak #1
Chapter 1: So cuteee!!
Chapter 1: they thought it'd be a dreadful day but the turns of events got them together (i mean dates). thank you for the great story!
Chapter 1: Daanggg this is cute!!
revelnc #4
Chapter 1: This is making me want to have a dateless date, too
Riscark #5
Chapter 1: The not-so-bad Valentine's Days, definitely not so bad
reveluv_meu #6
Chapter 1: This is so cute ?
reveluv_meu #7
Chapter 1: This is so cute ?
Chapter 1: This is absolutely adorable ~!!!
zaboomafoo #9
Chapter 1: Uwuuuuuuuuuu!
Chapter 1: Waaahh i want more T.T this is so cuteeee