
Date For Rent

"I really think you should come though," Ye Eun suggested, her eyes softening as she stared at me, "I know.. we haven't been in the best terms, but I'm hoping you'd come." She shrugged, her hands fiddling with the handle of the now empty mug.

"I'm not actually sure since I might have to deal with things concerning the requirements for the university." I bite on my lower lip as I try to shake off the uneasiness I was feeling.

"Is it because you're still trying to avoid me after what happened?" She quipped.

I was taken aback by the words that came out of . True enough we haven't spoken in years after our altercation, and I should actually be hating her right now, but I don't. I couldn't and I wouldn't. Maybe if other girls were in my position, they wouldn't even be sitting here right in front of one of their old friends who apparently became the reason for a breakup.

I let out a soft smile since I didn't exactly know how or what I should feel, heck, I didn't even know why I agreed to coming with her to this cafe after bumping into each other accidentally a few minutes ago while shopping.

"I can't make promises, Ye Eun. I'm quite caught up with stuff for college." I repeated, hoping she'd stop asking me to come to her party.

"It's not just some kind of party, it's a farewell party," she sighed, "I'm leaving to continue my studies in the states for awhile, and I want every person who became a part of my life to be there." She reiterated.

I took a sip from my frappuccino and had my eyes met hers. I almost choked I swear—seeing her staring at me with a smile almost forming on her lips, it gave me the shivers. I didn't know if I should trust her or what, but I do know it's making me feel even more uncomfortable.

"Come on, please come.." she begged, pouting and trying to act so hard for me to buy her puppy eyes and pouted lips—something I outgrew after becoming distant from her.

But I guess not.

I let out a sigh and nodded, "Fine." I unconsciously said.

My eyes widen at what I just did and said, I didn't want to go, I couldn't afford to see him, let alone see them getting too close to each other. Not that I cared because I still have feelings for him. Sure, that was 7 years ago, but I just don't have the guts to face him. After everything, I tried to grow into a stronger version of myself, and we were young back then, but the experiences were too much for me to handle whenever I'm reminded of them, what more when the person who you least wanted to see suddenly stands in front of you? Disastrous, if that's what you're gonna ask me about what I think.

Ye Eun brought her hands together and continued to clap quietly with a huge smile on her face, "So, you're really coming!?"


"Okay!" She exclaimed and began to rummage through her shoulder bag, pulling out a pen and a paper.

She began to write on the piece of paper, her handwriting, messy.

I leaned back on my seat and continued to sip from my drink until she extended her hand, handing me the piece of paper, to which I hesitantly took.

"That's where the farewell party's gonna be, you should come!" She beamed, "also, you should bring someone."

I tilt my head to the side and cocked an eyebrow, "Someone?" I repeated, hoping she'd tell me what she meant by it.

"Yeah, someone," she nodded, smiling, "your boyfriend."

My eyebrows jump at her words, and I started to forcefully swallow the imaginary lump in my throat.

"Boyfriend.." I said, my bottom lip and forcing myself to crack a smile right after.

Ye Eun smiled again, this time her smile gave off a different vibe, her smile seemed as if she was trying to taunt me with it.

"Yeah, a boyfriend," she half smiled, "you do have one, right?" Ye Eun smiled smugly while watching my every move.

I sat up straight and put the now empty drink on the table, "Hell yeah, I do." I blurted out.

And that's when I realized how ed I was by getting myself in a situation to which I have no actual chance on getting out of.


// New boooooooook! I know, I as a person for just releasing a book then not updating for almost a month, but I guess I lost interest since I didn't have much readers until I came up with this one out of the blue and thought 'hey, maybe I should give it a shot and write whatever comes out of my ', so yeah.. I hope this one goes better than the other one, but I still do want to continue writing "Wonderful Unknown", but idk I guess I'll be giving this one more attention since ideas are overflowing. Hope this goes well. If you guys want to read more, you can visit my wattpad account it's still anstycrackbrain :)

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