Airplane Mode


In between hectic flights and busy metropolises, Taeyong and Jaehyun find home in each other.


Just a short drabble for jaehyun's birthday ♡

also crossposted on ao3!



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1489 streak #1
Chapter 1: Sweet and beautiful! I love it!
Chapter 1: Aww it was so cute *3* Great one shot! <3
Chapter 1: WHO IS CHOPPING ONIONS HERE. this was so sweet and precious oh my god ;;
CoffeAndChill #4
Chapter 1: Why are they so cute? My heart can't take all of the sweetness! But I love it tho. Omg. Amazing one-shot honey! I loved it!! They're an unique ship. I'm- bye lol
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful im crying <3
BokJoo_SWAG #6
Chapter 1: ah they are so sweet together...mind sharing the video? i didn't know he got an iv shot at thailand TT he must be so tired yet people want him to join hit the stage, i hope he didn't get selected :P